Young man stabbed in the heart on his way to work dies

Thief gunned down on a traffic light. :catchheart:

No info.

But look at this guy ->



Let me out let me out let me out! :marseyschizoshaking:

Dude beat a bigger opponent in a boxing fight.

obligatory cat photo
Stuck and Fatal: Thief's Desperate Attempt Ends in Tragedy


On Thursday, September 12, residents of Tuyun Village, Gunung Mas Regency, woke up to a gruesome discovery. The lifeless body of DB, a 34-year-old suspected thief, was found lodged in the doorway of the former Mihing Raya SMAN-1 Building.

The Attempted Break-In

DB attempted to break into the building, now converted into residential housing, by prying open the door with a hoe. Unbeknownst to him, the door's locking mechanism remained engaged.


Fatal Mishap

As DB squeezed his head through the narrow opening, his neck became trapped. The door's rigid frame and locked mechanism prevented escape. Panicked struggles only tightened the deadly grip.


Residents stumbled upon the disturbing scene, prompting immediate notification of local authorities. Police arrived to investigate, piecing together DB's ill-fated break-in attempt.



Witness statements and forensic analysis confirmed the events leading to DB's tragic demise. The incident serves as a cautionary tale about desperate measures and their devastating consequences.


It's a good example of how up-armored SVBIEDs can be used as offensive military weapons.

Guifette noire (Black tern) species card.

salut les gens, originally I wanted to do a post on an owl but then I thought I could do a post on another unusual bird that not many people here know about and I thought "why not use the same elements I used for my baccalaureate ?"

So I'd like to introduce you: the Black Tern. L'emblème de mon ptn d'oral de bac.


The Black Tern from its scientific name Chlidonias niger (yeah, I can see you laughing NIG-) is a small gull with black to dark gray plumage from head to belly, clearly bordered by the pure white of the under-tails. Upperparts and wings are slate-gray, slightly darker on the back and large primaries. The underside is light gray, almost white. The beak is black and the legs blackish-red. The female, often very difficult to distinguish, is lighter, with a light gray throat. Wintering adults have identical plumage above, but different underparts. The head has a black hood extending to the nape of the neck and behind the eye, contrasting with the rest of the white. The throat, breast and belly are also white. The juvenile is distinguished mainly by its grayish-brown upperparts, which vary in shade from individual to individual. Its plumage is marked by pale-tipped borders, giving the back a scaly appearance.


Juvenile :


The highly sociable Black Tern migrates or halts at suitable sites in loose groups of anywhere from a few dozen to several hundred birds, particularly along sea coasts.


Although the staple diet consists of aquatic insects and their larvae, the species eats a wide variety of invertebrates,consumes a wide variety of invertebrates: terrestrial insects, worms, crustaceans, mollusks and spiders.


The Black Tern usually frequents ponds, continental marshes, backshore-littoral marshes, but also, during migration rivers, seashores, often several kilometers offshore, lakes, reservoirs and lagoons. lakes, reservoirs and lagoons. In western marshes, the species is strictly confined to temporarily flooded hygrophilous or mesohygrophilous meadows meadows, which are generally grazed. On inland sites, it seeks out ponds for nesting. often difficult-to-access ponds, rich in floating or emergent vegetation.

Geographical distribution:

The Black Tern is a holarctic species, whose nominate form Chlidonias n. niger breeds in Europe and Asia as far Asia as far as Lake Balkhach (Kazakhstan) and the Altai (Siberia). Its winter distribution is limited to Africa, from the coasts of Mauritania to South Africa. Subspecies surinamensis nests in North America and winters from Mexico to northern South America, to the coasts of Peru and Guyana.

