I work offshore on a drilling rig 200 miles from land and we commute by helicopter. As crazy as it sounds the pitch of the blades at the front of most helicopters hangs down around 5ft to the ground which is why people are told to load and unload on the side only. This is one of the only times I've ever seen someone standing in front of the blades in the front blocking someone from going near the front. Could have been avoided so easily
The blades hang down at the front of helicopters anywhere between five and six feet from the ground, which is why you always get in and out from the side. I do a lot of aerial helicopter shoots for various television shows, and you wouldn't believe just how low the dip of the blades at the front actually is.
they should have LEDs on the rotors, would look cool too. RGB and programable lights. or maybe a big flashing skull or death sign on the front of the helicopter. and the back too since i seen people walk into the back rotors too.
How he approached it with full confidence. I would not go near that fucking thing until I saw everyone else getting in safely and just doing what they did or something.
Fyi he didn't walk into it, the blades were very wobbly, and it was a homemade helicopter that an engineer built (The one that is seen getting the circumcision on the head). He died upon impact, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. You get the just of it, don't be fuckin stupid and build wobbly homemade helicopters.
I honestly could totally see myself making the same mistake. Would have never guessed in a million years the rotors are that low to the ground... Guess a good rule of thumb is to wait until the helicopter is completely off before approaching!
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Just so everyone knows, helicopter propellers are lowest to the ground towards the nose of the helicopter
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...and, maybe more relevant here, as the rotor slows down, the blades begin to droop slightly.
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Thanks. I was watching it over and over again confused as fuck.
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Another short man revenge design.
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jesus, i did not know the rotor dipped that low
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Around five feet off the ground at the front.
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I work offshore on a drilling rig 200 miles from land and we commute by helicopter. As crazy as it sounds the pitch of the blades at the front of most helicopters hangs down around 5ft to the ground which is why people are told to load and unload on the side only. This is one of the only times I've ever seen someone standing in front of the blades in the front blocking someone from going near the front. Could have been avoided so easily
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Wonder if there is any aftermath pics floating about for this.
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I've seen his wife. She's hot
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Oh my God, it's Brittany Spears!
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If there were, I'd love to see them.
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Me too. Seen a few other propeller and head collision shots and it makes some wonderful mess.
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I'm curious to see how much damage was done to the brain and what parts were left intact.
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I've seen this video many times and I can never believe the rotor was THAT low!!! It's not like the motor was at idle either
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The blades hang down at the front of helicopters anywhere between five and six feet from the ground, which is why you always get in and out from the side. I do a lot of aerial helicopter shoots for various television shows, and you wouldn't believe just how low the dip of the blades at the front actually is.
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BTW I totally copied you with the glowing ring hat lol 😆 Never saw anyone else with it except you
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Haha right on, it's the only one I could find that wasn't either obnoxious or didn't cover the photo lol
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oh shit I messed up, we gotta go bald
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they should have LEDs on the rotors, would look cool too. RGB and programable lights. or maybe a big flashing skull or death sign on the front of the helicopter. and the back too since i seen people walk into the back rotors too.
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How he approached it with full confidence. I would not go near that fucking thing until I saw everyone else getting in safely and just doing what they did or something.
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Fyi he didn't walk into it, the blades were very wobbly, and it was a homemade helicopter that an engineer built (The one that is seen getting the circumcision on the head). He died upon impact, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. You get the just of it, don't be fuckin stupid and build wobbly homemade helicopters.
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“How short do you want it?”
“Like I just walked into helicopter blades.”
“Say no more fam.”
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I honestly could totally see myself making the same mistake. Would have never guessed in a million years the rotors are that low to the ground... Guess a good rule of thumb is to wait until the helicopter is completely off before approaching!
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This video doesn't contain watermarks and wasn't screen recorded like the one in your report. Thanks tho!
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He needs to put more into his ADP
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Why can't people be more careful
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Youd be real disappointed with some of the shit on here
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Fuck Calculus - this [Blade-Sailing] is what should be taught at school.
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Lol bzzzzzt
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i dont know if id even walk towards a heli until they were off
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It didn't look that low. Damn.
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And he said; little bit of the top!
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GTA 5 online
but poor guy tho
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Laughing your ass off off off?
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Seems like a smart dude, has his head in the right place...
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