EFFORTPOST Nightmare Fuel - Myiasis - WPD EXCLUSIVE - Multiple videos + hidden Marsey giveaway

Maggots are fucking gross they make my stomach turn, I'd rather piss shards of broken glass than to be infested with maggots.... Myiasis is the subject of the first installment of a new project im working on called 'Nightmare Fuel'.

We will see how this one goes and if people like it I'll make more, if people don't like then I wont.

maggot gif

heres some more videos of people infested with maggots

Case reports

41 years old female resident in Brazil, with history of psychiatric disorders, who lived with her 73 year old father and her husband, a known alcoholic with history of physical violence to both father-in-law and wife.

She suffered a knife injury to the 2nd finger of the left hand, and was not able to seek immediate medical care; instead a handkerchief was used to control the bleeding and cover the wound. Six months after, neighbours were warned by a strong odour emitting from the finger, and took the patient to seek medical care.

She was presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with a large area of finger necrosis and amputation, associated with cellulitis extending from the finger's base to the hand; at naked eye, one could observe the live larvae infesting the healthy tissue in drilled pocket-like holes under the skin (Fig. 1). In face of such an advanced lesion, asphyxiation or pharmacologic treatment alone would not suffice, and prompt treatment was conducted – broad-spectrum antibiotics and tetanic prophylaxis were initiated, and she was submitted to extended surgical resection (metacarpophalangeal disarticulation) and mechanical removal of 132 live larvae. Entomological study (morphological study) determined it to be Cochliomyia hominivorax (Diptera: Calliphoridae) – New World Screworm (NWS) – larvae. Besides infestation treatment, the socio-economic problems were identified and conducted to the proper social services.

A 52-year-old man presented with bilateral foot pain worsening on the left preventing him from ambulating. He recalled developing frostbite of all ten toes 4-5 months prior to admission, when at that time, he was admitted to a local hospital and underwent right transmetatarsal amputation but did not follow-up with his wound care. The patient was homeless and dwelled in shelters and abandoned houses. He reported developing erythema, tenderness and swelling of his left foot; however, he did not seek medical attention because he otherwise felt “ok.” He reported seeing maggots on the left foot but stated that “the maggots are fine, they are cleaning it out.” He denied fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or lightheadedness. On physical examination, the patient's vital signs were normal except for mild tachycardia, which immediately resolved with one bolus of intravenous normal saline. His left foot (Figures 1 and 2) revealed severe skin ulceration extending to the mid-foot, exposing all phalangeal bones, and many colonies of maggots. There was surrounding erythema, swelling, tenderness and malodor, but otherwise clean margins with no necrotic tissue or purulence. Left peripheral pulses were normal at the dorsal pedis. Laboratory tests revealed no leukocytosis, lactic acidosis, and negative serial blood cultures. Imaging revealed acute on chronic osteomyelitis of left foot. The patient underwent an uncomplicated left below knee amputation and revision of previous right transmetatarsal amputation. He was discharged to rehabilitation but has not adhered to outpatient wound follow-up.

An 80 years-old female patient was brought to Accident & Emergency Department of a hospital in southern Poland by ambulance, presenting with a large ulcerative lesion covering most of the right side of her face and the nose. The wound was approximately 15x12 cm and encompassed the right eye socket with missing eye bulb; one could see moving maggots surrounded by liquefied tissues. The patient was in poor general status, not able to move and with very little mental contact, severely dehydrated with yellowish skin colour and visibly malnourished and hygienically neglected

The patient was found by accident during a police intervention in a flat inhabited by her alcoholic son. By accounts of her son, she was recently bedridden and an ulcerating lesion on her face was possibly noted many months before. There was no medical care sought and the sanitary conditions in the living quarters were very poor.

A 60-year-old male, smoker, and alcoholic patient with OSCC, who refused initial cancer treatment and sought hospital care with an extensive facial lesion and approximately 150 larvae in the extraoral region. The treatment was given through the administration of 6 mg of Ivermectin associated with the surgical removal of the larvae. Subsequently, palliative chemotherapy began.

44-year-old man diagnosed with invasive oral squamous cell carcinoma. The treatment consisted of manual removal of the larvae and cleaning with aqueous chlorhexidin. The patient's management was antisepsis, larval removal, and general care, performed weekly. The patient died 2 months later.

After a minor motor vehicle accident, police brought a 75-year-old man to the emergency room because he was observed to have a large cranial lesion. Examination revealed a 15 x 17 cm frontal bone defect with eroded frontal dura, exposed cortex, and massive cortical maggot infestation.

The patient was empirically treated with intravenous antibiotics for meningitis. Maggots (Phaenicia sericata, or the green bottle fly) were removed by suction, attrition, and gentle contact exposure to a mild bleach solution. Biopsy of the scalp and cranium revealed angiosarcoma, for which operative treatment was refused. The patient was transferred to a skilled nursing facility for palliative care where he died 3 months later.

43-year old homeless alcoholic male had gangrene of the scrotum and penis, urethro-cutaneous urinary fistula with numerous live and motile larvae on the surfaces. In both patients, some larvae were removed and sent to the lab for identification. The larvae were identified as maggots of the fly Luciliasericata. Antibiotic therapy, disinfection, and debridement with sterile covering of the wound were used. RESULTS For both patients, complex treatment of myiasis was successful, and patient recovered without parasitic consequences

Patient 73 years old, born in São Paulo. He reported an ulcerated lesion on the penis for eight months with progression in size during the period and also local pain and left inguinal nodulation. The main comorbidities were diabetes mellitus, hypertension, varicose ulcers in both lower limbs and obesity. There was no family history of neoplastic disease. The patient underwent incisional biopsy of the penile lesion. The diagnosis was invasive squamous cell carcinoma

After chest X-ray and computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis, he was clinically staged as EcT2cN2M0. The proposal was partial amputation of the penis. While the patient waited to be called for surgery, he presented himself at the emergency room, with local bleeding and larvae emerging from the lesion. On the same date, he underwent treatment of penile squamous cell carcinoma and myiasis through partial penectomy

The anatomopathological report showed a squamous cell carcinoma of 6.0 × 4.4 × 3.3 cm, moderately differentiated infiltrating the glans, foreskin and balanoprepucial groove. Absence of infiltration of the cavernous and spongy body. There were free surgical margins. He evolved without dehiscence or infection of the postoperative wound, being discharged on the second postoperative day and receiving an outpatient orientation after antimicrobial treatment with clindamycin for ten days for scheduling bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy

a 67-year-old homeless woman with hearing impairment who is living in extremely poor sanitary conditions and was taken by a friend to the gynecology service of a public hospital from Cali, Colombia. The patient presented with a clinical picture of undetermined onset, consisting of ulcerated lesions in the vulvar region, tenderness, and multiple larvae coming out of her vagina (Figure 1). Obstetric and gynecologic history was unknown. On physical examination, she had an edematous vulva, with multiple live maggots in the vulvar vestibule. After initial extraction of maggots, necrotic tissue, edema, friable tissue, and erythema was evident in the vulvar region and introitus.

She was admitted to the hospital for management and for investigation. She was initially evaluated by the gynecology team, and direct examination revealed multiple larvae in the vulvar vestibule and introitus. She was also evaluated by a multidisciplinary team, including clinical nutrition and psychiatry and was tested for other infections. During her stay, she was diagnosed with HIV, syphilis, and schizophrenia.

Although several larvae were extracted, no specimen was sent for larval species identification. Identifying the species may not change the treatment but is important to understand the epidemiology of local urogenital myiasis. It has been recommended that at least one maggot should be sent to the laboratory for identification of the species for epidemiologic purposes

An 85-year-old female patient was admitted to the Department of Ophthalmology, Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, with the complaint of a wound in her right eye for over 1 year. Larvae had been in the same eye for 1 week. The patient had a history of an acne-like lesion for 7 years in her lower eyelid, which had been excised 2 years previously in another clinic. One year after excision it had recurred in the same region. Despite all our attempts, we could not obtain the documents on the patient's initial surgery.

The clinical examination showed no light perception in her right eye; the eyelid was thickened and there was a necrotic, loose tissue lesion 3×4 cm in diameter, invading inferiorly into the upper side of the maxilla, superiorly to the roof of the orbita, medially to the lateral part of the nose, and laterally to the ossa zygomatica (Figure 1).The conjunctiva was hyperemic, the cornea was cloudy, the iris was normal, pupils were normal, and light responses were absent. There was a cataract in the lens of the right eye and the fundus could not be examined.

Light-sensitive and motile larvae were detected in the lesion. With forceps, 71 larvae were extracted from the lesion within 48 hours (Figure 2). The larvae had 12 segments and were 8–15 mm in length. By parasitological examination, it was determined that the larvae were in the third developmental phase of Hypoderma bovis, a member of the Oestridae family.

Visual acuity in the patient's left eye was 2/200 and intraocular pressure was 15 mm Hg. Anterior segment findings were normal except for an inferiorly dislocated lens with cataract. By ultrasound, both globes were evaluated as normal. A 3×4 cm-diameter solid mass with heterogeneous density filled the right maxillary sinus, and superiorly reached the nasal bone and medial rectus muscle. The impaired bone structure in the right eye was detected by computed tomography (CT). No escaped larvae were detected in the CT scan. The ocular bulbus, retrobulbar space, extraocular muscles and optic nerve were normal in the left eye. No intracranial invasion was found by CT. No metastasis was detected in other examinations.

Orbital exenteration, total maxillectomy and graft repair were conducted in the right eye. Pathological examination confirmed basal cell carcinoma. During the six-month period of follow-up, orbital tomography and clinical examinations were performed, and the patient was examined and evaluated for recurrence and metastasis.


Witch By The Sea by Darren-Curtis |

Music promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

Flesh And Bones by BatchBug |

Music promoted by

Dark Trap | DARKNESS by Alex-Productions |

Music promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

BLACK FLY by Audionautix |

Music promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Like Tears in the Rain by Adam Matejko |

Music promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

Demons Call by BatchBug | promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)


There is a HIDDEN Marsey somewhere in the video, the first user to posts a screen shot of the hidden Marsey in the comments will win 1,000 Mbux..

If the winner is also a member of

!Memento_mori or a follower I'll double the prize and give them 2,000.

if the winner is a member and a follower I'll give them 3,000 Mbux!

Note: the marsey at the end of the video is NOT the hidden Marsey

Now there is more to find and more to win!

Along with Marsey I've add 5 more hidden WPD related things for you to find each one will be worth 500 coins or mbux (which ever I have at the time) and each prize will be increased to 750 if the winner is a !Memento_mori member and to 1000 if the winner is also a follower!

the 5 new characters to look for are in the pictur below.




IS-CP (Islamic State Compton Province) was a terrorist cell operating inside of the Californian city of Compton. It was formed by a Compton street gang comprised of mainly Turkish and Bosnian immigrants. The gang pledged allegiance to ISIS in 2016 and mainly targeted Shiites and Jews. The boy in the video, Hasan Ali was a Turkish Shi'ite immigrant who was targeted by Compton for his posts online. The terror cell was disbanded after a police raid on many of the members homes in late 2016.

edit from zaccaria




Indian medicine: drag them around the floor and forcefully try to stand them up with zero considerations of their wellbeing.

Works every time (no it doesn't).

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST (Child Warning) A Collection of rare Human Anatomic Specimens - Pickled Punks - WPD EXCLUSIVE + giveaway

Video info and credits

The specimens seen in this video are all apart of the Naguib Pasha Mahfouz collection which are housed at the Naguib Pasha Mahfouz museum in Egypt. These are the first specimens in this collection to be digitally photographed and uploaded to the internet as part of what is going to be the museum's digital platform & venue once finished.


The title and artist of the song in the beginning is unknown to me.

Lair by Lucas King

Demons call by BatchBug

sound mixed and edited by Rainonthescarecrow

Embryonic and Fetus Anatomical Fluid-Preserved Specimens

Other terms used:

Wet Specimens

Fetal Specimens

Miscarriage Specimens

Stillborn Specimens

Pickled Punks (Carney and sideshow term)


Medical study, and research

Public education

Carnival/Sideshow/Freakshow Exhibits


Embryonic and Fetus Specimens were instrumental to our understanding of early life development, pregnancy, and child birth.

Were vital to the development of the medical fields of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

The knowledge gained from studying these specimens has led to treatments, procedures, and extremely important insights that have saved countless lives.

About Naguib Pasha Mahfouz

Professor Mahfouz is looked upon as the father of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Egypt. He was the first professor of the speciality in Egypt and the Middle East. He established the first midwifery school in Egypt. His book on obstetrics “The Art of Midwifery and Obstetrics” remains a classic until this day. He established the first clinic for the neonates in Cairo in 1927 and the government adopted the scheme nationwide after the success of the first clinic.

Naguib Mahfouz qualified in 1902. He volunteered to work in a town in Asyiut, where an epidemic of cholera had just broken out. He traced the source of infection to a polluted water well that supplied most of the town with water. After condemning the well, the epidemic came to an end. He set his heart on specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology. He had his personal reasons because his own delivery was a complex one as his mother was in obstructed labour for three days. He was recommended by the British General Health Manager of Egypt to join Qasr el Eini Medical School where he was appointed assistant surgeon. He then established the first outpatient gynaecological clinic in Egypt. It proved to be very popular. The medical school appointed him as the first professor of obstetrics and gynaecology in the country.

He pioneered surgery of gynaecologic fistulae, his work on fistulae remains a standard operative technique until this day. A copy of his book, “Mahfouz Atlas Of Gynaecology and Obstetrics” is kept in the library of The Royal of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in London.

He established the first pathology museum in gynaecology which was highly commended by the President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of the day.

The Nobel prize winner Nagib Mahfouz the writer was named after Professor Mahfouz.

A freezing day on 5 January 1882. “I was born in a state of white asphyxia, the worst form of foetal distress. I was breathless when I was born and did not meet life with screams as most babies do. The midwife and doctor who attended my mother took me for dead. I was placed, together with the placenta, in a copper tray near an open window. My family was told that I was stillborn. Half an hour later my aunt Hana whispered to the midwife that she noticed that the baby was breathing feebly every few minutes whereupon the midwife wrapped me up, cut the cord, and did what she could to resuscitate me.”

From such a precarious start to life, Naguib Mahfouz went on to become the first Egyptian professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Kasr-El-Aini Hospital, a post he occupied until he retired in 1947. Among his many achievements, his research into surgical techniques of fistula repair made him world famous. He was a prolific author on a wide variety of subjects including urinary and faecal fistulas, fibroids, ectopic pregnancy, ovarian tumours, pelvic infections, and endometriosis.

The Mahfouz museum at Kasr-El-Aini Hospital, which he founded at his own expense, contains a unique collection of obstetric and gynaecological specimens. His magnum opus, the Atlas of Mahfouz's Obstetrics and Gynaecological Museum (John Sherratt, 1949), was described by the then president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Sir Eardley Holland, as “no doubt the best book that has appeared in obstetrics and gynaecology.” Mahfouz became a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and the Royal Society of Medicine.

In his autobiography (The Life of an Egyptian Doctor, Livingstone, 1966) Mahfouz tells why he specialised in obstetrics and gynaecology: “One day . . . Dr Shoukry . . . asked me to help him in a difficult case of labour. I went with him to his clinic and there found on the operating table a lady whom they had tried, unsuccessfully, to deliver with forceps without anaesthesia. For two hours Dr Shoukry tried, unsuccessfully, to deliver the head with forceps but it would not come down. He then asked me to change places with him and try to do a podalic version and bring down a foot as my hand and arm were thinner than his. I declined saying that I had no experience whatsoever in deliveries. Dr Shoukry tried to pull down a foot and it took him a whole hour before he succeeded. He and his assistant were able to deliver the body of the foetus up to the shoulders only but the head would not come down. They went on pulling the shoulders until the body of the foetus was severed from the head. I suggested taking the patient to the Government hospital or else calling an obstetric surgeon into consultation. They replied that among all the Egyptian and foreign doctors in Alexandria there was not one who was an Obstetrician. In the morning . . . I was told that she (the patient) had died during the night with the baby's head still in her uterus. . . . It was then that I resolved to do everything in my power to study obstetrics and gynaecology and to dedicate my life to help women suffering from difficult labour.”

Naguib Mahfouz was initially assigned to the Cairo railway station to examine suspected cholera patients coming from Upper Egypt. Not a man who would shy away from the call of duty, Mahfouz paid a visit to the Health Department Director General and demanded to be sent to Mousha, a village in Upper Egypt near Assiut which was particularly hard-hit by the deadly disease and where a doctor had just succumbed to the same disease he had been sent to fight. A bewildered Director General could only agree to his request. In Mousha, Young Mahfouz traced the cholera deaths to an infected well in a farmer's house. Within a week of the discovery of the well, the Mousha cholera epidemic had come to an end. It is ironic that a nineteen-year-old medical student succeeded where a body of the ablest and most experienced British Public Health Department experts had failed. Mahfouz subsequently had similar success in fighting cholera in each of Deirout in Upper Egypt and Alexandria.

Naguib Mahfouz qualified as a doctor in December 1902 coming top of his year. In 1904 and after a two-year spell at Suez hospital, he was appointed as an anaesthetist at Kasr El Aini hospital. As there was no such thing as a department of obstetrics or gynaecology at Kasr El Aini hospital, Mahfouz started a weekly gynaecological outpatient clinic. This turned out to be such a success that two whole wards were soon dedicated to obstetrical and gynaecological patients. This is how the first department of obstetrics and gynaecology in Egypt came into existence. Much of the experience that Mahfouz acquired in dealing with difficult labour came from an agreement that he had struck with the medical officers who delivered women at home. Whenever these were faced with a difficult labour, they would call him into attendance. For his part, he would attend to the patient's house and help them deal with the most complicated cases at no fee whatsoever for himself. During the subsequent fifteen years, Mahfouz attended about two thousand women with difficult labour in their own homes. During this time, he recalls sleeping no more than two nights a week in the comfort of his own home. One of the children that Naguib Mahfouz delivered, after a difficult labour, was named after him in 1911. This child later became the Laureate of the Nobel prize in literature, the famous novelist Naguib Mahfouz.

Naguib Mahfouz was appointed as Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Kasr El Aini Medical School in January 1929, a post he occupied until he reached the age of retirement in January 1942. His term of service at Kasr El Aini was extended by five years at the unanimous request of his colleagues at the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Mahfouz was also obstetrician and gynaecologist to the Egyptian Royal Family. His pioneering work on the surgical repair of urinary and faecal fistulae brought him and Kasr El Aini hospital international acclaim. Such was his reputation that the leading lights in his speciality came all the way to Egypt to watch him repair fistulae at Kasr El Aini and the Coptic Hospitals. Such was his fame and international acclaim that he was invited to lecture and show films of his operations at the Universities of London, Oxford, Edinburgh, Geneva and Lausanne, to name a few.

A great handicap to Naguib Mahfouz's work was the absence of a maternity unit at Kasr El Aini hospital. Thanks to his efforts and unrelenting campaigning, the first maternity centre in Egypt came into existence at Kasr El Aini. Mahfouz reorganised the School of Nursing and Midwifery and taught general nursing and midwifery to its pupils for over thirty years. No less than one thousand midwives graduated under him. His two books on nursing and midwifery were used by the students for many years. In 1919, he started a pioneering scheme whereby midwives, trained to the highest standards by himself, were allowed to deliver women in their own homes. It is interesting to note that a similar scheme was only started a year later in England. In 1919, Mahfouz introduced, for the first time in Egypt, antenatal clinics at the Kasr El Aini maternity hospital as well as in the centres that he had opened in Cairo's deprived areas. Following this, he established a child welfare section at Kasr El Aini hospital, the first of its kind in Egypt. Many mother and child welfare centres were then built throughout the country.

The Collection

By 1930, Naguib Mahfouz had managed to collect three thousand of the rarest specimens in obstetrics and gynaecology obtained from his operations. That same year, he offered the museum which housed them and which was named after him, as a gift to the Kasr El Aini Medical School. The Naguib Mahfouz Museum of Obstetrics and Gynaecology still exists to date at Kasr El Aini Medical School. In 1945, the museum was described by the then President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of England, Sir Eardley Holland, as “a remarkable collection” and ” a wonderful monument to the name of its founder”. Mahfouz provided specimens to the museums of each of the universities of Ein Shams, Alexandria, Assiut and Khartoum.



There is a HIDDEN Marsey somewhere in the video, the first user to posts a screen shot of the hidden Marsey in the comments will win 1,000 Mbux..

If the winner is also a member of

!Memento_mori or a follower I'll double the prize and give them 2,000.

if the winner is a member and a follower I'll give them 3,000 Mbux!

Note: the marsey at the end of the video is NOT the hidden Marsey


A dead boy with his intestines visible. Date unspecified.

The naked corpse of American aspiring actress and murder victim Elizabeth Short, known as the "Black Dahlia," lying in a vacant lot in Los Angeles. 1947.The body of 22-year-old Short was found mutilated and dismembered, in January 15, 1947 in Los Angeles. Despite

an investigation with 150 suspects, no one was ever arrested and the murder of Elizabeth Short remains a cold case.

Newspaper photographer Arthur Fellig, better known as Weegee, examines a body stuffed into a trunk and deposited on a patch of waste ground in New York. Circa 1945.

A New York police officer takes a peek at a dead body covered with newspapers. 1943.

Mafia kingpin Joe Masseria holds the ace of spades, "the death card," in his hand following his murder on the orders of infamous gangster Charles "Lucky" Luciano in a Coney Island restaurant. 1931.

The body of Earl "Hymie" Weiss, leader of Chicago's North Side Gang. He was killed when Al Capone's men opened fire with a submachine gun on him and his associates while they were visiting a courthouse where an ally of his was on trial. 1926.

The dead body of Al Capone associate Charles "Cherry Nose" Gioe, who was shot through the head by mafia hitmen hired by a Chicago mob boss whose plans Gioe had unknowingly interfered with. 1954.

The body of mobster Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, who was killed by an unknown assailant who shot him through a window with an M1 Carbine while he was staying at an associate's house in Beverly Hills. 1947.

The burnt body of gangster Irving Feinstein, who was set on fire by Murder Inc. killers Harry Strauss and Martin Goldstein and left exposed in a lot in New York City. 1938.

The dead body of Joseph Rosen, a candy shop owner who was killed by Murder Inc. leader Louis "Lepke" Buchalter in his own store in Brooklyn. 1936.

The dead body of Andrew Borden, father of Lizzie Borden, in his house in Fall River, Mass. 1892

Weegee photographs a human head at the scene of a murder. Circa 1945.

Murdered gangster David Beadle, also known as "David the Beetle," in front of The Spot Bar and Grill in Manhattan. 1939.

The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre, in which seven members of the North Side Gang were trapped in a garage, lined up against the wall, and shot to death by members of Al Capone's rival gang during a power struggle for control of Chicago. 1929.

Two police officers with a dead body in a New York apartment stairwell. 1957.

Close-up of a corpse's battered and bloodied face. Angres, France. 1912.

The dead body of Homer Van Meter, an associate of John Dillinger and a notorious bank robber, who was killed after fleeing police in St. Paul, Minn. 1934.

This was one of the first crime scenes to be photographed. Sadly, the victim was 6-year-old Clémentine pichon, murdered by a local teenager.

Before the advent of fingerprinting or criminal profiling, police departments around the world saw countless criminals slip through the cracks. That is until a French police officer named Alphonse Bertillon found an innovative way to do so. The work of Alphonse Bertillon was largely trounced by the introduction of fingerprint identification in the early 1900s. Nonetheless, his mugshot standard has remained virtually the same for the last 100-plus years.

Criminal identification for the Paris police department, developed the mug shot format and other photographic procedures used by police to register criminals. Although the images in this extraordinary album of forensic photographs were made by or under the direction of Bertillon, it was probably assembled by a private investigator or secretary who worked at the Paris prefecture. Photographs of the murder victims are assembled with views of the rooms where the murders took place, close-ups of objects that served as clues, and mug shots of criminals and suspects. Made as part of an archive rather than as art, these postmortem portraits, recorded in the deadpan style of a police report, nonetheless retain an unsettling potency. Among the traits Bertillon recorded was arm length, head length, and the distance between fingertips with arms outstretched.

Alphonse Bertillon the 'father of forensics', but really was given the proper name in 1954, the father of Scientific Detection.

Known also as the anthropometric system, criminal records also kept track of a suspect's height, ear size, foot size, arm length, eye color, skin tone, and any notable marks.

Within a few years, Bertillon's eponymous system allowed officers to scan their records by any category they desired — from foot size and hair color to birth marks and skin tone. He believed the evidence captured on film could serve officers during ongoing investigations. Taking photos also stopped officers from contaminating the scene.

Many of Bertillon's peers scoffed at the notion that photography would, in any way, help reduce the crime rate.

When Alphonse Bertillon joined the Prefecture of Police in Paris in 1879, the department had already collected 80,000 photographs of known criminals. They were captured under variable lighting, and at most, only accompanied by a name and address.

By 1883, Bertillon had collected 7,336 measurements and identified 49 repeat offenders. That figure reached 241 by the following year and kept growing as techniques got more practiced and more investigators began to started using Bertillon techniques.

It was a much more efficient system than the previous model, which forced police to rifle through stacks of photos with lacking details. Often heralded as the first forensic expert for his innovations, Alphonse Bertillon was also one of the first known people to identify a criminal by a fingerprint collected at a crime scene. He become well known individual within police and detective agencies while never working for then until Bertillon's father eventually got him work at the Paris police department, Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote in The Hound of Baskervilles that Holmes was "the second highest expert in Europe" — after Alphonse Bertillon. He also used compounds to preserve crime scene details like footprints. He also employed a dynamometer in his investigations, a tool which gauges just how much force was used in breaking into and entering a residence. Here are a few of many well known crime scene photos some taken by Alphonse Bertillon himself and others using his techniques.

Bertillon used floor grids to his advantage, standardizing their use in his crime scene photography to measure the size of victims and objects. He called this "metric photography.

Bertillon preferred to take low-angle photographs like this one, as well as bird's-eye views of his victims using the tripod tool.

A large tripod was used to capture the body from above. Here are some photos using the tripod technique.

Bertillon not only captured the crime scenes and corpses themselves, but made sure to collect exterior shots and views of the streets, alleys, and surrounding areas for his work.

This photo was used as an example for how to properly position the victim's body to capture a shot from the side.

Alphonse Bertillon died in February 1914, mere months before the beginning of World War I.

Thx for reading i know its alot of words, hopefully you learned something neat i had alot of fun just learning all this stuff.

I used AI to help with grammer and punctuation as i am an impressive retard.


Video Description:

a slide show of crime scene photos of the murders of Nicole brown simpson and Ron Goldman with details about each photo, case info and O.J. Simpson describing what happen and how he killed them -

Disturbing interview with O.J. Simpson

This is a really weird interview where Simpson is being interviewed as if its a "hypothetical situation"

Case overview

Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman are brutally stabbed to death outside Nicole's home in Brentwood, California, in what quickly becomes one of the most highly publicized trials of the century. With overwhelming evidence against him, including a prior record of domestic violence towards Brown, O.J. Simpson became the chief suspect.

Although he had agreed to turn himself in, Simpson escaped with friend A.C. Cowlings in his white Ford Bronco on June 17. He was carrying his passport, a disguise, and $8,750 in cash. Simpson's car was spotted that afternoon, but he refused to surrender immediately. Threatening to kill himself, he led police in a low-speed chase through the freeways of Los Angeles as the entire nation watched on television. Eventually, Simpson gave himself up at his home in Brentwood.

The evidence against Simpson was extensive: His blood was found at the murder scene; blood, hair, and fibers from Brown and Goldman were found in Simpson's car and at his home; one of his gloves was also found in Brown's home, the other outside his own house; and bloody shoeprints found at the scene matched those of shoes owned by Simpson.

However, Simpson's so-called “Dream Team” of defense lawyers, including Robert Shapiro, Johnnie Cochran, F. Lee Bailey, and Robert Kardashian claimed before a national television audience that Simpson had been framed by racist police officers such as Detective Mark Fuhrman. After deliberating for three hours, the jury acquitted Simpson. He vowed to find the “real killers,” but has yet to turn up any new leads.

In a civil trial brought about by the families of the victims, Simpson was found responsible for causing Goldman's death and committing battery against Brown in February 1997, and was ordered to pay a total of $33.5 million, little of which he has paid.

In 2007, Simpson ran into legal problems once again when he was arrested for breaking into a Las Vegas hotel room and taking sports memorabilia, which he claimed had been stolen from him, at gunpoint. On October 3, 2008, he was found guilty of 12 charges related to the incident, including armed robbery and kidnapping, and sentenced to 33 years in prison. He was released on October 1, 2017.

O.J. Simpson left a suicide letter at the home of his friend Robert Kardashian before he fled in the white Bronco.

on a side note: Robert Kardashian read the letter he found on live t.v. this was the start of the Kardashian family fame..

so we can also blame O.J. for that.

O.J.'s "Suicide Letter"

[Letter discovered on June 17, 1994, shortly before Simpson's televised Bronco ride and arrest.]

To whom it may concern: First, everyone understand I have nothing to do with Nicole's murder. I loved her, always have and always will. If we had a problem, it's because I loved her so much.

Recently, we came to the understanding that for now we were not right for each other, at least for now. Despite our love we were different, and that's why we mutually agreed to go our separate ways. It was tough splitting for a second time, but we both knew it was for the best.

Inside I had no doubt that in the future, we would be close as friends or more. Unlike what has been written in the press, Nicole and I had a great relationship for most of our lives together, Like all long-term relationships, we had a few downs and ups. I took the heat New Year's 1989 because that's what I was supposed to do. I did not plead no contest for any other reason but to protect our privacy and was advised it would end the press hype.

I don't want to belabor knocking the press, but I can't believe what is being said. Most of it is totally made up. I know you have a job to do, but as a last wish, please, please, please, leave my children in peace. Their lives will be tough enough.

I want to send my love and thanks to all my friends. I'm sorry I can't name every one of you, especially A.C. man, thanks for being in my life. The support and friendship I received from so many: Wayne Hughes, Lewis Markes, Frank Olson, Mark Packer, Bender, Bobby Kardashian.

I wish we had spent more time together in recent years. My golfing buddies, Hoss, Alan Austin, Mike, Craig, Bender, Wyler, Sandy, Jay, Donnie, thanks for the fun. All my teammates over the years, Reggie, you were the soul of my pro career. Ahmad, I never stopped being proud of you. Marcus, You've got a great lady in Catherine, don't mess it up. Bobby Chandler, thanks for always being there. Skip and Kathy, I love you guys, without you I never would have made it through this far. Marguerite, thanks for the early years. We had some fun. Paula, what can I say? You are special. I'm sorry we're not going to have our chance. God brought you to me I now see. As I leave, you'll be in my thoughts.

I think of my life and feel I've done most of the right things. What the outcome, people will look and point. I can't take that. I can't subject my children to that. This way they can move on and go on with their lives. Please, if I've done anything worthwhile in my life. Let my kids live in peace from you (press).

I've had a good life. I'm proud of how I lived. My mama taught me to do unto other. I treated people the way I wanted to be treated. I've always tried to be up and helpful so why is this happening? I'm sorry for the Goldman family. I know how much it hurts.

Nicole and I had a good life together. All this press talk about a rocky relationship was no more than what every long-term relationship experiences. All her friends will confirm that I have been totally loving and understanding of what she's been going through. At times I have felt like a battered husband or boyfriend but I loved her, make that clear to everyone. And I would take whatever it took to make it work.

Don't feel sorry for me. I've had a great life, great friends. Please think of the real O.J. and not this lost person.

Thanks for making my life special. I hope I helped yours.

Peace and love, O.J. [smiley face inside the O]

Letter written by Nicole Brown Simpson to O.J.

O.J. --

I think I have to put this all in a letter. Alot of years ago I used to do much better in a letter, I'm gonna try it again now.

I'd like you to keep this letter if we split, so that you'll always know why we split. I'd also like you to keep it if we stay together, as a reminder.

Right now I am so angry! If I didn't know that the courts would take Sydney & Justin away from me if I did this I would (expletive) every guy including some that you know just to let you know how it feels.

I wish someone could explain all this to me. I see our marriage as a huge mistake & you don't.

I knew what went on in our relationship before we got married. I knew after 6 years that all the things I thought were going on -- were! All the things I gave in to -- all the "I'm sorry for thinking that" "I'm sorry for not believing you" -- "I'm sorry for not trusting you."

I made up with you all the time & even took the blame many times for your cheating. I know this took place because we fought about it alot & even discussed it before we got married with my family & a minister.

OK before the marriage I lived with it & dealt with (illegible) mainly because you finally said that we weren't married at the time.

I assumed that your recurring nasty attitude & mean streak was to cover up your cheating & a general disrespect for women & a lack of manners!

I remember a long time ago a girlfriend of yours wrote you a letter -- she said well you aren't married yet so let's get together. Even she had the same idea of marriage as me. She believed that when you marry you wouldn't be going out anymore -- adultery is a very important thing to many people.

It's one of the 1st 10 things I learned at Sunday school. You said it (illegible) some things you learn at school stick! And the 10 Comandments did!

I wanted to be a wonderful wife!

I believed you that it would finally be "you & me against the world" -- that people would be envious or in awe of us because we stuck through it & finally became one a real couple.

I let my guard down -- I thought it was finally gonna be you & me -- you wanted a baby (so you said) & I wanted a baby -- then with each pound you were terrible. You gave me dirty looks looks of disgust -- said mean things to me at times about my appearance walked out on me & lied to me.

I remember one day my mom said "he actually thinks you can have a baby & not get fat."

