When the cameraman started crying, I felt it a little. Sheer compassion. "You need to go to the hospital..." was all he could say. He wanted to help that guy so badly.
Unfortunately, people who reach this point need to help themselves before they can get better. Fucking new opiate wars have helped to poison entire American generations (and others).
Agreed, I'm so happy this guy wasnt just judgemental of him and went about his day, he understood that this was a real person and that he is suffering because of his addictions. I hope this kid gets/got help and can live a somewhat normal live in the future, though one with a unique perspective.
Watch out for @Repost_Killing_Bot They are a predator who preys on venerable women.
Oofouchmybones 1yr ago#1312799
spent 0 currency on pings
(Lol, how did ur comment get a few downvotes? It was a joke! It's not like u came out n stated that you're one of the alphabeters- especially specifically or someone wit identity issues... THEN I could understand the downvotes!)
It's really sad, you can tell this hits him hard. His emotion got to me too. It's a fucking shame this is how so many people are ignored that have these issues. We don't know his life story but we know there's thousands in a similar position to him. He's so young too, and with the abscesses he's got the infection will get into his bones and his blood. If he doesn't get help soon for that leg it'll have to be amputated if it doesn't kill him first. He's got his whole life ahead of him pretty much. He's not even done fully developing, brains aren't fully developed until we hit the age of 25. This guy is on a fast track into the grave and the government couldn't give less of a shit. It's similar to when I saw skid row in person for the first time. It's wild that it's actually named that on Google maps and it shows where and what skid row is.
you don't need money for emergency treatment. you'll be in debt for a while but all they can do is send letters unless you live in one of the few states that'll make you go to court and initiate some kind of payment plan.
Uh, okay Poopy, Got a problem with republicans, do you? I fail to see what that has to do with this man's suffering and the compassion of the cameraman.
I hope you're having a nice Sunday evening, and if you're not, I hope it gets better. Tomorrow will be better for you :)
Maybe get your government to invest in its people and streets instead of sending billions to Zelensky? Democrat, republican, it doesn’t matter, your population overall is so fucking stupid for the same reasons it’s baffling.
the world is an evil place
1yr ago#1301750
spent 0 currency on pings
Fuck man this one hit me right in my feelings. I’ve been there before.. not this bad but I was addicted to fentanyl/heroin (any opiate I could get my hands on) for YEARS, 13+ years. I’ve had my fair share of “missed shots” this is what happens when you do not take care of it or don’t go to the hospital.
Just breaks my heart because this dude‘s only 18 and I guarantee he’s going to die if he doesn’t get help. Even if he went to the hospital he would still probably die.. He would get out and go straight back to using to stop his withdrawals, The only way he's truly going to get out of this life is if YOU REALLY WANT IT. NOBODY ELSE IS GOING TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE THAT BESIDES YOU.
I wish there was a way I could find this guy and get a hold of him because now I have the resources to help people like this, I do it on a daily basis. This goes for ANYBODY on this site that is struggling with addiction. If you need advice or help shoot me a message.
Very glad I only smoke legal weed and do shrooms now and again. I dont even drink that much, only when out with friends.
Havent had anyone I've known go through anything like that, but my sister said to me the other day some kid she partied with once or twice in highschool OD'd and died, and that was a little weird.
Very glad I only smoke weed too. Albeit illegally.
Scary part is I fucked around with heroin thinking I was smart and could control it not knowing what addiction really is. Thank god or whatever I didn't enjoy it enough or have the genetics.
People who get addicted to that stuff I feel so bad for.
Of all the ways to live your life. Ain't no life ain't no living.
When I was in rehab the first time (I’ve been twice) when I was younger, there were a group of kids in that facility that were in there for spice, they were all mentally challenged because they smoked spice and it just fucked their brain up so bad.
Like they told us, you can smoke spice 100+ times and nothing can happen or you can smoke it once and be pretty much brain dead or need assistance for the rest of your life.
