10 captured kurdish soldiers lined up and beheaded (iraq)

The footage, shot near the terror group's stronghold [at the time] of Mosul, shows the prisoners kneeling on the floor while executioners cloaked in black stand behind them with hunting knives.

The captives, dressed in orange jumpsuits, can be heard reciting passages from the Koran while one says his final prayers of Shahada – an Islamic testimony of faith.

After the men are beheaded and their heads placed on their bodies, an ISIS fighter warned of the 'inevitable fate' of other peshmerga prisoners.


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Background music??🤣🤣

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damn isis really is sparing no expense on their camara quality wtf

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The Kurdish soldiers won in the end, all those ISIS executioners got the karma they deserved in the end.

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Im kurd and what he is saying is that oh the president masud small dwarf these are one of your dogs who screamed for you but you didnt help them and made them into the dark side and this is what they will get now we are gonna acomplish the promise we made this is the promise we made to you oh the people of kurdistanbasically the super rich people then bam head gets off and when the head gets cut of unfortunately may they be in a better place ameen ya allah anyways lets get back to the translating and then after the head gets cut of he says oh you small pharoah dwarf refering to kurdistan president masud these were one of your soldiers these are your soldiers their lifes are now on us and the big of you didnt help them and helped them in any way i swear to god we will come to your land and we will kill you masud in your castle and those who support you like how we killed these and this is not far away from you his is really close from you. Thats it but these arent muslims these are isis understand that my friend :)

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This are the only true muslims if you understand Arabic watch this

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Fun fact: the ISIS Spokesman/Executioner was Kurdish himself

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ISIS lost the War in mosul. Game over ISIS

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Yes, they are trained in hand-to-hand combat, but they are not that good! Thats why you always see em with a damn gun or a knife...Strike FEAR in your Opps, killem with your bare hands wussies! I bet half of em would get owned! 🤣🤣🤣

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Não sei porque mais adoro essa música haha

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Dear Iraqi, this is a creation of Saudi Arabia and some Sunni Muslims

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May the enemies of Allah suffer!

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stupid fuckung kurds pkk bitches

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