I gained 10 to 15 lbs more that I should have with Sydney. Well that's by the book -- Most women gain twice that. It's not like it was that much -- but you made me feel so ugly! I've battled 10 lbs up & down the scale since I was 15 -- It was no more X-tra weight than was normal for me to be up -- I believe my mom -- you thought a baby weighs 7 lbs & the woman should gain 7 lbs. I'd like to finally tell you that that's not the way it is -- And had you read those books I got you on pregnancy you may have known that.

Talk about feeling alone ....

In between Sydney & justin you say my clothes bothered you -- that my shoes were on the floor that I bugged you -- Wow that's so terrible! Try I had a low self esteem because since we got married I felt like the paragraph above.

There was also that time before Justin & after few months Sydney, I felt really good about how I got back into shape and we made out. You beat the holy hell out of me & we lied at the X-ray lab & said I fell off a bike ... Remember!??

Great for my self esteem.

There are a number of other instances that I could talk about that made my marriage so wonderful ... like the televised Clipper game & going to (illegible) before the game & your 40th birthday party & the week leading up to it. But I don't like talking about the past It depressed me.

Then came the pregnancy with Justin & oh how wonderful you treated me again -- I remember swearing to God & myself that under no circumstances would I let you be in that delivery room.

I hated you so much.

And since Justin birth & the mad New Years Eve beat up.

I just don't see how our stories compare -- I was so bad because I wore sweats & left shoes around & didn't keep a perfect house or comb my hair the way you liked it -- or had dinner ready at the precise moment you walked through the door or that I just plain got on your nerves sometimes.

I just don't see how that compares to infidelity, wife beating verbal abuse --

I just don't think everybody goes through this --

And if I wanted to hurt you or had it in me to be anything like the person you are -- I would have done so after the (illegible) incident. But I didn't even do it then. I called the cops to save my life whether you believe it or not. But I didn't pursue anything after that -- I didn't prosecute, I didn't call the press & I didn't make a big charade out of it. I waited for it to die down and asked for it to. But I've never loved you since or been the same.

It made me take a look at my life with you -- my wonderful life with the superstar that wonderful man, O.J. Simpson the father of my kids -- that husband of that terribly insecure (illegible) -- the girl with no self esteem (illegible) of worth -- she must be (illegible) those things to with a guy like that.

It certainly doesn't take a strong person to be with a guy like that and certainly no one would be envious of that life.

I agree after we married things changed -- we couldn't have house fulls of people like I used to have over & barbque for, because I had other responsabilities. I didn't want to go to alot of events & I'd back down at the last minute on fuctions & trips I admit I'm sorry --

I just believe that a relationship is based on trust -- and the last time I trusted you was at our wedding ceremony. it's just so hard for me to trust you again. Even though you say you're a different guy. That O.J. Simpson guy brought me alot of pain heatache -- I tried so hard with him -- I wanted so to be a good wife. But he never gave me a chance.

Audio O.J. Simpson's full Interrogation

Transcript of O.J. Simpson's interrogation by LAPD

This interrogation was conducted by Philip Vannatter and Thomas Lange, the Los Angeles Police Department's chief investigators of the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.

Vannatter: partner, Detective Lange, and we're in an interview room in Parker Center. The date is June 13th, 1994, and the time is 13:35 hours. And we're here with O.J. Simpson. Is that Orenthal James Simpson?

Simpson: Orenthal James Simpson

Vannatter: And what is your birthdate, Mr. Simpson?

Simpson: July 9th, 1947.

Vannatter: OK. Prior to us talking to you, as we agreed with your attorney, I'm going to give you your constitutional rights. An I would like you to listen carefully. If you don't understand anything, tell me, OK?

Simpson: All right

Vannatter: OK. Mr. Simpson, you have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney and to have an attorney present during the questioning. If you so desire and cannot afford one, an attorney will be appointed for you without charge before questioning. Do you understand your rights?

Simpson: Yes, I do.

Vannatter: Are there any questions about that?

Simpson: (unintelligible)

Vannatter: OK, you've got to speak up louder than that...

Simpson: OK, no.

Vannatter: OK, do you wish to give up your right to remain silent and talk to us?

Simpson: Ah, yes.

Vannatter: OK, and you give up your right to have an attorney present while we talk?

Simpson: Mmm hmm. Yes.

Vannatter: OK. All right, what we're gonna do is, we want to...We're investigating, obviously, the death of your ex-wife and another man.

Lange: Someone told us that.

Vannatter: Yeah, and we're going to need to talk to you about that. Are you divorced from her now?

Simpson: Yes.

Vannatter: How long have you been divorced?

Simpson: Officially? Probably close to two years, but we've been apart for a little over two years.

Vannatter: Have you?

Simpson: Yeah.

Vannatter: What was your relationship with her? What was the...

Simpson: Well, we tried to get back together, and it just didn't work. It wasn't working, and so we were going our separate ways.

Vannatter: Recently you tried to get back together?

Simpson: We tried to get back together for about a year, you know, where we started dating each other and seeing each other. She came back and wanted us to get back together, and...

Vannatter: Within the last year, you're talking about?

Simpson: She came back about a year and four months ago about us trying to get back together, and we gave it a shot. We gave it a shot the better part of a year. And I think we both knew it wasn't working, and probably three weeks ago or so, we said it just wasn't working, and we went our separate ways.

Vannatter: OK, the two children are yours?

Simpson: Yes.

Lange: She have custody?

Simpson: We have joint custody.

Lange: Through the courts?

Simpson: We went through the courts and everything. Everything is done. We have no problems with the kids, we do everything together, you know, with the kids.

Vannatter: How was your separation? What that a...?

Simpson: The first separation?

Vannatter: Yeah, was there problems with that?

Simpson: For me, it was big problems. I loved her, I didn't want us to separate.

Vannatter: Uh huh. I understand she had made a couple of crime...crime reports or something?

Simpson: Ah, we have a big fight about six years ago on New Year's, you know, she made a report. I didn't make a report. And then we had an altercation about a year ago maybe. It wasn't a physical argument. I kicked her door or something.

Vannatter: And she made a police report on those two occasions?

Simpson: Mmm hmm. And I stayed right there until the police came, talked to them.

Lange: Were you arrested at one time for something?

Simpson: No. I mean, five years ago we had a big fight, six years ago. I don't know. I know I ended up doing community service.

Vannatter: So you weren't arrested?

Simpson: No, I was never really arrested.

Lange: They never booked you or...

Simpson: No.

Vannatter: Can I ask you, when's the last time you've slept?

Simpson: I got a couple of hours sleep last night. I mean, you know, I slept a little on the plane, not much, and when I got to the hotel I was asleep a few hours when the phone call came.

Lange: Did Nicole have a housemaid that lived there?

Simpson: I believe so, yes.

Lange: Do you know her name at all?

Simpson: Evia, Elvia, something like that.

Vannatter: We didn't see her there. Did she have the day off perhaps?

Simpson: I don't know. I don't know what schedule she's on.

Lange: Phil, what do you think? We can maybe just recount last night...

Vannatter: Yeah. When was the last time you saw Nicole?

Simpson: We were leaving a dance recital. She took off and I was talking to her parents.

Vannatter: Where was the dance recital?

Simpson: Paul Revere High School.

Vannatter: And was that for one of your children?

Simpson: Yeah, for my daughter Sydney.

Vannatter: And what time was that yesterday?

Simpson: It ended about 6:30, quarter to seven, something like that, you know, in the ballpark, right in that area. And they took off.

Vannatter: They?

Simpson: Her and her family -- her mother and father, sisters, my kids, you know.

Vannatter: And then you went your own separate way?

Simpson: Yeah, actually she left, and then they came back and her mother got in a car with her, and the kids all piled into her sister's car, and they...

Vannatter: Was Nicole driving?

Simpson: Yeah.

Vannatter: What kind of car was she driving?

Simpson: Her black car, a Cherokee, a Jeep Cherokee.

Vannatter: What were you driving?

Simpson: My Rolls-Royce, my Bentley.

Vannatter: Do you own that Ford Bronco that sits outside?

Simpson: Hertz owns it, and Hertz lets me use it.

Vannatter: So that's your vehicle, the one that was parked there on the street?

Simpson: Mmm hmm.

Vannatter: And it's actually owned by Hertz?

Simpson: Hertz, yeah.

Vannatter: Who's the primary driver on that? You?

Simpson: I drive it, the housekeeper drives it, you know, it's kind of a...

Vannatter: All-purpose type vehicle?

Simpson: All-purpose, yeah. It's the only one that my insurance will allow me to let anyone else drive.

Vannatter: OK

Lange: When you drive it, where do you park it at home? Where it is now, it was in the street or something?

Simpson: I always park it on the street.

Lange: You never take it in the...

Simpson: Oh, rarely. I mean, I'll bring it in -- and switch the stuff, you know, and stuff like that. I did that yesterday, you know.

Lange: When did you last drive it?

Simpson: Yesterday

Vannatter: What time yesterday?

Simpson: In the morning, in the afternoon.

Vannatter: OK, you left her, you're saying, about 6:30 or 7, or she left the recital?

Simpson: Yeah.

Vannatter: And you spoke with her parents?

Simpson: Yeah, we were just sitting there talking.

Vannatter: OK, what time did you leave the recital?

Simpson: Right about that time. We were all leaving. We were all leaving then. Her mother said something about me joining them for dinner, and I said no thanks.

Vannatter: Where did you go from there, OJ?

Simpson: Ah, home, home for a while, got my car for a while, tried to find my girlfriend for a while, came back to the house.

Vannatter: Who was home when you got home?

Simpson: Kato.

Vannatter: Kato? Anybody else? Was your daughter there, Arnelle?

Simpson: No.

Vannatter: Isn't that her name, Arnelle?

Simpson: Arnelle, yeah.

Vannatter: So what time do you think you got back home, actually physically got home?

Simpson: Seven-something.

Vannatter: Seven-something? And then you left, and...

Simpson: Yeah, I'm trying to think, did I leave? You know, I'm always ...I had to run and get my daughter some flowers. I was actually doing the recital, so I rushed and got her some flowers, and I came home, and then I called Paula as I was going to her house, and Paula wasn't home.

Vannatter: Paula is your girlfriend?

Simpson: Girlfriend, yeah.

Vannatter: Paula who?

Simpson: Barbieri.

Vannatter: Could you spell that for me?

Simpson: B-A-R-B-I-E-R-I.

Vannatter: Do you know an address on her?

Simpson: No, she lives on Wilshire, but I think she's out of town.

Vannatter: You got a phone number?

Simpson: Yeah (number deleted by STAR).

Vannatter: So you didn't see her last night?

Simpson: No, we'd been to a big affair the night before, and then I came back home. I was basically at home. I mean, any time I was...whatever time it took me to get to the recital and back, to get to the flower shop and back, I mean, that's the time I was out of the house.

Vannatter: Were you scheduled to play golf this morning, some place?

Simpson: In Chicago.

Vannatter: What kind of tournament was it?

Simpson: Ah, it was Hertz, with special clients.

Vannatter: Oh, OK. What time did you leave last night, leave the house?

Simpson: To go to the airport?

Vannatter: Mmm hmm.

Simpson: About...the limo was supposed to be there at 10:45. Normally, they get there a little earlier. I was rushing around -- somewhere between there and 11.

Vannatter: So approximately 10:45 to 11.

Simpson: Eleven o'clock, yea, somewhere in that area.

Vannatter: And you went by limo?

Simpson: Yeah.

Vannatter: Who's the limo service?

Simpson: Ah, you have to ask my office.

Lange: Did you converse with the driver at all? Did you talk to him?

Simpson: No, he was a new driver. Normally, I have a regular driver I drive with and converse. No, just about rushing to the airport, about how I live my life on airplanes, and hotels, that type of thing.

Lange: What time did the plane leave?

Simpson: Ah, 11:45 the flight took off.

Vannatter: What airline was it?

Simpson: American.

Vannatter: American? And it was 11:45 to Chicago?

Simpson: Chicago.

Lange: So yesterday you did drive the white Bronco?

Simpson: Mmm hmm.

Lange: And where did you park it when you brought it home?

Simpson: Ah, the first time probably by the mailbox. I'm trying to think, or did I bring it in the driveway? Normally, I will park it by the mailbox, sometimes...

Lange: On Ashford, or Ashland?

Simpson: On Ashford, yeah.

Lange: Where did you park yesterday for the last time, do you remember?

Simpson: Right where it is.

Lange: Where it is now?

Simpson: Yeah.

Lange: Where, on...?

Simpson: Right on the street there.

Lange: On Ashford?

Simpson: No, on Rockingham.

Lange: You parked it there?

Simpson: Yes.

Lange: About what time was that?

Simpson: Eight-something, seven...eight, nine o'clock, I don't know, right in that area.

Lange: Did you take it to the recital?

Simpson: No.

Lange: What time was the recital?

Simpson: Over at about 6:30. Like I said, I came home, I got my car, I was going to see my girlfriend. I was calling her and she wasn't around.

Lange: So you drove came home in the Rolls, and then you got in the Bronco...

Simpson: In the Bronco, 'cause my phone was in the Bronco. And because it's a Bronco. It's a Bronco, it's what I drive, you know. I'd rather drive it than any other car. And, you know, as I was going over there, I called her a couple of times and she wasn't there, and I left a message, and then I checked my messages, and there were no new messages. She wasn't there, and she may have to leave town. Then I came back and ended up sitting with Kato.

Lange: OK, what time was this again that you parked the Bronco?

Simpson: Eight-something, maybe. He hadn't done a Jacuzzi, we had... went and got a burger, and I'd come home and kind of leisurely got read to go. I mean, we'd done a few things...

Lange: You weren't in a hurry when you came back with the Bronco.

Simpson: No

Lange: The reason I asked you, the cars were parked kind of at a funny angle, stuck out in the street.

Simpson: Well, it's parked because...I don't know if it's a funny angle or what. It's parked because when I was hustling at the end of the day to get all my stuff, and I was getting my phone and everything off it, when I just pulled it out of the gate there, it's like it's a tight turn.

Lange: So you had it inside the compound, then?

Simpson: Yeah.

Lange: Oh, OK.

Simpson: I brought it inside the compound to get my stuff out of it, and then I put it out, and I'd run back inside the gate before the gate closes.

Vannatter: Simpson:, what's you office phone number?

Simpson: (number deleted by STAR)

Vannatter: And is that area code 310?

Simpson: Yes.

Vannatter: How did you get the injury on your hand?

Simpson: I don't know. The first time, when I was in Chicago and all, but at the house I was just running around.

Vannatter: How did you do it in Chicago?

Simpson: I broke a glass. One of you guys had just called me, and I was in the bathroom, and I just kind of went bonkers for a little bit.

Lange: Is that how you cut it?

Simpson: Mmm, it was cut before, but I think I just opened it again, I'm not sure.

Lange: Do you recall bleeding at all in your truck, in the Bronco?

Simpson: I recall bleeding at my house and then I went to the Bronco. The last thing I did before I left, when I was rushing, was went and got my phone out of the Bronco.

Lange: Mmm hmm. Where's the phone now?

Simpson: In my bag.

Lange: You have it...?

Simpson: In that black bag.

Lange: You brought a bag with you here?

Simpson: Yeah, it's...

Lange: So do you recall bleeding at all?

Simpson: Yeah, I mean, I knew I was bleeding, but it was no big deal. I bleed all the time. I play golf and stuff, so there's always something, nicks and stuff here and there.

Lange: So did you do anything? When did you put the Band-Aid on it?

Simpson: Actually, I asked the girl this morning for it.

Lange: And she got it?

Simpson: Yeah, 'cause last night with Kato, when I was leaving, he was saying something to me, and I was rushing to get my phone, and I put a little thing on it, and it stopped.

Vannatter: Do you have the keys to that Bronco?

Simpson: Yeah.

Vannatter: OK. We've impounded the Bronco. I don't know if you know that or not.

Simpson: No.

Vannatter: ...take a look at it. Other than you, who's the last person to drive it.

Simpson: Probably Gigi. When I'm out of town, I don't know who drives the car, maybe my daughter, maybe Kato.

Vannatter: The keys are available?

Simpson: I leave the keys there, you know, when Gigi's there because sometimes she needs it, or Gigi was off and wasn't coming back until today, and I was coming back tonight.

Vannatter: So you don't mind if Gigi uses it, or...

Simpson: This is the only one I can let her use. When she doesn't have her car, 'cause sometimes her husband takes her car, I let her use the car.

Lange: When was the last time you were at Nicole's house?

Simpson: I don't go in, I won't go in her house. I haven't been in her house in a week, maybe five days. I go to her house a lot. I mean, I'm always dropping the kids off, picking the kids up, fooling around with the dog, you know.

Vannatter: How does that usually work? Do you drop them at the porch, or do you go in with them?

Simpson: No, I don't go in the house.

Vannatter: Is there a kind of gate out front?

Simpson: Yeah.

Vannatter: But you never go inside the house?

Simpson: Up until about five days, six days ago, I haven't been in the house. Once I started seeing Paula again, I kind of avoid Nicole.

Vannatter: Is Nicole seeing anybody else that you...

Simpson: I have no idea. I really have absolutely no idea. I don't ask her. I don't know. Her and her girlfriends, they go out, you know, they've got some things going on right now with her girlfriends, so I'm assuming something's happening because one of the girlfriends is having a big problem with her husband because she's always saying she's with Nicole until three or four in the morning. She's not. You know, Nicole tells me she leaves her at 1:30 or 2 or 2:30, and the girl doesn't get home until 5, and she only lives a few blocks away.

Vannatter: Something's going on, huh?

Lange: Do you know where they went, the family, for dinner last night?

Simpson: No. Well, no, I didn't ask.

Lange: I just thought maybe there's a regular place that they go.

Simpson: No. If I was with them, we'd go to Toscano. I mean, not Toscano, Poponi's.

Vannatter: You haven't had any problems with her lately, have you, OJ?

Simpson: I always have problems with her, you know? Our relationship has been a problem relationship. Probably lately for me, and I say this only because I said it to Ron yesterday at the -- Ron Fishman, whose wife is Cora -- at the dance recital, when he came up to me and went, "Oooh, boy, what's going on?" and everybody was beefing with everybody. And I said, "Well, I'm just glad I'm out of the mix." You know, because I was like dealing with him and his problems with his wife and Nicole and evidently some new problems that a guy named Christian was having with his girl, and he was staying at Nicole's house, and something was going on, but I don't think it's pertinent to this.

Vannatter: Did Nicole have words with you last night?

Simpson: Pardon me?

Vannatter: Did Nicole have words with you last night?

Simpson: No, not at all.

Vannatter: Did you talk to her last night?

Simpson: To ask to speak to my daughter, to congratulate my daughter, and everything.

Vannatter: But you didn't have a conversation with her?

Simpson: No, no.

Vannatter: What were you wearing last night, OJ?

Simpson: What did I wear on the golf course yesterday? Some of these kind of pants, some of these kind of pants -- I mean I changed different for whatever it was. I just had on some...

Vannatter: Just these black pants.

Simpson: Just these...They're called Bugle Boy.

Vannatter: These aren't the pants?

Simpson: No.

Vannatter: Where ar the pants that you wore?

Simpson: They're hanging in my closet.

Vannatter: These are washable, right? You just throw them in the laundry?

Simpson: Yeah, I got 100 pair. They give them to me free, Bugle Boys, so I've got a bunch of them.

Vannatter: Do you recall coming home and hanging them up, or...?

Simpson: I always hang up my clothes. I mean, it's rare that I don't hang up my clothes unless I'm laying them in my bathroom for her to do something with them, but those are the only things I don't hang up. But when you play golf, you don't necessarily dirty pants.

Lange: What kind of shoes were you wearing?

Simpson: Tennis shoes.

Lange: Tennis shoes? Do you know what kind?

Simpson: Probably Reebok, that's all I wear.

Lange: Are they at home, too?

Simpson: Yeah

Lange: Was this supposed to be a short trip to Chicago, so you didn't take a whole lot?

Simpson: Yeah, I was coming back today.

Lange: Just overnight?

Simpson: Yeah.

Vannatter: That's a hectic schedule, drive back here to play golf and come back.

Simpson: Yeah, but I do it all the time.

Vannatter: Do you?

Simpson: Yeah. That's what I was complaining with the driver about, you know, about my whole life is on and off airplanes.

Vannatter: OJ, we've got sort of a problem.

Simpson: Mmm hmm.

Vannatter: We've got some blood on and in your car, we've got some blood at your house, and sort of a problem.

Simpson: Well, take my blood test.

Lange: Well, we'd like to do that. We've got, of course, the cut on your finger that you aren't real clear on. Do you recall having that cut on your finger the last time you were at Nicole's house?

Simpson: A week ago?

Lange: Yeah.

Simpson: No. It was last night.

Lange: OK, so last night you cut it.

Vannatter: Somewhere after the recital?

Simpson: Somewhere when I was rushing to get out of my house.

Vannatter: OK, after the recital.

Simpson: Yeah.

Vannatter: What do you think happened? Do you have any idea?

Simpson: I have no idea, man. You guys haven't told me anything. I have no idea. When you said to my daughter, who said something to me today, that somebody else might have been involved, I have absolutely no idea what happened. I don't know how, why or what. But you guys haven't told me anything. Every time I ask you guys, you say you're going to tell me in a bit.

Vannatter: Well, we don't know a lot of answers to these questions yet ourselves, OJ, OK?

Simpson: I've got a bunch of guns, guns all over the place. You can take them, they're all there. I mean, you can see them. I keep them in my car for an incident that happened a month ago that my in-laws, my wife and everybody knows about that.

Vannatter: What was that?

Simpson: Going down to...and cops down there know about it because I've told two marshals about it. At a mall, I was going down for a christening, and I had just left -- and it was like 3:30 in the morning, and I'm in a lane, and also the car in front of me is going real slow, and I'm slowing down 'cause I figure he sees a cop, 'cause we were all going pretty fast. And I'm going to change lanes, but there's a car next to me, and I can't change lanes. Then that goes for a while, and I'm going to slow down and go around him but the car butts up to me, and I'm like caught between three cars. They were Oriental guys, and they were not letting me go anywhere. And finally I went on the shoulder, and I sped up, and then I held my phone up so they could see the light part of it, you know, 'cause I have tinted windows, and they kind of scattered, and I chased one of them for a while to make him think I was chasing him before I took off.

Lange: Were you in the Bronco?

Simpson: No.

Lange: What were you driving?

Simpson: My Bentley. It has tinted windows and all, so I figured they thought they had a nice little touch...

Lange: Did you think they were trying to rip you off?

Simpson: Definitely, they were. And then the next thing, you know, Nicole and I went home. At four in the morning I got there to Laguna, and when we woke up, I told her about it, and told her parents about it, told everybody about it, you know? And when I saw two marshals at a mall, I walked up and told them about it.

Vannatter: What did they do, make a report on it?

Simpson: They didn't know nothing. I mean, they'll remember me and remember I told them.

Vannatter: Did Nicole mention that she'd been getting any threats lately to you? Anything she was concerned about or the kids' safety?

Simpson: To her?

Vannatter: Yes.

Simpson: From?

Vannatter: From anybody.

Simpson: No, not at all.

Vannatter: Was she very security conscious? Did she keep that house locked up?

Simpson: Very.

Vannatter: The intercom didn't work appareny, right?

Simpson: I thought it worked.

Vannatter: Oh, OK. Does the electronic buzzer work?

Simpson: The electronic buzzer works to let people in.

Vannatter: Do you ever park in the rear when you go over there?

Simpson: Most of the time.

Vannatter: You do park in the rear.

Simpson: Most times when I'm taking the kids there, I come right into the driveway, blow the horn, and she, or a lot of times the housekeeper, either the housekeeper opens or they'll keep a garage door open up on the top of the thing, you know, but that's when I'm dropping the kids off, and I'm not going in. --- times I go to the front because the kids have to hit the buzzer and stuff.

Vannatter: Did you say before that up until about three weeks ago you guys were going out again and trying to...

Simpson: No, we'd been going out for about a year, and then the last six months we've ain't been working, so we tried various things to see if we can make it work. We started trying to date, and that wasn't working, and so, you know, we just said the hell with it, you know.

Vannatter: And that was about three weeks ago?

Simpson: Yeah, about three weeks ago.

Vannatter: So you were seeing her up to that point?

Simpson: It's, it's...seeing her, yeah, I mean, yeah. It was a done deal. It just wasn't happening. I mean, I was gone. I was in San Juan doing a film, and I don't think we had sex since I've been back from San Juan, and that was like two months ago. So it's been like...for the kids we tried to do things together, you know, we didn't really date each other. Then we decided let's try to date each other. We went out one night, and it just didn't work.

Vannatter: When you say it didn't work, what do you mean?

Simpson: Ah, the night we went out it was fun. Then the next night we went out it was actually when I was down in Laguna, and she didn't want to go out. And I said, "Well, let's go out 'cause I came all the way down here to go out," and we kind of had a beef. And it just didn't work after that, you know? We were only trying to date to see if we could bring some romance back into our relationship. We just said, let's treat each other like boyfriend and girlfriend instead of, you know, like 17-year-old married people. I mean, 17 years together, whatever that is.

Vannatter: How long were you together?

Simpson: Seventeen years.

Vannatter: Seventeen years. Did you ever hit her, OJ?

Simpson: Ah, one night we had a fight. We had a fight, and she hit me. And they never took my statement, they never wanted to hear my side, and they never wanted to hear the housekeeper's side. Nicole was drunk. She did her thing, she started tearing up my house, you know? I didn't punch her or anything, but I...

Vannatter: ...slapped her a couple of times.

Simpson: No, no, I wrestled her, is what I did. I didn't slap her at all. I mean, Nicole's a strong girl. She's of the most conditioned women. Since that period of time, she's hit me a few times, but I've never touched her after that, and I'm telling you, it's five-six years ago.

Vannatter: What is her birth date?

Simpson: May 19th.

Vannatter: Did you get together with her on her birthday?

Simpson: Yeah, her and I and the kids, I believe.

Vannatter: Did you give her a gift?

Simpson: I gave her a gift.

Vannatter: What did you give her?

Simpson: I gave her either a bracelet or the earrings.

Vannatter: Did she keep them or...

Simpson: Oh, no, when we split she gave me both the earrings and the bracelet back. I bought her a very nice bracelet -- I don't know if it was Mother's Day or her birthday -- and I bought her the earrings for the other thing, and when we split -- and it's a credit to her -- she felt that it wasn't right that she had it, and I said good because I want them back.

Vannatter: Was that the very day of her birthday, May 19, or was it a few days later?

Simpson: What do you mean?

Vannatter: You gave it to her on the 19th of May, her birthday, right, this bracelet?

Simpson: I may have given her the earrings. No, the bracelet, May 19th. When was Mother's Day?

Vannatter: Mother's Day was around that...

Simpson: No, it was probably her birthday, yes.

Vannatter: And did she return it the same day?

Simpson: Oh, no, she...I'm in a funny place here on this, all right? She returned it -- both of them -- three weeks ago or so, because when I say I'm in a funny place on this it was because I gave it to my girlfriend and told her it was for her, and that was three weeks ago. I told her I bought it for her. You know? What am I going to do with it?

Lange: Did Mr. Weitzman, your attorney, talk to you anything about this polygraph we brought up before? What are your thoughts on that?

Simpson: Should I talk about my thoughts on that? I'm sure eventually I'll do it, but it's like I've got some weird thoughts now. I've had weird know when you've been with a person for 17 years, you think everything. I've got to understand what this thing is. If it's true blue, I don't mind doing it.

Lange: Well, you're not compelled at all to take this thing, number one, and number two -- I don't know if Mr. Weitzman explained it to you -- this goes to the exclusion of someone as much as the inclusion so we can eliminate people. And just to get things straight.

Simpson: But does it work for elimination?

Lange: Oh, yes. We use it for elimination more than anything.

Simpson: Well, I'll talk to him about it.

Lange: Understand, the reason we're talking to you is because you're the ex-husband.

Simpson: I know, I'm the number one target, and now you tell me I've got blood all over the place.

Lange: Well, there's blood at your house in the driveway, and we've got a search warrant, and we're going to go get the blood. We found some in your house. Is that your blood that's there?

Simpson: If it's dripped, it's what I dripped running around trying to leave.

Lange: Last night?

Simpson: Yeah, and I wasn't aware that it was...I was aware that I... You know, I was trying to get out of the house. I didn't even pay any attention to it, I saw it when I was in the kitchen, and I grabbed a napkin or something, and that was it. I didn't think about it after that.

Vannatter: That was last night after you got home from the recital, when you were rushing?

Simpson: That was last night when I was...I don't know what I was... I was in the car getting my junk out of the car. I was in the house throwing hangers and stuff in my suitcase. I was doing my little crazy what I do...I mean, I do it everywhere. Anybody who has ever picked me up says that OJ's a whirlwind, he's running, he's grabbing things, and that's what I was doing.

Vannatter: Well, I'm going to step out and I'm going to get a photographer to come down and photograph your hand there. And then here pretty soon we're going to take you downstairs and get some blood from you. OK? I'll be right back.

Lange: So it was about five days ago you last saw Nicole? Was it at the house?

Simpson: OK, the last time I saw Nicole, physically saw Nicole...I saw her obviously last night. The time before, I'm trying to think...I went to Washington, DC, so I didn't see her, so I'm trying to think...I haven't seen her since I went to Washington -- what's the date today?

Lange: Today's Monday, the 13th of June.

Simpson: OK, I went to Washington on maybe Wednesday. Thursday I think I was in...Thursday I was in Connecticut, then Long Island Thursday afternoon and all of Friday. I got home Friday night, Friday afternoon. I played, you know... Paula picked me up at the airport. I played golf Saturday, and when I came home I think my son was there. So I did something with my son. I don't think I saw Nicole at all then. And then I went to a big affair with Paula Saturday night, and I got up and played golf Sunday which pissed Paula off, and I saw Nicole at...It was about a week before, I saw her at the...

Lange: OK, the last time you saw Nicole, was that at her house?

Simpson: I don't remember. I wasn't in her house, so it couldn't have been at her house, so it was, you know, I don't physically remember the last time I saw her. I may have seen her even jogging one day.

Lange: Let me get this straight. You've never physically been inside the house?

Simpson: Not in the last week.

Lange: Ever. I mean, how long has she lived there? About six months?

Simpson: Oh, Christ, I've slept(ital) at the house many, many, many times, you know? I've done everything at the house, you know? I'm just saying,...You're talking in the last week or so.

Lange: Well, whatever. Six months she's lived there?

Simpson: I don't know. Roughly. I was at her house maybe two weeks ago, 10 days ago. One night her and I had a long talk, you know, about how can we make it better for the kids, and I told her we'd do things better. And, OK, I can almost say when that was. That was when I...I don't know, it was about 10 days ago. And then we...The next day I had her have her dog do a flea bath or something with me. Oh, I'll tell you, I did see her one day. One day I went...I don't know if this was the early part of last week, I went 'cause my son had to go and get something, and he ran in, and she came to the gate, and the dog ran out, and her friend Faye and I went looking for the dog. That may have been a week ago, I don't know.

Lange: (To Vannatter) Got a photographer coming?

Vannatter: No, we're going to take him up there.

Lange: We're ready to terminate this at 14:07.

#### Transcript of 911 call placed by Nicole Simpson

The following are excerpts from the two 911 calls Nicole Brown Simpson made to police on Oct. 25, 1993, from her townhouse.

NICOLE: Can you send someone to my house?

DISPATCHER: What's the problem there?

NICOLE: My ex-husband has just broken into my house and he's ranting and raving outside the front yard.

DISPATCHER: Has he been drinking or anything?

NICOLE: No. But he's crazy.

DISPATCHER: And you said he hasn't been drinking?


DISPATCHER: Did he hit you?


DISPATCHER: Do you have a restraining order against him?


DISPATCHER: What's your name?

NICOLE: Nicole Simpson.

DISPATCHER: And your address?

NICOLE: 325 Gretna Green Way.

DISPATCHER: Okay, we'll send the police out.

NICOLE: Nicole: Thank you.

DISPATCHER: Dispatcher: Uh-huh.

(The dispatcher puts out a domestic violence call for any patrol car to respond to the address at Gretna Green. A short time later, Nicole Simpson called back.

NICOLE: Could you get somebody over here now, to ... Gretna Green. He's back. Please?

DISPATCHER: What does he look like?

NICOLE: He's O.J. Simpson. I think you know his record. Could you just send somebody over here?

DISPATCHER: What is he doing there?

NICOLE: He just drove up again. (She begins to cry) Could you just send somebody over?

DISPATCHER: Dispatcher: Wait a minute. What kind of car is he in?

NICOLE: He's in a white Bronco, but first of all he broke the back door down to get in.

DISPATCHER: Wait a minute. What's your name?

NICOLE: Nicole Simpson.

DISPATCHER: OK, is he the sportscaster or whatever?

NICOLE: Yeah. Thank you.

DISPATCHER: Wait a minute, we're sending police. What is he doing? Is he threatening you?

NICOLE: He's (expletive) going nuts. (sobs)

DISPATCHER: Has he threatened you in any way or is he just harassing you?

NICOLE: (Sighs) You're going to hear him in a minute. He's about to come in again.

DISPATCHER: OK, just stay on the line...

NICOLE: I don't want to stay on the line. He's going to beat the (expletive) out of me.

DISPATCHER: Wait a minute, just stay on the line so we can know what's going on until the police get there, OK? OK, Nicole?

NICOLE: Uh-huh.

DISPATCHER: Just a moment. Does he have any weapons?

NICOLE: I don't know. He went home and he came back. The kids are up there sleeping and I don't want anything to happen.

DISPATCHER: OK, just a moment. Is he on drugs or anything?


