male to female surgery

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Male to castrated and deformed Male.

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So grateful for my ballsack right now, us males get free testosterone!

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The only video I regret watching

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male to female male with mutilated genitals surgery

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I mean, they're still male. It's just hardcore cosmetic surgery to look like a woman

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well yeah that's what transgender is its all mental and cosmetic surgery they aren't real women or men they're basically genderfluid the issue is people let their emotions be a part of it both retarded sides lgbtq and the fat musty dudes with 2 inches that say they would never give their micro dick away

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pov your homie falls asleep first

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Enough internet for today.

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Are they even going to feel pleasure? I mean theres no clit and g-spot right?

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i think that what he did was take the part inside the penis that feels good, turn it inside out, and moved it into the 'pussy'

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Fuck you LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈

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Fuck you too bitch hahahahaha

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"I'm a woman now!"

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Hm, after seeing this u still gonna tell me its not possible to increse my penis size?

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cut it in half down the middle, take the right side and glue it to the end of the left side: voila

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Why not keep the dick and put the pussy somewhere else under there?

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now undo it

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today i will undergo body mutilation so that my genitals would resemble those of a female person

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that's interesting

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You now have a wound of a hole that tries to heal itself but you have to brutally rip it apart it keep it open, what a sad life......

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You know what, I love my cock and balls, in fact imma treat them to a nice wash post trim. Oh and this mentally deranged fuck tard of a guy just got castrated and dick cut up still a guy just disabled

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As you should

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It’s incredible how quickly the Hippocratic oath went out the window, once it became clear how much money “gender affirming care” could make the pharmaceutical industry

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Actually doesn’t make that much money for pharma companies. Testosterone and Estrogen are widely available as generic medication

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Zoladex, supprelin, leuprolide, and triptorelin, the 4 most commonly prescribed hormone blockers collectively made about 3.5 billion dollars for the companies that produce them in 2022 alone. It should be noted that those drugs are primarily prescribed for other things, such as cancer treatment. I was unable to find estimates on what percentage is for blocking puberty, so for the sake of argument let’s say it’s only 5% (a figure I admit I pulled out of my ass), that’s still 175 million a year, just for the blockers. Add to that the fact that every puberty blocker patient will require hormone treatments for the rest of their life, any surgical costs plus lifetime follow up care, and it certainly isn’t chump change. Certainly makes more money than a few years of therapy with a qualified clinical psychiatrist.

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For an individual pharmaceutical company, the value of a trans customer vs. the millions who will use these drugs for cancer, hormone issues etc is very insignificant. That amount of money compared to their revenues is tiny. The majority of trans people don't do surgery, and a significant percentage don't take any medication for it, and puberty blockers are an even smaller market.

I don't think money is the driving factor here. I think people genuinely believe this.

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They need a cocktail. It's not just test or estrogen

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All that work to still be a man. What a waste of resources.

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its cosmetic surgery not god power transition from male to women its just a procedure to have biologically similar traits to the opposite sex if you broke just say you broke

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Not wanting my dick cut off makes me broke?

That's some crazy mental gymnastics going on.

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As a Doctor how would you tell someone this is what you do for a living

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whats that? oh, well, for a living, i take a very small penises, since the only people who want to get this done have micropenises, and i cut them into pieces, and convince the patient that it is a pussy, although i know for a fact that i actually dug a fat hole into their pelvis and taped the internal skin. in about a month, it will completely fall apart. isnt that so funny?

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I heard they get hairy and they have to wear a dildo to keep it open or else it will close back up?

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yes, the wound (literally) will heal itself over time without intervention. left to itself, the body will fight back.

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Thats what i have heard. I wanna support their body dysmorphia recovery but idk man is this okay for the body? Is this healthy / morally okay to support? At what point is it too much? I dont hate anyone for their gender (im no gender,female presenting) but at what point does something become a delusion? But im not a fucking psychologist so maybe im just too small brain to understand?

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Support mental health care and trauma therapy. Don't support someone by allowing them to surgically augment themselves when they're obviously going through a crisis of identity. You wouldn't buy a gun for a suicidal friend. Help them to understand that the configuration in their pants is what nature gave them, and that surgeons can only remove and destroy what is already there. And, tell them to stop getting so caught up on sexual identity.

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100% i feel like it becomes mental illness when people become obsessed with what is in their pants and their sexuality. I noticed this is usually related to sexual abuse. I personally know someone who was affected in this way but i convinced him to get help and he says he would of regret going through with being gay and crossdressing.

Surgery is just too much… especially if your body is actively trying to reverse it :/ i want them to be happy and love themselves. So much unspoken suffering in general from abuse and mental illness:(

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"No gender, female presenting" you are female.

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I say no gender because i feel like im wearing a skin suit and to piss people off. So no i am no gender female presenting. Or if a trans person is asking i am a bio women.

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everyone feels that way with the "skin suit" bs, it's just existential angst. don't let ideologues emotionally trick you into pursuits of degeneracy, truths aren't always comfy and agreeable.

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I am a brain in a skin suit with bones. I dont relate to my body. But yeah this is definitely part of my issues lol like i said tho its mostly to piss people off.

Does everyone feel like skin suits tho 🤔 people irl disagree when i say this

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You sound like a teenager, not knocking you for that but just calling the way I see it. My point is your brain is still developing and as such it's susceptible to be molded in to whatever ideology it's fed. Let me be clear:


And that's okay 👍🏻 This trans bullshit and gender reassignment surgery bullshit is society gone soft accepting mentally ill people harming themselves. The skinsuit comment you made is just you coming to terms with your body and sexuality. Be grateful you have all your limbs and you live inside a healthy female body.

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I am not a teenager and i am NOT struggling with my gender identity. You commented twice without reading any of my replies. I have no idea where you are getting that i am trans.

Everyone on this damn site loves to call others teenagers.

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People like you make me want to keep saying that i am no gender.

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What do losers like you hope to achieve? Society isn't going to do a 180 on trans rights no matter what you believe. Clinics are opening left and right where I live and they require less medical supervision than before. You've lost the battle against men feminizing themselves and you just gotta shut the fuck up and accept it.

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a trans person wouldn't ask you those assholes would call you a cis woman or the more popular "female bodied"

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Sanest wpd user

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They get hair removal prior (and honestly if they dont they deserve it lmao) and the dildo looking thing is called a dilator which is necessary to keep width and depth intact.

Also worth mentioning, hormones control how the genitalia function, and someone getting SRS has to be on estrogen/testosterone for a while, by that point the penis is attempting to emulate the functions of a vagina, and since both are made of the same tissue its why SRS works.

Last to mention, every time "trans surgeries getting forced on kids" comes up, its people who aren't trans doing it

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You say the penis is trying to emulate the functions of a vagina, in what way? This surgery will never make anything make a natural vagina correct? Personally I suppose trans or whatever idk as long as its not forced and everyone is healthy and happy and a adult BUT i still have questions ._.

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It's specifically hormone replacement therapy that causes the changes in tissue

In regards to a natural vagina, anything short of transplanting an entire set of female sex organs won't produce a natural vagina, but as surgery advances things will improve

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So you support mental illness and mutilation of said mentally ill individual. Interesting.

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Literally my other comments answer this lol if you wanna know my opinion go look for it.

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Partially right.

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They have to insert something 1 time a week, forever, If they don't the hole will close

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