Megathread for bugs and suggestions

Please post all bugs you find or suggestions you wanna give here :marseyemojismilemouth:

Should we ban hate speech here? Upvote if NO downvote if YES :marseythonk:

The words we should consider banning:

BIPOC, cute twink, retard, jewish chad, :marseytrain:, wop, China man, zipper head, wet back, cracker, honkey, gook. If there's any others I missed please write them in the comments.

Thanks for helping me clean this place up !

subscribe to this thread for site updates Changelog megathread

Subscribe to this thread to get notified of changes :wolfnoticeme:

Subscribe on desktop by clicking this button:

Subscribe on mobile by clicking this button:

2024 United States Election Megathread (+BETS!)

It's election day, so of course I'm gonna make a megathread on everyone's favorite goresite about it. I really like elections. :marseyshy:

Live results here:

If it asks you to make an account, install this Tampermonkey script to make it go away.

If you don't have the Tampermonkey extension, you can add it here:

If you can't, use this for live results:

You can bet on who will win the swing states; bets can be made at this comment. It closes 6PM EST when the first polls close Bets are now closed. Winners will be declared when multiple major news orgs call it for a certain candidate.

I am curious though, who is WPD voting for?

You can post a prediction map using or if you want.

Discuss whatever you want down below. Anything goes besides fedposting, I don't expect you guys to be particularly civil (but I'm willing to be proven wrong) :marsey:

least insane wpd user

Please refrain from doing these things or you will be removed. Do report psychos posting these things as they are an existential threat and really will benefit from having to get off the internet for a bit.

Reminder: animal abuse is banned here! :marseydomesticabuse: :marseyprotestno:

Yes, we know what the cat blender video is. No, we don't want it here. We've had to ban like 5 people (including a semi-regular) just today for posting it.

Stop fucking posting animal abuse you retards. Stop asking for it as well. I am seething, and I cannot cope. Stop being retards thanks bye :#marseybye:

(Poll) Remove the self harm hole and disallow posts of bladed self harm?

Do you think we should get rid of the self harm hole and disallow posts of bladed self harm (which is 99% of what it is)? This means other kinds of self harm is still allowed like a druggie scalping himself, someone eating their own finger, etc., they would just be put in /h/injury or /h/gore depending on severity. So if someone were to make a post of bladed self harm (or other forms of minor self harm) it would get removed.

Hi WPD. Bye WPD.

Hi WPD. Between that Perry, Iowa shooter having had an account here earlier this month, the countless instances of doxxing between people in chat, the endless spam from infuriated banned users, Polish psychos threatening to cut one another up, the growing deluge of threats from unhinged lunatics, and the content itself here, I've had more than my fill of the whole gore thing.

I hate tedious “I'm leaving [online community] forever” posts, but given that I've been doing communications for this place for like a year and some change, I think one is necessary to allow the site not to tank as people think it's all lost.

It's not. At all.

I didn't found the website, I was simply asked to just assume that role publicly because the actual founder is an intensely private person and isn't very good at communicating by his own admission. You are not losing a developer or anything; WPD will not be impacted by my absence in any way aside from the pinned moderator posts becoming probably much more boring.

Fun fact: I was originally brought on using a different username just to help the then-mod team by restructuring the rules to be less insane and to serve as a lightning rod for user ire. I did this by posting cute animals with scary titles. You all hated them!

In summary: I am leaving effective immediately this will not impact WPD in any way, the actual developer isn't going anywhere. A few new admins have been added and I think most of you like them a lot already. Nothing will change with day-to-day WPD as I was not actually responsible for any of that. The site you all inexplicably love will not be affected in any way by this.

I'll probably pop back in from time to time to post cute animals though.

Have a beautiful day :marseywave2:

Bye WPD.

Reported by:
  • farfromeverything : change our fellow wpd user to our incel wpd user
  • Guev : He isnt a fellow WPD user if he got banned!
  • makeachangekillyourself : farfromeverything you are fucking stupid bro don't say shit i don't wanna see your comments
  • Vaporeon : farfromeverything for real shut the fuck up no one cares if he had sex or not
EFFORTPOST One of our fellow WPD users 1dayUsuffer was caught by the feds for making threats to kill white people

I found out from a post by /u/neverstopthezerg. Say hi if you are reading this. Also say hi if you're a fed reading this, I guess.