DISPATCHER: Just stay on the line. Just in case he comes in I need to hear what's going on, all right?

NICOLE: Can you hear him outside?

DISPATCHER: Is he yelling?


DISPATCHER: OK. Has he been drinking?


DISPATCHER: OK. (speaking over radio to police units) ... All units: additional on domestic violence, 325 South Gretna Green Way, the suspect has returned in a white Bronco. Monitor comments. Incident 48221.


NICOLE: Uh-huh.

DISPATCHER: Is he outdoors?

NICOLE: He's in the back yard.

DISPATCHER: He's in the back yard?

NICOLE: Screaming at my roommate about me and at me.

DISPATCHER: OK. What is he saying?

NICOLE: Oh, something about some guy I know and hookers and Keith and I started this (expletive) before and ...


NICOLE: And it's all my fault and 'Now what am I going to do, get the police in this' and the whole thing. It's all my fault, I started this before. (sigh) brother. (inaudible)

DISPATCHER: OK, has he hit you today or...?


DISPATCHER: OK, you don't need any paramedics or anything.


DISPATCHER: OK, you just want him to leave?

NICOLE: My door. He broke the whole back door in.

DISPATCHER : And then he left and he came back?

NICOLE: Then he came and he practically knocked my upstairs door down but he pounded it and he screamed and hollered and I tried to get him out of the bedroom because the kids are sleeping in there.


NICOLE: And then he wanted somebody's phone number and I gave him my phone book or I put my phone book down to write down the phone number that he wanted and then he took my phone book with all my stuff in it.

DISPATCHER: OK. So basically you guys have just been arguing? (Simpson is yelling)

DISPATCHER: Is he inside right now.


DISPATCHER: OK, just a moment.

SIMPSON.: Do you understand me? (inaudible) Keith is a nothing. A skunk, and he still calls me. (inaudible)

DISPATCHER: Is he talking to you?


DISPATCHER: Are you locked in a room or something?

NICOLE: No. He can come right in. I'm not going where the kids are because the kids ...

DISPATCHER: Do you think he's going to hit you?

NICOLE: I don't know.

DISPATCHER: Stay on the line. Don't hang it up, OK?


DISPATCHER: What is he saying?


DISPATCHER: What is he saying?

NICOLE: What else?

SIMPSON : (inaudible)

(Sound of police radio traffic)

NICOLE: O.J. O.J. The kids are sleeping.

SIMPSON: (More yelling)

DISPATCHER: He's still yelling at you?

(Nicole sobbing into telephone)

DISPATCHER: Just stay on the line, OK

(More yelling)

DISPATCHER: Is he upset with something that you did?

NICOLE: (Sobs) A long time ago. It always comes back. (More yelling)

DISPATCHER: Is your roommate talking to him?

NICOLE: No, who can talk? Listen to him.

DISPATCHER: I know. Does he have any weapons with him right now?

NICOLE: No, uh-uh

DISPATCHER: OK. Where is he standing?

NICOLE: In the back doorway, in the house.


SIMPSON: ... I don't give a (expletive) anymore.... That wife of his, she took so much for this (expletive) (inaudible)

NICOLE: Would you just please, O.J., O.J., O.J., O.J., could you please (inaudible) Please leave.

SIMPSON: I'm leaving with my two (expletive) fists is when I'm leaving. You ain't got to worry about me any more.

NICOLE:: Please leave. O.J. Please, the kids, the kids (inaudible) please.

DISPATCHER: Is he leaving?


DISPATCHER: Does he know you're on the phone with police?


DISPATCHER: OK. Where are the kids at right now?

NICOLE: Up in my room.

DISPATCHER: Can they hear him yelling?

NICOLE: I don't know. The room's the only one that's quiet.

DISPATCHER: Is there someone up there with the kids?


(Yelling continues in the background.)

DISPATCHER: What is he saying now? Nicole? You still on the line?


DISPATCHER: You think he's still going to hit you?

NICOLE: I don't know. He's going to leave. He just said that. He just said he ain't leaving.

SIMPSON: You're not leaving when I'm gone. Hey! I have to read this (expletive) all week in the National Enquirer. Her words exactly. What, who got that, who? (inaudible)

DISPATCHER: Are you the only one in there with him?

NICOLE: Right now, yeah.

DISPATCHER: And he's talking to you?

NICOLE: Yeah, and he's also talking to my, the guy who lives out back is just standing there. He just came home.

DISPATCHER: Is he arguing with him, too?

NICOLE: No. Absolutely not.


NICOLE: Nobody's arguing.

DISPATCHER: Yeah. Has this happened before or no?

NICOLE: Many times.

DISPATCHER: OK. The police should be on the way it just seems like a long time because it's kind of busy in that division right now.

(Yelling continues)

Dispatcher to police: Regarding Gretna Green Way, the suspect is still there and yelling very loudly.

DISPATCHER: Is he still arguing? (Knock at the door.)

DISPATCHER: Was someone knocking on your door?

NICOLE: It was him.

DISPATCHER: He was knocking on your door?

NICOLE: There's a locked bedroom and he's wondering why.

DISPATCHER: Oh. He's knocking on the locked door?

NICOLE: Yeah. You know what, O.J.? That window above you is also open. Could you just go, please? Can I get off the phone?

DISPATCHER: You want, you feel safe hanging up?

NICOLE: Well, you're right

DISPATCHER: You want to wait til the police get there?



NICOLE: Um-hmm.

DISPATCHER: Is he still arguing with you?

NICOLE: Um-hum.

DISPATCHER: He's moved a little?

NICOLE: But I'm just ignoring him.

DISPATCHER: Okay. But he doesn't know you're...

NICOLE: It works best.

DISPATCHER: Okay. Are the kids are still asleep?

NICOLE: Yes. They're like rocks.

DISPATCHER: What part of the house is he in right now?

NICOLE: Downstairs.

DISPATCHER: Downstairs?


DISPATCHER: And you're upstairs?

NICOLE: No, I'm downstairs in the kitchen.

SIMPSON: (continues yelling)

DISPATCHER: Do you see the police, Nicole?

NICOLE: No, but I will go out there right now.

DISPATCHER: OK, you want to go out there?



NICOLE: I'm going to hang up.





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Woman takes dead old man to the bank to withdraw loan (Brazil, no watermark)

Assina aqui tio paulo

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Richard Cottingham claims to have started killing as an adolescent and has claimed to have killed as many as 100. Cottingham often sought female sex workers in their late teens to mid twenties and is believed to have killed people in Florida, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Baltimore. He would approach his victims in bars, drug them, take them to a remote location and would bind, gag, torture, and stab them before killing them by strangulation or asphyxiation. Trophies like jewelry and other personal items belonging to his victims were taken by him.


Practical homicide investigation tactics procedures and forensic techniques fourth edition VERNON J. GEBERTH M.S., M.P.S., B.B.A FBINA Lieutenant Commander (Retired) New York City Police Department

Arthur Shawcross

Shawcross was born on June 6, 1945, and died on November 10, 2008, while serving a life sentence for the murder of 11 women. From his birthplace of Kittery, Maine, his family moved to Watertown, a small town near Lake Ontario in New York State, when he was still a child. Shawcross claims that his adolescence was turbulent, and cites a difficult relationship with both parents, particularly his domineering mother, for his later troubles. He says he also exhibited behavioral problems at an early age, including bed-wetting and bullying.

Shawcross also made extreme reports about his early sexuality. He claimed his aunt sexually molested him when he was 9, and that he had sexual relations with his younger sister. He also admitted to his first homosexual encounter at the age of 11, which he says was followed by experimentation with bestiality.

In contrast to these claims, however, his parents and siblings maintain that he had a normal childhood, and the described events were largely the product of his imagination. There is no way of knowing whose version represents the reality of his upbringing, but what became clear, later on, was that Shawcross would change his stories at will, as he was interviewed by various professionals in the course of their investigations.

From school records it can be independently verified that he was an inveterate truant, with a particularly low IQ, a tendency to bullying and violence and that he came under suspicion for a series of juvenile arson attacks as well as burglaries. He dropped out of school after failing to pass the ninth grade, and the next few years were punctuated with violence and jail sentences. He received his first probationary sentence in December 1963 for smashing a shop window.

Shawcross married first wife, Sarah, in September 1964. The couple produced a son in October 1965. But another probationary charge for unlawful entry in November 1965, proved the last straw for his marriage and he was divorced soon after.

His second marriage, following drafting into the Army in April 1967, was also tainted by violence and was equally short-lived. He served a tour of duty in the Vietnam War in October 1967, and he later claimed that he murdered and cannibalized two young Vietnamese girls and several children while there. There is no corroborating evidence to support this, however. He also claimed a "combat kill" total of 39 which, when investigated later, was also discounted as fabrication; authorities claim he killed no one on his tour of duty.

On his return from military duty in 1968, he landed in trouble yet again when he was caught and convicted for an arson attack. Shawcross served two years of a five-year jail term. He was released in October 1971 and returned to Watertown again. A year later, on April 7, 1972, he claimed his first victim: 10-year-old neighbor Jack Blake. Shawcross took him fishing just a few days before he disappeared, but denied any knowledge of the disappearance. Several weeks later on April 22, 1972, he married his third wife, Penny Sherbino, who was pregnant with his child.

Five months later, his victim's body was finally located. He had been sexually assaulted and suffocated, but police had no leads to the identity of the killer. Jack Blake would be the first of many more victims.

In September 1972, the body of 8-year-old Karen Ann Hill was found under a bridge. She had been raped and murdered. Police found mud, leaves and other debris had been forced down her throat and inside her clothing. Neighbors remembered that Shawcross had been seen with Karen in the vicinity of the bridge before her disappearance, and he had a history of minor run-ins with local children. Shawcross came under immediate suspicion.

He was arrested on October 3, 1972, and finally confessed to both killings, although he was only charged with Karen Hill's killing, given the lack of evidence tying him to Jack Blake's death. He received a 25-year jail sentence, and third wife Penny divorced him shortly thereafter.

After serving less than 15 years of this sentence, he was released on parole in April 1987. The well-publicized resettlement of a child killer in the Binghamton area of New York State was greeted by a public outcry, and he was forced to leave the area after a few months along with his new girlfriend, Rose Whalley.

His past meant that he would be unwelcome almost anywhere, and the authorities made the decision to seal his criminal record in order to prevent a recurrence of the public alarm in Binghamton. They moved Shawcross and Whalley to Rochester, New York, where she became his fourth wife. In Rochester, Shawcross took on a succession of menial jobs. His lackluster marriage to Whalley meant that he was soon seeking solace elsewhere, both from prostitutes as well as his new girlfriend, Clara Neal.

It did not take long for Shawcross to return to his murderous ways. Hunters discovered his next victim, 27-year-old prostitute Dorothy Blackburn, on March 24, 1988. Her body was found in the Genesee River, dumped there following a vicious attack, which included bite marks in the groin area and strangulation.

With little evidence, and no public impetus to solve the murder of a prostitute, her case languished for over a year. There were other murders of prostitutes in that time but, given the danger of the profession, nothing untoward was noticed that linked any of the cases.

The discovery of the body of another prostitute, Anna Steffen, on September 9, 1989, linked several of the victims. She died of asphyxia, and her body had been dumped in a similar manner to Blackburn's corpse. Her body, however, was found far from the original murder scene, so again the possibility that a serial killer was at work was not recognized.

On October 21, 1989, the body of homeless woman Dorothy Keeler, aged 59, was discovered followed six days later by another prostitute, Patricia Ives, in the same area. Both had been asphyxiated and the press started to show an interest as the cases were linked. They nicknamed the offender "Genesee River Killer."

In all the previous cases at least some attempt at concealment had been made, which police felt indicated previous criminal or military experience. They began to advise prostitutes working in the area to exercise caution, and sought as much information as possible about strangers operating in the area. They also began checking criminal records for offenders who might be living in the immediate area. Shawcross' sealed criminal record meant that he shielded him from police scrutiny.

As prostitutes continued to disappear, it became apparent that the killer must be someone familiar to the women who worked in the area. Police were able to piece together a description of a regular client called "Mitch" or "Mike." Women said this particular john was prone to violence.

Then the body of 26-year-old June Stott, who was neither a prostitute nor drug user, was found on Thanksgiving Day. She had been strangled, anally mutilated after death, had her labia removed, and was gutted from throat to crotch like a wild animal.

With the body count mounting, the police sought assistance from FBI profilers. They divided the 11 unsolved prostitute murders into sub-groups according to method and position. They developed a profile that described the killer as a white male in his 20s or 30s, who was strong, probably with a previous criminal record, familiar with the area, and comfortable enough with the victims that they would enter his vehicle without question.

The lack of sexual interference indicated it might be someone with sexual dysfunction. The post-mortem injury inflicted on June Stott, and not on any other victim, indicated that the killer was becoming more comfortable around corpses, probably returning to the crime scene again later to relive the attack.

The discovery of the body of Elizabeth Gibson, on November 27, brought a breakthrough: suspect "Mitch" had been seen with her shortly before her disappearance, but they seemed no closer to establishing his identity. Police tried various tactics, including canvassing all the local bars, to no avail.

When a pair of discarded jeans was discovered near the river on December 31, 1989, containing an ID card for a girl named Felicia Stephens, police began an aerial search of the surrounding area. On January 2, 1990, a helicopter spotted what appeared to be a naked female body lying on the ice surface of the river by a bridge in the forest. The body was not Felicia Stephens but that of missing prostitute June Cicero. She had also been mutilated post-mortem, as well as sawn practically in half.

Even more importantly, the helicopter spotted a man standing on the bridge next to a small van. He appeared to be either masturbating or urinating. Fortunately for the authorities, Shawcross had, as speculated, returned to the scene of one of his crimes to relive the pleasure of the attack.

Patrol teams on the ground were alerted to the vehicle, which had sped away. They finally tracked down Shawcross via the car's registration, which was in the name of his girlfriend Clara Neal. When approached, Shawcross agreed to assist the police with their enquiries. When they asked for his driver's license, he admitted he did not have one and then revealed that he had been in jail for manslaughter.

Police were confident they had their killer, and further questioning revealed the earlier child deaths and a grandiose account of his Vietnam War service, which was later discounted. A photo taken of him during the initial questioning soon confirmed his identity as "Mitch," and official enquiries unearthed the reason for Shawcross' sealed record, which prevented the police from tracking him down sooner.

Still, police were unable to get Shawcross to admit to the murders — until they confirmed that a piece of jewelery he had given to Clara Neal previously belonged to victim June Cicero. When police threatened to implicate her in the killings, Shawcross capitulated and admitted to most of the murders, giving detailed excuses about why he had been "forced" to kill each one. He even admitted to the killing of two undiscovered bodies, those of prostitutes Maria Welsh and Darlene Trippi, leading investigators to their bodies. His formal confession was nearly 80 pages long.

In November 1990, Shawcross went on trial for the 10 murders that had occurred in Monroe County. The last victim, Elizabeth Gibson, had been killed in neighboring Wayne County. The trial was a national media event, extensively televised and widely viewed.

Shawcross' defense team tried to build a case based on an insanity plea, citing various mitigating factors, such as his upbringing, post-traumatic stress as a result of military service, a cyst on the brain and a rare genetic defect.

The prosecution was quick to dispute the claims about his childhood and military service, casting doubts on Shawcross' testimony. The physiological evidence about brain science and genetic factors was, at best, spurious and beyond the understanding of the jury. It was also hindered by poor presentation on the part of the expert witnesses called to testify.

Shawcross was declared sane — and guilty of 10 instances of second-degree murder. The judge sentenced him to 25 years for each count, a total of 250 years imprisonment. A few months later, Shawcross was taken to Wayne County to be tried for Elizabeth Gibson's murder. Rather than claim insanity this time, he pleaded guilty and received a further life sentence.

Shawcross was held at the Sullivan Correctional Facility in New York State until November 10, 2008, when he complained of pain in his leg. He was transferred to a hospital where he died later that day of cardiac arrest.


Practical homicide investigation tactics procedures and forensic techniques fourth edition VERNON J. GEBERTH M.S., M.P.S., B.B.A FBINA Lieutenant Commander (Retired) New York City Police Department

Manhattan at night

As a child, Richard Kuklinski was abused by both of his parents. His father was an alcoholic that beat him daily. After becoming intoxicated and beating Richard's older brother Florian to death, his father abandoned the family. Life was not easier after his abusive father left; his mother hit him routinely, believing her children should be raised in a strict household. Abusive parents weren't Richard's only difficulty; because of his small size, he was an easy target for neighborhood bullies. In an effort to cope with his anger, young Richard mutilated cats and dogs to make himself feel more powerful.

In 1948, when Richard was 13 years old, he got his revenge on the leader of a small neighborhood gang that had been bullying him. After years of torment, Richard snapped and beat Charley Lane to death with a wooden dowel. After Richard killed him, he cut Charley's fingers off with a hatchet and pulled his teeth out with pliers to prevent the body from being identified. Richard then went after the rest of Charley's gang and beat them all nearly to death with an iron rod. In a later interview, he said that this is when he learned, “That it was better to give than to receive.”

As he got older, Richard became a well known pool shark in his area. He was feared by many because of his short fuse. In his spare time in Manhattan he would kill anyone that he felt had rubbed him the wrong way. He would shoot, stab, and bludgeon men to death but as a rule, he would never kill women. Sometimes he would dump the bodies in the Hudson River and other times he would just leave the body where it died. In later interviews, he said that this was a type of lab or training ground for his later career, experimenting with what felt right.

Through a connection with Roy DeMeo, Richard began working for the Gambino Crime Family, pirating pornographic films. He eventually became an enforcer for the Gambino Family, making sure debts were paid through violence. Standing at the monstrous height of 6 feet, 5 inches and weighing in at almost 300 pounds, he was extremely intimidating, and higher-ups in the family took notice. Richard was put to the test when Roy selected a target at random on the street and ordered Richard to kill him. Richard walked up to a man walking a dog and shot him in the back of the head. From that point on, Richard Kuklinski was Roy's favorite enforcer. Richard continued to do hits for the Gambino Crime Family, killing anyone who crossed them, including witnesses, cops, and rivals. Over the course of his 30-year career, Richard claimed that he had killed over 200 people.

Richard was a jack of all trades when it came to killing people; he had no preference for a weapon or style, which made him even harder to catch. He used handguns, crossbows, sawed-off shotguns, blunt objects, knives, and cyanide. Richard would sometimes administer poison to his targets by means of injection, placing it in people's food, aerosol spray, or by simply spilling it onto the victim's skin. He earned the nickname, “The Iceman,” because he would occasionally place his victims in freezers after he murdered them and leave them there for years until he dumped the bodies. This confused investigators who could not figure out time of death because the victims had been frozen.

It was an undercover agent who finally caught up with Richard Kuklinski in 1986. His claims launched a joint investigation by New Jersey's district attorney, the FBI, and ATF. On December 17, 1986 Richard Kuklinski was arrested after investigators staged a cyanide purchase deal. Investigators used undercover agent Dominick Polifrone's testimony to convict Richard. In March 1988 a jury found him guilty of five murders and he was sentenced to consecutive life sentences at Trenton State prison which made him ineligible for parole until he turned 110. While in prison, Richard agreed to various interviews about his former hit man life style. His most famous interview was with HBO called, The Iceman Interviews. While in prison, Richard claimed that he was involved in Jimmy Hoffa's disappearance. Richard claims that he stabbed him with a hunting knife and placed his body inside a barrel which was put inside a car that was later crushed.

Richard Kuklinski died on March 5, 2006 at the age of 70. His death was labeled suspicious because Richard was supposed to testify against a former mobster who was being tried for murder. An autopsy was performed but they determined that he died due to natural causes. His life also inspired the 2012 movie The Iceman


practical homicide investigation tactics procedures and forensic techniques fourth edition VERNON J. GEBERTH M.S., M.P.S., B.B.A FBINA Lieutenant Commander (Retired) New York City Police Department

Richard chase

On December 29, 1977, Chase killed his first known victim in a drive-by shooting. The victim, Ambrose Griffin, was a 51-year-old engineer and father of two.

Two weeks later, he attempted to enter the home of a woman, but because her doors were locked, he walked away. Chase later told detectives that he took locked doors as a sign that he was not welcome, but unlocked doors were an invitation to come inside. On one occasion, he was caught and chased off by a couple returning home as he pilfered their belongings; he had also urinated and defecated on their infant child's bed and clothing.

On January 23, 1978, Chase broke into a house and shot Teresa Wallin (three months pregnant at the time) three times. He then had sexual intercourse with her corpse while stabbing her with a butcher's knife. He then removed multiple organs, cut off one of her nipples and drank her blood. He stuffed dog feces from Wallin's yard down her throat before leaving.

On January 27, Chase entered the home of 38-year-old Evelyn Miroth. He encountered her friend, Danny Meredith, whom he shot with his .22 handgun. He then fatally shot Miroth, her six-year-old son Jason, and her 22-month-old nephew David Ferreira, before mutilating Miroth and engaging in necrophilia and cannibalism with her corpse. A visitor's knock on the door startled Chase, who fled in Meredith's car, taking Ferreira's body with him. The visitor alerted a neighbor, who called police. They discovered that Chase had left complete handprints and shoe imprints in Miroth's blood. Chase was arrested shortly afterwards; police who searched Chase's apartment found that the walls, floor, ceiling, refrigerator, and all of Chase's eating and drinking utensils were soaked in blood.


practical homicide investigation tactics procedures and forensic techniques fourth edition VERNON J. GEBERTH M.S., M.P.S., B.B.A FBINA Lieutenant Commander (Retired) New York City Police Department

This image shows Jupiter's south pole, as seen by NASA's Juno spacecraft from an altitude of 32,000 miles (52,000 kilometers). The oval features are cyclones, up to 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) in diameter. Multiple images taken with the JunoCam instrument on three separate orbits were combined to show all areas in daylight, enhanced color, and stereographic projection.


In the United States, Canada, the UK, along with most European countries, South America countries, Russia, Australia, and Japan, and most of China, the Whittaker family is considered highly inbred.

but some countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and pretty much all of the Middle East, most of Africa and all small isolated islands, this first cousin shit is the norm, and has been for a long ass time.... in fact, the Egyptian Pharaohs were hooking up with their siblings... that's why king Tutankaman was such a frail, sickly, awkward motherfucker, he was the result several generations of sibling marriages...

its almost a guarantee that cleopatra was the result of an affair and that's why she wasn't a fucktard like all the rest.


Michael ross

Between 1981 and 1984, Ross murdered eight girls and women aged between 14 and 25 in Connecticut and New York.[6] He raped seven out of his eight murder victims. He also was alleged to have raped, but not killed, a 21-year-old woman named Vivian Dobson in 1983 and a woman named Candace Farris in Indiana. Plainfield police rejected the possibility that Ross had been Vivian Dobson's rapist. They did not press charges and Ross made no confession.

Ross confessed to the eight murders and was convicted for the last four of them. He was sentenced to death on July 6, 1987, in Connecticut by judge G. Sarsfield Ford. In 2001, while on death row, Ross pleaded guilty to first degree manslaughter for killing Paula Perrera in New York in 1982, and was sentenced to 8 and 1/3 to 25 years in prison. He spent almost 18 years on death row before his execution in May 2005.


practical homicide investigation tactics procedures and forensic techniques fourth edition VERNON J. GEBERTH M.S., M.P.S., B.B.A FBINA Lieutenant Commander (Retired) New York City Police Department

On October 8, 1860, Boston newspapers announced that painter turned photographer James Wallace Black would photograph Boston from a hot-air balloon hovering over the city. On October 13th, a balloon carried Black 1,200 feet over Boston, and he exposed eight plates. The photographer got one good print; he entitled it "Boston as the Eagle and the Wild Goose See It." The Herald printed the image.

In an account written by Samuel King, who supplied the balloon and was with Black when he made his photograph, described the feat. The first images were taken while the balloon was still tethered. Hoping to get an even more spectacular view from higher altitudes, the rope was detached. However, King noted that something unexpected happened at that point: "The gas, expanding as the balloon rose, . . . filled the surrounding atmosphere, penetrating even into the camera, neutralizing the effect of the light, and turning the coating on the glass plate to a uniform dark brown color." Several plates were spoiled and the effort had to be scrapped. Luckily, Black had already captured at least one good image of Boston from above.

Nasa's Parker Solar Probe

The Parker solar probe may not look like a super fast spaceship, but it is.... it's really, really, really fast, in fact the Parker solar probe is the fastest man-made object to ever exist. On September 27th 2023 this space probe was clocked in at a blistering 394,736 mph! And it hasn't even reached it's max speed yet. Scientists estimate it will reach it's top speed in late 2024 when it makes it's final trip past our star, scientists estimate it will hit a speed of over 430,000 mph!


David Ray Parker

Ray's “Toy Box” contained a gynecologist-type table in the middle with a mirror mounted to the ceiling so that his victims could see the horrors delivered upon them. Littering the floor were whips, chains, pulleys, straps, clamps, leg spreader bars, surgical blades, saws, and numerous sex toys.

Authorities also found a wooden contraption, which was apparently used to immobilize Ray's victims while he and his friends raped them.

Chilling diagrams on the walls showed different methods for inflicting pain.


practical homicide investigation tactics procedures and forensic techniques fourth edition VERNON J. GEBERTH M.S., M.P.S., B.B.A FBINA Lieutenant Commander (Retired) New York City Police Department


There is a HIDDEN Marsey somewhere in the video, the first user to posts a screen shot of the hidden Marsey in the comments will win 1,000 Mbux..

If the winner is also a member of

!Memento_mori or a follower I'll double the prize and give them 2,000.

if the winner is a member and a follower I'll give them 3,000 Mbux!

Note: the marsey at the [Adobe_Express_20240321_0859200_1.png] end of the video is NOT the hidden Marsey


Human limb grafting

Forehead nose

This man's nose was damaged beyond repair in a vehicle accident in 2012, Doctors had no choice but to grow a new nose as a replacement.

The nose was grown by placing a skin tissue expander onto his forehead, cutting it into the shape of a nose and planting cartilage taken from his ribs.

This grafting technique is called Rotationplasty.

This woman had osteosarcoma cancer and had to have her knee and part of her femur removed, and at the same time, the remaining leg was connected to the thigh with the foot rotated back 180 degrees. This is done in order to create a new knee from her ankle, which would then be fitted with a prosthetic

Man whos arm was cut off above the elbow in a vehicle accident. Though the cut was clean the arm became infected and couldn't be reached because of the infection. Doctors grafting the arm to the mans leg for 9 days in order to keep it alive while treating it for the infection. after the arm was free of infection it was reattach where it belongs

The Clutter Family murders

In the early hours of November 15th 1959, Richard Hickock and Perry Smith walked in the front door of a family farmhouse armed with a shotgun and a hunting knife.... before sunrise all four residents who lived in the house would be dead.

Smith and Hickock were two ex-convicts, recently paroled from the Kansas State Penitentiary. Floyd Wells, a former cellmate of Hickock's, had been a farmhand for Herb Clutter. Wells told Hickock that Clutter kept large amounts of cash in a safe, which was a bullshit story but Hickoch was a dumbass believed him. Hickoch was then able to convince Smith this bullshit story was true and the two started to hatch a plan to rob clutter once they got out of prison.

Once the were in the Clutter home They located Herbert Clutter separated him from his wife, teenage daughter and son and then interrogated his about the safe.

Since there was no safe Mr.Clutter didn't have any answers for them...

after ransacking the house the two men realized they were idiots and there was no money, angry they had wasted their time the turned their anger towards the Clutters and killed each one of the clutters with a shotgun blast to the head, Mr.Clutter was tortured and his throat slit before he was shot.

Hickock and Smith were convicted for the murders and sentenced to death and on April 14th 1965 both men were executed via hanging


The Clutters

Herbert "Herb" Clutter was a prosperous farmer in western Kansas. His two elder daughters, Eveanna and Beverly, had moved out and started their adult lives. His two younger children, Nancy age 16 and Kenyon age 15, were high school students. Clutter's wife Bonnie had reportedly been incapacitated by clinical depression and physical ailments since the births of her children, although this was later disputed. Both Nancy and Kenyon Clutter attended Holcomb High School.

Perry Edward Smith

At age 16, Smith joined the United States Merchant Marine. He joined the United States Army in 1948, where he served in the Korean War. During his stint in the Army, Smith spent weeks at a time in the stockade for public carousing and fighting with Korean civilians and other soldiers. In spite of his record, Smith received an honorable discharge in 1952 and was last stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington.

Smith stayed with an Army friend for a time in the Tacoma area, where he was employed as a car painter. With one of his first paychecks, Smith bought a motorcycle. While riding, he lost control of the bike due to adverse weather conditions. Smith nearly died in the accident and spent six months in a Bellingham hospital. Because of the severe injuries, his legs were permanently disabled and he suffered chronic leg pains for the rest of his life. To help control the pain, Smith consumed an excessive amount of aspirin

Richard Hickock

Hickock was a popular student and an athlete at Olathe High School. After finishing high school, Hickock had wanted to attend college, but his family lacked the means to finance his post-secondary education. Hickock went to work as a mechanic instead.

Head injuries from a serious automobile accident in 1950 left Hickock disfigured, rendering his face slightly lopsided and his eyes asymmetrical. According to his brother Walter, the accident "almost killed him," and it also changed him. After being released from the hospital, Hickock was left with hospital bills and mounting debts, leading him to start bad financial habits like writing bad checks and gambling. He drifted through several manual labor jobs, working as a railroad worker, mechanic, and ambulance driver while simultaneously continuing to write bad checks and commit petty theft. Eventually, the crime caught up with him, and in March 1958, at the age of 26, Hickock received his first prison sentence. After stealing a rifle out of a local home he was imprisoned at Kansas State Penitentiary where he would meet Perry Smith.


Retarded tattoos

The history of retarded tattoos by Rainonthescarecrow.

We do not know when the first retarded tattoo was done, but I can say with confidence that retarded tattoos date back as far as the first tattoo's...

We have all seen the so-called "art" early man scratched and scribbled on cave walls and random rocks so we all know early mans so-called "art" was no better than what a half retarded chimpanzee with crayons is capable of, so i'm gonna go ahead and say the percentage of tattoos from this early caveman era was between 99.9% to 100% retarded and the numbers most likely stayed there for the next 10,000 or so years...

we are going to skip through all the military, religious, medical, voodoo, gang, and freakshow history of retarded tattoos and pretend like it didn't happen...

which brings us to the modern era of retarded tattoos 1970's to the present day.

There are three categories for modern retarded tattoos and those categories are defined as followed...

Category 1. Tattoos of subject matter which is so stupid that no amount of skill by the artist can make these tattoos not retarded.

Here are afew examples of Cat 1 retarded tattoos

There are many factors we can blame for retarded category 1 tattoos such as alcohol, drugs, immaturity, peer pressure and so on but if we were to break it all down the cause is the tattoo artists refusing to tell people "No, that's stupid, im not doing that" either because they are desperate for cash and need the work, their sense of pride in their work is nonexistent or they hate you.

Category 2. Tattoos that should have been decent tattoos but were left in the hands of an incompetent tattoo artist.

here are afew examples of category 2 retarded tattoos.

The reasons we see so many category 2 retarded tattoos is 90% of so called tattoo artists are only artists because they call themselves artists, but really they are just douchebag wannabes who purchased a tattoo gun on temu for .89 cents, but despite the tattoo artists pool being saturated by dollar store wannabes the blame for cat 2 retard tattoos falls on the person who allows these crackerjack artists to cut into them.

Category 3 Tattoos are stupid because of where they are located, these tattoos can be of something awesome and done to perfection by a highly skilled artist but because of where the tattoo is located it is retarded.

here are afew example of cat 3 retarded tattoos.

the blame for cat 3 tattoos is shared by everyone involved because it takes at least two morons for a tattoo of a penis to end up on someones face.

source: trust me bro


There is a HIDDEN Marsey somewhere in the video, the first user to posts a screen shot of the hidden Marsey in the comments will win 1,000 coins..

If the winner is also a member of

!Memento_mori or a follower I'll double the prize and give them 2,000.

if the winner is a member and a follower I'll give them 3,000 coins!

Note: the marsey at the end of the video is NOT the hidden Marsey

EFFORTPOST Effects of Different Poisons(Videos + Info Post)

Phone Numbers to Call in Case of Poisoning:

  • 1-800-222-1222(US)

  • 111-Non Emergenct 999-Emergency(UK)

  • 131-126(Australia)

Posioning is when exposure to a toxic substance makes you sick or harms you. Many different substances are toxic to humans. A few examples include heavy metals, certain gases and even some plants you encounter while gardening. Poisoning often happens suddenly and accidentally. For example a child might eat the wrong thing, or you might splash a harsh cleaner into your eye.

Common household items that could poison children:

  • Cosmetics and personal care products

  • Cleaning substaces and laundry products

  • Pain medications, both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC)

  • Topical prepartations like rash creams

  • Plants

  • Antimicrobials like antibiotics

  • Foreign bodies such as toys and toy parts, coins, and thermometers

  • Pesticides

  • Vitamins and supplements

  • Antihistamines (Anti-Allergens)

Always treat poisoning as a medical emergency because the effect may worsen over time!

Different Types of Poisoning

Toxic Gases:

Inhaling toxic gases, either knowingly or unknowingly, commonly poisons a large number of people every year. Two of the most common gaseous poisonings are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is a natural gas that comes mostly from combustion (When something burns). In a typical household, poisonous gas emits from fireplaces, grills, and automobiles. Carbon dioxide is another natural gas, but not as toxic as carbon monoxide. It occurs naturally in the air that everyone breathes, and only causes harm if inhaled in concentrated doses. Both gases are odorless, colorless, and tasteless.