Girl I met that day said she had some leftover. It was like a small amount of plant dust barely anything sprinkled it into a cigarette and got 3 people completely floored.
That shit would never have existed had weed been legal.
Yesssir I still am! If you ever need anything just shoot me a message. I may not get to it right away or the same day but I will not leave you on read.
Don't ever doubt yourself because you CAN do this. Shit bro for about 14 years I was dead set on “I'm dying from opiates or fentanyl” but here I am 657 days later and still clean.
so happy for you. i feel so awful for him because you are so correct about everything. i hope he gets some help or at least to the hospital for treatment. he could loose that leg
Fuck off Britches. My friend who struggles with addiction told me he shot you a message when you made your holier than though post a couple months back and you only responded to the messages in your post of which people could see. If you gave a single fuck you would have responded to my friends DM you fake fucker. The only thing you care about is people patting you on the back making them think you're "just a good guy" when you're full of it bro. Get help.
That's not my friend and how do you know that's a troll? Have you ever worked a suicide prevention hotline? How do you know that wasn't a cry for help. Hold on I will have him take a screenshot of the message he sent you without a response
hey retard your friend is a retard to. imagine trying to ask other retards online for support/advice instead of contacting a professional. That user is under no obligation to respond
I'm sorry are you under the impression your opinion matters something to me or does reading hurt your brain? Because that's literally all my profile is, just text. How that resembles an ape given a retarded computer or whatever tf you just said is beyond me. But hey thanks for your input champ 👍🏻
I'm not being a tough guy, I'm sharing my opinion on a social media website, I don't give a fuck if you asked, HELLOOOO, welcome to the internet, are you use to being coddled?
Bro look man I can understand someone probably gave you bad touches when you were little and now you pick random fights on the internet for attention but that doesn't mean I care your damaged goods. Keep getting excited pal I'm lovin' it at this point 😃🍿
I can literally show you all my messages I responded to every single one. It’s not my fault they never responded back. I’m the one who should get help? Lmao Okay.
@CLiTPEELER Your assistance is needed. We have two users each showing screenshots of their DMs, one shows the message was indeed sent, the other shows they never got it. Is this a glitch?
I mean I can have my friend send me the message as well if you would like? Zero response. I'm generally a pretty chill dude my man but people that act like they are there to help people who desperately need help and don't because they are only out to help themselves pisses me off.
You don't seem like a pretty chill dude whatsoever. You look like a fucking raging 12 year old, mid tantrum. Britches is likely just a private citizen, the fact he's offered to talk to others about substance abuse is really kind but he's still only a person. Dude why don't you fucking help your friend? Why does it have to be Britches? Why the fuck are you posting like 7 replies all looking and acting like a child? How is this going to help the situation? I doubt you ever thought that far ahead now you're just creating issues and looking like someone who has zero self control or respect. It could have easily been a technical issue, yet you're here positive Britches is purposefully ignoring and fucking over your buddy. The image you posted anyway of your friends message, whats that last bit sent to another user? He looks like he's trying to scare someone he refers to as a little shit stain, then continues to say he's not worth his time I imagine. You or your friend aren't fucking angels, don't act like this is a massive gotcha moment, you're a massive cunt. Learn some fucking respect man, grow the fuck up.
I live in America and I had no money and I got full treatment for mental health, unlimited, for years, psychiatry (meds), never any copay, dentist, and I had a brain hemorrhage that put me in the hospital for a week and must’ve cost at least $100,000 with all the scans and shit they did. All covered, for free. I literally have never paid one cent. I don’t want to say what state I live in, it’s not a rich area but it’s a nice quiet suburb and we don’t really have homeless people here, but there are some in the big city not too far away. I don’t know what to make of this video. I also don’t know if I’m some ultra lucky person who better keep his mouth shut or maybe my benefits will change or be taken away.
I don’t want to say what state I live in, it’s not a rich area but it’s a nice quiet suburb and we don’t really have homeless people here, but there are some in the big city not too far away.