Name is @1dayUsuffer, or Joshua Cobb

He was a black ex-Marine who was was arrested on Friday, May 10, 2024 for making threats to kill white people. The charge was "transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce", punishable by a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. He fantasized about shooting up a gym, a supermarket, or a rich white area. He felt a connection to Nikolas Cruz and liked the "element of surprise and style" of the 2022 Buffalo shooting (even though Payton Gendron targeted black people).

He made his WPD account on February 22, 2023 and made posts from February 23, 2023 to June 7, 2023. (I do not know if there are deleted or removed comments from later dates.) His last voting activity was on January 6, 2024.

Announcement (

:marseypdf: This is the criminal complaint PDF. They did not mention WPD or Reddit by name.

On December 17, 2022, he apparently made a post on Reddit under the username /u/NearbyUser101 stating the following. I could not find the post.

I want to cause mayhem on the white community. The reason i specifically want to target white people is because as a black male, they will NEVER understand my struggles. Same way I will never understand their struggles, but I don't care to. I want to erase them. All of them really, but in this case as many as I possibly can. As of today I have officially began planning my attack. It is going to take place in 2023 in the state of New Jersey, I have not chosen a exact date but I am going to be sure it is close to an important holiday to their race. I have a location in mind already which I have frequented for the past year and I am certain nobody there is armed to be able to stop me from spraying them to the ground. I have already acquired 2 of the 4 firearms I plan to use for my attack, and I also know my entry and exit points already after the mayhem.

This is his WPD bio. "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"

𝕻𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖕𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖑 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝖌𝖚𝖓.

Discord: 1DayUSuffer#9611

WPD posts

Some of his WPD posts include:

WPD comments

Just read the bold parts if it's too much text.

Some of his comments include:

#958064 No expectations buddy. I'm just leaving evidence for whoever investigates my case.


Yeah, I know, creating this post is probably exactly what he would've wanted.

#957987 What is help going to do for me? And the person who is going to “help” me is only doing it because they are getting paid man. Its all a fucking facade. They dont really care. Lets be real man. Tbh I hope I do progress into a serial killer because I fucking hate life man. I did not ask for this shit. This shit hurts so fucking bad man. Every time I go on social media all I see is other kids my age on fucking boats and jetskis surrounded by drunk hot girls and just having all kinds of fun and then theres me…… doomed to fucking bullshit. Why is life so fucking unfair I hate this shit so much man…. But one day everyone will suffer. I promise I will make everyone feel my fucking pain. My deep, sincere, raw, & sharp pain.

#957994 Fuck those animals. My favorite weapon to kill them with is my crossbow. I use broadhead tips and send it straight to through their brains. Last cat I got I hit him/her right in the eye and that shit was on the floor. Very bloody scene and I loved it. I dont take pictures with my phone but the images remain in my brain.

He hated cats. :marseydead: He wrote about it in more detail here.

#958286 Bro just because you're idea of a happy ending mignt be going too college and slaving away in a cubicle for eternity & getting married doesnt mean its @1dayUsuffer's as well. There is a massive epidemic going on right now. Nobody wahts too acknowledge that us young men in America have so many obstacles stacked against us we cannot excel no matter how hard we try. Especially those like myself who are BLACK & come from poverty. There is no way out for me.

The only way out is bloodshed. Thats success in @1dayUsuffer's eyes.

Furry rights are human rights.

#626107 Ahhh cmon, imagine the rush you'd feel while shooting some shit up. Probably could get literally high off the adrenaline alone. I'd probably OD on my own adrenaline after the 10th body goes down.

#624190 I bet a lot of people said the same thing about these guys that go and kill people like this...THey probably got tired of people like you saying what they will or wont do... and calling them retards... It makes sense why they get tired of being doubted and talked to any kind of way so they go blow fucking brains apart.