Children are mostly victims of chemical poisoning. These chemicals are in everyday household items, such as household cleaners, laundry detergent, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and pretty much everything else under the kitchen sink. Ingesting different chemicals cause different symptoms, but ingesting too much of any of them can be fatal. Making yourself vomit is the best way to get rid of the compound and prevent it from doing further harm, but call The Emergency Center to reserve a room and go to the facility immediately.

Man Puking Blood due to Rat Poison

Food Poisoning:

Anybody can become ill from food poisoning. Food poisoning occurs when someone consumes contaminated foods or undercooked meats. They may also be the result of a national food recall, which is not that unusual. Foodborne illnesses are common in the United States and generally cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, and chills. Most of the time, the disease will last for a few days. However, the illness can become fatal, depending on the severity of the condition, and different factors such as age, and health. There is no cure for foodborne illness, but over-the-counter (OTC) medications can normally prevent or hinder the symptoms.


In 2022, there were over 109,000 overdoses in the United States (All time record). While some overdoses are cases of suicide, others are accidental. If a person does not know their dosage or does not know they are allergic, an overdose can be fatal. Children must stay away from all forms of medication at all times. If someone is suffering from an overdose, they must induce vomiting to get the drug out from their system. They must also go to the emergency room. Currently, the country has a severe opioid crisis. There are many forms of opioids in this country, and all of them are highly addictive. I suggest carrying Naloxone/Narcan

Animal Bites/Stings:

Several species in the world have the capability of poisoning a person, either through a bite or a sting. Snakes, bees, certain frogs, and fish can produce venom that is capable of causing fatal injuries. In most cases, antivenom can reverse the effects of these animal attacks. If an individual suffers from an animal attack, they should seek immediate medical attention.

Fun Poison Facts:

Rat Poison is beneficial to those with certain health conditions, and you or someone you know most likely takes it! Warfarin is a blood thinner just like rat poison and can be used to help with certain conditions, the dosage is the only difference.
Water Poisoning, or Water Intoxication is when someone drinks too much water decreasing the sodium levels in there blood dangerously low.
When cleaning you could accidentally make Mustad Gas, which would be lethal to inhale, by combining bleach and ammonia based cleaners.
If your car is left running in your garage for too long it could be fatal to walk in due to the Carbon Monoxide build up.
Similar to cars, Potato's can build up a toxic chemical called Solanine in the air if stored in an unfiltered area, such as a cellar or cabinet. Solanine could knock you unconscious or even kill you.

Factors that effect the severity of poisoning

  • The amount that enters your body This ones a given, I mean even our body has small amounts of DMT being made.

  • The type of poison Certain types of poison cause mild symptoms that go away with at-home care. Other substances are more likely to cause severe illness, and should be cared for at a hospital.

  • How it enters your body Poison can enter your body through skin, mouth, nose, eyes, genitals, and ass. The more direct it enters the inside of the body, the worse the effects.

  • How long you're exposed to it A poisoning can be either acute or chronic. An acute exposure might just be seconds or minutes. A chronic exposure involves long-term exposure to a poison. Chronic exposures often happen on the job, especially in mining, factory settings or agriculture; or at home where there could be a leak or toxic materials.

  • Factors unrelated to the poison itself (Age, Overall Health, etc.)


Some Poisoning Videos:

Wife Poisoned Husband

Man Calmly Poisons Himself

Annotated Autopsy of a Man Poisoned by Unknown Substance

Carbon Monoxide Poisoned Body

Nazis Poison Homeless Man

This one's fucked!

Woman Flails After Unknown Poisoning

Woman Tries to Poison Her Husband (Caught)

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST The Downfall of Criminal764 (Kyle William Spitze)


Triggering topics mentioned:

Child Sexual Abuse/Exploitation, Pedophilia, Cults, Animal Harm, Grooming, and Extortion

This post does not directly focus on the suffering of children.

For your comfort, I will spoil the overly graphic details. There will be no visual depictions of animal harm, child pornography, or child abuse. View the links at your discretion, there are chat logs that prove what happens and fan signs shown but there are no visual depictions of child abuse or animal harm.

Any term you are confused about, I will have it listed at the bottom of the post. If a term you are not sure about isn't on that list, let me know and I'll help you out

Who is Kyle William Spitze?

Kyle (criminal) face reveal on call

Kyle William Spitze, also known as criminal(764) or crim, is known for talking to and targeting underage users online primarily on apps like Telegram and Discord. He is notable for his involvement in the online cult 764. He has encouraged minors to harm themselves and produce CP and has used means such as blackmail, threats, and other extortion tactics in order to get this content. He is also known to have decapitated live chickens on a recorded video and on one occasion have its entrails spell out “crim”.

Criminal was also unironically a cross dresser

As far as I'm aware, he is not trans


Kyle Spitze parents are Melanie Rae Spitze and Michael Spitze

Melanie (middle) standing with Kyle (right)

Michael with Melanie

What is 764?

First, let's break down and understand what 764 is. It is classified to be an extremist satanic pedophile cult that centers around spreading harmful neo-nazi ideals and chaos to target the youth and the members regularly encourage stuff like self-harm and suicide and the production of it, often centered around asking for “cutsigns” (primarily to minors ranging from 8-17), encouraging acts of violence, distribution and production of child pornography (cp) and child abuse material, encouraging the production of animal abuse/harm content, etc.


Founded in the 1960s, The Order of Nine Angles (O9A) is a secretive group that believes in personal growth through exploring taboo topics and tough experiences. They mix elements of Satanism, traditional occult practices, and unconventional spirituality to find their own paths to enlightenment. The O9A identifies as part of the Left Hand Path and has been described as a dangerous and extreme satanic group that advocates for a spiritual journey that involves practitioners breaking societal norms by distancing themselves from mainstream society, engaging in criminal activities, adopting extreme political views (i.e. Aryanism or Social Darwinism), and sometimes resorting to violence and acts of terrorism. Additionally, some interpretations suggest involvement in acts such as human sacrifice.

O9A Symbol

764 has adopted these ideals by visibly expressing their strong beliefs in neo-nazism, social darwinism, extreme forms of theistic/LaVeyan satanism, and promotion of violent, offensive, and terroristic acts like the need to “corrupt the youth”. A prime example of this is Tobbz764 (Nino Luciano H.) who on April 12, 2022, murdered a 74-year old woman because “he believed she was Jewish, and told authorities that he killed her because he believed she was Roma, though the woman did not belong to either group.” [8] to which he was charged and sentenced to 14 years in prison and before the murder, he pushed an 82-year-old man down the stairs and assaulted him with a knife. He recorded both incidents and shared them in online group chats.

764 and other COM groups directly target minors with the intent of extorting, corrupting, or abusing them. COM is a term used to group these chats together. Other chats that are currently under investigation include but are not limited too 676, H3ll, Harm Nation, CVLT, Court, Kaskar, and Leak Nation

Here are links to those videos:

“Bradley Cadenhead (17) was the founder of this server and went by the username Felix or Brad764; he's since been sentenced to 80 years in prison. In addition to child pornography and Nazi symbolism, Cadenhead had a penchant for graphic violence, with his chat group featuring a constant stream of animals being mutilated and people being killed. Most were edits of existing content – but some of them were not. He extorted several victims into livestreaming themselves killing their pets.” [1]

On September 12, 2023, the United States FBI issued a public service announcement warning the public about these specific online chat rooms.

Who do they target?

“The groups target minors between the ages of 8 and 17 years old, especially LGBTQ+ youth, racial minorities, and those who struggle with a variety of mental health issues, such as depression and suicidal ideation.” [[4]](

764 and other COM groups directly target minors with the intent of extorting, corrupting, or abusing them. COM is a term used to group these types of chats together. Other chats that are currently under investigation include but are not limited to 676, H3ll, Harm Nation, CVLT, Court, Kaskar, and Leak Nation. A lot of these communities will disguise themselves as mental health servers (primarily on Discord), gore and self harm groups, or other “seemingly normal” groups that would easily lure in someone who is looking for those communities. It is not always easy to identify when you are in COM, and when you realize it, it may be hard to get out. The topic below will explain why it may be hard for someone to leave. Fear is a huge factor.

It's also so easy to just say “block them” but if you have never experienced this type of engagement you wouldn't understand that they can make new accounts, they can get others to harass you, they can make threats against you, blackmail you, etc. These people will go to great lengths to harass you and get in your's way easier said than done, blocking only does so much.

Extortion and Self-Harm

“The groups use extortion and blackmail tactics, such as threatening to SWAT or DOX the minor victims, if they do not comply with the groups' requests, manipulate and extort minors into producing CSAM and videos depicting animal cruelty and self-harm. Self-harm activity includes cutting, stabbing, or fansigning. Members of the groups threaten to share sexually explicit videos or photos of the minor victims with their family, friends, and/or post to the internet. The groups control their victims through extreme fear and many members have an end goal of forcing the minors they extort into committing suicide on live-stream for their entertainment or their sense of fame. [4]

Kyle Shot by Mom's Boyfriend

On August 25th, 2023 in Friendsville, Tennessee, a video of Kyle Spitze getting shot by his mom's 68-year-old boyfriend, Jeffrey Scott West after he had mouthed off to him. At some point during the altercation, Spitze took a POV video which would then go viral shortly after. During the video, West can be heard yelling “I'm getting ready to blow his goddamn brains out! Right Fucking now” while pointing the gun at Spitze who is laying in his bed.

Rushing over to the scene Kyle's mother, Melanie Spitze is seen with her pants down pleading with West to stop. She was then able to momentarily redirect West from the door when Spitze said “Blow my brains out? Shoot me, and I guarantee you'll go to jail for life.” to which West replied, “You want me to?”.

Melanie closes the door in an attempt to de-escalate the situation but this only agitates West. West yells “I'm getting ready to blow his brains out, and yours!”, having made a threat against his mom, this prompts Spitze to stand up and open the door exclaiming “You gonna blow my mom's brain out?” then instructs West to point his gun at him, to which he complied and shot him. Spitze points his phone to the floor where you can see blood dripping on the floor as a result of the shot then runs out the backdoor in a panic.

At 8:15 pm police officers arrived to the scene in hopes of negotiating with the shooter but at some point during the 2-hour police standoff, Jeffery West shot and killed himself.

alleged screenshot from a conversation between (unknown) and criminal after the altercation

Here is more on the shooting case:

Spitze's Mother Found Dead

Melanie Spitze

Melanie Rae Spitze, aged 61, was found dead in her hotel room at the OYO Hotel in Cedar Bluff with a pool of blood nearby. The cause of her death was ruled as an accidental overdose, proven via autopsy. Though some speculate he played a role in her death

I could not find a cause for the blood.

Kyle stated:

“I just woke up and there's blood everywhere, and mom won't breathe, and I'm fucking scared. Mom … Mom, please wake up, please,” Kyle can be heard saying in the video, which Headline USA isn't sharing out of respect for Melanie. “This is so traumatizing.” [2]

Kyle recording his death mother< fondling her breasts, and crying over her body + footage from police arrival

credit to @Britches for finding this!

Shortly after, Kyle can be heard providing his social security number to a law enforcement officer. This number matches the one listed for Kyle on a doxing website, confirming his identity in the video. Additionally, the arm visible in the video shows the bracelet Kyle has worn in other photographs.

alleged photo of deceased Melanie with what appears to be a narcan spray

Spitze's Charges

FBI Agent Jason Stewart's partially unsealed affidavit reveals that the bureau conducted a search warrant on Spitze's phone on February 10. It is understood by Headline USA that Spitze was hospitalized at the time after recording a video of his deceased mother and sharing it online.

He is said to face trial on May 28, 2024, this may change depending on how the investigation progresses. I will post an update when his sentencing comes out.

Initially, his father denied all allegations against his son. But he has since come around and confirmed the allegations were true but is also trying to help cover his tracks. During Spitze's hospitalization at Peninsula Behavioral Health Center, he (the father) attempted to smuggle in his phone so that he (Kyle) could erase the evidence which failed and inevitably got caught and charged at the hospital where he was charged and then transferred to Kentucky jail.

Count 1: Production of child pornography

“On or about July 22, 2023, within the Eastern District of Tennessee, defendant Kyle William Spitze did knowingly employ, use, persuade, induce, entice, and coerce a minor, V1, to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct that the defendant know or had reason to know that such visual depiction would be mailed or transported across state lines or in foreign commerce by any means including by computer, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2251(a) and (e). [3]

Count 2: Production of child pornography

““On or about July 28, 2023, within the Eastern District of Tennessee, defendant Kyle William Spitze did knowingly employ, use, persuade, induce, entice, and coerce a minor, V1, to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct that the defendant know or had reason to know that such visual depiction would be mailed or transported across state lines or in foreign commerce by any means including by computer, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2251(a) and (e).” [3]

Count 3: Enticement

“On or about July 22, 2023, within the Eastern District of Tennessee, defendant Kyle William Spitze using a facility or means of interstate and foreign commerce, did knowingly attempt to persuade, induce, and entice an individual who had not attained the age of 18 years, to engage in sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense, to wit, Rape of a Child pursuant to Tennessee Code Section 39-13-522, the unlawful sexual penetration of a victim by the defendant, if the victim is more than eight (8) years of age but less than thirteen (13) years of age, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2422(b). [3]

Count 4: Distribution of animal crush videos

“Further, on or about July 24, 2023, within the Eastern District of Tennessee, defendant Kyle William Spitze did unlawfully and knowingly abet and distribute an animal crush video, to wit: decapitation of a live white chicken, the video is 22 seconds in length in and using the internet, a means and facility of the interstate and foreign commerce in violation of Title 18, United State code, Sections 48 and 2.” [3]

Count 5: Distribution of animal crushing videos

“Further, on or about July 24, 2023, within the Eastern District of Tennessee, defendant Kyle William Spitze did unlawfully and knowingly abet and distribute an animal crush video, to wit: decapitation of a live black and white chicken, the video is 41 seconds in length in and using the internet, a means and facility of the interstate and foreign commerce in violation of Title 18, United State code, Sections 48 and 2.” [3]

Count 6: Distribution of animal crushing videos

“Further, on or about July 24, 2023, within the Eastern District of Tennessee, defendant Kyle William Spitze did unlawfully and knowingly abet and distribute an animal crush video, to wit: decapitation of a brown chicken with the entrails spelling out “crim” in and using the internet, a means and facility of the interstate and foreign commerce in violation of Title 18, United State code, Sections 48 and 2.” [3]

Count 7: Possession of and access with intent to view child pornography

Further charges that on or about February 10, 2024, within the Eastern District of Tennessee, defendant Kyle William Spitze did knowingly possess material which contains an image of child pornography, as defined in Title 18, United States Code, Section 2256(8), that had been shipped or transported in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2252A(a)(5)(B). [3]

Count 8: Production of child pornography

“On or about February 10, 2024, within the Eastern District of Tennessee, defendant **Kyle William Spitze did knowingly employ, use, persuade, induce, entice, and coerce a minor, V1, to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct that the defendant know or had reason to know that such visual depiction would be mailed or transported across state lines or in foreign commerce by any means including by computer, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2251(a) and (e). [3]

Forfeiture Allegations [3]

The allegations contained in Counts 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8 of this indictment are re-alleged and incorporated herein reference for the purpose of alleging forfeitures pursuants to Tile 18, United States Code, Sections 2253 and 2428.

Pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 2251 and/or 2252A, the defendant Kyle William Spitze, shall forfeit to the United States of America his interests in the following

Any visual depiction described in Title 18, United States Code, Sections 2251, 2251A, 2252, 2252A, or 2260, or any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, or other matter which contains such visual depiction, which was produced, transported, mailed, shipped or received in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Chapter 110

Any property, real or personal, constituting or traceable to gross profits or other proceeds obtained from the offense; and

Any property, real or obtained, used or intended to be used to commit or to promote the commission of the offenses.

This property to be forfeited includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Black Apple iPhone 11, SN: FFYGXTDHN721, IMEI: 357838492062684 seized from defendant on or about February 10, 2024

Pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 2428, upon conviction of an offense in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2422(b), the defendant Kyle William Spitze, shall forfeit to the United States of America his interests in any property, real or personal used or intended to be used to commit or to facilitate the commission of the violated and/or any property, real or personal, that constitutes or is derived from proceeds traceable to a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 2422(b) including but not limited to:

Black Apple iPhone 11, SN: FFYGXTDHN721, IMEI: 357838492062684 seized from defendant on or about February 10, 2024

If any of the property described above, as a result of, any act or commission of the defendant: (a) cannot be located upon the exercise of due diligence; (b) has been transferred or sold to, or deposited, with a third party; ( c ) has been placed beyond the jurisdiction of the Court; (d) has been substantially diminished in value; or (e) has been commingled with other property which cannot be divided without difficulty, the United States of America shall use entitles to forfeiture of substitute property to pursuant to Title 21, United States Code, Section 853(p), and incorporated by Title 18, United States Code, Section 2253(b) and Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c)

At this time, Kyle has plead not guilty to these charges

you can view more information here:

This is a public telegram channel where updates on his case are posted. There are text conversations between Michael and a minor, and Kyles ex girlfriend in the channel, view those if you'd like. All is alleged i cannot confirm the accuracy of those messages.


Kyle's lawyer has his asked to resign from his case due to "conflict of interest

alleged audio between Kyle's father (Michael) and (unknown) about him crying about his dead wife due to Kyle's actions and how he wants to take action against him for this

As of August 12, 2024, Kyle Spitze has now been moved to Blount County Jail in Tennessee in federal safe housing out of fear of being killed


Inmate Information:

Inmate ID: 424943

Booking Date: 4/12/2024 11:58:00 am

Age: 06/02/1999

Gender: M

Race: W

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 145

Eye Color: BLU

Hair Color: BRO

Arresting Agency: BCSO


Description: Federal Safe Housing

Statute Code: Federal Safe Housing

Crime Classification: N/A

Offense Code: C99

Offense Type: F

Bond Info: N/A

Sent from the Blount County Sheriff TN app


Cutsign: when someone cuts someone's name onto their body

In these cases, it is often used to gain recognition and a higher status (stupid af)

SWAT: “also referred to as SWATTING is the action or practice of making a prank call to police or emergency services in an attempt to bring about the dispatch of armed police officers such as a SWAT team to a particular address.” [4]

Dox: “also referred to as DOXXING is the action of obtaining and publishing personally identifiable information (PII) on the internet, usually for malicious intent.” [4]

Left Hand Path: refers to a specific approach to spiritual practices within the realm of occultism.

  • Often associated with satanism (theistic or LaVeyan), black magic, esotericism, neo-nazism, or culturally taboo practices.

  • However, it is important to note that not every satanist will follow the LHP ideology and not everyone who follows the LHP ideology identifies as a satanist.

MV1: Minor Victim 1




[3] file:///C:/Users/eliza/Downloads/Telegram%20Desktop/kyleindict.pdf













In today's post, we are covering several types of sports accidents that may come from overestimating your abilities/letting your ego get in the way, incorrect form, lack of safety practices, inappropriate attire, and much more. We will go over the importance of understanding safety procedures and visual examples of why they're in place and the risks that come from doing things incorrectly and overestimating your abilities

Sporting Accidents

Skaters + Scooters

skater head slams

skater stairs + rails


↑ bro did not need an ambo for that :lelolidk:

3 story fall

↑ i do not know the end goal here

compilation of fails


failed stunts

failed jump on bike

biker does wheelie in the road and car speeds up to hit him

biker tries to bike on ice and falls through

Skiing + Snowboarding


skier crashes into someone standing

skier crashes into snowboarder

failed stunt

Helmets + Gear

Why should you wear a helmet?

Wearing a helmet is essential when bike riding and skating as it protects your head from injury. By wearing a helmet you significantly reduce your risk of brain damage when you take a tumble, while it will not eliminate this, it can lower the severity of the injury as the helmet is taking most of the impact as opposed to your head. If the impact is severe enough, you risk some serious brain damage or even death. So, wear a helmet, you're not invincible.


Why should you wear safety gear?

Properly equipping yourself with items like helmets, shin/elbow pads, thick clothing, etc. will significantly reduce the impact received when you fall off a bike, skateboard, skates, scooters, etc. They can reduce the risk of injuries such as a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), broken elbow, road burn, or a cracked skull.




snowboarder crashes into a kid (child)

failed stunts

failed stunt results in a crash into a tree

Football (or soccer for others)

Donald Parham concussed

Vikings quarterback Jaren Hall concussed

49ers Dre Greenlaw tears left Achilles tendon

Depending on the severity, a ruptured Achilles tendon may require surgery to repair. With or without, rehab and physical therapy will be needed with up to 6 months or more of healing time


double leg dislocation

failed stunt

↑ she landed on her neck

hope you guy's enjoyed! there's a part 2 coming out for these as well :marseyblowkiss:

EFFORTPOST Japan Airlines Flight123 disaster + cockpit voice recording (black box) - WPD EXCLUSIVE + coin giveaway - 2 videos

Video description: photos of the aftermath of the August 12th 1985 crash of JAL 123 which killed 520 people. cockpit audio from the final minute before the crash and music by @ApocalypseDude

flight voice recording (black box)

On the afternoon of the accident day, JA8119 has already completed two round trip flights, JL503/504 to and from Sapporo, and JL363/366 to and from Fukuoka. At 5.17pm, the plane has just completed flight JL366, and was parked at Spot 18 at Tokyo International Airport, getting ready for its flight to Osaka, JL123.

At 6.04pm, the plane started taxiing towards the runway. Takeoff was at 6.12pm, and it climbed to its cruising height of 24000ft. The flight was going smoothly up to this point.

At 6.24pm, a sudden, loud noise rocked the cabin after the failure of the pressure bulkhead resulted in explosive decompression. As air rushed out of the plane, its tail also broke completely off, which is where all four hydraulic lines are located; as a result, this meant the pilots no longer had any ability to control the aircraft. 46 seconds later, the pilots squawked 7700 (emergency) and requested to return to Tokyo International Airport.

However, although the air traffic controller approved the plane to turn towards Tokyo, the plane strangely started heading towards the north west direction. At 6.28pm, the Tokyo Air Traffic Controller asked the pilots to turn left, but received the message from the pilots, "now uncontrollable." By then, the plane was moving in a way called the phugoid motion, climbing until losing speed and stalling, then the nose goes down and gaining speed until the plane is able to climb again. The phugoid motion repeated itself until the end of the flight.

Photo show JAL123 in flight after it had lost it tail

At 6.31pm, the air traffic controller asked the crew to land at Nagoya Airport, which was 72 miles (about 133 km) from their location. However, the pilots wanted to return to Tokyo. Between 6.35pm and 6.56pm, the pilots struggled to control the plane without the tail. This failed, as the plane flew uncontrollably towards the mountains.

At 6.56pm, the plane's right wing hit a ridge. The aircraft then flew on, crashed into a second ridge, and exploded. 520 people died, while 4 people survived.

Photo taken from inside the plane shortly before the crash

The time taken for the plane to crash after the bulkhead failure is 32 minutes. The accident was the worst in aviation history involving explosive decompression.

About the plane

The plane that crashed was a Boeing 747-146SR, with tail number JA8119. The plane was used to fly short, domestic routes within Japan. The plane first flew on January 28, 1974. It had 4 Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7A engines. Before it crashed, it had flown for 25030 hours, and took off and landed 18835 times.

On June 2, 1978, JA8119 was involved in a tailstrike accident at Osaka International Airport. When landing, the plane's tail struck the runway. The aft pressure bulkhead was damaged in the accident, as well as the rear of the plane. Later, during June 17 and July 11, repairman from Boeing repaired the plane, by replacing the lower part of the rear and a part of the bulkhead. The plane later returned to service.

While investigating the accident, the investigators realised that the repair done by Boeing 7 years before the accident was incorrect. While two rows of rivets were required for a splice plate in the bulkhead to be installed, the repairman only used one row. This increased the chance of metal fatigue by 70% and also caused the subsequent accident.


There is a HIDDEN Marsey somewhere in the video, the first user to posts a screen shot of the hidden Marsey in the comments will win 1,000 coins..

If the winner is also a member of

!Memento_mori or a follower I'll double the prize and give them 2,000.

if the winner is a member and a follower I'll give them 3,000 coins!

Note: the marsey at the end of the video is NOT the hidden Marsey

EFFORTPOST What happens to pedophiles and sex offenders in prison || INFOPOST

Video above is an alleged pedophile being burned in a Brazil prison :marseycupid: :marseyupmarsey:

I unfortunately do not have much context for the event. The incident likely occurred because in many Brazil prisons, there is 1 guard per 30 prisoners, although the recommended prisoner to guard ratio is 1:5.

With Brazilian prisons, there are even inmates who are considered “keyholders” who are given keys and have access to every cell. They often are drug dealers, selling cell space, and it even leads to instances of rape and violence.

Brazil has had an extensive history of unusual and extremely unprofessional enforcement in their prisons, leading to riots, escapes, murder, going so far as beheading. It is a saying that "going to a Brazil prison is a death sentence."

Youtube results when looking up "Brazil prison"

OG post

What happens to pedophiles and sex offenders in prison? Do they always get caught?

It would be safe to assume that pedophiles and child abusers do not have a “fun time” in jail. If not in complete isolation, protective custody, or the reason for their incarceration is not confidential… Many are assaulted, raped and killed before their sentence is complete.

HOWEVER is very common for sexual abuse to remain unreported, and even for incidents that are reported, are left unsolved. Those convicted of their crimes do not always get the most harsh sentencing; although it is absolutely needed and deserved.

Some examples of those who got away with sexual offenses and sexually abusing children:

Christopher Betler, a 20 year old New York man, plead guilty to the rape and molestation of 4 girls as young as 15. The crime occurred when he was 17. The judge originally only gave him only 2 years of probation; Betler violated his probation by accessing pornagraphy on his computer instead got 8 years of probation, no jail time.

Maria Childers, A 25 year old Kentucky transgender woman, Got a plea deal to avoid jail time after sexually abusing an infant in a daycare center. She hired a transgender advocate lawyer.

She was arrested on $100,000 bond and released last month, almost a year later. She will now remain free if she agrees to make no contact with children and stay away from the daycare she worked at.

This post is NOT meant for hate or debate about transgender individuals, I used this case an example to emphasize how much sex offenders can truly get away with.

Nathan Daniel Larson, a 42 year old Virginian man, a politician who ran a child pornography site and attempted to kidnap a 12 year old girl. He was then arrested, while awaiting trial, he had a hunger strike and was hospitalized. He managed to avoid charges by committing suicide by starvation while in custody.

Why do they get away with it? What is rape culture?

There has been a rise in instances where United States judges give extremely lenient, and wildly inappropriate sentences to those who commit sexual crimes. The pattern of this happening is speculated to be because of the uprising of "rape culture". A culture, trend, and even mindset that normalizes sexual abuse, claims it is inevitable and blames their victims. Victim blaming is often claimed to be a psychological phenomenon, when not wanting to believe someone you know and care about did something bad to another individual.

If you are a victim of sexual abuse, yes, even if you are a male, I hope you know it is NOT your fault and you did not do anything to deserve it. Please know that you are not alone.

Consent and sexual education

The lines of consent are askew and blurred, there is NO legal definition of consent, and it even varies state to state. There are even different legal definitions of rape, sexual assault, and sexual abuse in each state as well. MANY schools in the United States do not discuss sexual education, consent, and boundaries. In a study conducted by the CDC, they found 8 in 10 teenagers didn't get sex education until after they'd already had sex.

But in a survey of more than 3,000 high school students and young adults nationwide, the overwhelming majority reported they had never been taught how to avoid sexually harassing others or to cope with being groped, catcalled, or bullied in sexual ways. If children and teens are not taught how to respect the boundaries of their peers, or taught anything about how healthy sexual interaction is supposed to be, how will they ever grasp the concept of consent and safe sexual interaction as an adult?

Believe what you want about sexual education but just know, consent is not only a sex skill, but also a life skill.

The brutality of prisons, and how they treat pedophiles and sex offenders

Many prisoners take it amongst themselves in a form of street justice, wanting to gain respect from their peers, and possibly getting their anger out about their incarceration on someone who deserves it.

Many prisoners are parents, many have been abused themselves, and do not tolerate that kind of person in their environment. Prisoners torment pedophiles and child abusers by defecating and urinating in their food and cells. Taking their belongings and food, assaulting, torturing them and it is even common for their throats to get slit as a tradition in certain states.

Jonathan Watson, a life sentenced prisoner, killed 2 pedophiles who were both convicted for sexually assaulting a child under the age of 14. He beat them both with a cane. He gave warnings to the guards of his plans to do so, they did not stop him.

Richard Huckle, considered one of the UK's worst pedophiles, having sexually abused over 200 children, was brutally murdered by another inmate named Paul Fitzgerald. Paul was planning on murdering 2-3 other inmates but claimed he had "too much fun" murdering Richard. He strangled Richard with a cord, then shoved a pen inside of his brain. Huckle was found gagged and bound by his hands and feet with severe injuries to his face and with an incision made on his neck from a shank made with a melted toothbrush.

Enjoy these videos of convicted rapists and pedophiles being killed and abused in prison:

Pedophile is hung in prison

Pedophile is stabbed in prison

OG post

A pedophile being dragged around like a dog in prison

Rapist tortured in prison

Rapist is waterboarded and beheaded in prison

Do not hesitate to reach out to someone if you have been sexually assaulted. If you need to talk to someone, feel free to even message me, if needed. Support and resources are there for you.



:marseyflagfrance:France is a beautyfull country with serial killers/pedo criminals.

Fun fact ~> When you type « French » this marsey comes :marseyfrenchvan:

What a tradition.

:marseyflagbelgium: Shoutout to Belgium our biggest friends in Pedo Serial Killers history :marseywaffle: :marseyfrylock: :marseydrunk:




Michel was born 4/12/1942 in Sedan, (Ardennes, France).

He died 4/10/2021 (Paris, France)

Monique was born 10/31/1948 (France).


Michel is a French rapist, pedo criminal and serial killer who committed crimes mainly against young girls in France and Belgium

(Ardennes is a France and Belgium part -Ardennes is the name of the forest which separate both countries-)

Lets see why we called him « The Monster (not energy drink) of the Ardennes »


Nicknamed by the media at first

« the Forester of the Ardennes »,

he claimed to be a forester guard, a profession he never practiced.

He was arrested in Belgium for an attempt to kidnap a little girl in June 2003.

After investigating the facts he may have committed in Belgium and the discovery of the crimes committed in France, he was extradited to France on January 9, 2006.

Michel Fourniret in September 2003 in Dinant. (Raphael Demaret/GAMMA)


Several times postponed, his trial ended with his sentence to incompressible life imprisonment for five murders and two murders of young girls in France and Belgium, the French and Belgian justices having agreed on a single trial. Investigations are continuing for other cases. He confesses to 11 murders and is suspected in 21 other cases of disappearance of girls and young women.

In addition to the seven murders at the origin of his conviction, he confessed to three more, including one for which the investigation is continuing.

He is also suspected of having committed several others. Some of his acts targeted underage girls, four of whom were under the age of fifteen, with one twelve, which brought him into the category of pedo crimes.

His wife, Monique Olivier, is accused of complicity in murder and non-denunciation of murder, of which she was aware. She is tried at the same time as him and sentenced to life imprisonment with a security period of 28 years.


💀🪦⚰️Murders confessed by Fourniret ⚰️🪦💀


Isabelle Laville 17 yo

Kidnapped by the Fourniret couple in Auxerre on December 11, 1987, on her way back from high school.

Her body was discovered in July 2006, 19 years after the facts, at the bottom of a well in Bussy-en-Othe after research by the gendarmerie based on some indications of the location given by Fourniret.

The gendarmerie had to clear a depth of 30 meters, the well having meanwhile been filled by the municipality.

(This murder was once attributed to Émile Louis, another serial killer in the region that i will talk about soon)


Farida Amish, 31 yo

Wife of Jean-Pierre Hellegouarch, a former cellmate from Fourniret, missing since April 12, 1988.

He admits to having killed her to get his hands on part of the magot of the hairpiece gang to which Hellegouarch was close, causing Farida Amish to be accused of embezzlement.

During the assize trial, he reiterates his confession and also accuses Monique Olivier of having participated in the murder, which she denies.

He would have bought his Château du Sautou with the money from this magot. The victim's body has not been found and the investigation is continuing.


Marie-Angèle Domèce, 19 yo

Disappeared on July 8, 1988 at the exit of the Leclerc de Fourolles home in Auxerre. In March 2008, the serial killer was indicted in this case, denounced by Monique Olivier, who later retracted.

« Marie-Angele disappeared on July 8, 1998, around 06:45 pm in Auxerre.

18 years old, 1.60m, blue eyes, mid-length brown hair, scar on the forehead on the right side.

Dressed in jeans, green and white sweatshirt, denim jacket. She had a blue travel bag.

Communicate in writing or by useful information to the newspaper or by phone »

The Court of Appeal had finally ordered a non-suit against the serial killer in this case and that of Joanna Parrish on September 14, 2011.

Fourniret finally confessed to this murder in February 2018 but the body was never found.

January 24, 2023 in the morning, in Fleys in Yonne, France.


Fabienne Leroy, 20 yo

Disappeared on August 3, 1988 in Chalons-en-Champagne, whose body was later found in surrounding woods; she had been raped and shot dead.

Fourniret approached the young woman in the parking lot of a supermarket asking her to take him to a doctor, Monique Olivier then pregnant had made him believe in a malaise.


Jeanne-Marie Desramault, 22 yo

Disappeared on March 18, 1989 in Charleville-Mézières. His corpse was found on Fourniret's property on the latter's indication in July 2004.

Fourniret had met her on the train between Paris and Charleville-Mézières and had managed with his wife to attract her to his home.