Why should people rely on the government to bail people out from their own wrong actions. Who is going to pay for their medical costs or housing? Seriously, we live in the best country in 2023 and there isn’t an excuse to fail so miserably. Get your shit together. Enough of the handouts.
I've seen plenty of people on the street with an abcesses like this. I also got a cellulitis infection in my leg due to reusing the same needle since I couldnt get them on the street. My leg became so big i couldn't even fit an oversized shoe on with the laces out. I remember having to walk 5 miles to the hospital in the worst pain ever. When i got there, they wouldn't take me in because my medicaid expired. I sat on the bench in front of the hospital and this clear liquid would drip from this spot on my ankle. It was so often that within 30 mins the concrete was covered everywhere with about 2 bottles of water worth of liquid. I don't know where it was coming from because i was so thirsty as i was ashamed to beg for money and would end up going starving. Both my feet had such bad blisters on the bottom that the whole heel skin was dead and had to be cut off with scissors. Fortunately I was able to call my mom and she renewed my medicaid, and after a few days i was able to get admitted to the hospital and have my leg saved. I have been battling this shit ass fentanyl drug ever since I had torn my shoulder at a young age. I found a pain management doctor because i couldnt handle the pain anymore and became desperate. The plan was to get cortizone injections and then surgery. Little did i know this doctor was a drug dealer and should've known when i first went there. The waiting room looked like junkies. He prescibed me oxy, oxymorphone, and did these bs lidocaine injections. He said he had to continue doing these lidocaine injections every visit until he found the correct area to inject cortizone. I kept taking the meds and before i knew it I was hooked. When i decided to stop taking it I soon found out what withdrawal was like. Eventually my doctor was shut down due to overprescibing. Unfortunately my boss at the ice company i worked at sold oxy 30s. So i started selling the pills to support this new addiction i had. I met this girl who is now my gf of 7 years and soon found out she was doing heroin. Just a string of bad luck that came into my life. I was blowing through the 30s too fast bc i had no customers, and I had also ran out with no money to reup. I was hanging with this girl because I liked her and also thought I could be her savior and get her off the dope. Well that all went to shit when I went into withdrawal. I was 2 days in and became so irratated with a fuck everything mentality that i asked her for a bag. It hit 3 times as hard as the 30 and was $2 a bag instead of $30. I never took another 30. My nose soon started getting fucked up so I started shooting it 6 months later. Plus I was constantly being told i was wasting it by snorting it. The drug had brainwashed me completely. Anything to save money that I didnt have. Once you become a iv addict its a whole different ballpark. From there, I had been in and out of detox, and jail. I had got on the right track and got myself into a halfway house, had a car, was making good money climbing, and cutting trees. Got into trading bitcoin with massive leverage like an idiot and put all my savings into it. Turned 5k into 25k in one month. Life was amazing. Made one bad trade and lost the whole 25k in one day like a retard. I never experienced that kind of loss all at once. The only way I knew how to deal with numbing this terrible feeling was relapsing right away. Got kicked out of the halfway. Meanwhile my gf is living at a halfway. I'm living out of my car now and we decide to stay at a hotel and im going to go to detox in the morning. I end up leaving and just as i get to detox I realize my gf isn't answering me. She had stole a bag of dope from me and did it soon as I left. I knew right away she had to be overdosed. I called the hotel and told then open that door and check on her and call the emts. I sped as fast as I could 30 mins back to the hotel with no brakes on my bmw x3 because I had lost all my money. Im going too fast on the highway rushing to save my gf and 3 cars are lined up side by side. I couldn't stop fast enough and crashed into the rear of 2 cars a half a mile from the hotel. One car ended up hitting a firehydrant and water is shooting up into the sky. My bmw is now totalled, My gf ended up in a coma for a month, and I became homless for 6 months until I got that infection. I am now being sued by the husband and wife and the other person and will probably have to pay them around 100k over the next 20 years of my life. Funny thing is my airbag didnt even go off and everybody got out of there cars just fine. They're claiming they suffered all these injuries. Yea it sucks. Fast foward my gf and I are living