In Europe, the species breeds in most countries, with the exception of the British Isles, Belgium, Portugal Norway, Switzerland and Austria. In France, breeding distribution is limited exclusively to a few large marshes on the Atlantic seaboard, as well as the the Brenne ponds and irregularly in Sologne, Camargue and Forez. Most of the population breeds in the Brière marshes and on Lac de Grand-Lieu, followed by the Marais Poitevin vendéen and the Marais de Rochefort (LA CHARENTE MARITIME REPRESEENTEEE), where numbers are smaller. During the migration period, the species is observed almost everywhere in the country, but more particularly on the the Rhône valley and eastern regions. Wintering remains anecdotal in France. The wintering grounds of the West European population are located on the coasts of Africa, notably in the Gulf of Guinea.

This map show the distribution of the Black tern.


Green: Present and/or breeding

Purple: Rare / Occasional

Reproduction and population dynamics:

Black Tern colonies generally consist of 10 to 25 pairs, rarely more in France. The nest, measuring 10 to 20 cm in diameter, varies in design. It may consist of a large pile of more or less degraded vegetation, or a simple carpet of grass, or even no material at all. In exceptional cases, nests have been established on dried cow dung in a meso-hygrophilous meadow, without any additional material.

protection status:

The Black Tern is a protected species. (can't be hunted, degraded or poached)

conservation status

At present, the Black Tern, considered a species with vulnerable conservation status and reduced numbers shows a stable demographic trend, but its status remains precarious.

The rest of this species sheet will be a presentation of Rochefort Marshes (Quéreux marsh) and focus on actions to conserve the Black Tern in the Rochefort marshes.

example of rafts built for the black tern:

Why build rafts and who did it ?

The bird nests in pastures and low-lying parts of meadows, which need to be in water, because the nests

are designed as rafts of aquatic vegetation. The aim of building artificial rafts is to encourage the terns to nest.

Most of time the LPO (Ligue for Protection of the Birds) and Natura 2000 take charges of this action.

How many rafts?

  • Black Tern colonies generally consist of 10 to 25 pairs, rarely more in France.

in France. We chose to place 10 rafts.

Choosing the location for the rafts

  • The topography of the Quéreux marsh is characterized by depressions (low-lying areas with bowl-shaped


Habitats :

Around Rochefort and in the Charente river valley, there are semi-natural wet meadows and

and freshwater canals on the marshes, as well as large-scale or linear

reedbeds, mudflats on the banks of the Charente and salt marshes on the estuary.

Fauna and flora :

Many migratory birds fly over the Charente coastline, notably waders (small birds that use the mudflats) and anatidae (ducks).

wading birds (small waders that use the mudflats) and anatidae (ducks), both on the coast and in the marshes.

marshes. This is why several nature reserves have been created: The Réserve naturelle de

Moëze-Oléron nature reserve, the Yves marshes between Rochefort and La Rochelle, and the Lilleau des Niges

Niges on the Ile de Ré. These wetlands are also important for flagship species such as the

European Cistude (Emys orbocularis), the European Otter (Lutra lutra) and the European Mink (Mustela lutre).

mink (Mustela lutreola), a species classified as critically endangered worldwide and

one of the last remaining population nuclei is in the Charente river valley.

Where did the actions took place ?

For the Quéreux marsh, the meadow is supplied with water by rainfall. It also receives rainwater from a Rochefort neighborhood of Rochefort ("Sainte Sophie" network in light blue located nearby). This water passes through 3 basins for treatment, then flows onto the Quéreux meadow.This can only be done from October to April, because a farmer puts his cows on the meadow from April. The water from Sainte-Sophie is then channeled into the main network (in dark blue, see maps above) to compensate for the lack of water to compensate for the lack of water during spring and summer.

Choosing the date to lay the rafts:

According to this database, the first terns to return from Africa are seen in Charente Maritime at the end of March for the earliest arrivals, but more generally between April 05 and 15. It's important to install the rafts early enough (end of March) to maximize the chances of success.However, one of my training periods didn't start until April 11, 2022; so we made the rafts on April 11 and installed them on the flooded depression on April 12, 2022.