Élisabeth Brichet, 12 yo

She disappeared from Saint-Servais (near Namur) on December 20, 1989. The couple would have spotted her on her way to a friend's home and waited for her to come out.

Claiming that their baby was sick, he and his wife asked the girl to accompany them to a doctor. After raping her, he kills her 36 hours later at home.

It was long believed that his kidnapping was by Marc Dutroux, until Fourniret led the police in July 2004 to the place where he had buried her, on his property in the Château du Sautou.


Joanna Parrish, 20 yo

British girl at the Lycée Jacques-Amyot d'Auxerre, found on May 17, 1990 in a river in Moneteau (Yonne) after being raped, beaten and strangled. In March 2008, the serial killer was indicted in this case for murder.

The Court of Appeal finally ordered a non-suit against him on September 14, 2011. A year later, she annulled the order of dismissal in the Parrish case and asked the judges to reopen the investigation on the basis of new leads. Fourniret confesses the facts in February 2018


Natacha Danais, 13 yo

Disappeared on November 24, 1990 in Rezé in the southern suburbs of Nantes. Fourniret and his wife went to Nantes that day, Fourniret having to respond to a summons from the court.

At the exit of the hearing, the couple meets the girl in the parking lot of the E.Leclerc "Atout Sud" shopping center and removes her. The teenager's body was found a few days later, stabbed, in the dunes of Brem-sur-Mer 70 km from Nantes.

At the time, Jean Groix, a Breton veterinarian and activist, was suspected. He lived in front of the home of the girl he knew and owned a white van similar to that of Fourniret, as described by Natacha's sister.

He is incarcerated following the accidental discovery, during a search in his cabinet for the Danais case, of three Basques he hosted, supposed members of ETA; Jean Groix committed suicide in prison a few weeks after his incarceration.


Céline Saison, 18 yo

Disappeared on May 16, 2000 in Charleville-Mézières when she had just passed an exam. His body was found in July 2000 in Belgium.


Mannaya Thumpong, 13 yo

French woman of Thai origin disappeared on May 5, 2001 in Sedan, returning from the media library. His bones were found in March 2002 in Belgium, in the Nollevaux wood, about thirty kilometers from Sedan.


Estelle Mouzin, 9 yo

French, disappeared on January 9, 2003 in Guermantes (Seine-et-Marne) on her return from school. Michel Fourniret confesses to his murder on March 6, 2020, seventeen years after his disappearance. His body was not found.


Thank for your time

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST More Disturbing and Fascinating Images - WPD EXCLUSIVE - info for each picture in the description

Photo #1. Sunspot

Sunspots are regions of the solar surface where the magnetic field is so strong it essentially chokes the solar atmosphere, making the region cooler and appear darker than its surroundings.

A sunspot isn't really a hole, but it sure looks like one. That dark, gaping maw at the center of the sunspot is called the "umbra" — the shadow — and the surrounding stringy structures are the "penumbra."."

cool clip shows an up close view of rolling solar plasma.


Photo #2. The 1981 exhumation and autopsy of Lee Harvey Oswald

The following is a Washington post article published on October 4th 1981

DALLAS, Oct. 4, 1981 -- he body of accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was exhumed from a Fort Worth cemetery early today, and after a four-hour autopsy, a team of doctors declared that "beyond any doubt" it was Oswald who had been buried in the grave 18 years ago

The exhumation and autopsy of the man who allegedly killed President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, ended three years of legal maneuvering and put to rest the theory of a British author, Michael Eddowes, that Kennedy had been killed by a Russian agent posing as Oswald and that it was the agent who had been buried as Oswald.

"Beyond any doubt--and I mean absolutely any doubt--the person buried under the name Lee Harvey Oswald is in fact Lee Harvey Oswald," said Dr. Linda Norton, an associate professor of pathology at the University of Alabama, who headed the team that examined the remains.

The team, which included two forensic pathologists and two forensic odontologists, based their findings on a comparison of Oswald's Marine dental records made before he defected to Russia and a set of 16 dental X-rays made today.

Doctors also matched a defect on the left mastoid bone with records of surgery done on Oswald as a young boy. In addition, two rings on the little finger of Oswald's left hand were identified by his widow, Marina Oswald Porter, as those placed there just before his burial in November, 1963. Oswald was shot to death by nightclub owner Jack Ruby two days after Kennedy was assassinated

Jerry Pittman, a lawyer representing Mrs. Porter, who had agreed to the exhumation more than a year ago, said she was "totally satisfied" by the results of the autopsy

Eddowes, who financed the operation, said in a statement read by one of his lawyers, "Though surprised, I am in no way disappointed in the apparent disproving of my evidence of imposture. Rather I have accomplished my objective in obtaining the exhumation and I am glad for those who have steadfastly maintained the contrary for whatever reason."

The exhumation, which began in darkness early today, was made possible when Oswald's older brother, Robert, decided to drop his legal fight to prevent the removal of the body. A temporary restraining order blocking the exhumation had expired at midnight Saturday.

Security guards arrived about 4 a.m. CDT today at the gravesite at Rose Hill Burial Park in Fort Worth. About 6:45 a.m., a backhoe began to scoop out the earth above Oswald's grave. A tent had been placed over the gravesite "for dignity," according to cemetery manager Neil Wretberg. Nonetheless, news helicopters hovered over the cemetery. Reporters and photographers, who had been alerted to the exhumation late Saturday, were able to get no closer than 30 yards from the site.

The digging stopped a few inches above the concrete vault surrounding the casket, according to William C. Dear, a private security agent who was in charge of security.

Dear said the vault was cracked and the oak casket had deteriorated so badly that a makeshift pasteboard box was needed to lift the casket and body out of the grave.

The body was badly decomposed, according to the doctors. Oswald's skeleton was covered with "a cheesy, white type of tissue," Norton said at a press conference. Others who saw the body said there was some hair remaining on the scalp and that Oswald's clothes were still there.

With the help of large belts, the casket was hoisted out of the ground and placed in a black hearse. Mrs. Porter remained in a car at the site during the exhumation. Her husband, Kenneth, a carpenter in the nearby town of Rockwall, observed the removal of the casket.

click on the resource link below for the full article


Photo #3. Sylvia Likens

Sylvia Likens

In 1965, 16-year-old Sylvia Likens was sent to the home of a family friend, Gertrude Baniszewski, while her parents were traveling. But Likens never made it out alive.

Gertrude Baniszewski and her children tortured Sylvia Likens to death. The perpetrators even managed to involve an entire neighborhood of kids to help them commit this brutal murder.

As the autopsy in the Sylvia Likens case later showed, she endured unimaginable torment before she died. Nevertheless, her killers faced almost no justice at a

How Sylvia Likens Came Under The Care Of Gertrude Baniszewski

Sylvia Likens' parents were both carnival workers and were therefore on the road more often than not. They struggled to make ends meet as her father Lester had only an eighth-grade education and a total of five children to care for.

Jenny was quiet and withdrawn with a limp from polio. Sylvia was more confident and went by the nickname “Cookie” and had been described as pretty though she had a missing front tooth.

In July 1965, Lester Likens decided to take up with the carnival again while his wife was jailed for shoplifting that summer. Sylvia's brothers, Danny and Bennie, were put into the care of their grandparents. With few other options, Sylvia and Jenny were sent to stay with a family friend named Gertrude Baniszewski.

Gertrude was every bit as poor as the Likens and had seven of her own kids to support in her run-down home. She made little cash by charging her neighbors a few dollars to iron their laundry. She'd already been through multiple divorces, some of which resulted in physical abuse against her and dealt with a crippling depression through heavy doses of prescription drugs.

She was in no condition to take care of two teenaged girls. The Likens, though, didn't think they had any other choice.

Lester Likens cryptically requested that Baniszewski straighten his daughters out,” when he placed them in her care for $20 a week.

For the first two weeks at the Baniszewski's, Sylvia and her sister were treated kindly enough, though Gertrude's oldest daughter, 17-year-old Paula Baniszewski, seemed to butt heads with Sylvia often. Then one week their father's payment came in late.

“I took care of you two bitches for two weeks for nothing,” Gertrude spat at Sylvia and Jenny. She grabbed Sylvia by the arm, dragged her into a room, and closed the door. Jenny could only sit outside the door and listen as her sister screamed. The money arrived the following day, but the torture had just begun.

Gertrude soon began to abuse both Sylvia and Jenny in broad daylight. Though a frail woman, Gertrude used a heavy paddle and thick, leather belt from one of her husband's who had been a cop. When she was too exhausted or too weak to discipline the girls herself, Paula stepped in to take her place. Sylvia, however, soon became the focus of the abuse.

Gertrude Baniszewski demanded that Jenny join in, lest she take her sister's place as the brunt of the abuse.

Gertrude accused Sylvia of stealing from her and burned the girl's fingertips. She took her to a church function and force-fed her free hot dogs until she was sick. Then, as punishment for throwing up good food, she forced her to eat her own vomit.

She allowed her children — in fact, encouraged her children — to partake in the abuse of Sylvia and her sister. The Baniszewski kids practiced karate on Sylvia, slammed her into walls and onto the floor. They used her skin as an ashtray, threw her downstairs, and cut open her skin and rubbed salt into her wounds. After this, she would often be “cleansed” in a scalding hot bath.

Gertrude gave sermons on the evils of sexual immortality while Paula stomped on Sylvia's vagina. Paula, who herself was pregnant, accused Sylvia of being with child and mutilated the girl's genitals. Gertrude's 12-year-old son John Jr. delighted in forcing the girl to lick his youngest sibling's soiled diapers clean.

Sylvia was forced to strip naked and shove an empty Coca-Cola bottle into her vagina while the Baniszewski children watched. Sylvia was so beaten that she was unable to use the bathroom voluntarily. When she wet her mattress, Gertrude decided that the girl was no longer fit to live with the rest of her children.

The 16-year-old was then locked in the basement without food or access to the bathroom.

An Entire Neighborhood Joins Gertrude Baniszewski In The Torture

Gertrude spread every story she could imagine to get the local kids to join in on the beatings. She told her daughter that Sylvia had called her a whore and got her daughter's friends to come over and beat her up for it.

Later during the trial, some of the kids were open about how Gertrude had recruited them. One teenage girl named Anna Siscoe recalled how Gertrude told her that Sylvia had been saying: “She said my mother went out with all sorts of men and got $5.00 for going to bed with the men.”

Anna never bothered to find out if it was true. Gertrude told her, “I don't care what you do to Sylvia.” She invited over to her home and just watched as Anna threw Sylvia down to the ground, beat her face, and kick her.

Gertrude told her own children that Sylvia was a prostitute. Then she had Ricky Hobbs, a neighborhood boy, and her 11-year-old daughter Marie carve the words “I'm a prostitute and proud of it” into her abdomen with a heated needle.

At one point, Sylvia's older sister Diana attempted to see the girls under Gertrude's care but was turned away at the door. Jenny later reported how Diana snuck food into the basement in which Sylvia was hidden. A neighbor had also reported the incidents to a public health nurse who, upon entering the home and not seeing Sylvia for she was locked in a basement, concluded that nothing was wrong. Baniszewski had also managed to convince the nurse that she had kicked the Likens girls out.

Other next-door neighbors allegedly were aware of how Sylvia was abused. They had seen Paula strike the girl in the Baniszewski home on two separate occasions but claimed not to report the abuse because they feared for their own lives. Jenny was threatened, bullied, and beaten by the Baniszewski's and neighbor girls alike should she go to the authorities.

The abuse of Sylvia continued unhindered, in fact, aided by all those around her.

Gertrude could tell too and so she forced Sylvia to write a note in which she told her parents that she'd run away. Sylvia was also forced to write that she'd met up with a group of boys and given them sexual favors and afterward, they'd beaten her and mutilated her body.

Shortly after this Sylvia overheard Gertrude Baniszewski tell her children that she was going to take Sylvia to a forest and leave her there to die.

A desperate Sylvia Likens attempted one final escape. She managed to get out the front door before Gertrude caught her. Sylvia was so weak from her injuries she could not have possibly gotten too far. With the assistance of a neighbor boy named Coy Hubbard, Gertrude beat Sylvia with a curtain rod until she fell unconscious. Then, when she came back to, she stomped on her head.

Sylvia was dead by Oct. 26, 1965, from a brain hemorrhage, shock, and malnutrition. After three months of torture and starvation, she could no longer form intelligible words and could barely move her limbs.

When the police came, Gertrude stuck with her cover story. Sylvia had been out with boys in the woods, she told them, and they'd beaten her to death and carved “I'm a prostitute and proud of it” into her body.

Jenny, though, took her chance. As soon as she could get close enough to a police officer she whispered, “Get me out of here and I'll tell you everything.”

The police arrested Gertrude, Paula, Stephanie and John Baniszewski, Richard Hobbs, and Coy Hubbard for murder. Neighborhood participants Mike Monroe, Randy Lepper, Darlene McGuire, Judy Duke, and Anna Siscoe were also arrested for “injury to person.” These minors would blame Gertrude for being pressured to partake in the slaughter of Sylvia Likens.

Gertrude herself pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. “She's not responsible,” her defense attorney told the court, “because she's not all here.”

There were several more children involved who proved just too young to be charged.

Ultimately though, on May 19, 1966, Gertrude Baniszewski was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life imprisonment. She was spared the death penalty despite her own lawyer admitting that, “In my opinion, she ought to go to the electric chair.”

Paula Baniszewski, who had given birth to a daughter during the trial, was convicted of second-degree murder and was also sentenced to life imprisonment.

Richard Hobbs, Coy Hubbard, and John Baniszewski Jr. were all convicted of manslaughter and given two 2-to-21-year prison sentences based on the fact that they were minors. The three boys were all paroled just two years later in 1968.

Gertrude spent 20 years behind bars. There was no question about her guilt. The autopsy backed up everything Jenny told the police: Sylvia Likens had died slowly and painfully over several months.

In 1971, both Gertrude and Paula were re-tried to the result that Gertrude was again found guilty. Paula pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter and was sentenced to two to 21 years. She once even managed to escape despite being recaptured. After about eight years behind bars, Paula was released and she moved to Iowa where she changed her name and became a teacher's aide.

She was suspended from her position when in 2012 an anonymous caller tipped off the school district that Paula was once convicted of the death of 16-year-old Sylvia Likens.

Gertrude Baniszewski was granted parole on good behavior on Dec. 4, 1985. Jenny and a whole crowd of people picketed outside the prison to protest her release, but it was no use, Gertrude Baniszewski was set free.

The only relief Jenny received came five years after Gertrude's release when the murderess died of lung cancer. “Some good news,” Jenny wrote to her mother with a copy of the woman's obituary. “Damn old Gertrude died! Ha ha ha! I am happy about that.”

Jenny never did blame her parents for what happened to her sister. “My mom was a really good mom,” Jenny has said. “All she did was trust Gertrude.”


Photo #4. Window chip ISS

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this photo from inside Cupola in 2016, showing a 7 mm-diameter circular chip gouged out by the impact from a tiny piece of space debris, possibly a paint flake or small metal fragment no bigger than a few thousandths of a millimetre across. The background just shows the inky blackness of space.

“I am often asked if the International Space Station is hit by space debris. Yes – this is the chip in one of our Cupola windows, glad it is quadruple glazed!” says Tim.

To cater for such possibilities, the Station is provided with extensive shielding around all vital crew and technical areas, so that minor strikes, like this one, pose no threat.

While a chip like the one shown here may be minor, larger debris would pose a serious threat. An object up to 1 cm in size could disable an instrument or a critical flight system on a satellite. Anything above 1 cm could penetrate the shields of the Station's crew modules, and anything larger than 10 cm could shatter a satellite or spacecraft into pieces.

“ESA is at the forefront of developing and implementing debris-mitigation guidelines, because the best way to avoid problems from orbital debris is not to cause them in the first place,” says Holger Krag, Head of ESA's Space Debris Office.

“These guidelines are applied to all new missions flown by ESA, and include dumping fuel tanks and discharging batteries at the end of a mission, to avoid explosions, and ensuring that satellites reenter the atmosphere and safely burn up within 25 years of the end of their working lives.”


Photo #5. Trayvon Martin

Photo#6. Haid Al-Jazil

Haid al-Jazil is one of the villages in Daw'an District in Hadhramaut Governorate, which has a population of 17.

The mud-brick buildings of the village are built on a huge boulder overlooking the Wadi Dawan valley.


Photo #7. Otis Redding

On Nov. 22, 1967, Otis Redding recorded “(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay,” which he'd written three months earlier on the deck of a houseboat in a harbor in Sausalito, California.

Two weeks later, on Dec. 7, he recorded the final overdubs, and his hit song was complete. Sadly, he wouldn't be around to see the sensation it would become.

Redding was set to perform in Madison, Wisconsin on the night of Dec. 10, 1967. That afternoon, at around 12:30 p.m., the singer, his assistant, and five members of his band, the Bar-Kays, boarded the twin-engine Beechcraft H18 Redding had recently purchased. One other band member, James Alexander, had taken a commercial flight because there wasn't enough room on the plane.

Redding and the Bar-keys

The weather was rainy and foggy, but pilot Richard Fraser assured Redding he could get him and his band to Madison safely. So, they took off from Cleveland, Ohio and headed west to Madison.

Musician James Brown later recalled, “On the last morning we talked, I said, ‘That plane is not big enough to be doing what you're doing. It can't carry all those people and all that equipment. You shouldn't be messing around with it like that.

"That plane was an old plane, with a bad battery and a lot of service problems,” Brown continued, “and it had no business flying in that kind of weather.”

Unfortunately, Brown's concerns turned out to be founded. Just four miles from the Madison airport, Otis Redding's airplane crashed into Lake Monona.

The only survivor of the crash, trumpet player Ben Cauley, later said that he woke up as the plane was going down with a “tremendous feeling that we were in a spin.”

The aircraft hit the water, and Cauley grabbed onto a seat cushion to keep himself afloat. He heard another bandmate screaming for help.

“I started swimming over to him, but before I got there, he went down,” Cauley recalled.

Fans were already in line at the concert venue when news of the plane crash broke. They went home that evening hoping that Redding had somehow survived. Divers searched the wreckage until dark and then resumed their rescue mission the following morning.

James Alexander, the bassist who had taken a commercial flight instead, told Tidal in 2021 that the search took three days. “On the second day is when I identified Otis,” Alexander said. “He was still strapped into his seat"

Otis Redding was dead at just 26 years old.

Redding being pulled from the lake


Photo #8. Dive bell accident

November 5, 1983, aboard a North Sea oil rig called the Byford Dolphin. Explosive decompression killed four divers and an attending crewman instantly. It only took one hatch, mistakenly opened during a routine procedure, to cause the accident; under extreme pressures, even that minor slip-up had disastrous consequences.

To fully grasp what happened to the crew of the Byford Dolphin, it's necessary to understand the dangers of diving. When it comes to working underwater, pressure is everything. For every 33 feet (10 meters) a person descends, the ambient pressure increases by about one atmosphere's worth, equivalent to 14.6 pounds (6.6 kilograms) on every square inch of your body. At a depth of 250 feet, that's more than 125 pounds per square inch.

This puts serious limits on divers. The main problem with diving is not actually going under high pressure, but coming out of it; deep enough underwater, the force exerted on the body is such that nitrogen gas compresses to a fraction of its normal volume, and ends up dissolved in the bloodstream. When divers come up too quickly, the sudden release of pressure causes a condition known as decompression sickness, or “the bends.” Dissolved nitrogen suddenly forms bubbles throughout bodily tissues. Effects include nausea, dizziness, severe joint pain, paralysis, and sometimes death. The only way to avoid decompression sickness is by returning slowly and carefully to the surface, allowing time for pent-up nitrogen to diffuse naturally. This process can take hours, or in the case of deep-water dives, days—a prohibitive restriction when it comes to oil drilling, maritime salvage, and other situations where people have to work for extended periods in the deep sea.

Saturation divers are elite professionals that can operate at considerable depths because they live constantly under high pressure, for up to 28 days at a time. During the 28 days, their living quarters are maintained at the same pressure as the bottom of the ocean, allowing them to commute back and forth with relative ease.

Workers aboard the Byford Dolphin used saturation diving to deploy and maintain drilling equipment in the depths of the North Sea. Between shifts, the divers inhabited a specialized chamber system, on the rig's deck, pressurized to nine atmospheres—which is to say, 131 pounds (60 kilograms) per square inch. They traveled between this chamber and the work site using a diving bell, operated by specialist tenders. At all times, the divers had to remain under intense pressure, and extensive procedures were in place to move them around without any exposure to the outside world.

The chamber system of the Byford Dolphin had two main compartments, chamber one and chamber two, with a smaller section, called the trunk, connecting chamber one to the diving bell. Two diving tenders on the outside supervised the crew transfer process and operated the various hatches involved. Only once the door to chamber one was shut, sealing the saturation divers in their pressurized living quarters, could the trunk be reduced to normal atmospheric pressure. At that point, the tenders could safely undock the diving bell.

At 4:00 am on November 5, 1983, two dive tenders, William Crammond, and Martin Saunders, assisted the return of saturation divers Bjørn Bergersen and Truls Hellevik. Another two divers, Roy Lucas, and Edmund Coward, were resting in chamber two. The diving bell door was already closed, and the returning divers had entered chamber one. Hellevik was supposed to shut the interior trunk door, sealing chamber one, after which Crammond would vent air from the trunk, and finally open a clamp to release the bell. This was a normal procedure; everyone involved was highly experienced in saturation diving and had done this many times before. No one knows why Crammond opened the outside clamp before Hellevik could close the inner door. It's only known that he did—and the results were immediately catastrophic.

The moment the trunk was unsealed, all the high-pressure air in the chamber system was free to vent through the trunk into the outside world, and it did so with tremendous force. Remember the figure from earlier: every square inch was under 131 pounds of pressure. It was enough to push the diving bell into the two tenders. Crammond died immediately, while his colleague Saunders was severely injured.

The strangest effects, however, were reserved for the divers. Three of them—Lucas, Coward, and Bergersen, who were all far from the door—had their blood literally boil as enormous amounts of dissolved nitrogen suddenly became gas again. They were killed instantly. Postmortem analysis revealed that their arteries, veins, hearts, and livers were clogged with fat, precipitating out of the bloodstream.

The fourth diver, Hellevik, had the most gruesome death of all—he was pinned against the jammed interior trunk door, which was open by a crack, and the escaping air forced him through it, dismembering him and launching vital organs as far as 30 feet (10 meters) away. Like the other divers, he didn't live long enough to know what had happened; it was all over in a moment.


Phone #9. Pier Paolo Pasolini

One of Italy's most famous and controversial filmmakers, Pier Paolo Pasolini was also a novelist and poet. Born in Bologna to a military family that moved frequently, Pasolini began writing poetry at age seven, attended the University of Bologna, and was eventually drafted to serve in World War II; his regiment was captured by the Germans after Italy's surrender and Pasolini escaped and fled to the small town Casarsa where he lived for years. His first book of poetry, Poesie a Casarsa, published in 1942 before his war experiences, was written in Friulian, his mother's dialect. Many of Pasolini's later works, for the screen and page, bring together different orders of experience—folk, suburban, biblical—and attempt to find forms that might encompass proletarian themes, the fringe cultures of Roman prostitutes and pimps, and radical utopianism. According to Adam Thirlwell, “In his movies, he loved fusing the hieratic with the everyday. And in his writing, too, he liked combining two things that don't usually go together: a classical form or tone that could absorb its squalid subjects.”

Pasolini joined the Communist party in 1946 but was soon expelled for being a homosexual. Nonetheless, inspired by the writings of Antonio Gramsci, Pasolini remained loyal to the Party for the rest of his life, attempting to fuse Marxist tenants with radical Catholicism. In the 1950s Pasolini moved to Rome to be a teacher. In Rome, he became involved with the working classes, fringe subcultures, and criminal underworlds that feature in so many of his films. During this period he also wrote his most famous novels.

Pasolini was violently murdered in 1975. Although a male prostitute was charged with the murder and the case officially closed, speculation about the murderers and motivation behind the killing continues.


Photo #10. The corpse flower

Titan-arum or corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) is native to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Its enormous flower spike is the largest unbranched inflorescence (flower structure) in the Plant Kingdom. The fleshy central spike, called a spadix, bears small flowers in rings around its base. The spadix can grow up to 12 feet tall. The spadix is wrapped in a frilly, modified leaf called a spathe. When the plant is ready to bloom, the spathe unfurls, exposing the flowers inside. You may recognize the structure's resemblance to calla-lily, anthurium, and jack-in-the-pulpit, which are all relatives in the arum family, Araceae. Amorphophallus titanum is often called corpse flower because when it blooms, it emits a powerful stench similar to that of rotting meat. This scent, along with the deep-red, meaty color of the open spathe, attracts insect pollinators that feed on dead animals.

Titan-arums take years to form flower buds, but when they finally do, the flowers mature very quickly. Horticulturists noticed that a three-inch-tall flower bud had formed on Saturday, May 15. In the beginning of the bloom cycle, a titan-arum grows four to six inches each day. By June 19, 2019, the bud was 44 inches tall. Later, growth slows significantly. Two leaves at the base of the spathe shrivel and fall off. The spathe begins to open, revealing the red-purple color inside, and completely unfurls over the course of about 36 hours. During full bloom, the spadix self-heats to approximately human body temperature, which helps disseminate odor particles.


Photo #11. Yukiko Okada

On April 8, 1986, Okada was found with a slashed wrist in her gas-filled Tokyo apartment, crouching in a closet and crying. She was discovered by a rescue team called in by the apartment's manager after other residents noticed the smell of gas. Okada's manager eventually arrived and took her to nearby Kita Aoyama Hospital, where her injuries were treated.

In a 2016 article on the Asahi Weekly, Sun Music former managing director Tokio Fukuda recalled that Sun Music founder Hideyoshi Aizawa called him to pick up Okada from the hospital. When he met her, she was crying softly. He then asked her where she wanted to go: to her parents' home in Nagoya, her apartment, or the office. She replied that the office was good, so she was brought to the sixth floor of the Sun Music building. Aizawa then called Fukuda, leading him to step out.

While Fukuda, the management director and the staff were discussing how to avoid a media scandal, Okada ran to the stairs, went to the roof of the seven-story building, took off her shoes, and jumped, resulting in instant death. It was 12:15 PM JST.

The reason for the suicide is unclear. Okada was reported to have been "upset and depressed about an unhappy love affair", with an actor described to be "old enough to be her father",Tōru Minegishi, a co-star in Kinjirareta Mariko. Minegishi said that "he thought of her more as a younger sister". When asked if a relationship with Minegishi was the cause, Fukuda replied that he did not know or denied it, speculating that Okada's second suicide attempt was due to the shame that the first attempt would bring to Sun Music.

Okada's remains were cremated, and were interred at the Jōman-ji Temple, Inuyama, Aichi Prefecture, Japan


Photo #12. Owen Hart

On May 23rd 1999, Roughly 75 minutes into a WWE pay-per-view event at Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri, Owen Hart prepared to descend from the arena rafters as his match was introduced. Hart had performed the stunt before. He was to be hooked to a cable and lowered into the ring.

Instead, witnesses in attendance saw Hart fall 78 feet and hit his head. At first, fans thought it was part of the act. They quickly discovered that it wasn't.

We thought it was a doll at first,” 15-year-old fan Robert McCome told CNN at the time. “We thought they were just playing with us. We were really shocked when we found out that it was no joke.”

Some witnesses reported seeing the cable snap, while others said it seemed as if Hart had never even been hooked in the first place. Some said they saw Hart's head snap backward when he smacked against one of the ring's padded turnbuckles.

Medics rushed into the ring to perform CPR on Hart before he was transferred to Truman Medical Center in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead. He was 34 years old.

“I didn't see it, but from what I can gather, somebody slipped up,” Stu Hart said. “You don't get up 60 or 70 feet in the air without being properly anchored down. I haven't talked to Vince McMahon yet, but somebody was careless or missed something or else Owen would still be here.”

A subsequent investigation into the accident determined that a subtle movement may have triggered his quick-release harness to unhitch. Still, whatever the cause, the result was the same: WWE start Owen Hart had died, just a couple of years before he planned to retire.


Photo #13. Bruce Lee

In July 1973, Bruce Lee was working on a number of new projects, most notably the movie Game of Death. He'd been married to Linda Emery Lee for nine years, and they had two children together: 8-year-old Brandon and 4-year-old Shannon.

on July 20, 1973, Lee went to take a nap after complaining of a headache and never woke up. An ambulance was called after he was found unconscious, but Lee was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. Lee's sudden death at 32 years old was due to cerebral edema, or swelling of the brain — though several theories have emerged over the years regarding the edema's cause. In the '70s, experts claimed the brain swelling was caused by a hypersensitivity to prescribed medication, while more recent studies suggest the edema could have been due to heat stroke or from drinking an excessive amount of water


Photo #14. Pearl Harbor

Photo #15,16, and 17. Twilight Zone Helicopter accident

On July 23, 1982, a Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopter crashed at Indian Dunes in Valencia, California, United States, during the making of Twilight Zone: The Movie. The crash killed actor Vic Morrow and child actors Myca Dinh Le and Renee Shin-Yi Chen, who were on the ground, and injured the six helicopter passengers. The incident led to years of civil and criminal action against the personnel overseeing the shoot, including director John Landis, and the introduction of new procedures and safety standards in the filmmaking industry.

The filming location was Indian Dunes, a movie ranch in the Valencia neighborhood of what is now the city Santa Clarita, California, that was used throughout the 1980s in films and television shows, including The Color Purple, Escape from New York, MacGyver, and China Beach. The location was within the 30-mile zone, its wide-open area permitted more pyrotechnic effects, and it was possible to shoot night scenes without city lights visible in the background. Indian Dunes' 600 acres also featured a wide topography of green hills, dry desert, dense woods, and jungle-like riverbeds along the Santa Clara River which made it suitable to double for locations around the world, including Afghanistan, Myanmar, Brazil, and Vietnam.

The night scene called for Morrow's character to carry the two children out of a deserted village and across a shallow river while being pursued by American soldiers in a hovering helicopter. The helicopter was piloted by Vietnam War veteran Dorcey Wingo. During the filming, Wingo stationed his helicopter 25 ft from the ground, while hovering near a large mortar effect; he then turned the aircraft 180 degrees to the left for the next camera shot. The effect was detonated while the helicopter's tail-rotor was still above it, the metal lid on top of the mortar striking the tail-rotor, causing the rotor to fail and detach from the tail. The low-flying helicopter spun out of control. At the same time, Morrow dropped Chen into the water. He was reaching out to grab her when the helicopter fell on top of him and the two children. Morrow and Le were decapitated by the helicopter's main rotor blades, while Chen was crushed to death by the helicopter's right landing skid; all three died almost instantly.

At the trial, the defense claimed that the explosions were detonated at the wrong time. Randall Robinson, an assistant cameraman on board the helicopter, testified that production manager Dan Allingham told Wingo, "That's too much. Let's get out of here," when the explosions were detonated, but Landis shouted over the radio: "Get lower... lower! Get over !" Robinson said that Wingo tried to leave the area, but that "we lost our control and regained it and then I could feel something let go and we began spinning around in circles." Stephen Lydecker, another camera operator on board, testified that Landis had earlier "shrugged off" warnings about the stunt with the comment, "We may lose the helicopter." Lydecker acknowledged that Landis might have been joking when he made the remark, but added, "I learned not to take anything the man said as a joke. It was his attitude. He didn't have time for suggestions from anybody."



"(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding

Creep by Radiohead

Demons Call by BatchBug



The first user who finds the hidden Marsey in the video and posts a screenshot in the comments will win 1,500 coins!

★If the winner is also a Memento_mori member or a follower I'll double it and give them 3,000 coins!

★★If the winner is both a Memento_mori member and a follower I'll give them 5,000 coins!

note: The Marsey at the end of the video IS NOT the hidden Marsey

EFFORTPOST Disturbing, Unsettling, and Fascinating Images - WPD EXCLUSIVE -

photo #1:

The Apollo 1 fire

Jan. 27, 1967, tragedy struck on the launch pad at Cape Kennedy during a preflight test for Apollo 204 (AS-204). The mission was to be the first crewed flight of Apollo, and was scheduled to launch Feb. 21, 1967. Astronauts Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee lost their lives when a fire swept through the command module, or CM.

The exhaustive investigation of the fire and extensive reworking of the Apollo command modules postponed crewed launches until NASA officials cleared them for flight. Saturn IB schedules were suspended for nearly a year, and the launch vehicle that finally bore the designation AS-204 carried a lunar module, or LM, as the payload, instead of a CM. The missions of AS-201 and AS-202 with Apollo spacecraft aboard had been unofficially known as Apollo 1 and Apollo 2 missions. AS-203 carried only the aerodynamic nose cone.

In the spring of 1967, NASA's Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, Dr. George E. Mueller, announced that the mission originally scheduled for Grissom, White and Chaffee would be known as Apollo 1, and said that the first Saturn V launch, scheduled for November 1967, would be known as Apollo 4. The eventual launch of AS-204 became known as the Apollo 5 mission. No missions or flights were ever designated Apollo 2 or 3.