And also, just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it cringe. Fuck out of here with that dumb ass word this edit is dope. Nothing better than watching people die to some sick tunes.

And I really don't get why you are so bothered by people who wish to idolize school shooters. If that's what someone likes, let them like that.. Why does it concern you so much? Are you afraid one day that person might end up shooting you apart into legit pieces one day? Why is it ok for someone to idolize Michael Jordan or Lebron James but not Nicholas Cruz or Payton Gendron? Sounds like a lot of fear to me...

#625258 I'm defending them because I feel their same pain every waking day of my life... I know exactly what it feels like to be constantly fucked with by people all your life, I know what it's like to be the "outsider" or "loner" as some might say. This world we inhabit is a cold and very dark place for some of us and people make it no better because they love to treat you like a fucking outcast until you become one of these so-called "freaks", & blow their heads apart.

And I kind of agree with you on the second part though, if someone is so miserable to that point they should just kill themselves, but at the same time, if most of your anger is toward humanity and its treatment of you, why not steal a couple of souls before you pull the trigger on yourself? Fruit for thought.

His opinion on idolizing mass shooters.

#957903 1: Yes

2: No documented history but I definitely have problems but I refuse to get evaluated because I will lose my firearms license here in America. Not to mention, pretty much every single person in my family tree clearly shows signs of multiple different mental illnesses & I had 3 aunts who were diagnosed Schizophrenics, so do as you will with that information.

3: That and the adrenaline rush is nice because I'm a depressed lonely piece of shit loser with nothing to live for so watching people get fucking MERKED gives me some excitement.

4: 100% someday. Just not yet though, I want to continue training and buying more ammunition.

I don't know what the questions were because the post was deleted. I'm guessing the 4th question was something along the lines of "Would you ever harm/kill someone else?".

These are screenshots from the Reddit post.

Fed #626099, Cat #947276, LGBTQ #943169, Life #947262, Family #958270

Phone Notes

Here are two notes from his phone. Italic words are ones I could not make out from the PDF.

First note (March 16, 2023)

Life is nothing.

and it is meaningless. I fucking hate all of you soft ass fucking people. You all are so fucking fake. You all try to play the part and confide to this stupid ass game. Who can be the fakest? I see it all day long. Fake interactions people putting on their fake happy voices when they know deep inside they are screaming.... Why not be true and let the scream out? Why hide it? It's all a fucking game and you all are going to die. I currently lack the means necessary to kill as many as I intend to but one day I will have the available resources (finance) to purchase the appropriate weaponry for my killing(s).

All my life I have been doubyed… Ive been taken as the joke… ive been fucked around with… well now its my turn. I am going to kill one of you motheruckers I fucking hate humanity. All of you fucking duck and I don't give a single fuck about any of you though I may appear I do. People ACT like they care for you. All of their care is conditional. The moment you do one thing against their conditions they no longer care... so the question becomes. did they care in the first place? Here Ill answer that for you. NO.

Its all fucking fake and I am sick of it. Im ready to grt to the good part of my story where I start taking you mother fuckers out and killing you all… My rampage will soon happen… I plan to now continue accumulating the necessary equipment needed to execute. Once all equipment is in, time will then tell. You will all die.

Second note (March 20, 2023)

For all of my life, all that I can remember I've been the outcast..Ive been ignored. Ive been left out. Ive been forgotten. Ive been excluded.

As of recent I have began to accept this dark reality for myself.

Nobody wants or appreciates my company. And that is okay with me. I will want and appreciate my own company.

I no longer seek the companionships of other humans. There comes a point where you realize you just literally do not matter to other(certain) people. I hate all of this shit and I feel like my only way out of the pain and suffering is by exploding. So I await… I await that moment so I can make those moments final. For whomever… myself or a victim.

Other social media

Here are some random videos I downloaded from his TikTok.

All of the videos are from May 2022, except the night walk video (December 2021), the opinions video (February 2022), and the Marine video (May 2024).