in an apartment and still using. We use the bare minimum but it still costs $150 a day. I ended up quitting my job due to my shoulder pain and wanted to get clean. Ive now been waiting over 6 months for her to take off and go to detox together. All we do is fight 24/7 and I'm so fed up with her bs. I am so depressed I comtemplate ending it all the time. I love her but it's super unhealthy. That's where I'm at and life sucks complete ass. Before all of this I was an aspiring music producer and was on my way. I had dreams and still do. I was just like the people that comment "dumbass white trash criminal addicts". Now I have the realist perspective of it all. Never in my life did I ever think I would put a needle in my arm but here we are. Life doesn't always go as planned and you can get involved real quick in something without ever wanting to be involved with it. Keep your minds open and be grateful that you're the person commenting ignorant shit like "dumb white trash addicts" I wish I was still that dumb person. Be grateful you don't have to give every dollar you make to someone just so you don't end up puking up bile laying on the shower floor for 3 weeks (my last detox experience). I just hope I can endure another detox. Last time it was so bad in my organs from puking 24/7 I got an abcess on my gallbladder at the end of detox and had to get it removed. Ive had people put guns to my head while homeless on the streets because they thought maybe i had a few dollars. I hope I can enjoy life again without this drug like a normal person one day.
Fuck that’s an insane story!! Really illustrates just how powerful opiate addiction is. Damn. And how the fuck are you affording $150/day of drugs?
Also how on earth do you get massive leverage to trade Bitcoin? I used to be a day trader and they definitely have strict rules about what counts as marginable equity (besides cash balance, obviously). They certainly wouldn’t let me buy OTC (penny stocks) with any type of margin. Bitcoin is even more risky than that! And I had full Options trading access.
Damn, that’s hard to watch, that somebody’s son, I got a son and i can’t imagine the pain of seeing him like this. Hope this young man find the help he needs
Barely clothed necrotized Jesus every Sunday. Child sacrifice being a popular Bible school story. Reading the Divine Comedy as a Bedtime story/Baptism/extra biblical age of reason. And don't forget circumcision. But Groomers aimma rite?
To be clear I hate all forms of collectivism above society/institutions/lived experiences of the individual. There's no sober individual that doesn't think the government is anything but a halfway measure. The government isn't GPU Linux where you can reliably, for free, expect security patches.
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I found the guy's channel and he actually made an update on Julian today.
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When the cameraman started crying, I felt it a little. Sheer compassion. "You need to go to the hospital..." was all he could say. He wanted to help that guy so badly.
Unfortunately, people who reach this point need to help themselves before they can get better. Fucking new opiate wars have helped to poison entire American generations (and others).
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Agreed, I'm so happy this guy wasnt just judgemental of him and went about his day, he understood that this was a real person and that he is suffering because of his addictions. I hope this kid gets/got help and can live a somewhat normal live in the future, though one with a unique perspective.
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A one handed perspective.
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He's ABOUT ta have a ONE LEGGED perspective.
(Lol, how did ur comment get a few downvotes? It was a joke! It's not like u came out n stated that you're one of the alphabeters- especially specifically or someone wit identity issues... THEN I could understand the downvotes!)
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It's really sad, you can tell this hits him hard. His emotion got to me too. It's a fucking shame this is how so many people are ignored that have these issues. We don't know his life story but we know there's thousands in a similar position to him. He's so young too, and with the abscesses he's got the infection will get into his bones and his blood. If he doesn't get help soon for that leg it'll have to be amputated if it doesn't kill him first. He's got his whole life ahead of him pretty much. He's not even done fully developing, brains aren't fully developed until we hit the age of 25. This guy is on a fast track into the grave and the government couldn't give less of a shit. It's similar to when I saw skid row in person for the first time. It's wild that it's actually named that on Google maps and it shows where and what skid row is.
