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Hey! First time poster here, was looking for some of the most brutal war videos i couldn't seem to actually find a category for it here, thanks in advance!
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I was wondering if anyone had the full video of this I have a portion of it and tried looking for it online and failed if anyone had the video lmk.
- Dickfart : can we make a rule to stop these BIPOCs asking for nasheeds
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Im looking for the video of a teen in Baltimore who killed a security guard with his own weapon, it happened this year(2025) around Jan 12
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i found some video with this song and i tried to search it with shazam, youtube, google. Nothing helped. I even got the vocal from this song and it didnt help. Please, if someone knows the name of the song tell me.
heres the vocal version https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zcskuvyifqw5nxk4x5xf2/lol.mp3?rlkey=naomzzkxjv1ynjsyujtpobc22&st=xiihul70&dl=0
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EDIT: I'd like to be even more specific, I'd like ones that have a more "intimate" feel (not in a sexual way, more so ones that were more "personal" and not ones from random fights in public or something, if that makes sense)
I have a request to make, if anyone has videos specifically of someone being choked to death (using their hands, not some other sort of airway obstruction)
I'm sure I could find videos elsewhere but there isn't really any on this site and I figured I'd ask here in case anyone had some decent ones because why not. I'm just curious because I had a friend who recently was almost choked to death and she has developed a fascination with choking, and honestly I have too after we have talked about it together a few times. I'd appreciate any!
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Thats what i found of that video i want to watch and thanks to whoever will help
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I've been looking for videos of this style (specifically from Mexico) but it's difficult So if anyone can share videos like this I would really appreciate it.
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Someone has the video of king Faisal Al Saud of Saudi Arabia being shot in the head??
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the logo was an earth if i remembered correctly
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One of the first gore videos I'd ever willingly seen was of a man who had attempted to off himself with a shotgun in his car. I'd like to revisit it, but I can't find it under any related tags or searches. I originally saw it a few years back on the old subreddit.
The video started off with the camera man approaching a car, the driver's side door left open - it looked to be some sort of hatchback type, bulkier and more rounded instead of sleek and boxy. Muffled groaning sounds could be heard from inside. He gets close enough for us to see the subject of the video - he was white with blonde or light brown hair, and his face blown open like a blooming flower. You could see his breath in the cold air as he exhaled, and he kept making these long pained sounds, which are muffled by the flaps of his face.
That's all I've got description wise.. hopefully it suffices and one of you has it saved somewhere or can direct me to it if it's been posted here.
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One is the stabbing in Switzerland of the 3? adolescents (I thought there were at least 5). The other is the hot coffee incedent in Australia by the Chinese guy. Poor kid...
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Just trying to find traumatic car crashes from the inside like with a dash cam or just phone footage.
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I know for a fact there is because I just got through watching one but I want to find like a compilation or something of American based videos because I actually like understanding what people are saying and stuff, for some reason it makes it more shocking when I can understand what people are saying or whatever happens and it just makes it easier to find out what's going on, to anyone willing to help me thank you very much and I hope you have an amazing day ^^
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So, like 8 mouths ago i posted an edit here, and im making another one, but i need a song for it, i was thinking to do something very different from the last edit (this time will be about mass shootings), so i need a complete different song, did you guys have any sugestion?
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Need help finding a video on here where A guy blew his face off with a shotgun and survived. He was found in his car and was taken to the hospital