Links: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5, Video 6, Video 7, Video 8

:marseymegaphone: :marseypaperbag: On Coin Farming, WPD Presents: The Hall of Shame! :marseyconeofshame: :marseybooing:

Hello everyone, it's the janitors here at WPD who would like to remind you to participate in good faith and please do not try to abuse the upvoting/downvoting systems to farm/generate coins!

While participation/voting is appreciated and encouraged, coin farming/spamming upvotes/downvotes to generate coins is not allowed. Yes, you can be permabanned for doing this.

The following users were all identified to be overtly abusing our merit system in order to gain or give coins via mass voting each others irrelevant history of posts and comments. For brevity we have chosen to punish only those who have demonstrated in the ball park of 1000 or more fraudulent appearing upvotes (aka 4000 coins since each vote = 4 coins!) As for anyone else who has been doing it, we know, so stop or you'll end up like them or worse.

As for their punishment, rather than ban so many prominent users, we have opted for humiliation followed by rehabilitation moving forward. They have all been given chud awards for the length with value equal to the amount of fraudulent coins generated, along with locked flair for the duration of their sentence. 1k = 1 day of chudding, thus, the more they tried to abuse it, the longer their sentence. In addition, we've adjusted the coins of the worst offenders accordingly.

Thus without further ado, say hello to The WPD Hall of Shame! Ranked by the approximate amount of coins received and/or generated from coin farming:

@Hell0Hell1 - Received+Generated ~125k

@LittleStickGuy - Received 50k

@hawtdoq - Received+Generated 40k

@harassment - Received+Generated 30k

@GnipGnarp - Generated 25k

@Guev - Received+Generated 20k

@Quejo633 - Generated 20k

@Chuckles98 - Generated 20k

@SubaruXO - Received+Generated 15k

@Emu_Otorii - Received+Generated 10k

@MsShadowist - Received+Generated 10k

@IIlIIIlIIIIIIllIIlIIIlIII - Received 10k

@Haupti - Received+Generated 8k

@ShadowNyx - Received+Generated 8k

@Low_Poly_Umbreon - Received+Generated 8k

@blepp - Received 5k

@Prophetic_Graphite - Received 5k

@makeachangekillyourself - Generated 5k

@swagmanswagman - Generated 4k

@Intel - Received+Generated 4k

@Camelpunch - Generated 4k

As stated before, this post is intended to clarify the issue moving forward. For anyone else out there who is also guilty of cheating at WPD monopoly money, this is our plea and your last warning.

Forward all complains about our process to our designated garbage boys for appropriate processing: @CursedDANKmemes, @Repost_Killing_Bot, and @kittygurl. :marseyrecycling:

THIS IS ONLY FOR PUBLIC CHAT! Poll: what do you think about allowing porn/nudity in the public chat ONLY?

--> This is only for public chat! Not the site as a whole! <--

Porn and nudity, outside of it pertaining to relevant site content, would still remain disallowed on the site. This poll is only asking if porn should be allowed in the public chat everyone can access at 100 true score. Note: porn is already allowed in private chats and DMs. There would be some exceptions such as scat porn and birthing vids. If you feel there should be other exceptions please make them known in the comments. The no spam rule will remain in place. No sexualization of children will remain in place (no loli porn/nudity).

This poll does not necessarily mean the change will be made if everyone votes yes, nor does it guarantee it won't happen even if "no" wins. There has been a lot of discussion on the matter. Once upon a time porn was allowed in chat, but people spammed scat porn and birthing vids so it was voted by the jannies of the time to disallow porn. As time has gone on opinion has changed a little, and we may want to bring it back (minus the scat and stuff). So this poll is to see if the community even wants it, or if you like the public chat being "clean".

Not everything in here is final. If it is decided to go forward with this, more discussion would be made about the finer details such as what exactly would not be allowed.