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Man, no way he can afford a hospital visit and treatment
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you don't need money for emergency treatment. you'll be in debt for a while but all they can do is send letters unless you live in one of the few states that'll make you go to court and initiate some kind of payment plan.
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Uh, okay Poopy, Got a problem with republicans, do you? I fail to see what that has to do with this man's suffering and the compassion of the cameraman.
I hope you're having a nice Sunday evening, and if you're not, I hope it gets better. Tomorrow will be better for you :)
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Furries and pedo defenders? I think you might have your sides mixed up, dude.
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I mean milo and other right wingers defend pedophilia. And religious like the catholic church are conservative
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Sorry the furries and queers are out having fun while you’re stuck at home with your traditional American values. I’m sure that’s good too.
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Can you do democrats next, smarty pants?
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Man, I hate republicants as much as the next mentally functional person but i think you need to lay off the substances, its making you look silly.
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Maybe get your government to invest in its people and streets instead of sending billions to Zelensky? Democrat, republican, it doesn’t matter, your population overall is so fucking stupid for the same reasons it’s baffling.
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Fuck man this one hit me right in my feelings. I’ve been there before.. not this bad but I was addicted to fentanyl/heroin (any opiate I could get my hands on) for YEARS, 13+ years. I’ve had my fair share of “missed shots” this is what happens when you do not take care of it or don’t go to the hospital.
Just breaks my heart because this dude‘s only 18 and I guarantee he’s going to die if he doesn’t get help. Even if he went to the hospital he would still probably die.. He would get out and go straight back to using to stop his withdrawals, The only way he's truly going to get out of this life is if YOU REALLY WANT IT. NOBODY ELSE IS GOING TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE THAT BESIDES YOU.
I wish there was a way I could find this guy and get a hold of him because now I have the resources to help people like this, I do it on a daily basis. This goes for ANYBODY on this site that is struggling with addiction. If you need advice or help shoot me a message.
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Your based dude. This is based.
I just stay away from all drugs. I think it's a good thing to fear. Life's hard enough ya know.
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That is a good idea, A lot of times I wish I never did. Even smoking bud lol i’m glad you have that mindset bro. 🤘🏼
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you made me believe in humanity and hard drug users .
thank you
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Damn fr? That’s actually fucking awesome. I never thought I would hear that before 🤣
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Very glad I only smoke legal weed and do shrooms now and again. I dont even drink that much, only when out with friends.
Havent had anyone I've known go through anything like that, but my sister said to me the other day some kid she partied with once or twice in highschool OD'd and died, and that was a little weird.
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Very glad I only smoke weed too. Albeit illegally.
Scary part is I fucked around with heroin thinking I was smart and could control it not knowing what addiction really is. Thank god or whatever I didn't enjoy it enough or have the genetics.
People who get addicted to that stuff I feel so bad for.
Of all the ways to live your life. Ain't no life ain't no living.
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All I reccomend to you is make sure you never smoke fuckin Spice. If you can't get some actual loud, dont try and cut corners, it isnt worth it.
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When I was in rehab the first time (I’ve been twice) when I was younger, there were a group of kids in that facility that were in there for spice, they were all mentally challenged because they smoked spice and it just fucked their brain up so bad.
Like they told us, you can smoke spice 100+ times and nothing can happen or you can smoke it once and be pretty much brain dead or need assistance for the rest of your life.
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I tried it once and only once.
Girl I met that day said she had some leftover. It was like a small amount of plant dust barely anything sprinkled it into a cigarette and got 3 people completely floored.
That shit would never have existed had weed been legal.
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You are an inspiration and I hope I can do this some day. I could use some advice if you're still here?
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Yesssir I still am! If you ever need anything just shoot me a message. I may not get to it right away or the same day but I will not leave you on read.
Don't ever doubt yourself because you CAN do this. Shit bro for about 14 years I was dead set on “I'm dying from opiates or fentanyl” but here I am 657 days later and still clean.
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that's awesome brother i quit da xans a month or so ago n still goin strong
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Hell yeah! Keep it up man. Don't give up.