Why doing this and have there been any conclusive results? (why the Black is a endangered specie)

The sharp decline in the Black Tern population in France is due to the disappearance and degradation of breeding wetlands over the last 50 years, as wet meadows have been cultivated and marshes drained. The development of fish farming has also been cited as a reason for the species' decline in Brenne and Sologne. The development of fish farming is also cited as a reason for the species' decline in Brenne and Sologne. The disappearance of wetlands alone is not enough to explain the species' decline. In fact, this species has very high nesting requirements and is extremely sensitive to changes in its habitat and to disturbance during reproduction. Abandonment of colonies during breeding is very frequent. The most frequent cause of failure is the drying-up of meadows during brooding or rearing of young, or, on the contrary, sudden increases in water level leading to the submergence of nests. These variations in water level are either natural (drought or storm) or man-made (manipulation of hydraulic structures). The other frequently cited cause of nest abandonment is disturbance by man (fishing near colonies), or by various introduced species (coypu Myocastor coypus), some of which actually predate (Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus), and trampling by cattle grazing the meadows. The high turbidity of the water, linked to the presence of the coypu, makes fishing difficult.

No conclusions can be drawn from the technical analysis. The effectiveness of rafting could not be demonstrated the early drying of the meadow.



Mon rapport de stage de golmon

Falcon Brigade hunting Qandil rats in Tishreen Dam.

Ultimate brutal car crash compilation

Man hanged himself on church bell tower. :marseyropewithme:

SIQUINALA, GUATEMALA – JANUARY 13, 2025 Locals were frightened when they saw a person hanging from the church bell tower. Upon arrival of the firefighters, the hanged man was identified as José Emanuel Tejeda García, a resident of Siquinalo. There were no indications of extraneous culpability and the case was closed as a suicide. However, the motive is unknown.

Man beheads for his first time.

Unfortunately I have no context to this video. :marseydepressed:

The man did a good job for his first time to be honest, classic beheading! :marseyclapping:



brutal beheading of cartoon characters

Informants Tortured By Cartel

The dangers of smoking cigarettes

Smoking is the practice of inhaling smoke from burning plant material. Nicotine works on your brain to create a relaxing, pleasurable feeling.

What is smoking?

Smoking is when you inhale and exhale smoke from burning plant material that's rolled into a wrapper (cigarette). You light the end of the cigarette and pull smoke into your mouth through the other end. It travels down your airways, into your lungs and through your bloodstream to your brain and other organs.

Why do people smoke?

People smoke because they find it enjoyable. And because it's hard to quit once you start, despite the damaging effects of smoking on your body. This is because of your brain's cravings for nicotine, which make you feel bad when you don't get it.

Nicotine releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. Smoking might make you feel:

  • Relaxed and calm.

  • Buzzed and energized.

  • More able to focus on tasks.

Smoking is also a social activity and a part of people's routine, just like morning coffee. You might smoke to have fun, to calm yourself before being around a lot of people, or to focus and work. Some people like the taste or just the feeling of holding a cigarette in their hands.

What does smoking do to your body?

Smoking affects everything from the appearance of your skin and nails to how your tissues, organs and even your DNA work. The effects of smoking on your body start the moment you light up a cigarette. Thousands of chemicals released from burning tobacco start their damaging journey before you've even taken a puff.

Tobacco contains over 100 dangerous chemicals. These chemicals can damage your body in many ways.

  • Nicotine narrows your veins and arteries.

  • Damages your heart by forcing it to work faster and harder

  • Slow your blood and reduce oxygen to your feet and hands.

  • Carbon monoxide deprives your heart of the oxygen it needs to pump blood around your body. Over time, your airways swell up and let less air into your lungs.

Tar is a sticky substance that coats your lungs like soot in a chimney. This damages your lungs and is known to cause lung disease, which can make it harder to breathe.

Phenols paralyse and kill the hair-like cells in your airways. These means the cells cannot sweep clean the lining of your airways and protect you against infections.

  • Tiny particles in tobacco smoke irritate your throat and lungs and cause 'smoker's cough'. This makes you produce more mucus and damages lung tissue.