Selfharm/cutters/scratchers/attention seekers genocide meme celebration thread :marseyattentionseeker: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseyparty: :marseyparty: :marseyparty:

Coming out of retirement to celebrate with you guys


/h/selfharm is no more

Stop cutting yourselves cute twinks, go back to twitter/tiktok/reddit

:marseycut#: :marseyattentionseeker#: :marseycutwrist#: :marseyselfharm#:

:marseycutgenocide#: :marseyattentionseekergenocide#: :marseycutwristgenocide#: :marseyselfharmgenocide#:

:#marseylaughpoundfist: :#marseyxd: :#marseylaugh: :#marseyemojirofl: :#marseylaughwith: :#marseyrofl: :#marseygiggle: :#marseyemojilaughupset: :#marseyuaresuck: :#marseykekw: :#marseylulz: :#bitchplease: :#mysides: :#marseygiggle: :#marseylaugh2: :marseyemojirofl#: :#mjlol: :#taylaugh:

EFFORTPOST Introducing... WPDmap!


Anyways, me, @sog, @Slavo, and @water have been working on a map. A map, of DEATH! :marseyexcited:

Here's the gist: each flair gets its own symbol and color. The pin indicates where the video took place. The square pins are the general location (usually the street/neighborhood), the upside-down droplets are exact.

To search for a specific video without panning through the map, all you need to know is either the country or date in which it happened (date is more specific, so go with that if you can). On the left-hand side is an icon that looks like three square tiles, click it and then hit "Browse data" to enter search. Just type in the country name or the month + year when it happened, and you'll be able to quickly find your video. To get the coordinates, zoom in as much as you can and center your screen on the video you want. They'll be in the URL.

Hitting the three square tile icon also allows you to filter by category. Just hit the eye next to whichever categories you don't want to see to filter them out.

For each video, we've selected the highest-quality post out there to represent it. This means no retarded, unnecessary watermarks or blurry footage! :marseythumbsup: We also added thumbnails, but I think if a lot of you access the site at once, it overloads the system and they won't display. So they might be broken for the next day or two. Sorry about that!

Some notable spots with a very high density of videos include Ecuador, Poland, Trinidad & Tobago, NYC, and Chicago. And not only did I post a dashcam for every Russian territory, we geolocated them all as well.

NOTE: There's no "child warning" in any titles. If they're underage, we usually state the age in the title, but not always. Also no "+ aftermath", "multiple POVs", etc.


Q: Can you add [video] to the map?

A: If you've already geolocated it, yes! Otherwise, only if one of us feels like it.

Q: Can I help out?

A: If you're at least semi-active on this site and you're actually interested in this, yes! We obviously vet who gets let in but that's the basic requirements.

Q: Why do this?

A: We have severe autism. Not even memeing here, just the truth. It also allows us to collect the highest-quality versions of videos in one easily-accessible place, but mostly autism.

To close out, here's where a few famous videos took place!

Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation: Google Street View

The Buffalo shooting: Google Street View

Itzdolly's suicide: Google Street View (yes, that's the exact tree)

Bollard ass-impaling: Google Street View

Mississippi store clerk complies with robber, gets shot in the head anyways: Google Street View

Hellish accident at steel mill kills one and leaves several others severely burned by molten steel: Google Maps (technically not that famous but holy shit it goes so hard)

Voice your praise (and constructive criticisms) below. Our map is pretty (albeit not totally) customizable, so if you don't like something about the map, please do let us know below.

geeeeettttttt doxxed lmao #DoxTheDead



Reported by:
:rape::coomerface: Why tf is tihs even allowed

Ok so i keeep seeing rape in peoples bios and i want to k ow why the fuck they dmot get banned its so disrespectful and ufnair i want them all banend and three is also so mych racism on this site like wtf??

!!! WPD user poll demographics !!!

We hit 2 mill, i want to see demographics of this site again

Select everything that applies to you

Reported by:
  • pussynagr : suckle upon my shaft dawg
  • Vezerah : youre fucking cringe stop posting your shity twitlonger rants here idiot we dont care
  • Dickfart : it's not even a twitlonger you autist. vez has issues
  • Your_Fellow_Incel : No one really cares. :marseyshitforbrains:
  • Cfruners : I want you dead Clitpeeler

Post your suggestions and jannies will decide which ones to add. Thank you :marseysatisfied:

~50% of the userbase, summarized
Reported by:
Introducing three new low level admins!