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so happy for you. i feel so awful for him because you are so correct about everything. i hope he gets some help or at least to the hospital for treatment. he could loose that leg
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"Missed shots" is this about overdoses or literally injecting incorrectly?
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Injecting incorrectly. Hurts like a motherfucker and if it's not taken care of it'll do some nasty shit.
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Fuck off Britches. My friend who struggles with addiction told me he shot you a message when you made your holier than though post a couple months back and you only responded to the messages in your post of which people could see. If you gave a single fuck you would have responded to my friends DM you fake fucker. The only thing you care about is people patting you on the back making them think you're "just a good guy" when you're full of it bro. Get help.
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This is the only message I didn’t respond to. It’s obviously a toll or bait. so idk wtf your “friend” is talking about.
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That's not my friend and how do you know that's a troll? Have you ever worked a suicide prevention hotline? How do you know that wasn't a cry for help. Hold on I will have him take a screenshot of the message he sent you without a response
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hey retard your friend is a retard to. imagine trying to ask other retards online for support/advice instead of contacting a professional. That user is under no obligation to respond
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Hey we are ready talked and everything was worked out. I do understand where you’re coming from though.
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Your profile looks like a retard programmed a computer and then gave it to an ape.
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I'm sorry are you under the impression your opinion matters something to me or does reading hurt your brain? Because that's literally all my profile is, just text. How that resembles an ape given a retarded computer or whatever tf you just said is beyond me. But hey thanks for your input champ 👍🏻
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I don't care, your profile sucks dick. What you do with that information is none of my business.
Suck a dick Dumbshit.
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Feel better pussy boy now that you got all that out of your system? Tough guy on the web Ohhhh super scary 😂
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I'm not being a tough guy, I'm sharing my opinion on a social media website, I don't give a fuck if you asked, HELLOOOO, welcome to the internet, are you use to being coddled?
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Bro look man I can understand someone probably gave you bad touches when you were little and now you pick random fights on the internet for attention but that doesn't mean I care your damaged goods. Keep getting excited pal I'm lovin' it at this point 😃🍿
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I can literally show you all my messages I responded to every single one. It’s not my fault they never responded back. I’m the one who should get help? Lmao Okay.
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@CLiTPEELER Your assistance is needed. We have two users each showing screenshots of their DMs, one shows the message was indeed sent, the other shows they never got it. Is this a glitch?
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We talked it out man. I hold no hard feelings, Everything is all good! But I really never did receive/see that message in my inbox.
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I will go to my messages and screen record it because I promise nobody has sent me a message that long.
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your "friend" is a cute twink retard for even sending that wall of text to a stranger online lmao
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You want me to post here? Or your wall?
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Owned... He posted a video. Smick smack, smacked in the sac
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I mean I can have my friend send me the message as well if you would like? Zero response. I'm generally a pretty chill dude my man but people that act like they are there to help people who desperately need help and don't because they are only out to help themselves pisses me off.
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You don't seem like a pretty chill dude whatsoever. You look like a fucking raging 12 year old, mid tantrum. Britches is likely just a private citizen, the fact he's offered to talk to others about substance abuse is really kind but he's still only a person. Dude why don't you fucking help your friend? Why does it have to be Britches? Why the fuck are you posting like 7 replies all looking and acting like a child? How is this going to help the situation? I doubt you ever thought that far ahead now you're just creating issues and looking like someone who has zero self control or respect. It could have easily been a technical issue, yet you're here positive Britches is purposefully ignoring and fucking over your buddy. The image you posted anyway of your friends message, whats that last bit sent to another user? He looks like he's trying to scare someone he refers to as a little shit stain, then continues to say he's not worth his time I imagine. You or your friend aren't fucking angels, don't act like this is a massive gotcha moment, you're a massive cunt. Learn some fucking respect man, grow the fuck up.
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So not only are you full of shit but you're also a liar saying you responded to every message. Pathetic.