The second launch of a Saturn V took place on schedule in the early morning of April 4, 1968. Known as AS-502, or Apollo 6, the flight was a success, though two first-stage engines shut down prematurely, and the third-stage engine failed to reignite after reaching orbit


Photo #2:

Preserved autopsy

In 2013, researchers examined a gruesome relic. The partial mummy consisted of shoulders, a neck, and a head. The man's death expression was disturbing, almost like a permanent scream.Scientists thought it was preserved during the 1400s or 1500s, but analysis placed it between AD 1200 and AD 1280. This made it Europe's oldest preserved human autopsy. It also placed the body right in the middle of what many considered Europe's most backward time for science.However, the mummy was prepared by experienced hands and surprisingly advanced techniques. The ancient doctor mixed lime, beeswax, and red cinnabar mercury. The potion was injected into the veins to preserve the body and add a touch of color to the circulatory system. The back of the skull and brain were also skillfully removed This went against the prevailing view that human dissection in the Middle Ages was a “cut up and throw away” affair. This man was possibly even preserved for future use in medical education


Photo #3

Yellow river

There's a time-honored insult that often arises during heated arguments between people in towns that line the Yellow River: "If you can't bear the situation, jump into the river and end your life," as the barbed phrase goes.

While the words are often uttered as an angry curse, many people have literally heeded the advice. At least 10,000 bodies have been recovered along an 80-kilometer stretch of the Yellow River's Lanzhou section in Northwest China's Gansu Province since the 1960s. Around 300 bodies are pulled from the river annually, according to local authorities and corpse collectors who work on the river.

Some of the bodies are returned to relatives, while others are retrieved and cremated by the local civil affairs department. However, many are left flowing along the Yellow River.

Police, body collectors and officials from the civil affairs and environmental departments are often at loggerheads with how to deal with the bodies and the pollution and contamination problems they pose to the river's ecosystem.


photo #4:

Soyuz 11

The Soviet Union established the first experimental space station in Earth orbit in June 1971, when Soyuz 11 cosmonauts Georgi T. Dobrovolski, Vladislav N. Volkov, and Viktor I. Patsayev boarded Salyut and spent more than three weeks aboard the laboratory conducting a variety of experiments. Tragedy struck near the end of their record-setting mission when, shortly before reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, the cosmonauts died as a result of the sudden depressurization of their spacecraft. They were not wearing pressure suits. The Soviet government honored the cosmonauts with a state funeral, with NASA astronaut Thomas P. Stafford representing the President of the United States. As a result of the accident, the Soviets temporarily halted human spaceflights while engineers redesigned the Soyuz spacecraft. Since then, all cosmonauts have worn spacesuits during Soyuz launches and landings.


Photo #5:

Roopkund lake

When the snow melts, Roopkund lake turns pretty scary as one can see hundreds of skeletons. These skeletons were spotted by a British forest guard in 1942 for the first time.

Uttarakhand in India.

It is a glacial lake which is 5029 mts above sea level and attracts thousands of pilgrims and adventurers and is covered in snow for most of the year. But when the snow melts, it turns pretty scary as one can see hundreds of skeletons. These skeletons were spotted by a British forest guard in 1942 for the first time.


Photo #6:

Creatonotos gangis

Perhaps most notably, the truly astonishing Creatonotos gangis remains one of the most visually distinctive Lepidoptera known to man. Unfortunately for those trying to pronounce it, the remarkable insect also has no generally accepted common name.

The first official scientific recognition of the creature as a separate and distinct species took place in the late 18th century. That formal acknowledgement, like many others, occurred as a direct result of the renowned Swedish zoologist Carl Linnaeus.

While it may be unknown to many, the incredible moth actually inhabits a moderately extensive range. Due to this unfortunate fact, along with an apparently sizeable and relatively stable population base, the IUCN currently has no listing for the insect.

Although the adults remain completely harmless, the same situation does not hold true for the caterpillar form, however. In point of fact, this life stage of the surprising invertebrate very frequently causes severe damage to local pomegranate crops.

Sadly, however, its fortunate Red List of Threatened Species status could potentially change in the very near future. This lamentable fact occurs for the same reason it does for numerous other species.


Photo #7

High powered rifle suicide



Lieutenant Commander (Retired)

New York City Police Department

Photo #8:

Sunset on Mars

Martian atmosphere is dominated by large-sized dust particles. These particles cause something called ‘Mie Scattering,' which filters out the red light from the sun's rays and only lets the blue reach our eyes.

But then why do sunsets on earth look red? Because the size of particles is very small in Earth's atmosphere, as compared to the wavelength of light. The tiny particles present in Earth's atmosphere scatter the blue wavelengths through a process called ‘Rayleigh Scattering', so by the time the light reaches our eyes, only the red remains.

Simple put, think of the atmosphere as a filter for sunlight. Earth's atmosphere is good at filtering out blue light and letting in red light, whereas the Martian atmosphere is better at filtering out red light and letting in the blue.


Photo #9:

Chris Farley

Christopher Crosby Farley (February 15, 1964 – December 18, 1997) was an American comedian and actor. He was known for his loud, energetic comedic style, and was a member of Chicago's Second City Theatre and later a cast member of the NBC sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live for five seasons from 1990 to 1995. He went on to pursue a film career.

On December 18, 1997 at 2:00 p.m. EST, Farley was found dead by his younger brother John in his apartment in the John Hancock Center in Chicago. He was 33 years old. An autopsy revealed that Farley had died of an overdose of a combination of cocaine and morphine, commonly known as a "speedball". Advanced atherosclerosis was cited as a "significant contributing factor.


Photo #10:

Penguin's mouth

Photo by Clinton Berry


Photo #11:

WPD screenshot

Screenshot shows the homepage of as it looked (on mobile) 2 hours after Aevann made the first post.

Photo #12

Lunar lava tube

A study published in Geophysical Research Letters confirms the existence of a large open lava tube in the Marius Hills region of the moon, which could be used to protect astronauts from hazardous conditions on the surface.

No one has ever been on the moon longer than three days, largely because space suits alone can't shield astronauts from its elements: extreme temperature variation, radiation, and meteorite impacts. Unlike Earth, the moon has no atmosphere or magnetic field to protects its inhabitants.

The safest place to seek shelter is the inside of an intact lava tube, according to the study.

Lava tubes are naturally occurring channels formed when a lava flow develops a hard crust, which thickens and forms a roof above the still-flowing lava stream. Once the lava stops flowing, the tunnel sometimes drains, forming a hollow void.

“It's important to know where and how big lunar lava tubes are if we're ever going to construct a lunar base,” said Junichi Haruyama, a senior researcher at JAXA, Japan's space agency. “But knowing these things is also important for basic science. We might get new types of rock samples, heat flow data and lunar quake observation data.”

JAXA analyzed radar data from the SELENE spacecraft to detect underlying lava tubes. Near the Marius Hills Skylight, an entrance to the tube, they found a distinctive echo pattern: a decrease in echo power followed by a large second echo peak, which they believe is evidence of a tube. The two echoes correspond to radar reflections from the moon's surface and the floor and ceiling of the open tube. The team found similar echo patterns at several locations around the hole, indicating there may be more than one.


Photo #13

Marilyn Monroe

On the evening of August 4, 1962, American actress Marilyn Monroe died at age 36 of a barbiturate overdose inside her home at 12305 Fifth Helena Drive in Brentwood, Los Angeles, California. Her body was discovered before dawn the following morning, on August 5. Monroe had been one of the most popular Hollywood stars during the 1950s and early 1960s, and was a top-billed actress for the preceding decade. Her films had grossed $200 million by the time of her death.


Photo #14:

Slavemaster Victim

John Edward Robinson AKA "The Slavemaster is a huge piece of shit, and an American serial killer who was convicted in 2003 of the murders of three women during a fifteen-year period. He subsequently admitted responsibility for five additional murders during that time. Because he made contact with most of his post-1993 victims via on-line chat rooms, he is sometimes referred to as "the Internet's first serial killer".

Robinson convinced a lonely licensed practical nurse by day and submissive slave by night named Suzette Trouten (the victim in the video) to move from Michigan to Kansas so they could travel the world together. Trouten's mother received several typed letters, purportedly mailed while the couple was abroad, although the envelopes were stamped with Kansas City postmarks, and the letters were, her mother said, uncharacteristically mistake-free. Later, Robinson told Trouten's mother she had run off with an acquaintance after stealing money from him, but in reality he murdered her and stuff her body into a drum.


Photo #15

Turtle Mouth

The leatherback sea turtle is the largest turtle in the world. They are the only species of sea turtle that lack scales and a hard shell. They are named for their tough rubbery skin and have existed in their current form since the age of the dinosaurs. Leatherbacks are highly migratory, some swimming over 10,000 miles a year between nesting and foraging grounds. They are also accomplished divers with the deepest recorded dive reaching nearly 4,000 feet, that's deeper than most marine mammals.


Photo #16


Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes people to weigh less than is considered healthy for their age and height, usually by excessive weight loss.

People with this disorder may have an intense fear of weight gain, even when they are underweight. They may diet or exercise too much or use other ways to lose weight.


The exact causes of anorexia are not known. Many factors may be involved. Genes and hormones may play a role. Social attitudes that promote very thin body types may also be involved.

Risk factors for anorexia include:

Being more worried about, or paying more attention to, weight and body shape

Having an anxiety disorder as a child

Having a negative self-image

Having eating problems during infancy or early childhood

Having certain social or cultural ideas about health and beauty

Trying to be perfect or overly focused on rules

Anorexia often begins during the pre-teen or teen years or young adulthood. It is more common in females, but may also be seen in males.


If you struggle with Anorexia or a other eating disorder here are some resources to get help:

Photo #17

Postmortem child berth



Lieutenant Commander (Retired)

New York City Police Department

Photo #18

Lake Nyos disaster

On August 21, 1986, a cloud of magmatic carbon dioxide gas arose from the bed of Lake Nyos, a freshwater lake located in a volcanic caldera in the populous Northwest Region of the East African nation of Cameroon. The rare event, called a limnic eruption, was announced by a small explosion that residents of a market town near the lake described as being like distant thunder, but it was otherwise unannounced by anything else apart from a foul odour.

The 1.6 million ton cloud of magmatic gas was deadly, and a count of the fatalities indicated that 1,746 people, most from villages by the lake, had been asphyxiated by it, along with some 3,000 cattle and innumerable birds, insects, and other animals. The bodies of the dead showed no signs of trauma or struggle; these people had simply died where they were. A research team from France and the United States arrived at the sceneand noted that the lake was an unusual dark-brown colour, and that a surrounding raffia forest and several other expanses of vegetation had been flattened by both the explosion and the tsunami-like water wave that ensued. That the lake was responsible for the deaths was immediately clear to the scientists, but the mechanism involved was not.



Heroin by The velvet underground

Demons Call by BatchBug



The first user who finds the hidden Marsey in the video and posts a screenshot in the comments will win 1,500 coins!

★If the winner is also a Memento_mori member or a follower I'll double it and give them 3,000 coins!

★★If the winner is both a Memento_mori member and a follower I'll give them 5,000 coins!

note: The Marsey at the end of the video IS NOT the hidden Marsey



Emile Louis, one of the worst French serial killers.

Émile Louis known as “the butcher of Yonne”

born January 26, 1934 Auxerre (Yonne)

died October 20, 2013 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy (i dont like this city too much terrorist).

He is a French serial killer. He is at the center of the Yonne missing persons affair.

He was convicted of sexual assault on minors in1983 (four years in prison) and1989 (five years in prison).

December 2000, he confesses to the murder of seven young disabled girls who disappeared in the 1970s in Yonne , but retracts a month later.

March 2004, he was sentenced to twenty years of criminal imprisonment for rape and torture of his wife and his daughter-in-law.

November 2004, Émile Louis is sentenced by the Yonne Assize Court to life imprisonment for “the affair of the missing women from Yonne” . He decides to appeal .

June 2006, the Paris Court of Appeal confirms a sentence identical to that handed down at first instance for this case: life imprisonment with a security sentence of 18 years and compensation for the victims' families. The criminal chamber of the Court of Cassation rejects his appealSeptember 2007


Françoise Lemoine

She died in 1977 or 1978, at the age of 26. Bernadette's sister was living with Émile Louis at the time of her disappearance. The latter had found him a job and accommodation in a hotel close to his own place of work. She had abruptly left this job and disappeared for good.

Christine Marlot

She disappeared on January 23, 1977, at the age of 15. She was placed at the medical-educational institute (IME) of Grattery, in Yonne.

Jacqueline Weiss

His body was discovered in December 2000 on the instructions of Émile Louis, during searches carried out by the gendarmerie on the banks of the Serein. The police found a cloth in his mouth which had gagged him. Placed with the family of Émile Louis, Jacqueline Weis disappeared on April 4, 1977, at the age of 18. Her foster father had taken her to the Avallon station where she was to take a job.

Chantal Gras

She was Émile Louis' “favorite” on the bus. Aged 18, she disappeared while attending the Auxerre Medical-Educational Institute and was placed with a foster family in Villefargeau. Chantal Gras had left her host family's home, without personal belongings. Émile Louis had just dropped him off there, like every evening. According to her foster parents, Chantal Gras appeared to be intimate with Émile Louis.

Madelaine Dejust

She disappeared on July 27 or 28, 1977 in Auxerre. His body was found in December 2000, on the instructions of Émile Louis in December 2000, during searches carried out by the gendarmerie on the banks of the Serein.

Next to his skeleton, clothes were found. Madeleine Dejust, who went daily to Auxerre thanks to the transport service provided by Emile Louis, had left her nanny's home, in Villefargeau, in the latter's vehicle, without taking any personal effects, and she was never returned.

Bernadette Lemoine

She was married and 20 years old. She disappeared in the first quarter of 1977. She has a sister, Françoise. She also a victim of the serial killer.

Martine Renault

At the age of 16, on September 26, 1979, she left the home in which she was staying in Saint-Georges-sur-Baulche. She never gave any sign of life again. Émile Louis transported her daily from home to her school. The teenager had confided to those around her that the driver was touching her.

no photo

Chantal Paradis & Karine Paradis (mother&daughter)

raped and abused with barbarism

Chantal Paradis was barely coming out of depression. By marrying Emile Louis in 1992, she was unaware that he had, on two occasions, been convicted of sexual violence. After his arrest in December 2000, a careful investigation began in the Midi. It shows the portrait of a "pervert" capable of "socio-criminological danger", according to the psychiatrists who examined him. His "pathology" would be animated by the "hatred of his bastard status" and by the "hate of women". It is this contempt that would explain that its targets are "psychologically weakened" children or women

🧌 TK U 🧌

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST (Child Warning) Human Rot: A detailed look at the process of corpse decay - WPD EXCLUSIVE- 2 videos + 1,000 MBUX GIVEAWAY!

Short Video Showing the changes of a human eye after death over time

Immediate Postmortem Changes

"Immediate postmortem changes" or "rapid changes after death" relate to the cessation of bodily functions, including the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems. These changes are specifically the "signs of death" or "indications of death." In brief, death is considered to have occurred when the vital functions of the body have irreversibly ceased.

Respiration completely stops after death resulting in loss of respiratory movements and breathing sounds. The feather test and mirror test are a couple of traditional tests used to confirm this. However, these tests are quite unreliable.

Circulatory stoppage results in a loss of pulse, which can also be confirmed by a flat electrocardiogram (ECG) in a hospital setting. The absence of respiratory and cardiac sounds on auscultation over 5 minutes indicates a sign of death as advocated by expert clinicians. The finding of the break-up of the columns of blood in the retinal blood vessels (retinal vascular segmentation) on ophthalmoscopy confirms the stoppage of circulation and is one of the earliest indications of death.

Cessation of nervous system functions results in the loss of sensory and motor functions and reflexes. The muscles begin to become flaccid with a loss of tone. Pupils also dilate as a result of this. A flat electroencephalogram (EEG) confirms the loss of electrical activity in the brain in a hospital setting.

Early Postmortem Changes

Three early postmortem changes occur while the body is still in the fresh stage before the breakdown of soft tissues, namely algor mortis, livor mortis, and rigor mortis, which are of forensic significance.

The eye changes during the early postmortem period include corneal turbidity/opacity and tache noire formation. The intraocular tension progressively falls to nil about 2 hours after death, although this is disputable.

Algor mortis

is the postmortem cooling of body temperature until it equalizes the temperature of the surrounding environment. The rate of cooling lags initially, then becomes linear before slowing down again as it approaches the ambient temperature, giving a sigmoid-shaped curve when graphically represented. The ambient temperature is a critical factor that affects the rate of postmortem cooling of the body. Postmortem cooling of the body continues for about 6 hours after death, and the rate of cooling is primarily dependent on the difference in body temperature at the time of death and the temperature of its surroundings. The rate of cooling will hasten in a body immersed in water, a naked body, and a thin body. The rate of cooling will be slower in a well-clothed body and an obese body. A prudent forensic pathologist will not estimate the time since death based on the single criterion of algor mortis. The rate of postmortem cooling of the body is affected by multiple variables.

Livor mortis

also known as postmortem hypostasis or postmortem lividity, is a passive process of blood accumulating within the blood vessels in the dependent parts of the body as a result of gravity, causing a discoloration of the skin that varies from pink to dark purplish. It begins to be apparent about an hour after death, is well-formed in about 3 to 4 hours after death, and gets fixed in about 6 to 8 hours after death. However, it is worth noting that the timing of livor mortis is highly variable. Hemolysis leads to the fixation of lividity. Once fixed, lividity does not shift its distribution when the position of the body changes. The dermal manifestation of postmortem lividity may be absent in the severely anemic or those who have died of severe hemorrhage. It may not be apparent in the dark-skinned.

Livor mortis requires differentiation from a contusion or bruise, which occurs due to blood vessel rupture from blunt force impact and exsanguination of blood into the surrounding tissues.

Rigor mortis (postmortem rigidity)

is the stiffening of the muscles of the corpse due to the depletion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) after death with the subsequent build-up of lactate in muscle tissue resulting in an inability to release the actin-myosin bond. This postmortem muscle change appreciated grossly follows the initial phase of primary flaccidity of muscles and is itself followed by the secondary flaccidity of muscles that coincides with the beginning of putrefactive changes. The process of rigor mortis uniformly involves all muscles of the body. However, it is first apparent generally in smaller muscles such as the jaw and the eyelids due to quicker depletion of ATP relative to larger muscles in the trunk and limbs. Rigor mortis occurs in both voluntary and involuntary muscles, including the cardiac muscle. It is first evident in the facial muscles at 1 to 4 hours after death. The gelling of the muscle proteins is apparent as muscle stiffening in about 6 hours after death in the rest of the muscles and is complete about 12 hours after death. This rigidity of the muscles lasts for about another 12 hours or so. The body then returns to a flaccid state after the enzymatic breakdown of actin and myosin binding sites. The rate at which rigor mortis passes off will be rapid in a hot environment as the onset of putrefaction is hastened in such an environment. Cold temperatures lengthen the duration of rigor.

In brief, postmortem changes in the muscles include:

Primary flaccidity of the muscles

The rigidity of the muscles (rigor mortis)

Secondary flaccidity of the muscles

Rigor mortis of the arrector pili muscle attached to the base of a hair follicle is also responsible for the phenomenon of cutis anserina (cutis anserine), otherwise known as postmortem goosebumps. Rigor mortis needs to be distinguished from cadaveric spasm/instantaneous rigor, which is an immediate contraction of a small group of muscles at the instance of death, seen in scenarios of violent death like in the case of drowning.

Late Postmortem Changes


Two mechanisms are involved in decomposition: autolysis and putrefaction. Although decomposition begins soon after death through autolysis, the macroscopic changes brought about by decomposition become apparent much later when putrefaction occurs.

Autolysis is a process that occurs due to leakage of hydrolytic cellular enzymes from cells after death. The changes that occur in this process are mainly on a microscopic rather than a macroscopic level. Internally, autolytic changes are most prominent in the pancreas and other organs with a high concentration of cellular enzymes. In comparison, the prostate and the non-gravid uterus take a longer duration of time to decompose.

The leakage of cellular contents also leads to a suitable environment for microbes such as bacteria, fungi, and protozoa, normally present in the human microbiota, to grow and degrade surrounding tissues, which is known as the process of putrefaction.

Unlike autolytic changes, putrefactive changes are visible on a macroscopic level as discoloration of the skin or bloating of body parts such as the face, abdomen, breast, and scrotum. It can appear in various forms, such as putrefactive fluids and putrefactive gases.

Stages of Decomposition

There are five stages of decomposition, namely fresh, bloated, active decay, advanced decay, and skeletal stage. These stages may occur simultaneously in different parts of the same corpse, and it may be difficult for a forensic pathologist to label the state of the corpse with a single stage.

The fresh stage

is the immediate period following death in which autolysis occurs. Algor mortis, livor mortis, and rigor mortis are apparent in this stage.

The earliest external sign of putrefaction is the greenish discoloration of the skin of the anterior abdominal wall in the right iliac fossa region. In this region of the abdomen, the caecum, loaded with semi-solid intestinal content and commensal gut bacteria, lies quite superficial. This greenish discoloration of the skin results from the formation of sulfhemoglobin facilitated by the commensal intestinal bacteria that invade the tissues after death. This skin discoloration in the right iliac fossa region appears about 18 hours after death. In temperate climates, this greening may first appear 2 to 3 days after death. The ambient temperature affects the speed of onset of putrefaction and its rate of progression.

The blowflies (Calliphoridae) and flesh flies (Sarcophagidae) are often the first insects attracted to a dead body. In brief, the invasion of the body by flies and the life cycle of flies (oviposition, hatching of eggs, feeding activity of larvae or maggots, the transformation of maggots to adult flies) coincide primarily with the bloated and decay stages of decomposition. The flies may even be attracted to a dead body towards the end of the fresh stage.

Bloated stage

body parts, including organs and soft tissues, swelling due to the accumulation of putrefactive gases or other decompositional products from the putrefaction process. It usually starts in the abdomen and then slowly affects other parts, including the face, breasts, and genitals. Also, during this stage, skin changes occur, such as blisters and slippage. Skin slippage at the extremities is known as degloving. Moreover, the phenomenon of marbling is also present during this stage, where blood vessels are visible on the skin as greenish-black streaks and eventually results in skin discoloration ranging from green to black. These postmortem changes are apparent in about 24 to 48 hours after death.

Active decay

is a stage where putrefaction accelerates after bloating. Postmortem purging where putrefactive body fluids become forced out of body orifices is observable during this stage of decomposition. The detachment of hair or hair sloughing and black discoloration of ruptured skin are seen.

Advanced decay

also called black putrefaction or late decay, is a stage where bones begin to get exposed, and the body assumes a "caved in" appearance. Degradation-resistant tissue such as hair (although already sloughed) and cartilage are spared up to this stage.

The skeletal stage

also called dry remains stage or skeletonization, begins when bone exposure is extensive, but the bone is yet to break down. The remaining dried skin, cartilage, and tendons are minimal in this stage. Decomposition significantly slows down at this stage, and it takes years or decades for the skeletal remains to disintegrate.

The literature also reports differential decomposition involving mummification or adipocere formation.


Mummification results from tissue desiccation and is a phenomenon that occurs when the corpse is in an environment that is hot and dry. The skin of the corpse becomes dark, dry, and appears leathery in appearance.Overall the body appears parched; this preserves the corpse for a more extended period. It can occur to the corpse as a whole or in localized areas such as the extremities or the tongue.

Adipocere Formation

Adipocere is a yellowish to a gray-colored waxy substance that can preserve the corpse as a whole or some parts of it. Adipocere formation in the buccal pad of fat will retain the outline of the cheeks. Unlike mummification, the process of adipocere formation occurs in corpses in environments that are high in moisture. Anaerobic conditions, such as a flooded burial or submersion in water, facilitate adipocere formation. The process primarily involves hydrolysis and hydrogenation of body fats to fatty acids and soaps and adipocere formation. Although reports exist of adipocere formation occurring as early as about three weeks after death, in most cases, it becomes apparent only months after death.


Music in the video

Down in a Hole by Alice in Chains

Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum

The End by The Doors

Demons Call by BatchBug


1,000 MBUX Giveaway!

Marsey is somewhere in the video. The first person who spots her and takes a screenshot and posts it in the comments will win 1,000 MBUX!


EFFORTPOST Victims of Serial killers - Ted Bundy - William Suff - WPD EXCLUSIVE video + 4 other videos

Ted Bundy

Classification: Serial killer

Characteristics: Rape

Number of victims: 14 +

Date of murders: 1973 - 1978

Date of arrest: February 15, 1978

Date of birth: November 24, 1946

Victims profile: Girls and young women

Method of murder: Beating with metal bar / Strangulation

Location: Washington/Colorado/Utah/Oregon/Florida/Idaho/Vermont, USA

Status: Executed by electrocution in Florida on January 24, 1989

Interview with Ted Bundy a few weeks before the Chi Omega Attack

Ted Bundy interview while on death row

Interview with survivor of the Chi Omega attack


Joni Lenz, 18

Survived attack: 4 January, 1974. Lenz, a student at the University of Washington, was raped with a bedpost but survived the attack.

Lynda Ann Healy, 21

Died: 1 February, 1974. Healy was a University of Washington student. She was kidnapped and her body found in 1975 on Taylor Mountain, near Issaquah, Washington.

Donna Gail Manson, 19

Died: 12 March, 1974. After confessing to Manson's murder, Bundy said he burned her skull in Liz Kendall's, his girlfriend, fireplace.

Susan Rancourt, 18

Died: 17 April, 1974. Rancourt was abducted on campus at Central Washington State College, and her skull was later found near Taylor Mountain, where Bundy placed several skulls over the years.

Roberta Parks, 20

Died: 17 April, 1974. Parks was abducted from Oregon State University and her skull was found during the same search of Taylor Mountain that found Susan Rancourt's skull. Bundy said he raped and killed her.

Brenda Carol Ball, 22

Died: 1 June, 1974. Ball was abducted from a town south of Seattle. Like many of Bundy's victims, her skull was also found at Taylor Mountain.

Georgeann Hawkins, 18

Missing since: 11 June, 1974. Hawkins disappeared while walking to her boyfriend's house and her body has never been found. Bundy confessed to knocking her unconscious and then killing her.

Denise Naslund, 18

Died: 14 July, 1974. Naslund disappeared from Lake Sammamish State Park. Two months later, her body was found on a hillside near Issaquah.

Janice Ott, 23

Died: 14 July, 1974. Ott was also abducted from Lake Sammamish State Park on the same day as Denise Naslund. Her body was also found in the same location in Issaquah.

Nancy Wilcox, 16

Missing since: 2 October, 1974. Wilcox went missing in Holladay, Utah, after she went out to buy a pack of gum, but her body has never been found. Bundy confessed to sexually assaulting and strangling her, then burying her body near Capitol Reef National Park, located about 200 miles south of Salt Lake City.

Melissa Smith, 17

Died: 26 October, 1974. Smith – the teenage daughter of the Midvale police chief in Salt Lake City – was raped and beaten by Bundy and her body was found in the mountains nearby.

Laura Aime, 17

Missing since: 31 October, 1974. After disappearing on Halloween night, Aime's body was later found frozen in Provo Canyon.

Carol DaRonch, 18

Survived attack: 8 November, 1974. In The Ted Bundy Tapes, DaRonch says that Bundy identified himself as a police officer, told her that her car was broken into and asked her to go down “to the station.” As he attempted to handcuff her, she fought off Bundy and escaped.

Debra Kent, 17

Died: 8 November, 1974. Bundy confessed to murdering Kent and burying her body in the same area as Nancy Wilcox.

Caryn Campbell, 23

Died: 12 January, 1975. Campbell was heading to her hotel room in Aspen when she disappeared. Her body was found naked and beaten next to a road.

Julie Cunningham, 26

Died: 15 March, 1975. Cunningham was walking to a restaurant to meet up with a friend when she offered to help Bundy, who was pretending to struggle on crutches. He kidnapped her and put her in his trunk where he drove to the desert, strangled her to death, and left her body there.

Denise Oliverson, 24

Missing since: 6 April, 1975. Oliverson disappeared while riding her bike to her parent's home. Bundy confessed to killing her and dumping her body in the Colorado River, but it was never found.

Melanie Cooley, 18

Died: 15 April, 1975. After disappearing on her way home from high school, Cooley was tied up and bludgeoned to death with a rock. Her body was found in Coal Creek Canyon. Bundy has been suspected in her murder, but it was never confirmed.

Lynette Culver, 12

Missing since: 6 May, 1975. Culver was abducted from her neighbourhood in Pocatello, Idaho. Bundy confessed he killed her and threw her body into the Snake River. Her body has not been found.

Susan Curtis, 15

Missing since: 27 June, 1975. Curtis was abducted while walking back to her room during a Mormon youth conference at Brigham Young University. Curtis was Bundy's last confession as he walked down to the hall to be executed. She is still regarded as a missing person as her body has not been found.

Margaret Bowman, 21 (victim in video)

Died: 15 January, 1978. On the night of 15 January, Bundy attacked four women in the Chi Omega sorority house at Florida State University. Bundy beat Bowman with a piece of firewood and strangled her.

Lisa Levy, 20 (victim in video)

Died: 15 January, 1978. Bundy beat and strangled Levy to death in the Chi Omega house.

Kathy Kleiner, 20 (victim in interview video)

Attacked: 15 January, 1978. Bundy bludgeoned Kleiner with a piece of firewood and left her with her jaw hanging off.

Karen Chandler, 22

Attacked: 15 January, 1978. Chandler was Kathy Kleiner's roommate in the Chi Omega house, and Bundy beat both women at the same time. Despite a broken jaw and right arm, and four teeth knocked out, Chandler survived.

Cheryl Thomas, 21

Attacked: 15 January, 1978. Bundy crawled through a window in Thomas' Florida State University home and attempted to beat her to death. She survived after her neighbour raised an alarm over the noise.

Kimberly Leach, 12

Died: 9 February, 1978. Leach was one of Bundy's youngest and last victims. She disappeared in the middle of the school day, then her body was found two months later in a shed behind Suwannee River State Park.

William Lester Suff

Classification: Serial killer

Characteristics: Rape - Mutilation

Number of victims: 13 - 20 +

Date of murders: 1974 / 1986 - 1991

Date of arrest: January 9, 1992

Date of birth: August 20, 1950

Method of murder: Beating / Strangulation - Stabbing with knife

Location: Texas/California, USA

Status: Sentenced to 70 years in prison in 1974. Paroled in March 1984. Sentenced to death on August 17, 1995

Trial verdict and interview with victims families

News paper interview with Suff's ex-wife


Rhonda Jetmore

On January 10, 1989, Rhonda Jetmore, 27, a prostitute, entered into a sexual transaction with Suff. The agreement turned violent when he began choking her. She struck him with a flashlight she had in her hand, causing Suff to lose his grip, allowing her to briefly escape. Suff tackled her to the ground and began ripping off her clothes. He stuck his finger in her mouth and she bit down, causing one of her teeth to break. Suff pulled back and Jetmore was able to run to the door, but was tackled again. As she pleaded with Suff to let her go, he lost track of his glasses. She used her flashlight to shine a light on them and when Suff went to pick them up, she ran out the door and flagged down a car. The passenger, who she happened to know, pulled out a gun and fired at Suff, and she was able to escape.

Kimberly Lyttle

On June 28, 1989, Kimberly Lyttle, 28, was found manually strangled to death on the side of the road in Lake Elsinore. Her autopsy revealed that she had been hit in the head, and she had cigarette burns on her arms and other areas of her body; all injuries occurring prior to her death. She was covered with a blue bath towel, which was found to have red, white, and blue fibers that were matched to a sleeping bag in Suff's van.

Christina Leal

On December 13, 1989, the body of Christina Leal, 23, was found strangled and stabbed to death on a Quail Valley hillside; she was last seen the night before. Her autopsy revealed marks around her wrists and ankles, indicating she was bound, scratch marks on her face, a black eye, four stab wounds in the middle of her chest, at least two knife wounds on her genitalia, and one of her nipples was partially removed; all antemortem. A lightbulb had been inserted into her uterus and was recovered intact.

Darla Jane Ferguson

On January 18, 1990, Darla Ferguson, 23, was found strangled in Riverside, just half a mile from the body of Kimberly Lyttle. She was found with her legs propped up and a trash bag pulled over the top half of her body, tied at the waist with a rope. Her wrists had been bound and she suffered blunt force trauma before death.

Carol Lynn Miller (victim in video)

On February 9, 1990, Carol Miller, 35, was found nude, with the exception of a shirt pulled over her head, in a grapefruit orchard in Highgrove. The frenulum connecting her upper lip to her gums was torn, indicating she was struggling while being smothered. She had no trauma to her neck. She was stabbed 5 times prior to death. Next to her body was a peeled and eaten grapefruit.

Cheryl Coker

On November 6, 1990, the body of Cheryl Coker, 33, was found in Riverside, partially inside a dumpster. She was found strangled to death, possibly with a wire, with such great force it cut the skin of her neck. Her right breast had been severed post-mortem and was found on a dirt road 30 feet away. A shoe print matching the size, shape, pattern, and wear of shoes belonging to Suff were found at the scene.

Susan Melissa Sternfeld (victim in video)

On December 21, 1990, Susan Sternfeld, 27, was found strangled, nude, and intentionally posed, near a dumpster in Riverside.

Kathleen Leslie Milne

On January 19, 1991, the body of Kathleen Milne, also known as Kathy Puckett, 42, was found nude, lying on a red robe, near a pile of trash, north of Lake Elsinore. A white sock had been stuffed in the back of her throat. Her death was ruled asphyxiation due to the combination of strangulation and the sock blocking her airway.

Sherry Ann Latham

On July 4, 1991, Sherry Latham, 37, was found nude, face down, in Lake Elsinore. Her cause of death was determined to be strangulation, but due to decomposition, no determination could be made on the method.

Kelly Marie Hammond

On August 16, 1991, Kelly Hammond, 27, of Rubidoux, was found strangled in an alley in Corona. Her nude body appeared to be posed; her right arm was bent and tucked under her abdomen, her left arm was bent with her hand on the ground and palm facing upward, her left leg was drawn to her chest, and her right leg was extended outward. She had two lacerations, which occurred prior to death, on her forehead. Her autopsy revealed her death to be caused by strangulation, with acute opiate intoxication a possible contributing factor.

