I have a question :marseybeanconfused2:

how to design a hat?

How can I hide posts without liking them?

I just want to get them hidden so I can watch through all the videos without repetition.

"Revoke image permissions" award suggestion

I am suggesting a award that costs the same as the Namelock award, that simply makes it so that the targeted user cannot send any images in chat for 24h. An example use case: Someone's posting porn in chat? (and assuming you hate porn), simply give them the "Revoke image permissions" award! Now they can't send any images in chat at all for a day!

Solved how do you look at your saved videos? :marseyflushzoom:

looked all over the site and can't find it 😅

I think we should change the casino system

I think we should change the casino system and make it so that wpd users can play against other wpd users. Or at least make it so that you can live watch the gamblers. let me know what you think of this idea and leave a comment.

vote to start :marseyflagtaiwan: ChinkChonkShit :marseyflagchina!: hole as a teaser for future content to come :marseythumbsup:

ofc the credits to such brilliant idea belong to me ,gimme dedicated medal or something :marseyagreefast:

hope communist china destroyed and broken to pieces :troll2:

Reported by:
  • Vaporeon : Vote YES or I will touch you inappropriately
  • clitchewer : ^ you can touch me inappropriately anytime bbg
  • Feenin : ^ Is that a threat or a promise
  • chuck_swirsky : Im gay :nikocadoavocadodance2:
  • hawtdoq : Can I too be touched
  • FirebombsNigger : ^Don't worry hawtdoq, I can touch you
  • Marsey_the_chaotic : Wikipedia be like:
  • BoringBasedNPC : I will rape all of you
  • VIRGIN-NIGGER-GAMING : Touched AND Raped, It's my lucky day.
  • LASTNIGGERMADE : more holes, more good. But a historical hole would be swag in general, vote yes or i will piss
  • Lulz8245 : Vote yes or you end up in /h/fisting.
  • 0termzz : Could you also touch me?:3
  • LittleBeeBoy : Touched? Raped? I'll make sweet and gentle love to you.
  • MF : Hi im here for the gangbang
  • PRO_ISRAEL_NIGGER : Sorry @MF, it's not for a gangbang. We re gonna rec a bukake
  • Quejo633 : I want a historic hole, an old pot that makes good food
  • jakesmithereens : If you do make one, can you put my Luby's Massacre and Port Arthur Massacre posts in that hole?
  • rafael246 : @Vaporeon after ur exposed we know u do a lot of inappropriate things
  • 45ACPX : im gonna touch everyone here with acid
  • Sunday-w- : I wanna get touched to
  • stockholms : im taking a shit rn
  • Lollypoop : Hurry up and make /h/history i want to read :marseyfedpostglow:
  • BUFF_STRONG_NIGGER : hey guys I heard that there is free handjobs
  • ABC-dd399jq : eeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeee
  • The_all_seeing_eye : Report fighting :skull:
Would :marseymight: you be interested :marseyschizoexcited: in /h/historical ?

We are seeking to gauge your interest in a hole called /h/historical, its purpose would :marseymid: be to host and preserve videos of deaths (and aftermaths) that happened more than 30 years ago.

Since the purpose of the hole would :marseymight: be primarily archival and preservation, reposts would :marseymight: not be allowed.

Cast your vote below; Do you want a dedicated /h/historical hole to preserve history :marseyfocault: on WPD ?

Reminder to everyone who can afford it

I hope everyone has great holidays so far!

If youre interested and can afford it id suggest buying those loot boxes. 10 loot boxes and you get a cool badge and 1% discount in store!

:marseytwerki#ng: :marseytwerkin#g: :marseytwerkin#g:

How do i know since im usually numb and forget everything everyone told me? I noticed in store it also shows discount ,and once i bought ten (10) lootboxes, got the badge, and noticed the percentage (%) went up by one (1).
Everything counts in large amounts!

:#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking: :#marseytwerking:



Can we have poker in the casino?

As long as we're making all these updates, what would it take for us to get some poker games in the casino? I love poker. I can't be the only one who feels this way.