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To be fair to him, liar or not, he kept his composure and didn't resort to profanity.
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Sad to see what the real priorities of the US-Government are. Not the people...
Free healthcare and free institutions to get drug-addicts off the street, here in germany.
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I live in America and I had no money and I got full treatment for mental health, unlimited, for years, psychiatry (meds), never any copay, dentist, and I had a brain hemorrhage that put me in the hospital for a week and must’ve cost at least $100,000 with all the scans and shit they did. All covered, for free. I literally have never paid one cent. I don’t want to say what state I live in, it’s not a rich area but it’s a nice quiet suburb and we don’t really have homeless people here, but there are some in the big city not too far away. I don’t know what to make of this video. I also don’t know if I’m some ultra lucky person who better keep his mouth shut or maybe my benefits will change or be taken away.
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In wich state are you living in?
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Why should people rely on the government to bail people out from their own wrong actions. Who is going to pay for their medical costs or housing? Seriously, we live in the best country in 2023 and there isn’t an excuse to fail so miserably. Get your shit together. Enough of the handouts.
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Poor kid, sad what drugs can do
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no kid deserves this life
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What about hitler when he was a kid?
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yeah no joke comment from me here. poor fucking guy man, hope he has a big glow up one day. guy needs some serious care!
this seriously bothered me
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I've seen plenty of people on the street with an abcesses like this. I also got a cellulitis infection in my leg due to reusing the same needle since I couldnt get them on the street. My leg became so big i couldn't even fit an oversized shoe on with the laces out. I remember having to walk 5 miles to the hospital in the worst pain ever. When i got there, they wouldn't take me in because my medicaid expired. I sat on the bench in front of the hospital and this clear liquid would drip from this spot on my ankle. It was so often that within 30 mins the concrete was covered everywhere with about 2 bottles of water worth of liquid. I don't know where it was coming from because i was so thirsty as i was ashamed to beg for money and would end up going starving. Both my feet had such bad blisters on the bottom that the whole heel skin was dead and had to be cut off with scissors. Fortunately I was able to call my mom and she renewed my medicaid, and after a few days i was able to get admitted to the hospital and have my leg saved. I have been battling this shit ass fentanyl drug ever since I had torn my shoulder at a young age. I found a pain management doctor because i couldnt handle the pain anymore and became desperate. The plan was to get cortizone injections and then surgery. Little did i know this doctor was a drug dealer and should've known when i first went there. The waiting room looked like junkies. He prescibed me oxy, oxymorphone, and did these bs lidocaine injections. He said he had to continue doing these lidocaine injections every visit until he found the correct area to inject cortizone. I kept taking the meds and before i knew it I was hooked. When i decided to stop taking it I soon found out what withdrawal was like. Eventually my doctor was shut down due to overprescibing. Unfortunately my boss at the ice company i worked at sold oxy 30s. So i started selling the pills to support this new addiction i had. I met this girl who is now my gf of 7 years and soon found out she was doing heroin. Just a string of bad luck that came into my life. I was blowing through the 30s too fast bc i had no customers, and I had also ran out with no money to reup. I was hanging with this girl because I liked her and also thought I could be her savior and get her off the dope. Well that all went to shit when I went into withdrawal. I was 2 days in and became so irratated with a fuck everything mentality that i asked her for a bag. It hit 3 times as hard as the 30 and was $2 a bag instead of $30. I never took another 30. My nose soon started getting fucked up so I started shooting it 6 months later. Plus I was constantly being told i was wasting it by snorting it. The drug had brainwashed me completely. Anything to save money that I didnt have. Once you become a iv addict its a whole different ballpark. From there, I had been in and out of detox, and jail. I had got on the right track and got myself into a halfway house, had a car, was making good money climbing, and cutting trees. Got into trading bitcoin with massive leverage like an idiot and put all my savings into it. Turned 5k into 25k in one month. Life was amazing. Made one bad trade and lost the whole 25k in one day like a retard. I never experienced that kind of loss all at once. The only way I knew how to deal with