Catherine McDonald

On September 13, 1991, Catherine McDonald, 30, the only black victim attributed to Suff, was found in Lake Elsinore. Her body was also posed; her legs were spread apart but her feet were together, her arms outstretched to the top of her head. She was four months pregnant. Before she died, she was stabbed in the chest three times. She also had a gaping cut on the left side of her neck. Her right breast was removed post-mortem, and she suffered a stab wound, as well as other lacerations, to her genitals, some before and some after death. Her official cause of death was multiple stab wounds to the neck as well as compression. Shoe prints of the same pattern as the other murders were also near McDonald's body.

Delliah Zamora (victim in video)

On October 30, 1991, the body of Delliah Zamora, 35, was found strangled in Glen Avon. She had fingernail injuries consistent with clawing at a ligature, though method was unable to be determined. Her larynx was crushed and broken down the middle, which would require an extreme amount of pressure.

Eleanor Casares On December 23, 1991, Eleanor Casares, 39, was found in an orange grove near the intersection of Jefferson Street and Victoria Avenue in Riverside. She was stabbed in the chest and strangled. Her breast was removed post-mortem.

A number of additional murders were attributed to Suff, though he was never charged, with the exception of Cherie Payseur:

Michelle Yvette Gutierrez

On October 29, 1986, Michelle Gutierrez, 26, was found in a drainage ditch in the Riverside area.

Charlotte Jean Palmer

On December 10, 1986, Charlotte Palmer, 25, was found near Romoland. Though cause of death could not be determined, authorities believe she was smothered.

Linda Ann Ortega

On April 29, 1988, Linda Ortega, 37, was found nude and stabbed to death near the rodeo grounds in Lake Elsinore.

Martha Bess Young

On May 2, 1988, the nude body of Martha Young, 27, of Albuquerque, was found just a few miles away from Linda Ortega. Her cause of death was determined to be a combination of strangulation and overdose of amphetamines. She was previously reported missing, first by her boyfriend, Joseph Shiflitt, who called her mother on April 10, 1988, and then officially by her mother, 17 days later.

Diane Mae Talavera

On January 17, 1989, Diana Talavera, 37, was found strangled on the beach in Lake Elsinore.

Julie Lynn Angel

On November 11, 1989, the body of Julie Angel, 36, was found bludgeoned to death in Alberhill, on a street her mother drove every day for work.

Cherie Michelle Payseur (victim in video)

On April 27, 1991, Cherie Payseur, 24, was found on a flower bed behind a bowling alley in Riverside. She was initially found nude, but a patron covered the body with a jean jacket before police arrived. She had been hit in the face, and though no official cause of death could be determined, she was thought to have been suffocated. A number of shoe prints were left at the scene, including a partial shoe print on the small of Payseur's back. The analyzed shoe impressions were thought to be the same as the prints from the scene of Cheryl Coker's murder. The semen collected from Payseur's body revealed two donors, rendering the results inconclusive. The most intensive bands, however, matched Suff, so he could not be excluded as a donor. Suff was charged with Payseur's murder, but the jury was deadlocked, and he was not convicted.

Music credits

Good vibrations by the beachboys

Flesh And Bones by BatchBug |

Music promoted by

BLACK FLY by Audionautix |

Music promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Demons Call by BatchBug | promoted by

Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)


Sources nine years in Florida,executed in the electric chair.


EFFORTPOST Dyatlov Pass Incident - WPD EXCLUSIVE + Giveaway

The Dyatlov Pass

The Dyatlov Pass incident is the "mysterious" deaths of nine ski hikers in the northern Ural Mountains on February 2, 1959. The group consisted of eight men and two women. Most were students or graduates of Ural Polytechnical Institute. The goal of the 14 day expedition was to reach Otorten, a mountain 12 miles north of the site of the incident. This route, in the winter was estimated to be a category III, the most difficult category rating at that time. All members were experienced in long ski tours and mountain expeditions. The group arrived by train at Ivdel, a city at the center of the northern province of Sverdlovsk Oblast on January 25. They then took a truck to the last inhabited settlement (Vizhay) far north . They started their march toward Otorten from Vizhay on January 27. The next day, one of the members (Yuri Yudin) was forced to go back because of illness. Diaries and cameras found around their last camp made it possible to track group's route up to the day preceding the incident.

The hike started out fairly late on February 1 and only traveled 2.5 miles that day. Excess gear and food was stored on a platform in the forest called labaz, or camp base. Camp was set up around 5 pm on a slope of Kholat Syakhl just 10 miles from Mount Otorten. They had their dinner around 6-7 pm and one or two members of the group went outside to relieve themselves, presumably Semyon Zolotaryov and Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle, since they were found to have been better dressed than the others. Then something went catastrophically wrong.

It had been agreed beforehand that Dyatlov would send a telegram to their sports club as soon as the group returned to Vizhay. It was expected that this would happen no later than February 12, but Dyatlov had told Yudin that he expected to be longer, and so when date passed and no message had been received there was no immediate reaction. Delays of few days were common in such expeditions. Only after the relatives of the travelers demanded a rescue operation did the head of the institute send the first rescue groups consisting of volunteer students and teachers, on February 21. Later, the army and police forces became involved, with planes and helicopters being ordered to join the rescue operation.

On February 26, the searchers found the abandoned and badly damaged tent on Kholat Syakhl. Mihail Sharavin, the student who found the tent said: "the tent was half torn down and covered with snow. It was empty, and all the group's belongings and shoes had been left behind." Investigators said the tent had been cut open from inside and that skiers had fled in socks or barefoot. A chain of eight or nine sets of footprints, left by several people who were wearing socks, a single shoe or barefoot, could be followed and led down towards the edge of nearby woods.

At the forest edge, under a large old cedar, the search party found the remains of a fire, along with the first two bodies, those of Yuri Krivoshenko and Yuri Doroshenko, shoeless and dressed only in their underwear.

The branches on the tree were broken up to five meters high. The medical examiner recorded livor mortis on the back, but Krivonischenko was found facing up. This indicated that someone had moved them after their death.

On February 27 between the cedar and the tent the searchers found Igor Dyatlov and Zinaida Kolmogorova], and 6 days later on March 5th Rustem Slobodin. The three seemed to have died in poses suggesting that they were attempting to return to the tent. A medical examination found no injuries which might have led to their deaths, and it was concluded that they had died of hypothermia. Slobodin had a small crack in his skull, but it was not thought to be a fatal wound. A legal inquest started immediately after finding the first five bodies. Searching for the remaining four hikers took more than two months.

They were finally found on May 5 under four meters of snow in a ravine 50 m farther into the woods from the cedar tree. These four were better dressed than the others, and there were signs that those who had died first had apparently relinquished their clothes to the others. Thibeaux-Brignolle was wearing Dubinina's fur coat and hat, Dubinina's was wearing a brown sweater that tested radioactive and was most probably Krivonischenko's, Zolotaryov had Doroshenko's hat, and Kolevatov was wearing Doroshenko's overalls, the waistband of his sweater and lower part of his ski trousers tested radioactive. An examination of the four bodies found in May changed the course of the whole investigation. Three of them had fatal injuries: the body of Thibeaux-Brignolle had major skull damage, and both Dubinina and Zolotaryov had major chest fractures. According to Dr. Boris Vozrozhdenny, the force required to cause such damage would have been extremely high. He compared it to the force of a car crash. Notably, the bodies had no external wounds as if they were crippled by a high level of pressure. Dubinina was found to be missing her tongue. The group clearly realized their threats and did everything they could to preserve themselves. They had managed to dig out a den in the snow, lay it down with branches in an effort to keep themselves warm. But the things were about to get even more bizarre. Bodies were actually found few feet from their improvised shelter in the deep part of the ravin. Some of the clothes taken from the bodies underneath the cedar tree were placed on the cedar branches, but apparently they were not used.

The diaries

The search teams and investors found

six diaries:


January 23

We're on the road again! We are now sitting in room 531, or rather of course not sitting but frantically shoving into backpacks oatmeal, cans, canned meat. The head of provision distribution (zavhoz) is overseeing that everybody gets everything.

Where are my felt boots? Y. K. (Yuri Krivonischenko) Can we play mandolin on the train?

Of course! We forgot the salt! 3kg

Igor! Where are you? Where is Doroshenko? Why didn't he take 20 packs? Give me 15 kopecks (cents) to call. The scales, where are the scales? It doens't fit, dam it. Who has the knife?

Yuri take this to the station.

Slav Halizov just got here.

Hello, hello! Can I get 15 kopeks?

Lyuda is counting the money, lots of money. The room is an artistic mess.

And here we are on the train. We sang all the songs that we know, learned new ones, everyone goes to sleep at 3 (am). I wonder what awaits us in this trip? What will we encounter? The boys solemnly swore not to smoke the entire trip. I wonder how much will power they have to get by without cigarettes? Everybody is falling asleep, and behind the window Ural taiga is spread in all directions.

Z. Kolmogorova

January 23 - The group leaves Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg today)

January 24

7.00 (am) We arrived in Serov (town). We traveled with Blinov group. They have... things for hunting and other accessories. At the station we were met with hell of a hospitality. They didn't allow us into the building. The policeman stares at us suspiciously. There is no crime or vandalism in the city, as it suppose to be in times of communism. And then Yuri Krivo started a song, the cops grabbed him and took him away.

At the attention of citizen Krivonischenko, sergeant explained that the rules of §3 prohibited all activity that would disturb the peace of passengers. It is perhaps the only train station where the songs are forbidden, so we stayed without singing.

Finally everything is settled by end fo the day. We are leaving Serov to Ivdel at 6:30 pm. We were welcomed warmly in the school near the railway station. The steward (she is also a janitor) boiled some water, and helped us with everything we needed for the preparation for the trek.

We have the whole day free. We want to go to the city, to visit the nature museum or take a trip to a factory, but too much time is passed in distribution of equipment and cleaning it.

12.00 In the interval between 1st and 2nd shifts in school we organized meeting with pupils. The room crammed with so many curious children.

Zolotaryov: "Kids, I will tell you now... Tourism is, enables you to..." Everyone is still, quiet, engaged.

Z. Kolmogorova: Tra-ta-ta-ta, what's your name, you went where, awesome, you have been camping, she went on and on...

Questions didn't end. We had to explain and show to every kid everything, from torches to tents. It took us 2 hours, and kids didn't want to let us go. They sang songs to each other. The whole school saw us at the station. Everything ended as expected, when we were leaving, the kids yelled and cried, asking Zina to stay with them. They promised to behave and study well.

In the train cart a young drunk accused us of stealing his booze from his pocket. For the second time this day the cops were involved.

Discussion about love provoked by Z. Kolmogorova. Songs, tickets check, Dubinina under the seats, garlic with bread and no water, and we arrived in Ivdel around 12am.

Large waiting room. Total freedom of action. We took shifts to watch over our stuff all night long. Bus to Vizhay leaves early in the morning.


Around midnight the Dyatlov group arrives in Ivdel located 520 km (320 mi) North of their starting point.

25 january 1959.

We got up at half past five, quickly gathered and left for the city of Ivdel with the first bus. After an hour of waiting, we managed to grab a bus (such as GAZ-51). The twenty-five-seater bus was forced to accommodate a full twenty-five plus twenty backpacks packed to capacity and as many pairs of skis. We were full up to the ceiling. First layer passengers sat on the seats, on a pile of skis, on backpacks. Second layer passengers sat on the backs of the seats, finding a place for legs on the shoulders of comrades. It was not so tight, however, as not to sing, so we did it almost all the way to Vizhay.

The trip was not uneventful. The bus made a small detour away from the highway, in the village of Shipichnoe, and we were given the chance to step out, which we did with pleasure. Four of the most agile went far ahead to the settlement of Talitsa to see the power station. Suddenly they heard: "The bus." We rush out the door, but, alas, it was too late. The bus passed by and we were forced to chance after it as fast as we can, hoping fate would be merciful and, perhaps, we would catch up with it (I am part of the "agile" four). However, the first hundred meters clearly demonstrated the advantages of a fifty horse power engine. Our heels flashed far behind the bus, and the gap widened. The prospect to walk about thirty kilometers on the highway with no breakfast and lunch already seemed quite real, when suddenly ... I mentioned that fate is merciful. The mercy came in the form of a girl going to Vizhay that hailed the bus and stopped the object of our persecution. A minute later we were already safely sitting on the second floor of the seats and traveling to Vizhay. We arrived in Vizhay about two pm. It turned out that we can continue our automobile journey in the next morning.

Warmly said goodbye to Blinov's group, who went further (to the west of Vizhay in the deep forest area). After dinner, which was held in a warm "friendly atmosphere," we moved to the "hotel", which was the usual hut with three windows. We went to the cinema, leaving "home" Doroshenko and Kolevatov. We watched the "Symphonie in Gold", came back in "musical mood". Now we are busy getting ready the equipment. Tonight, according to the local commandant, we will leave on.


January 26

We slept in so-called hotel. Two people per bed. Sasha K. (Aleksander Kolevatov) and Krivo (Yuri Krivonischenko) slept on the floor between beds. Woke up at 9 am. Everyone sleep well despite the fact we did not completely close the small window and room got a bit cold.

Outside temperature is -17°C.

We did not boil water in the morning, wood was damp. In the evening it took us 6 hours to boil the water. Had breakfast in the dining room, goulash and tea.

When they handed us the lukewarm tea, Gosya (Igor) Dyatlov said with a smirk: "If the tea is cold, then go drink it outside, it will be hot." Original thought. We negotiated to go to Settlement 41 by a truck.

We started at 13.10, and arrived at 16.30. We froze pretty good at the back of GAZ-63.

While traveling we sang songs, discussed various topics like love, friendship, cancer illness and cures.

In Settlement 41 we were greeted warmly, they gave us a separate room in the hostel. We talked a lot with the local workers. I remembered particularly the red- bearded man. The Beard, that's what his friends call him.

Ognev is an old friend, he is described in Lyuda Dubinina's private diary.

Lunch was served, we ate and now we are resting. Some of the group is watching a movie in the adjacent room. The rest of the group is rummaging through their backpacks. Rustik (Rustem Slobodin) is playing his mandolin, while talking with Kolya (Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle). I am going to do some adjustment to the equipment.



I can't, although I tried.

Nick Thibeaux

January 26 - the group leaves Vizhay and gets a ride with GAZ-63 truck to 41st district


The weather's really good. The wind is at our backs, and the lads made a deal with the locals for a horse to drive us to Second North settlement.

But it will be about 24 km from the 41st Settlement. We helped Uncle Slava unload hay from a carriage and waited for the horse (it went to get more hay and wood).

The boys started copying some songs. One man sang beautifully. We heard a number of illegal prison songs (Article 58 counter-revolutionary crimes). Ognev told Igor how to find a loghouse in which to spend the night. We waited until 4:00 pm.

Before that we bought four loaves of bread. Soft warm bread. We ate 2 loaves.

The horse is slow. What a pleasure to go without backpacks.

We covered 8 km in 2 hours. (River Ushma).

It's getting dark. The horse is causing the delay. Yuri Yudin is still with us. He suddenly fell ill and he can't continue with the trek. He wants to gather few minerals for the University and return.

Second North is an abandoned geological site consisting of 20-25 houses. Only one is suitable for living. In complete darkness we found a village and the house. We started a fire with wood boards. Smoke came form the stove. Several people hurt their hands on old nails. Everything is well. Then the horse came. We were talking and joking till 3 in the morning.


January 27 - Dyatlov group leaves 41st district with uncle Slava, backpacks on a sled pulled by a horse, skiing towards 2nd Norther setlement

January 28

We were awaken by the rumbling voices of Yurka Kri (Yuri Krivonischenko) and Sasha Kolevatov (Aleksander Kolevatov). Weather so far is smiling at us. It's only -8°C outside.

After breakfast, some of the guys lead by Yuri Yudin, our well- known geologist, went to look for local minerals. They didn't find anything except pyrite and quartz veins in the rock. Took them long time to wax their skis and adjust the mounting. Yuri Yudin goes back home today. It is a pity, of course, that he leaves us. Especially for me and Zina, but nothing can be done about it.

Started at 11.45. We go up the river Lozva. We take turns to head the group for about 10 minutes. Snow cover is significantly less than last year. We have to stop and scrape the wet, melting snow from the bottom of the skis. Yurka Kri is behind and makes topos of the route. The bank of the river near Second North (especially the right bank) are limestone cliffs that rise high at places. Overall the terrain becomes flatter, entirely covered by forest.

We stop to rest at 5:30 pm on river Lozva. Today we spend our first night in the tent. The guys are busy with the stove, sewing curtains out of sheets. With some thing completed and others not, we sit at dinner. After dinner we sit for long time around the campfire and sing heartfelt songs. Zina even tries to learn to play mandolin under guidance of our musician Rustik (Rustem Slobodin). Then we resume our discussions, mostly about love. Someone comes up with an idea that we need a special notebook for ideas that we might come up with. After a good long talk, we started going into the tent two people at a time. The suspended stove radiates heat and divides the tent in two sections. The further section is occupied by me and Zina. Nobody wants to sleep by the stove. We agree that Yurka Kri will sleep there. On the other side sleeps the person on duty (Aleksander Kolevatov). Yurka couldn't stand the heat and after laying down for 1-2 min, he got up and moved to the second section cursing and accusing us of treason. After that they still argued about something for a long time, but at the end all was quiet.

Lyuda Dubinina - this entry is not signed, but can't be anybody else but Dubinina.

January 28 - Yuri Yudin departs from a 2nd Northern settlement. Another depressing abandoned place on vast stretches of Siberia. Some of the houses ("izba" in Russian) are abandoned and began to fall apart.


Second day of our hike. We made our way from the Lozva river to the Auspiya river. We walked along a Mansi trail. The weather is –13°C. The wind is weak. We often find ice on the Lozva river. That's all.

Nick Thibeaux

P.S. Witless writing in two days!

30 January 1959

Diary is written in the cold on the go.

Today is a third cold night on the bank of Auspiya river. We are getting used to it. The stove does a great job. Some of us (Thibeaux and Krivonischenko) think we need to build steam heat in the tent. The curtains in the tent are quite justified. We get up at 8:30am. After breakfast we walk along the Auspiya river, but the ice again doesn't allow us to move forward. We went on the bank on a sledge-deer trail. In the middle of the road the saw Mansi shed. Yes, Mansi, Mansi, Mansi. This word comes up more and more often in our conversations. Mansi are people of the North. Small Khanti-Mansi nation located in Salehard with 8 thousand population. Very interesting and unique people that inhabit the North Polar Urals, close to the Tyumen region. They have a written language, and leave characteristic signs on forest trees.


Weather: temperature in the morning - 17°C (in the typed copy the minus sign before the temperature is omitted - ed. note)

day - 13°C.

night - 26°C (in the typed copy the minus sign before the temperature is omitted - ed. note)

The wind is strong, south-west, snow begins to fall, heavy clouds, drop in temperature. The temperature is normal for Northern Urals.

This is a story about the forest. Mansi signs tell about animals they saw, resting stops and other things. It is particularly interesting to solve its meaning for the hikers as well as historians.

Deer trail turns into а trodden path, and then ends. To go without a trail is very hard, snow is 120 cm (4 feet) deep. The forest gradually thins and trees get smaller. You can feel the altitude. Lots of dwarf birches and pines. It is impossible to walk on the river. It is not completely frozen, there is ice and water under the snow. We have to go back on the bank of the river. The day is over and we have to find a place for bivouac. That's the stop for the night. Strong west wind. It blows the snows off the cedar and pine trees, creating the impression of a snow fall.

As usual we quickly start a fire and pitch the tent on some fir branches. We are warmed by the fire and go to sleep.

31 January 1959

Weather today is a bit worse – wind, snowing , since the sky is perfectly clear.

Started relatively early. Got back on the Mansi trail. (Up to now we are following a Mansi trail on which not so long passed a hunter with deer.)

Yesterday it seems we stumbled upon his resting stop. Deer didn't go any further. The hunter took the beaten trail by himself, we are following in his steps.

Had a surprisingly good overnight, air is warm and dry, though it's -18°C to -24°C. Walking is especially hard today. We can't see the trail, have to grope our way through at times. Can't do more than 1.5-2 km (1 mile) per hour.

Trying out new ways to clear the path. The first in line drops his backpack, skis forward for five minutes, comes back for a 10-15 minute break, then catches up with the group. That's one way to keep laying ski tracks non-stop. Hard on the second hiker though, who has to follow the new trail with full gear on his back. We gradually leave the Auspiya valley, it's upwards all the way but goes rather smoothly. Thin birch grove replaces firs. The end of forest is getting closer. Wind is western, warm, piercing, with speed like the draft from airplanes at take-off. Firn, open spaces. I can't even think of setting up a labaz here. It's nearly 4. Have to start looking for a place to pitch the tent. We go south in the Auspiya valley. Seems this place has the deepest snow. Wind not strong, snow 1.2-2 m (3-4 ft) deep. We're exhausted, but start setting up for the night. Firewood is scarce, mostly damp firs. We build the campfire on the logs, too tired to dig a fire pit. Dinner's in the tent. Nice and warm. Can't imagine such comfort on the ridge, with howling wind outside, hundreds of kilometers away from human settlements.


January 31 - Dyatlov group leaves some of their gear in a forest on a platform set high above ground

February 1 - The group leaves on the last day of their trip. They start out fairly late and walk for only 2.5 miles. They set a tent around 5 pm on a slope of Kholat Syakhl just 10 miles from the Mount Otorten. They eat their last dinner between 6-7 pm. Subsequent investigation showed that one or two of the members left the tent to relief themselves. Since Semyon Zolotaryov and Nicolay Thibeaux-Brignolle were better dressed it was suggested that it was the two men who left the tent before something happened.

Diary of unknown group member

January 24, 1959

Last night, about 9-00 we boarded the train №43. At last. There is 10 of us. Slavik Bienko didn't come, they didn't let him. We are going with Blinov group. Fun. Songs. Around 8 am we arrived in Serov. We were not allowed to stay on the train station, the train to Ivdel is at 6-30 pm. We are looking for a room. We are trying to get into the club (to the right of the dining room of the station) and school, but fail. Finally he (? not sure about the identity) finds school number 41 (about 200 meters from the train station), where we were very well received.

January 30.

In the morning it was 17° now it is getting colder. Those on duty (S. Kolevatov and K. Tibo are repeating their duties as a punishment for slowing the group yesterday) took a long time to start a fire. In the evening it was decided that we will leave the tent exactly 8 minutes after waking up. Therefore, all have been awake and waiting for the command. But it is useless. Around 9:30 in the morning we began slowly to rise. Nick T. is joking about something in the morning. Everyone is reluctant to get up.

And the weather! In contrast to the rest of the warm days - today is a sunny cold day. The sun appears playful.

Today as yesterday were are following the path of Mansi. Sometimes Mansi writings appear on trees. In general, all sorts of obscure mysterious characters. There is slogan for our trek, "In a country of mysterious signs." If we knew these letters, it would be possible, without any doubt, to go down the path, confident that it would lead us to the right place. Here the trail takes us to the shores of the river. We lose track. In the future, the trail follows the left bank of Auspii river, but the team of deer crossed the river and we are going through the woods. At the first opportunity we will turn back to the river. As it is easier to follow it. At approximately 2 pm we stop for a lunch. Dried meat, guest crackers, sugar, garlic, coffee, stocked in the morning - that's our lunch.

Good mood.

A couple more hours - and we will stop at 5pm for the night. We have been looking for a place, then we returned about 200 meters back. Charming place. Deadwood, high pines, in short, everything you need for a good night.

Lyuda quickly got tired and sat down by the fire. Nick Tibo changed his clothes. He began to write a diary. The law is that until all the work is done, do not approach the fire. And so they had a long argument, of who will sew the tent. Finally K. Tibo gave up and took a needle. Lyuda remained seated. And we sewed the hole (and there were so many that there was enough work for all except two attendants and Lyuda. Guys are terribly outraged.

Today is the birthday of Sasha Kolevatov *. Congratulations. We give him a tangerine, which he immediately divided into 8 pieces (Lyuda went into the tent and did not come out until the end of the dinner). So another day of our trek went well.


Z. Kolmogorova

north Ural

trek III category


leader Dyatlov

24.2.59. (note: the figure of the month is corrected, visible simultaneously, one on top of the other in an unknown sequence, the numbers "1" and "2")

Here we are on a trek again. Now in Serov. The entire evening yesturday till 3 AM we sang songs. With us is sr. instructor of the Kaurov sport base Aleksander Zolotaryov. He knows a lot of songs, it's just happy somehow that we are learning new songs. Especially something called Zumba and others. Today I feel little sad. But it's nothing. We are on duty with Rustik. We went and talked to the schoolchildren, then they all saw us off, even burst into tears, didn't want to let us go.

25.1.59 (note: the figure of the month is fixed, visible simultaneously, one on top of the other in an unknown sequence, the numbers "1" and "2") arrived in Ivdel at midnight, spent the night at the train station pitching a tent on the floor. Yes, we have already been spotted 2 times by the police. Once Yuri Kriv was taken to the police station. He wanted to raise money for candy. It was funny. Then on the train Serov-Ivdel reached Ivdel, spent the night at the station, in the morning got on a bus, drove to a hotel in Ivdel. Then we took the bus and drove off. We are 20 people, backpacks and skis. Had to pile up on 3 levels, but we sang songs all the way. Arrived in Vizhay. First we stopped at the same club where we were 2 years ago. Then we were taken to the hotel. The whole evening there was a discussion about love about friendship, about dances and other things, etc. I talked a lot about things which are completely unfamiliar to me and I scarcely do, but I tried, sincerely. But this is all nonsense. But again the words of Volt come to mind. How well did he say it. We went to see "Symphonie in Gold" so powerful! So great!


We slept in beds. We got up late, very late. Rustik and I are on duty. We went into the dining room. And then we waited for the car and drove off. Today the road is not so beautiful, there is less snow. We are driving off road now. Drove for a long time. I, as always, was approached by some countryman. We arrived at the 41st settlement. Workers are simply working here, not prisoners, but recruits. There are many smart ones. We were accommodated in the small room of the driver. Today is the last day of civilization. Rustic plays the mandolin very well, I really enjoy listening to him. Today I wore Yuri's mittens, but how I did not want to! I was told that is not good not to accept them, so I took them. We talk. Not much.

27. Today is the first day of our journey. The backpack is not much but somewhat heavy. Yes, Yura Yudin is leaving us today. His sciatic nerves inflamed again and he is leaving. Such a pity. We distributed his load in our backpacks. It turns out that on the last day we see some kind of civilization,stove, people, etc. Today we arranged out backpacks to go on horseback and we are waiting them to be ready, and we will go skiing. Everyone is singing, the workers living in barracks, did not go to work, they sing. We sit and write songs. Many workers are very talented, intelligent people. Especially "the beard", his beard is ginger, ginger, and his eyes are also ginger, and brown. The guys sing well. And Rustic plays the mandolin very well. Today was the last day me and Lyuda slept in beds. Tonight we are going to be in a tent, apparently. Now we are in the 41st quarter, today our goal is to reach the 2nd Nortern. They say, there is a hut there, but no one lives in it. Hurry to the road, to the skis ... How about we go? I'm lately somehow very deeply affected by music, guitar, mandolin and other. Yesterday saw 3 movies here "On his own", "Est takoy paren" and "Sympnonie in gold" again. I want to see "Symphonie in Gold" even more times.


Тhawed, a river, many huts

ya - river

sos - brook, together

pashte/pache-rum - hello friend

nyor - stone, if there nyor is added to the peak - the peak is bare

oyka - man

yani hum - man big

mais - small

ekva - female

ekvat - alone

ayrish - a girl

From Burmantovo to Volen paul airplane

nyan - bread

emos -good

mol - bad

saka - good

(at)Sol - (not)truth

Solval - salt

Pud - pot

Vat - water

Vit - wind

Hul - fish

Neul - meat

sali - deer

Vazhenka - female

sohta - alpha male

sun - sled

sushep - look

yun - house

pyrya - scram (to the dog)

col - city

pisal - gun

topor - truck

kasay - knife

seranki mayen - give me the matches

atim - don't have

oli - have

Teynkvem - eat

ail - drink

eri - must

ergan - sing

Olna - money

tselkoviy - ruble

akvat - 1

kita - 2

hurum - 3

nila - 4

at - 5

hot - 6

sat - 7

vovel - 8

nevel - 9

pul - 10

tinalil - eat

yuvtilum - sell

sup - pants m

gacha - f

sapaki - slippers

yelsup - dress

neks - sable

kutya - dog

pis-pis - mouse

suy - pine

paul - village

vor - forest

vorhum - bear forest man

vas - duck.

kat - hands.

layal - legs.

pum - head.

punki - teeth.

palin - ears of

ayemun - large

saam - eyes

nyel - nose.

ayserm - cold

polem - freezing

kur - stove

paltin - heat

chuval - stove

osemsau - good bye


nan - you, tav - he

am - I

nanki - you

amki - me


Tyumen region

Berezovsky district

village Nyaksimvol

(sable slope)

Ognev Nikolay Grig.

Rudik Ivan Ivanovich

The whole day went, in front of the horse, behind the horse on the river Lozva. They often flew to ice, cleaned skis. They came already in the dark for a long time looking for a hut with windows and doors. 2nd North is an abandoned village, nobody lives here at all, and what beautiful places! It's just Chusovaya. The stones on the banks are some cliffs, limestone, white. Today we go a few km along the Lozva River, and then we pass to the Auspiya river.

(note: the arrow from "Today" is drawn down to "Auspiya River" and to the following date "28.2.58")

28.2.58 (note: she got wrong the month and the year)

Uncle Slava is leaving today on his horse, and Yura Yudin is leaving too. He took a few samples. I saw this type for the first after the drilling. There is a lot of chalcopyrite and pyrite. Last night the boys made stupid jokes. In my opinion, if we don't pay attention to them, maybe they will be less rude. And so far, nothing. It's time to go out, but they are still digging and digging. I do not understand what's taking so long. The first 30 minutes are over. Of course, the backpack is somewhat heavy. But it's possible to go. The first day is always difficult.

left forward

Sasha Kolevatov tested his device, then quit.

Second stop.

It was much easier to go yesterday without backpacks

snow, snow, snow, snow

on the banks frozen river snow snow


Lunch was an hour at 4 pm

After lunch we did just one more hike and stopped to rest.

I mended the tent. We lay down to sleep. Igor was rude the whole evening, I just couldn't recognize him. I had to sleep on the wood near the stove.


Today is Yurka's birthday (note: Yuri Doroshenko). We go first to Lozva then we turn to Auspiya. Surroundings are beautiful. Along the Auspiya Mansi have passed. A trail is visible, grooves, a path is visible. We often see Mansi signs on the trail. I wonder what they write about? Now the Mansi trail goes south.

(note: the turn is the sketch of the notch, the initials with the date Oct. 5, 1958, the drawing of the ax?)

Now we sit the three of us: Rustik, Yurka and I Waiting for the rest. For the night stopped near the ski tracks. We are burning firewood with Yurka. We talked about the past. Such a playboy.

30.2.59 We go on Auspiya

cold (ayserm). Mansi trail ended. Pine forest. There was sun in the morning, now is cold (ayserm). All day long we walked along Auspiya. Will spend the night on a Mansi trail. Kolya didn't get to be a watchman so me and Rustik will stay on duty today. Burned mittens 2 and Yurkin's quilted jacket. He cursed a lot. Today, probably, we will build a labaz.

(note: blank turn, on the left page, a mirrored impression of the previous page)

(note: last turn - left page is blank)

(note: on the right one):

The brighter, the greater diaphragm number, if the diaphragm is lower, there will be less light on the film, the shutter speed is longer. Aperture - closed

(note: vertical arrows pointing up below each of the last two words)

(note: on the last bookend, left page): Rempel.


23 january. It's the last day of preparations and everything has been quite hectic. From eleven in the morning I was scampering between stores buying different bits and pieces. And I was silly enough to buy five meters of cambric which cost 200 rubles. I was packing in such a rush and of course I've forgotten at home my sweater. Everyone was busy with something, and we had so many things to do. Just before our departure, those who wanted to say goodbye came to meet us. We were really short of time, but arrived at the railway station with seconds to spare. Then we had to say goodbye to everyone. Before leaving we sang a few songs, but in the cart Blinov group joined and we continue singing together. Among all the most notable is Krotov's bass. This time there were a lot of very new songs that we were writing down with the help of an instructor A Zolotaryov, who came with us on the trek. At first nobody wanted this Zolotaryov, for he is a stranger, but then we all agreed, because you can't refuse. Thus, as we were ten, and remained ten, for Slavka was not released by the faculty bureau.

24 january went to bed We arrived in Serov very early. We were not allowed in the station with the backpacks. We settled nearby the station. The boys cross the treasurer, that's me, with accusations of stinginess and greed. Alas, the canteen at this point is a great luxury for us. There was one small incident - Yurka K. was taken by the police charging him with deception. Our hero decided to walk around the station handing a cap for change after singing a song. Yuri had to be rescued.

Then we managed to move to the elementary school together with Blinov group. After lunch we began to prepare the equipment. Decided to read talk to the children in 1st and 2nd grades about tourism. They liked our stories and things very much, and they became very attached to us. Time flew by till 6 pm in the company of our new young friends. The children bonded so much, especially to Zina, that they parted with tears.

