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Snake bites and the effect of venom [educational but gorish]


1. Anatomy of a venomous snake.

Venom is produced in salivary glands placed at the back of a snake's head.
Their teeth are hollow, which allows for venom to freely travel, acting a bit like needles.
When a snake bites down, muscles in its head contract and squeeze the venom glands which pushes the liquid through the fangs and into the prey's flesh.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848637353146002.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848641117587674.webp

2. Different types of venom and their effects.

Brief list:
- Proteolytic venom
- Neurotoxic venom
- Cytotoxic venom
- Myotoxic venom *

Generally speaking, snakes can inject two or more types of snake venom into their foes. As mentioned later, proteolytic venom is found in all venomous snake venom. That means snakebites introduce at least two types of venom into a person.

Some snakes have a potent venom cocktail that has multiple sources of damage. For example, Jameson’s mamba has neurotoxins and hemotoxins present in its venom, allowing the snake to kill in as little as 30 minutes. The more complex the venom, the harder it is to mitigate all the damage it can do.

Proteolytic venom - destroys the molecular build of the bitten area. Consists of enzymes found in all venomous snakes. Breaks down blood vessel walls along with muscle tissue, accelerating the death of the prey and potentially helping with digestion.

Neurotoxic venom - impacts the prey's nervous system. Depending on the substance, it can cause:
- involuntary, rapid muscle contractions by destroying an enzyme responsible for stopping excitation of a nerve after transmission of an impulse. (Fasciculins).
- Paralysis caused by inhibition of the processes required to send a nerve pulse. (Dendrotoxins).
- Paralysis and feelings of numbness caused by the toxins imitating the build of neurotransmitters and binding to neurons required for movement to take place. (α-neurotoxins).

Common symptoms:
- Ptosis (drooping of eyelid)
- Dysarthria (unclear or difficult articulation of speech)
- Drooling
- Confusion
- Weak neck
- Difficulty swallowing
- Swelling at the bite site (usually very slight)
- Blurred or double vision
- Numbness
- General paralysis
- Respiratory paralysis

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/dmpv443u.png https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848692541214375.webp
Facial muscle weakness
facial muscle weakness, necrosis at the bite area
facial muscle weakness, swelling, superficial necrosis
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1684874799916402.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1684875240467346.webp
facial muscle weakness

facial muscle weakness showcased on video
''broken neck'' due to muscle paralysis

Cytotoxic venom - Kills cells, cyto refers to cells, and cytotoxicity broadly describes a toxic effect on cell function. Depending on the substance, it can either:
- transform a naturally occurring molecule into a soap compound. Product of that reaction attracts and binds fat and ruptures cell membranes. (Phospholipase).
- Cause irregular heart contractions or stop it entirely by binding to the surface of muscle cells, at the same depolarizing them. (Cardiotoxins).
- causes red blood cells to burst and/or causes/prevents blood coagulation. (Hemotoxins).

https://files. http://catbox.moe/ocr9i6.mp4 (sorry for the weird link, pomf and catbox are being cunts :'))

Common symptoms:
- Blistering
- Swelling
- Edema (fluid retention)
- Apoptosis (cell death)
- Necrosis
- Bruising
- Hemorrhage
- If untreated, loss of limb function and other disabilities

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848715448638124.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848715997804744.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1684872080614076.webp
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848717135107617.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848742934850142.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848743900468442.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848751473705134.webp
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848727038248048.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848727039265718.webp
edema, necrosis seen under skin
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1684872925638016.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848729255484207.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848729257507458.webp
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848729836192796.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848729834373982.webp
necrosis, finger amputation
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848734859357495.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848734858277388.webp
- https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848735406863205.webp
heavy blistering, slight necrosis
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848737363242607.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848737362575035.webp
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848738054960518.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848738054379263.webp
blistering and hemorrage/bruising
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848741467796335.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848741467125993.webp
hemorrhage in eyes
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848741469053013.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848741468401074.webp
local tissue necrosis
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848742112263021.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848747998719456.webp
gum bleeding
blistering, swelling, skin peeling

Myotoxic venom* - Causes skeletal muscle necrosis, general or diaphragmatic paralysis. This venom takes effect very quickly, in most prey causing instantaneous paralysis upon bite.
*(Description mostly focusing on the toxin called crotamine).

Common symptoms:
- Generalized aching
- stiffness and tenderness of muscles
- Trismus (Spasm of the jaw muscles, causing the mouth to remain tightly closed, typically as a symptom of tetanus.)



The Gila monster.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848790345384812.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848790341550124.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848789958386567.webp

This lizard posses primarily neurotoxic venom with hemotoxic effects.

Gila monster venom is about as toxic as that of a western diamondback rattlesnake. However, a relatively small amount of venom is introduced in a Gila bite. Gila monsters may hold onto a predator for more than ten minutes. There is no antivenin for Gila bites.

Gila's venom glands:
https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16848791777846534.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1684879177710038.webp

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snakes make me so happy!!!! idc if some snakes have venom potent enough to kill like 5 gazillion men, theyre just silly little guys :)

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I'm going to add this lil gem to the thread.

please pin this ty @Rottie

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nah but honestly he deserved it lmao what is this shit stain of a terrarium :marseysoycrytremble:

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Where I'm from lol he in the everglades

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10/10 and nice topic choice. WPD needs more effortposts from deranged users :marseynut:

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Brush. Solid!

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Great post mate! 🎉

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Thank u :marseysatisfied:

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lmao I needed this, thanks :carpblush:

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This is some stuff i wish, to learn at school :(

Thank you for this very informative upload!

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another well put together post Rottie, you never disappoint!

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This is very educational and very helpful, I find it very useful since I'm a writer and artist! a great collection aswell :3 Thanks rottie!

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this is my 1500th comment

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i can only count to three

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what do you think comes after that?

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that's a mystery even to great minds like me

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This is so interesting I love posts like these

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bitch i know you're dyslexic you're not reading shit

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These informative posts you are making are absolutely amazing, keep posting this kind of content, it's awesome.

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I love snakes and this series! Great piece and thanks for sharing

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This is the type of shit I'm here for

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Thanks for the informational post

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Well, I’m absolutely horrified. Fantastic post!

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10/10 post

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you'll like this video 🤔

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