(CW) Lexi Bonner getting beaten up for brutally beaten a 8 year old
this video is super old
and who's connor?
iirc this is a girl getting beat up for cheating w someone's boyfriend.
clickbait title, fake context.
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Can some one post whole video i want to see what she did to him
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Do you have the original video?
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You interest me. Your obsession about “winning” a game no one is playing, to have arguments without having an opinion, your anger when called out in it, and your sock puppets- you're a curiosity.
Go on. Tell your mum how you spent your day. Unless you're ashamed of your actions
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what was the girl beating up lexi saying
( btw i removed the what did lexi do to the 8 yr old cuz i watched it, the bitch deserved it lol )
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