numbing this terrible feeling was relapsing right away. Got kicked out of the halfway. Meanwhile my gf is living at a halfway. I'm living out of my car now and we decide to stay at a hotel and im going to go to detox in the morning. I end up leaving and just as i get to detox I realize my gf isn't answering me. She had stole a bag of dope from me and did it soon as I left. I knew right away she had to be overdosed. I called the hotel and told then open that door and check on her and call the emts. I sped as fast as I could 30 mins back to the hotel with no brakes on my bmw x3 because I had lost all my money. Im going too fast on the highway rushing to save my gf and 3 cars are lined up side by side. I couldn't stop fast enough and crashed into the rear of 2 cars a half a mile from the hotel. One car ended up hitting a firehydrant and water is shooting up into the sky. My bmw is now totalled, My gf ended up in a coma for a month, and I became homless for 6 months until I got that infection. I am now being sued by the husband and wife and the other person and will probably have to pay them around 100k over the next 20 years of my life. Funny thing is my airbag didnt even go off and everybody got out of there cars just fine. They're claiming they suffered all these injuries. Yea it sucks. Fast foward my gf and I are living in an apartment and still using. We use the bare minimum but it still costs $150 a day. I ended up quitting my job due to my shoulder pain and wanted to get clean. Ive now been waiting over 6 months for her to take off and go to detox together. All we do is fight 24/7 and I'm so fed up with her bs. I am so depressed I comtemplate ending it all the time. I love her but it's super unhealthy. That's where I'm at and life sucks complete ass. Before all of this I was an aspiring music producer and was on my way. I had dreams and still do. I was just like the people that comment "dumbass white trash criminal addicts". Now I have the realist perspective of it all. Never in my life did I ever think I would put a needle in my arm but here we are. Life doesn't always go as planned and you can get involved real quick in something without ever wanting to be involved with it. Keep your minds open and be grateful that you're the person commenting ignorant shit like "dumb white trash addicts" I wish I was still that dumb person. Be grateful you don't have to give every dollar you make to someone just so you don't end up puking up bile laying on the shower floor for 3 weeks (my last detox experience). I just hope I can endure another detox. Last time it was so bad in my organs from puking 24/7 I got an abcess on my gallbladder at the end of detox and had to get it removed. Ive had people put guns to my head while homeless on the streets because they thought maybe i had a few dollars. I hope I can enjoy life again without this drug like a normal person one day.
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you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped :(
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Fuck that’s an insane story!! Really illustrates just how powerful opiate addiction is. Damn. And how the fuck are you affording $150/day of drugs?
Also how on earth do you get massive leverage to trade Bitcoin? I used to be a day trader and they definitely have strict rules about what counts as marginable equity (besides cash balance, obviously). They certainly wouldn’t let me buy OTC (penny stocks) with any type of margin. Bitcoin is even more risky than that! And I had full Options trading access.
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Okay then, dumb white trash addict.
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Damn, that’s hard to watch, that somebody’s son, I got a son and i can’t imagine the pain of seeing him like this. Hope this young man find the help he needs
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Some parents don't give a rats ass about their children tho, its absolutely fucked and most likely a big part of the reason he ended up like that.
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Barely clothed necrotized Jesus every Sunday. Child sacrifice being a popular Bible school story. Reading the Divine Comedy as a Bedtime story/Baptism/extra biblical age of reason. And don't forget circumcision. But Groomers aimma rite?
To be clear I hate all forms of collectivism above society/institutions/lived experiences of the individual. There's no sober individual that doesn't think the government is anything but a halfway measure. The government isn't GPU Linux where you can reliably, for free, expect security patches.
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(Unless if you use Red Hat 🎩)
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That’s sad and heartbreaking! We can thank the CIA for helping distribute drugs among our population.
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The ghouls who push and sell these drugs deserve to die in agony.
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they probably just blame it on the users
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Those are the same that do atrocities to their rivals
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"die in agony" yes exactly like their customers do.
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