  • Ammonia and formaldehyde irritate your eyes, nose and throat.

  • Cancer-causing chemicals make your cells grow too fast or abnormally- which can result in cancer cells. Smoking is known to cause at least 16 types of cancer.

  • causes yellow-brown stains on your fingers, tongue and teeth

  • increase your risk of tooth loss, damaged gums and bad breath

  • make your skin saggy and give you early wrinkles

  • make your hair lose its natural shine.

  • reduce your life expectancy and your quality of life

  • increase your risk of many conditions and diseases as well as of dying prematurely.


Smoking causes most lung cancers and can cause cancer almost anywhere on the body. This includes the mouth and nose, throat and voice box, oesophagus, blood cells, liver, stomach, kidney, pancreas, mucinous ovary, ureter, cervix, colon and bladder.

Lung cancer is hard to treat

More than half of lung cancer patients will die within one year of diagnosis even with treatment. Without treatment, patients may die even sooner.


If you smoke for over 10 years, coughing, difficult exercising, fatigue, and severe difficult breathing

Then you may have COPD!

Smoking is the main cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a serious, progressive and disabling condition that limits airflow in the lungs. Which reduces life expectancy and most people who smoke for many years don't even know they have COPD.

Smoking is major cause of cardiovascular disease

Smoking can cause heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular disease is one of the major causes of death for both men and women. Smoking increases the risk of blood clots, which block blood flow to the heart, brain or legs. Some smokers end up having their limbs amputated due to blood circulation problems caused by smoking.

People who smoke have more heart attacks than people who don't smoke. They are also more likely to die from a heart attack at a younger age, even in their 40s.


Smoking causes type 2 diabetes. The risk of developing diabetes is 30 to 40% higher for active smokers compared to non-smokers.

Dental problems

Smoking increases the risk of gum diseases, tooth loss and tooth sensitivity. Once a person has gum damage, smoking also makes it harder for their gums to heal.

People with dental problems can find it harder to chew and swallow, which can lead to poor nutrition and further health issues.

Vision loss

Smoking damages the eye and can lead to macular degeneration – the main cause of blindness in Australia.


More than 8 million die from tobacco use every year. The WHO estimates that more than 8 million people die prematurely yearly from tobacco use.

Financial effects

If you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, you could be spending more than $15,000 a year on cigarettes.

Smokers lung

Your lungs are crying out loud

Cigarettes can harm the tissue of the lungs, impeding their ability to function properly, and can increase the risk for conditions such as emphysema, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Vaping isn't safe either

Vaping Involves heating a liquid that usually contains nicotine and flavorings. This produces fewer harmful chemicals, but some potentially harmful substances like formaldehyde and heavy metals have been detected.

It still still poses potential risks to lung health, heart health, and brain development

Vaping also causes collapsed lung (Pneumothorax)

"My X smokes since he was 30 and died at 98"

Everyone's body is different. On some people smoking affects their health, on some no.

Smoking damages your body in ways you might not notice immediately. It harms your blood vessels, weakens your immune system, and increases your risk of developing serious diseases later in life.

And that's it.

I hope you liked this post.


I'm a smoker too and I already know the risks. I have tried many many times to stop but it's very hard because I have severe tummy pain and many other symptoms. I hope I can try to permanently stop in future.

A man in Poland, Głogów trying to run over pedestrians on the sidewalk by car

At around 11:30 p.m. on Saturday (Jan. 18), the duty officer of the Glogow Police Station received an urgent report on Malt Street, where the driver of a black Land Rover drove into a group of pedestrians walking on the sidewalk. The report, which came to Glogow police officers at night, was about an aggressive driver who allegedly damaged several cars and, most importantly, tried to drive into pedestrians.

The video shows the driver driving onto the sidewalk where people are walking. He then reverses on the same sidewalk.

No one was seriously injured.


US Apache helicopter crashes in the Paktika province of Afghanistan, 2012.


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