In the train we all sang songs accompanied with a mandolin and just like that. Then out of the blue a young alcoholic came to the boys and accused them of stealing a bottle of vodka. He demanded her return and promised to punch them in the teeth. In the end, he did not prove or get anything and got lost. Yurka came and sang with us for a while and left. We sang and sang, and no one even noticed how we started to discuss love issues, talking about kisses in particular. We talked all kinds of nonsense, of course; everyone was interested, everyone wanted to speak out, eventually trying to out-shout each other and prove their own opinion. Sasha Kolevatov was the best in our debates. Probably he expressed not only his own thoughts but, anyway, he obviously won. We arrived at night in Ivdel and bunked at the station. We settled in the corner, spreading the tent, and laid down to sleep at once. I stayed watch. I used the time to sew overshoes and copy songs. Yurkina Olva from time to time shouted probably from boredom and hunger. I lasted till 3 am. At that time I lay down, only Borya continue to sew something for a long time, but he finally retire.

Zhenya (Evgeniy Zinovyev) often picks on me, sometimes he even says offensive things. He seem to consider me foolish. It's my fault that I like to add fuel to the fire, damn me.

25 january They woke us up, without really to have slept much. Itold Rustic that I won't wash up due to lack of conditions. He agreed. The bus came right away, we climbed quickly. Had to travel on 3 levels. Kolka Tibo (Nikolay Thibeaux-Brignolle) had to push his body to the ceiling, Olva first stood in (illegible word) position, but soon she couldn't stand it anymore and got down on her knees.

We sang again, of course. I totally lost my voice. Zhenka was bickering again. He goes on and on. Things stated to make sence, it wasn't really a knew, but it is now clearer and better. But despite this, Yurka is still a good-natured person, at least, judging by his behavior. I'm still true to myself.

Zhenka and Zina sang "If you eyes hadn't been blue..." ("Если б были глаза твои не такие синие...")

When we arrived at а turn the bus went to a village and had to return for us in an hour.

We continue on foot. It was so nice to walk along the road in such good weather. We went a little nuts and roll in the snow.

During our walk there was an incident - a car coming from the forest got stuck in the opposite direction. Our guys rushed to the rescue. Finally they pulled it out in half. Then our bus came up and we hopped on it. The discussion now was about happiness. Basically our guys were the most active. They tried to give a definition of happiness, but everyone had it its own way.

Arrived in Vizhay at four two. Blinov group is going further to settlement 41, and we stay to spend the night. We had a tearful goodbye with Blinov group. The mood sank. At parting, we sang with Zina and Zhenya: "If you eyes hadn't ..." In general I am very very sad.

We are extremely lucky! The Symphonie in Gold was showing. We left all our things and packs at the hotel and went to the club. The image was a bit fuzzy, but it didn't overshadow the pleasure at all. Yurka Krivo, sitting next to me, was smacking his lips and oohing with delight. This is real happiness, so difficult to describe with words. The music is just fabulous! The mood after the movie greatly improved. Igor Dyatlov was unrecognizable. He tried to dance, and even started singing: "O Jackie Joe"

We are on duty with Yuri today. We decided to cook noodles on the stove. But it was very difficult to heat the stove with such raw firewood, so it took a lot of time. Finally we began to eat. During the meal, a discussion arose about the rights of boys and girls to freedom, etc. In my opinion, such discussions lead nowhere. But we are doing it anyway, to vent the soul. We went to bed late. Had to lay down in beds by two, only Yurka Krivo and Sasha slept on the floor between the beds.

26 january In the morning Sashka jumped up from the cold and said that he had a cold night. Zina and I slept perfectly. Went to the dining room then began to gather.We go by car.Tried to sing, talked about abstract topics and in general nobody was warm. The surroundings were uninteresting at the beginning, a scorched forest.

In general, we had to go to 2nd North, but it was getting dark and we decided to stop at the 41st. At 4.30 we were met very hospitably. They stayed in the barrack, where the guys live. In general, here are all civilians, there are no women at all, except two. The guys are all young, as Igor noticed, there are even cute and generally interesting. Especially memorable among all is Ognev with a red beard and the nickname of his "Beard". In general, very rarely there are such people in such a hole. A true romantic, a geologist and generally developed. Many of the guys play the guitar.

We watched three movies right away: "On his own", "Est takoy paren" and "Sympnonie in gold" again. And again this music Co First in (illegible word) were divided into two groups one watched the movies, the other wrote diaries, and Rustik and Kolya reasoned a little about everything, about work, etc. I like these guys.

A big difference between them, graduated from the institute Rustik, Ko, Yura and us. All the same, their judgments are more mature and smarter than ours. My God, I do not even talk about mine

After the cinema, everyone was very tired and wanted to sleep. We lay down with Zina on a spring bed. It's a dream come true. And the guys are all on the floor. Mood is bad and probably will be for two more days. Evil as hell.

27 january Temperature is 5°. Warm, skis are useless. We are getting ready since the morning. Today is the first day of the route. Now we sit and wait for the horse to carry the backpacks, and we go on skis. Fortune smiles at us. Yuri Yudin got sick, something with a nerve of his leg, in general he radiculitis and he is going home. So, there are nine of us in the future. At the moment we are sitting and singing songs. Guys play the guitar, Rustic plays along with the mandolin. Catches your heart. This is the last place of civilization, and it is rare that we met people like that. Overall I love the guitar and I adore all musical people. And the guys in general are all good, they dance, they are musical. We talked with Ognev. He knows a lot and is interesting with him, now he talks about where we are going and more like this. This, in my opinion, is the most interesting object here on the site. He has such a long red beard, although he is only 27 years, he looks older. And then there is Valya, who plays the guitar well (many play) and about whom I jokingly said that I like him. Now most of the guys sit here and sing songs to the guitar, on the occasion that they do not work today. It seems this is the last time we heard so many good new songs. But we hope that Rustik will live up to the challenge. We learn some Mansi words from the guys.

ya - river

neul - meat

sali - (illegible)

vazhenka - female deer

sohta - male

sun - sled

sushep - look

nyan - bread

yun - house

col - city

pyrya - scram (to the dog)

pisal - gun

sairep - axe

kasay - knife

matches - seranki

atim - don't have

oli - have

son - truth

tenkvem - eat

olna - money

ail - drink

at eri - have to (don't)

ergen - sing

tselkoviy - ruble

akva - one

(a turn seems missing? - note.)

28 january Woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning to someone's talk. It turns out to be Yuri Krie and Sasha Kolya. The weather is as warm as yesterday (t ° -8 °) Eat, h

After breakfast, some of the guys Yura Yudin, Kolya and Yura Doroshenko went for the rocks in the core storage, where they decided to collect minerals for the collection. Nothing but pyrite, and there were no quartz veins in the rock.

Gathered for a long time, prepared rations, greased the skis then


Northern Ural


Sverdlovsk – Vizhay –

Airplane ticket

Ivdel - Saranpaul 250 rubli

(cargo free)

Mansi words

Oyk If in the name of the mountain there is nyer - means the top (stone) is bare

oyka - muzhik, man, husband

ushnik - Mansi hunting house for warming

Tol - ya - talaya creek

sos - stream, together

ruma - friend

nache (nashte) - hello

hum - muzhik

yani - big

mais - small

ekva - woman

ekvat - alone

ayrish - girl

nyan - bread

emas - good

saka emas - very good

mol - bad

sol - true

solval - salt

at - negation

at-sol - not true

pud - pot

vat - water

vit - wind

hul - fish

neul - meat

sali - deer

vazhenka - deer doe

sohta - alpha male

sun - sled

sushep - look

pyrya - scram (to the dog)

pisal - gun

sayrep - axe

mayen - give me

atim - don't have

oli - have

teynkvem - eat

aim- drink

huem - sleep

eri - must

ergen - sing

alna - money

selkoviy - ruble

akvat - 1

kita - 2

hurum - 3

nila - 4

at - 5

hot - 6

sat - 7

vovel - 8

nevel - 9

pul - 10

tinalil - eat

yuvtilum - sell

sup gacha - pants

yelsup - dress

neks - sable

kutya - dog

suevat - pinery

suy - pine

vor - forest

vorhum - bear forest man

ul - fish

kat - hands

layal - legs

pum - head

pumk - teeth

palin - ears

ayemun - disease, large

saam - eyes

nyel - nose

ayserm - cold

polem - freezing

kur - stove

paltem - heat

chuval - open chimney in the corner


Othello, the Moor of Venetia

Often visited a small house

Shakespeare learned about it

and wrote (scribble) a vaudeville

The girl was called Desdemona

Blushing and slender

On the general's shoulder straps,

Oh, she was tempted

Girl Her daddy - Doge of Venetia

Daddy he loved to eat,

Daddy he loved Dutch cheese

Moscow *vodka to drink

YURI YUDIN DIARY (This is group member who left early)


We arrived by truck with no brakes, broken springs, etc., (only in the taiga you can ride on any vehicle.) in the village of District 41.

Ognev, Nick? since 1931. - long beard. He knows the whole of the Northern Urals. I was a participant of many geological expeditions. Quite knowledgeable on many issues. He graduated from the Ufimskiy Technical College. In the truck (that) city we came, we brought 3 movies: "On His Own" by Gorki, "Est takoy paren" and "Sympnonie in gold".

"On his own" - under the usual circumstances, in the city, I would have never gone to see this movie. It seems nothing of interest in it for me, waste of time. Here - you start watching ... and from the very first frames you feel that the movie is new for you, you see it with different eyes than before and many new thoughts are rushing one after another under the impression of what's on the screen.

Grandma plays excellently. Above all, full penetration into the role. Wealth, depth,

importance of thoughts, content, and all this follows by itself, without any imposition ... himself as in a life without words and simple ??? a person and there is another recently released motion picture. Paren (est takoy paren - there is such a guy) - the characters here, the artists portraying, are represented only by what they say at the moment and is not clear where and how did they originated, what they say and what they do. It seems like they (the characters) are created to say only these particular words, and there is nothing else for them to say, and to do. Roles like that are not clear, maybe I find the screenplay weak and superficial, bad stage director, bad artists and in short - it seems there are not living people on the screen full of thoughts, capable of creating stories themselves, but some automatic machines tuned to a spec. program, and that's why there is no performance in the whole movie. They could have said in advance what the movie is about, and how will it end. The whole movie in 5 mins. "Symphonie in gold" - austr. About ballet on ice. The ballet itself is a good show. Good skating rinks, skill, technical performance, but feelings, thoughts in dances - none. Maybe since music to me is not just an income. It seems to me that way? The light music in places is excellent, it can't be better, but in general I couldn't feel the Person, his soul. Maybe that's why everybody that saw the movie was saying: "It feels so good, nothing is missing, they say "like life itself"

We are warmly welcomed here. they ride all kind of They gave us the only horse available here to take our backpacks tomorrow for free to 2nd Northern about 200 150 km? from such a northern town as Ivdel. There is no radio, no newspapers. (They still can't check the lottery and I promised to send back the newspaper immediately from Sverdlovsk). They live in a dormitory. No order whatsoever, but people are everywhere. Read everything that they can get their hands on and do they sing ... Quietly, from the heart. The songs are old, long forgotten or never heard. Here they are ... It's so good!

Why don't we sing such good, already forgotten songs. And in general, we don't sing about the soul in places where there are some outsiders, it's not singing, not soulful, loud. We must fight for the culture of choral singing. Voices and change the repertoire. So that there were no empty screaming song-trinkets. Loggers are working poorly, work and life conditions are bad. Are they paying poorly? Strike. Everything is possible, but there is no good intelligent leadership. Master - once he studied and did not finish the Moscow Forestry Institute. The workers are very different. Recruits after the army, after serving time (to earn some money and stayed, or for free).

Many don't last, - they quit They work The majority has primary school or no education at all. But there are widely erudite and even If you meet them in the city, you would never have thought that this person all his time in the taiga.

Uncle Slava. Funny, somehow people do not think how this or that name will sound after uncle or grandpa *... What a funny grandpa!

Until 1953, they threw in jail everybody that they could catch, innocent, then they figured it out and cleaned up, everybody was given rushed amnesty

27 We spent the night in the hut of the 2nd Northern settlement. There are so many houses, warehouses, premises, forgotten old vehicles, machine tools. Everything was abandoned since 1952. Here worked а geological expedition. They took out what they could, the rest was written-off and abandoned. The houses are all dilapidated, there is only one with a stove and glass on the windows. The place is picturesque. Lozva river is wide. Lots of lime rocks. Uncle Slava says that in the summer you can cross the river. There are many warm, hot springs. Sagebrush and water is not entirely frozen and there are places under the snow where water is not frozen after which we need to break the ice from the skis.

Village Vizhay - camp (???) you can buy products. Apothecary - artist Herzen ?. German, wife is German. Idyll in the family. On the walls, relief paintings with filigree decoration, very masterfully, unusually finely executed. Thousands of Ornate box with a view of Lozva in the summer and another in the winter, more jewelry boxes, paintings - everywhere. Big ones. In the pharmacy - roses from red wax, fluorescing, Kremlin - from test tubes with fluorine. compositions, glowing. Built in wrist watch "Pobeda". It works fine.

An unusually polite gentle, kind person. His wife is German, very affable and hospitable. They are really short of medicine and keep what they have for the children. He begged me to get penicillin in tablets from Ivdel, as they have very little. It is difficult for them to get good medication.

Boring, all tired of the lecture and something After all, it's so good from time to time to introduce a new thought, a new direction in the conversation ... especial

So what the fuck happend?

well, lets take a look at some of the theories....

The Bigfoot/Yeti theory

This theory is based on a joke diary entry and a blury photo of what proponents of this theory say shows a bigoot stalking the group... in short this theory is that the group was terrorized and killed by a bigfoot.

The magic mushroom theory #1

(yes there is more than 1 mushroom theory)

The first shroom theory is that afew rouge hunters from a local tribe (the indigenous people of the Ural Mountains) ate some shrooms which caused them to go 5150 and kill everyone in the expedition.

The magic mushroom theory #2

This one is similar to the other shroom theory but instead of a local tribe getting twacked out and killing the group, it's the members witnin the group that eat the shrooms and kill everyone.

The ball lightning/strange lights theory.

This one is based on a out of focused photograph and a handful of alleged sightings of ball lightning or orbs (i wasn't able to find any recored of these sighting) this theory says the group was killed when ball lightning or orbs of light got too close to them.

The UFO/Aliens theory

This one is based on the same photo, and sightings as the ball lightning theory.

Aliens in UFOs attacked and killed the group.

The Mansi theory

Early on, it was theorized by Soviet authorities that the Dyatlov party may have been killed by the Mansi, an indigenous people of the region. The idea that the hikers were slaughtered for straying onto sacred land, or perhaps as part of a shamanic ritual

The KGB Theory

Two members of the Dyatlov group have been the focus of particular speculation. Why was Semyon Zolotaryov, a 37-year-old veteran of World War Two, attached to this group of young students and graduates? Furthermore, is it significant that, a few years earlier, Yuri Krivonischenko helped clear up a radioactive leak at a secret Soviet nuclear facility – an incident which has since been compared to the Chernobyl disaster?

According to one theory, Zolotaryov and Krivonischenko (and potentially a third hiker) were working for the KGB and had joined the Dyatlov trek to rendezvous with CIA agents in the Ural Mountains. While handing over radioactive materials and fake nuclear secrets, the Russians were supposed to take photos of the American agents. The theory goes that the CIA men got wise to what was going on, leading to a fight breaking out and the eventual massacre of the Dyatlov party

The internal conflict theory

Out of all the none weather related theories I believe this one is thd most plausible.

This theory suggests that fight broke out between two of the male group members which ultimately resulted in the camp being destroyed and the group separated into a few smaller groups and the demise of evryone... this theory seems plausible because of the fact that this was a group of people in their vary early 20's and there was 2 female and 7 males, and at least one of the females (zina) was at one time romantically involved with one of thr males (one of the two Yuri's) and we all know how jealously can bring a ship down especially when we are talking about a group as young as this group and without a real leadership to keep everything on track (Dyatlov was more of an organizer than a leader)

The weapon test theory

This one says the group became victims of a Soviet weapons test

this could be any one of the following

•a nuclear weapon

•a bio weapon

•a sound weapon

•a toxin weapon

•a psychological weapon

•a combination of any of the above

The hurricane theory

This one is pretty straightforward and doesn't require a lot of text to explain..

a hurricane caused the group to flee the tent, and they were separated and couldn't find their way back and died.

The Avalanche theory

This one makes the most sense to me and would explain the state of the tent, the reason for the group separation, the injuries to the group and does all of this without having to take a leap to explain itself around and of the evidence.

RainOnTheScareCrow's thoughts about this case...

Just like most of the people who have heard about this "mysterious" case, I'm also fascinated with it, but not for the same reasons everyone else is...

To me there is very little mystery as to how a group of college kids died while hiking in Siberia during a severe winter storm in January/February when the temperature is around -22°.... In fact thr how and why they died is pretty clear to me, but what I do find interesting is how other people look at this case.. they hear the story, look at the phonographs and all of the evidence and they are totally baffled and can't see how this could have happened.... it really is amazing how someone can be presented with all the facts and come to the conclusion that it must have been Ufo's or bigfoot because nothing else makes sense...

It reminds me of the "Mandela effect" where people say they remember Nelson Mandela dying in jail before he became the first president of south africa, but fail to realize that if he would have died before becoming president of south africa they would have never heard of him... it's like saying you thought John Lennon died before he became a member of the beatles... but anyway yeah, people are stupid.



The first person to find both marsey's and who screenshots them and posts the screenshots in the comments I'll give 1,500 coins

note: the marsey at the end of the video doesn't count.


The above video may be not extraordinary, but this case is a twisted one. And sad.

TL;DR: in the morning on 18th of April 2018, the villagers of a jungle hamlet Victoria Gracia (eastern Peru) heard shots. 81 yo Olivia Arevalo Lomas, a local shaman - one of the most respected ones in Peruvian Amazon - was laying dead outside her house. Even though people there didn't trust the authorities, someone called them. Before cops even started to do their job, the local chose their suspect - 41 yo Sebastian Paul Woodroffe, a man from Canada, having trips to this area on regular. Local men strangled him to death. He was later pointed out as a main suspect by the police, but as the lynching was against the law, police searched for a four suspects. At least half a year later, they haven't been found. Why he did it - if the police and locals were right, of course - is partially unknown. However, he was really interested in spirituality and unconventional methods of healing. Over the past few weeks, his mental state went on downward spiral - ending up in both his and his healer's death.

If you'd like to know more about the spirituality and healing part, check the CBC coverage in the sources section at the end. There's a really interesting (and long) article 'Descend into darkness' about Sebastian's mental state worsening.

Sections go as follows:

1. Murder - about the incident and how was the victim remembered. There's no gore apart from her body photo. Includes info about the place and the tribe, also a map.

2. Lynching and arrests - self-explaining. Video attached to the post is here, too, on different hosting (if it's not working for you), also Sebastian's body.

3. But why? - about Sebastian's 'descend into darkness'. That's a story about what happens if you do ayahuasca while you shouldn't due to mental health issues. One big wall of text for these who like reading my longer posts with long stories ;]

⠀MURDER :marseymagdump:


Comments on the place and people:

Victoria Gracia, a village of indigenous Shipibo-Conibo people, in the remote Ucayali region of northeastern Peru

[...] Olivia Arévalo, meanwhile, was not only a grandmother figure to the villagers of Victoria Gracia but also a spiritual matriarch to the Shipibo-Conibo people—one of the largest tribes in the Peruvian Amazon, with 20,000 members, concentrated around the Ucayali River. The descendant of a long line of healers, she knew some 500 herbal remedies and was, to the younger villagers, one of the last links to their dying tribal culture.

The murder took place on 18th of April 2018 (Thursday). Villagers reported that they've heard three shots. There were no direct witnesses, though.

Police had found her lifeless body beneath a coconut tree, with two bullet holes in her chest and three spent .380 ACP cartridges a few yards away. The villagers had been emphatic that the killer was the “gringo.” But Woodroffe was nowhere to be found.

The body and funeral:

Taurus 9 mm pistol, recovered by the investigators, and later confirmed to be the one used to kill Olivia:

It was posted on Twitter with the following comment:

The 2nd Provincial Corporate Criminal Prosecutor's Office of Yarinacocha reported that the weapon used to murder Olivia Arévalo was found this morning and would correspond to the same weapon purchased by Canadian citizen Sebastian Paul Wooldrooffe on April 3.

Other photos:

On YouTube channel Temple of the Way of Light, there are a few videos featuring Arevalo, as she worked for the temple from 2009 to 2011. Below, there are two videos of her singing an icaro:

In South American Indigenous culture, an icaro is a healing chant. Sung by a curandero, or shaman, it is said the icaro channels medicinal spirits.

How was she remembered:

She was one of the most respected and powerful Onanya – a plant medicine healer – of the Shipibo tribe. She brought the rich cultural and medicinal legacy of the Shipibo to the Temple and was affectionally referred to by many of us as a “living ancestor”; a record keeper of the Shipibo ways and a walking encyclopedia of traditional Shipibo plant medicine. We are blessed and honored to have worked so closely with her, to have experienced her powerful healing abilities and to have been touched by a heart so full of love and compassion.

My wife Klara and I, and every single member of the Temple [of the Way of Light] community, are deeply saddened and shocked by the recent news of Olivia's death. Olivia was in essence one of the founding healers of the Temple, the oldest healer that we have worked with, and was monumental in seeding the healing work that we carry out to this day. She was an overwhelmingly sweet, gentle, fun, and loving woman who had the laughter of a child yet radiated an inconceivable level of wisdom that we will never forget. [...]

Olivia was buried on 22nd of April 2018. Her death was covered by many international and local news agencies. It shook not only the Peruvian community itself, but also the human rights activism one - as Olivia was advocating for the native people rights.


The same video as in the thumbnail, but on different hosting, in case it didn't work before.

Sebastian's ID and photos:

In the beginning of this video, you can see a recovery of Sebastian's body. Then, scenes from Olivia's funeral are shown.

The body when found and when carried away:

After viewing the clip, officers returned to Victoria Gracia, where they discovered Woodroffe's body about 700 yards from the village. Wrapped in a blue sheet, he had been buried hastily in a two-foot grave. His face was swollen. His body was purple with bruises. His clothes were coated in dirt and dried blood.

On 23rd of April 2018 (Monday), the judge ordered the arrests of two men involved in the lynching. Their identities were known, but not publicly mentioned. In the meanwhile, the investigators were figuring out who else took part in the mob killing. The news are vague when it comes to the arrest. There are news from both late April and early May 2018 stating that the suspects were arrested, but also that they're still on the run.

In the first days of May 2018, the investigators officially identified Sebastian as a main suspect.

Authorities say they found a document showing that Woodroffe bought a gun on April 3 from a police officer, according to Ricardo Jimenez, head of public prosecutors in Ucayali.

Jiminez also said a witness testified that a silver-coloured pistol fell from a backpack Woodroffe was carrying as locals of the remote Amazonian village grabbed him before the lynching.

Other evidence:

Bullet cartridges found near the body of Olivia Arevalo Lomas were traced back to a gun the 41-year-old B.C. man had purchased earlier in April, and gunpowder was found on his clothes, according to Ricardo Jimenez, chief prosecutor in the remote Ucayali province.

At least six months after the murders, the four suspects were still hiding.

[...] Carlos Vilcahuamán, the district prosecutor in Pucallpa charged with overseeing the investigation, told me that he was frustrated that the four suspects in Woodroffe's lynching, as identified in the grainy Facebook video, hadn't been apprehended. “They're still hiding in the jungle,” he said. His consolation was that he was sure of who'd killed Olivia Arévalo. “All the evidence points to Woodroffe firing those shots that day.”

⠀BUT WHY? :marseytears:

Both the more spiritual or personal scenarios and the more mundane ones were known since the beginning of the investigation.

Woodroffe had been Arevalo's patient and her family claims he killed her because she refused to conduct a ritual in which the hallucinogenic Amazonian plant brew ayahuasca is used for healing and spiritual growth, said Jimenez.

Authorities are exploring several hypotheses related to Arevalo's murder, including one in which another foreigner might have killed her over an unpaid debt, Jimenez said.

I will mostly stick to the quotes in this section of the post.

Steve Ellis, Woodroffe's ex-brother-in-law, recalled turning him on to ayahuasca after attending a ceremony in Whistler, B.C.

"I was interested in physics, quantum mechanics, atoms, energy, crystals," Ellis said. It was after connecting with a community of "open-minded individuals" that Ellis had his first ayahuasca experience. "It was a really scary and profound life-changing experience. I shared [the details] with Sebastian, and he was really interested in it."

By 2013, Woodroffe's fascination with Indigenous culture, plant medicines and ayahuasca — coupled with an intervention for a family member struggling with alcohol — led him to a life-changing decision.

"I've decided to leave my current career behind and in September 2014, I am starting school, beginning a 6 year process to become an addictions counsellor," he declared in an IndieGoGo appeal.

His first step on this new career path was to start a crowd-funding campaign to raise money so he could study plant medicine and take ayahuasca in the Peruvian Amazon.

In September 2014, Sebastian travelled to the Peruvian jungle city of Iquitos. He wanted to study under ayahuasca shaman Guillermo Arévalo (one of Olivia Arévalo's cousins). Guillermo recalled that Woodroffe was a good person, although one struggling with trauma. He didn't want to elaborate. After this trip, Woodroffe's desire to study the ayahuasca rituals more was only stronger. Over the next three years, Sebastian made several more trips to Peru, but also was taking part in illegal ceremonies near his hometown - specifically, in Comox (British Columbia).

Ayahuasca is a dark tea derived from mixing a leaf and a vine. The leaf, Psychotria viridis, contains dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Taken by itself, the leaf is benign, because enzymes in the stomach neutralize the DMT. But the Shipibo figured out hundreds of years ago that when the leaf is boiled down with the ayahuasca vine, Banisteriopsis caapi, it blocks those stomach enzymes, and creates a potent psychedelic brew.

In 2016 and 2017, Sebastian's posts on Facebook became more worrying. He claimed that he feels lonely and low, and want to be with friends. Scott Anderson, author of the 'Descent into darkness' article, managed to talk to some of the Sebastian's acquaintances. Some were pointing out that Sebastian was struggling after breaking up with his girlfriend (and being a single father again). Others claimed that his trips to Peru were causing problems. Matthew Bremner, another journalist, spoke to one of Sebastian's friends, who wanted to stay anonymous.

[...] said that Woodroffe was indeed charming and essentially a good person. “He looked after me on many occasions,” the person said. But, beneath the surface, he also had a temper and could be volatile and obsessive. Ayahuasca changed him, the person seemed sure. He started dieting constantly—not consuming salts or sugars—and lost a lot of weight. “I could see how he could get himself into a lot of trouble in Peru and not back down if he felt he was right,” the person added.

After Sebastian's father, Gary, advised his son to seek professional help, Sebastian was only more withdrawing.

What worried Woodroffe's family most was when they lost track of his whereabouts, only to learn that he was back in Peru.

On July 26, 2017, Woodroffe posted on Facebook: "Anyone like to see me. Feeling low. Reaching out." He appeared to be back in B.C.

But that summer, Woodroffe turned up in Pucallpa. A young American who would not give his real name but goes by Daniel Love recalled seeing Woodroffe walk into a café popular with expats.

Love, who was building his own jungle retreat in Peru at the time, said he saw Woodroffe have a strange conversation with one of his friends.

"As [Woodroffe] left, my friend came up to me and asked me, 'Do you know that guy?' And I said, 'Not really, I've just seen him today in the café,'" Love recalled.

To which Love's friend responded, "'Well, he just asked me for a gun.'"

According to the people knowing Sebastian, he would never kill someone, didn't want to own a gun or even wasn't interested in them. They didn't believe that he'd want to obtain one, and someone called it being '100% out of [his] character'. Well, a known pattern in some murder stories. 'A good lad, [always] telling his neighbours 'Good morning' on a staircase' as we'd say in Polish. Or dindunuffin, as you'd say on WPD.

Nelly Vázquez in the house where shaman Olivia Arévalo, her grandmother, had lived

In December 2017, two weeks before Christmas, Sebastian was heading back to Peru.

Woodroffe arrived in Lima on Dec. 15 and almost immediately ran into difficulty. He reported that his passport was stolen. Then he was involved in a collision in Lima while driving a rental car. While they waited for the police to arrive, Woodroffe and the driver of the other vehicle used their phones to communicate using an online translator.

The man thought Woodroffe had asked him if he knew where he could get a gun. The man thought the translator had interpreted incorrectly, or that he'd misunderstood. He responded by saying, "I don't know," and Woodroffe told him not to worry about it.

When he finally arrived in Pucallpa, Woodroffe sought out a taxi driver to act as a translator and help him locate the famous shaman Olivia Arevalo. He eventually found Herbert Ravelio, who drove him around town until someone was able to tell them where precisely Arevalo lived.


Through a translator, Sebastian asked Arevalo if she can help him and his family. She replied that she can, if he has faith. He claimed that he needs to contact his family. Since Sebastian returned to Victoria Gracia, things started to become tense. He insisted on Arevalo taking ayahuasca with him. However, she refused, and the village's mayor claimed that she hadn't taken ayahuasca in years. He appeared to be obsessed with Arevalo family, and started to behave aggressively and suspiciously.

"He wasn't a normal person," said Linares [the mayor]. "Some neighbours found him prowling around there in the darkness. What was he trying to do?"

According to multiple accounts, Woodroffe turned up in the hamlet one night during a healing ceremony wanting to speak to Arevalo's son Julian. Woodroffe was reportedly carrying a long club, and was initially turned away from the lodge. He tried to sneak back, and apparently struck the man guarding the ceremony. Some villagers pursued Woodroffe, but other locals intervened to stop him from being seriously hurt, and ended up taking him to the police.

Linares said community members took Woodroffe to the police on three separate occasions. But local police have no record of this.

His family was worried when Sebastian failed to check in over Christmas and New Year's Eve. Two days later, on 5th of January 2018, he confirmed on Facebook that he's alive. Sebastian left Peru on 12th of January. Instead of a family home, he lived in his RV (recreational vehicle). His posts on Facebook shown that he feels alone and lost about what to do next.

Gary Woodroffe said that each trip to Peru "seemed to close him off to us."

"He wouldn't talk about what he did on the trips, and he wouldn't talk about a lot of things that went on ... I implored him, I asked him many times ... 'Hey, let's sit down, talk about this, see where you're going, see what you want to do.' And he would put it off."

Woodroffe seemed consumed by internal conflict. "Whose [sic] going to Peru. I have lots of peruvian money to sell," he posted on Facebook at the beginning of March, suggesting he might be done with the place.

On 11th of March, he wrote an incoherent FB post: 'i to some.sould searchin and fix the mind. see you whence.i am healed fml. part 4.'. Family tried to ask him whether he's sure that the jungle trips are helping him. Olivia Arevalo's cousin Guillermo Arevalo claimed that Woodroffe told him that he's bipolar and needs help.

On 14th of March, Woodroffe was back in Pucallpa, but this time he was living in a succession of low-rent rooms in the hamlets around the city. It's not known if he was seeking mental help. 13 days after the arrival, he wrote on FB: 'i am feeling better day by day in peru. so thankful to be sitting with good peeps', and in a reply: 'I am leaving the place I am at due to a tribal disagreement.'.

Looking back now, the final weeks of Woodroffe's life seem dramatic and frantic. He was paranoid, and a darkness seemed to be blocking out his healing spirit.

In the morning of 30th of March, Woodroffe entered a police station in Pucallpa, declaring that he wants to buy a gun. He eventually contacted with Glauco Utia, a 25 yo police officer on duty that day. Using Google Translate, they communicated, and according to Utia's statement, Sebastian wanted to buy a gun 'because he was going into the jungle and wanted protection from animals'. He had 5,000 soles (about $2,000 Cdn) to spend, and Utia agreed to sell him a 9mm Taurus pistol. Nobody else but Utia claimed that he needed a gun for a jungle trip - but if not for that use, why would Woodroffe need a gun for protection?

He claimed on FB that he wouldn't take ayahuasca this time, but it was unknown whether he was sticking to his diet. It is a part of a local spiritual cleansing rituals, but if done outside a supervision of a shaman, it can lead to malnutrition and some mental disturbances. On 1st of April, Sebastian wrote on FB: 'eating street meet [sic] in peru up till this point has been no problem…….until now. shitting in jungle day 3.'.

Over the next few days, he managed to obtain the gun, even though he had no license. On 5th of April, Sebastian wrote on FB: 'Not enjoying life right. Having a rough go. please send me prayers...'. On 10th of April, Sebastian arrived at the airport in Pucallpa, claiming that he wants to contact Arevalo later that day and needs a taxi driver who speaks English. He changed these plans, though, as he found another shaman who was speaking English.

His posts on FB back then were rather positive, suggesting that he's looking forward to the future. Things changed quickly. On 14th of April, at night, Sebastian showed up at the police station in Yarinacocha (outskirts of Pucallpa) with Herbert Ravelio, the mentioned taxi driver. He claimed that he was robbed - not a first time in Peru when Sebastian claimed he lost his passport and mobile phone. If he was carrying his 9mm Taurus that day, he must have it concealed.

Woodroffe was up early on the morning of April 19. One of his housemates said he saw him leave on the motorcycle at 7 a.m. Another saw him leave again at 10:30 a.m. Woodroffe was carrying his backpack and allegedly told the landlord's son that he was going to take ayahuasca.

He arrived in Victoria Gracia just before midday, and stopped outside of Olivia Arevalo's house. Witnesses say Woodroffe called out for Julian Arevalo through the windows. Woodroffe shot the gun into the air. Julian Arevalo allegedly ran out the back of the house. Around the same time, Olivia came out to speak to Woodroffe.

And what happened next, you've seen in the beginning of this post. Why exactly he wanted to speak with Olivia that day is still unknown.

⠀SOURCES :marseysalutepride:

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