Selfharm/cutters/scratchers/attention seekers genocide meme celebration thread :marseyattentionseeker: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseyparty: :marseyparty: :marseyparty:

Coming out of retirement to celebrate with you guys


/h/selfharm is no more

Stop cutting yourselves cute twinks, go back to twitter/tiktok/reddit

:marseycut#: :marseyattentionseeker#: :marseycutwrist#: :marseyselfharm#:

:marseycutgenocide#: :marseyattentionseekergenocide#: :marseycutwristgenocide#: :marseyselfharmgenocide#:

:#marseylaughpoundfist: :#marseyxd: :#marseylaugh: :#marseyemojirofl: :#marseylaughwith: :#marseyrofl: :#marseygiggle: :#marseyemojilaughupset: :#marseyuaresuck: :#marseykekw: :#marseylulz: :#bitchplease: :#mysides: :#marseygiggle: :#marseylaugh2: :marseyemojirofl#: :#mjlol: :#taylaugh:

I was gone for 5 days and disappeared h/s-h...

I don't understand what happened. Why was that decided? Can someone give me some context? It was literally the only reason I logged into the site every day for over a year now...

[Poll for new hole] Interested in a new hole for entertainment?

A new entertainment hole would be for discussing and sharing content related to video games, movies, and other forms of entertainment. So far we've been removing such content because while video game gore or something might be interesting, we don't want the social hole flooded with it. But a new entertainment hole would allow that stuff and keep it isolated (so you could block it if you don't care about it).

To be clear we aren't turning away from gore, but expanding and offering new ways for people to communicate and have fun if they so desire. Share a gory kill in Doom, discuss how the latest slop is woke, or tell people your favorite movie.

A note about some preliminary rules:

1. Roblox videos would still be disallowed 99% of the time. It's stupid and the vast majority of Roblox players are minors or pedos.

2. No porn games/movies. This remains a non-porn site (outside of chats/DMs).

Reminder the Fistmas event has Christmas music!

Enable it to hear a huge selection of music!

Tips for archieve a effort post?


I have two topics of interest to make an effort post that have not been talked about much here.

so I need advice and steps to get an effort post and make sure that it becomes one.

Why the /h/selfharm hole should remain

There's been a lot of talk about removing the self-harm hole and I understand why. Even people who aren't moved by gore feel a visceral reaction to self-harm, as it is indicative of extreme mental and physical anguish. For others, the self-harm just isn't enough, and they aren't interested in seeing another razor cut that barely breaks skin.

I'd like to discuss some of the reasons I've seen against the self-harm hole, and why I believe it should stay.

1. It encourages minors to engage in the same behaviour

There shouldn't be rules catering to minors. They're not allowed to be here in the first place. That's like saying nudity on pornhub should be censored in case minors visit the site. Secondly, if you're concerned about minors learning how to cut themselves, removing the content from the site isn't going to stop them. A better strategy would be to do what /r/madeofstyrofoam subreddit does which is provide a clear guide regarding self-harm, how to do it as safely as possible, and how to care for self-harm wounds. Hell, you could literally just copy and paste the guide from /r/madeofstyrofoam.

2. It attracts pdf files

This is a site about watching people perish in the most unspeakable ways. I'm sorry but you're in the company of pedophiles, psychopaths, abusers, and killers. It's the undeniable truth - some percentage of visitors here aren't just grief tourists, they're real life sickos. Removing self-harm isn't going to make these people go away.

Also, this site literally hosts terrorists videos from whites and Arabs. You seriously don't think there's radicals on here right now learning from these videos? I can promise you there's a Brenton Tarrant copycat this very moment studying his video and figuring out how to improve. If you don't want to influence others, then remove ALL content featuring intentional violence. Self-harm is not a special category.

3. It rewards self-harm with upmarseys

This is perhaps the most valid point. Undeniably, there are those who post self-harm to gain online internet points. The solution to this would be to disable voting in the /h/selfharm hole.