To help combat the problem of reposting, we have brought on board three new people as level 1 admins to help with this and other small tasks like changing holes.




All three of them have shown themselves knowledgeable of the site rules and are regularly active on the site. Currently their roles are to remove reposts, change post holes, and aid in problem posting until a high level admin can deal with it properly. As such if there's something else that needs doing your best bet is still to use mod mail, as these three cannot ban people. Questions or concerns about the site, again use mod mail.

Donating to this website and paying by Crypto: could someone please :marseybeanpleading: write :marseychingchongnotes: a brief introduction about how we can learn :marseybowing: crypto?

Many of you may know that this website NEEDS :marseyspecial: your donations - because it receives no financial support from advertising.

If nobody donates - this website might shut down.

Up until a few weeks :marseysal: ago, we could donate to WPD using the payment :marseypaintermerchant: service :marseygreytide: Buy Me a Coffee.

Sadly, that is no longer possible.

The only way to donate now is using one of several types of crypto :marseywallst: currency.


I'd like to donate more to WPD, but I'm having a 'fun' time trying to learn :marseybowing: how to set up a crypto :marseywallst: wallet, etc, from scratch :marseyhandprint: - not ever having used crypto :marseywallst: before.

It would :marseywood: be super :marseylueshi: helpful :marseybikechainincident: if someone who knows how to make payments by crypto :marseywallst: could write :marseychudnotes: a brief post to summarize and simplify for us how to make a crypto :marseywallst: payment :marseycoin: to WPD.

Questions I have, and sorry, I don't know some of the terms, but just to make a few payments, do we need to use an Exchange? And I think :marseygigathonk: might be easy for me to pay into it directly from my bank account:

What do you think :marseyhyperthonk: about

Thank you in advance.




UPDATE: Just throwing :marseybreadcrumbing: a wild idea against the wall to see if it sticks: for those people who find learning crypto :marseywallst: a challenge, I wonder :marseyquestion: if in a few of the larger countries, or the EU as a whole - if it might be possible for us to use PayPal or electronic :marseyeff: bank transfer or wire transfer or something :marseysmugface: almost all of us have access :marsey403: to to transfer money :marseygeralt: to a trusted WPD member in our country :marseyukraineflag: - and that person :marseypussyhat: would :marseymid: then pass payment :marseycoin: to WPD (if that person :marseypussyhat: does Crypto).

I would :marseymid: guess :marseyshrug: this may have lots of challenges that might make it a no go completely.


Update: I created :marseyspaceghost2: a followup thread :marseystitch: - that summarizes a few things posted here:

Most stable modmail

why are you guys like this


Hi, you! Welcome to, this really cool site where you can go to watch people die. If you have any questions about how things work here, or suggestions on how to make them work better than they already do, feel free to Contact Us!

There's an enormously robust suite of fun features we have here and we're always looking for more to add. Way, way too many to go over in an automated welcome message. And you're probably here for the videos of people dying more than any sort of weird, paradoxical digital community aspect anyway, so we won't bore you with a tedious overview of them. Just head on over to your settings page and have a look at some of the basic profile stuff, at least. You can change your profile picture, username, flair, colors, banners, bio, profile anthem (autoplaying song on your page, like it's MySpace or some shit, hell yeah), CSS, all sorts of things.

There's a wide variety of categories (named "holes") for death content, gore content, and non-gore content alike. Want to know what they all are? Scroll down! You can also read the sidebar of each hole to find more information. Some key things to remember are that pet pictures go in /h/pets, not /h/animal, non-death videos belong in the gore holes like /h/gore or /h/social.

Or you can just go back to the main feed and carry on with watching people die! That's what the site is for, after all.



Posting DEATH? Use these holes!

/h/Accident - people dying in accidental ways or ways beyond their control. :marseyteehee:

/h/Animal - animal related deaths (NOT FOR PET PICTURES OR ANIMAL ABUSE). :marseyklennygore:

/h/Beating - people getting beaten to death by fists, weapons, even their own arms. :marseypunching:

/h/Beheading - barber school dropouts and where people who get beheaded go :marseyhead:

/h/Bladed - people who get stabbed, cut, or chopped to death. :marseybabykiller:

/h/Burning - people who burn to death! :marseywitch2::marseyburn:

/h/Cartel - people who die from the Cartels. ¡Los Pollos Hermanos! :marseycjng:

/h/Combat - where videos of people in the military or militaristic battles go, support the troops! :marseysalutearmy:

/h/Compilation - where compilations of deaths/gore go! Can include any category. :marseythumbsup:

/h/Disaster - people dying in floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, and any other natural disasters. :marseyplanet:

/h/Drowning - people who die from drowning. :marseydrowned:

/h/Electricity - people who get electrocuted. :electro:

/h/Execution - people who are executed, mainly those just shot in the head and left dead. :hanging2: :marseymugshot:

/h/Explosions - people who die in explosions. :marseyakbar:

/h/Falling - people falling to their deaths. (Different from /h/suicide as these people accidentally or get pushed to their deaths.) :marseysheercliff:

/h/historical - people killed on video before 1985, particularly war footage :marseymajorgeneral3:

/h/Industrial - people who die in factories and other areas of industrial activity. :marseybrainlet:

/h/ISIS - people killed by ISIS, inshallah. :marseyisis:

/h/Maiming - people whose deaths involve excessive harm and gore go. :marseytortured:

/h/Police - people getting killed by police or police getting killed by people :marseycop3:

/h/Shooting - people killed in shoot outs or who are just assassinated by gun. :marseydeterminedgun:

/h/Suicide - people dying by taking their own lives :marseygunshotsuicide:

/h/Vehicle - people dying in car crashes, planes, trucks, trains etc.! (basically any mechanized mode of transport) :marseysteer:

/h/Other - For all other misc. ways of people dying that don't quite fit :holdupjak:

Posting GORE? Use these holes!

/h/Aftermath - where people go after they're already dead, or found dead. :marseyazov:

/h/Fights - where people fight! No deaths, as this is just fighting. :slapfight:

/h/Gore - where bloody wounds or random gore go. :marseybloodpuddle:

/h/injury - where people get hurt, but not serious enough to be in /h/gore :marseynosebleed2:

/h/Medical - where any medical gore, surgeries, wounds, or procedures go. :marseydoctor:

/h/Request - where you can request a video. :marseyhelp:

/h/SelfHarm - no longer exists as we don't want minor or bladed self harm content anywhere! :gtfo:

** (Please note: WPD is NOT for Glorifying/Romanticizing self-harm! Especially your OWN! Seek attention elsewhere because doing this will get you banned!)

Posting NON-DEATH/NON-GORE? Use these holes!

/h/Announcements - where site announcements about new features and things are usually put :marseymegaphonehappy:

/h/Art - where any content you personally draw/paint/etc. goes :marseydrawing1:

/h/Discussion - where you can hold discussions and talk. :marseypop2:

/h/Entertainment - for discussion about popular entertainment like video games, movies, books, sports, etc. :marseyderanged:

/h/Meta - for anything that relates to the site itself (features, updates, etc) :marseymoreyouknow:

/h/Music - where you can post music. :marseyvibing:

/h/Pets - pictures of pets. :marseyfluffy:

/h/Social - where you can post memes, videos, or anything within the site's rules that isn't gore. :marseytwirl:


/h/Slavshit - videos about the Ukraine vs Russian conflict. :marseyflagukraine:

/h/Sandshit - videos about the Current Palestine vs Israel conflict. :parrotisrael:

Anyway, in closing, WPD is entirely open source. We don't really need new full-time coders or anything, but if you'd like to take a look at our repo - or even submit a PR to change, fix, or add some things - go right ahead! Our codebase lives at

Well, that's all. Thanks again for signing up. This is a canned message and all, but we really do mean that. Thank you, specifically. We love you. Romantically. Deeply. Passionately.

Have fun!

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