4. It is a liability to WPD

All content on WPD is a liability, why the fuck do you think we got kicked off Reddit? And while the dead can't speak for themselves, they sure as fuck have friends and family who have to deal with a loved-one's death plastered all over the internet.

If someone posts something online, whether it be nudes or self-harm, it's there forever. That's the nature of the internet. Your content is no longer private and once you've published it you can't be big mad when people share it.

5. The SH hole only brings in minors and predators.

Sir, this is a gore site. You're not going to avoid having sick fucks around. Minors shouldn't be here, regardless of whether the self-harm hole exists or not. Predators don't need /h/selfharm to find victims. You could make this argument in so many directions that by the end of it there'd be no content here:

  • ISIS videos attract terrorists

  • White supremacist videos attract chuds and incels

  • Violence videos attracts abusers

6. There is too much bladed self-harm

There wouldn't be so much of it if there wasn't a market for it. People post, it gets upmarseyed, the free market of ideas has spoken. If people didn't want to see it, it would be downvoted out of visibility. That's kinda the logic behind reddit-style forums.

7. Only a matter of time before one of those stupid fucks cuts too deep and this site is on the news again.

Okay and?

8. Especially now with so many eyes on the site from different sources, it certainly makes the website look way worse.

You can watch Chinese children getting run over on this site. /h/selfharm is fucking tame compared to the rest of the content on this site. People just need to admit they're squeamish about self-harm in a way that random acts of violence don't affect them. Just say you get the ick instead of pretending there's a righteous reason behind banning gore from a gore site.

9. They're just looking for attention

They're fcking mentally ill. Nobody of a sane mind takes a razor and cuts to the white meat for internet points. Reducing it to "they just looking for attention" is asinine considering how deep some people cut.

Google sucks enough as it is, and it is nigh impossible to get information on self-harm that isn't a link to some Psychology Today article. With /h/selfharm, at least people can see what they're getting themselves into, and they can make a fully informed decision.

(Poll) Remove the self harm hole and disallow posts of bladed self harm?

Do you think we should get rid of the self harm hole and disallow posts of bladed self harm (which is 99% of what it is)? This means other kinds of self harm is still allowed like a druggie scalping himself, someone eating their own finger, etc., they would just be put in /h/injury or /h/gore depending on severity. So if someone were to make a post of bladed self harm (or other forms of minor self harm) it would get removed.



what is a css and how do i use it???? i saw one with glowy text and it was pretty af… someone help me

Solved What are the new changes to .tv/admins?

I just got home so I may have missed a notification or two, but I just noticed something

The admin level system is gone!

Could someone please explain the changes to me?

Do admins still have a level system, and it's just hidden to non-admins?

Thank you!


Why is the pride award so expensive :marseydepressed:

200K was a fair price, but 1 million is just fucking insane.

@Aevann pls reduce, i need it to fit my rainbow profile theme

I will gladly work for 200K

or better yet, buy me it :marseyblowkiss:

New hole idea

Can we add a /h/Karma where there's videos of people getting karma, whether it be drunk bastards, Karens, pedos, rapist, etc.

I just realized this is what I need lol

So if a member of staff sees this please and thank you



Can't play blackjack :marseycry:

I've tried everything. Clear cach/cookies, private browsing, using Chrome instead of Firefox. Whether I try to hit or stay it says I'm unable to.

I need some more Marseybux, please help!

3 millions users

There you go, it's only a matter of minutes now before WPD welcomes its 3 millionth degenerate.

I have the impression that the 2 million was yesterday.

Here are some numbers to help you realize.

This represents approximately 0.04% of the world population.

There are 59 countries that do not have as many inhabitants, Here are some of them:

Lithuania 2,897,443

Qatar 2,857,822

Jamaica 2,825,544

Gabon 2,408,586

if we all donated a dollar to @CLiTPEELER it would amount to that much

this will allow him to buy (among other things)

a T90 tank

240 dacia sandero

Or this castle in France

Hey guys, I guess that's it.

There are too many of you for me to love you all, but I'm trying

I'll see you again soon for the 4 million.

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