Assisted suicide on german tv

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This should be taught in schools and debated like adults. Death will come for us all and yet we refuse to have an adult conversation about the right to die with dignity and in peace.

160,000 people die a day, most of those from lingering disease that can’t be cured.

They deserve the options of a painless, swift exit from this life if they choose so.

Apologies for the grown-up talk, but I’m fucking sick of seeing the elderly needlessly suffering.

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For me, it's a difficult issue. On the one hand, a person's life is their own. Why should they not be allowed to choose? On the other hand, if the desire to die is a result of abnormal brain functioning that can be corrected so that they no longer wish to die, should we still allow them to do it?

I'm pro euthanasia in the cases of terminal illness for certain. No one should be forced to suffer to death. But, I'm less sure about it generally.

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I agree it needs to be approached with care. I personally think Canada’s latest approach to voluntary euthanasia actually goes too far and the requirements are far too lax, which endangers the mentally ill.

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I was about to say the same thing about Canada's absurd rollout of using this. One of the first victims of their "assisted suicide" program was that woman, who went undercover as a man for a year (or longer?) in order to write a book, proving that men have it so much easier than women.

She wrote the book, IDR what it's called, and she concluded that her original thesis was wrong, and that life is far easier for women, in general. Then, she fell into a horrible depression which she just couldn't shake... years later, she signed up for the assisted suicide, and got it.

No cancer, no horrific disease eating away at her body, no terrible maiming that left her unable to live a normal life- she was just really, really sad. And that fucking sucks, and I wish she would've gotten better help and learned to overcome it- IMO, the state is guilty of murder for carrying out the "assisted suicide" on her. She was depressed and struggling with other mental issues- someone in that state is in no position to make a decision like this, and the state/doctors should recognize this. She needed meds and therapy, NOT a lethal injection.

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I get what you're saying, but depression isn't really like a normal disease where meds + therapy will fix it, like antibiotics fix a bacterial infection. If only. A significant percentage of depressed people, despite being in treatment, will commit suicide by the dozens of other ways it is possible to do so.

Edit: The person you're thinking of is Norah Vincent, author of Self-Made Man, who said she had "treatment-resistant depression" and died by euthanasia in Switzerland,_views,_and_death

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No cancer, no horrific disease eating away at her body, no terrible maiming that left her unable to live a normal life- she was just really, really sad.

The person you're referring to is Norah Vincent. She spent decades in treatment for severe mental illness and was institutionalized for years (also published a book about it). She did receive "meds and therapy" including treatments like ECT and TMS to no avail. What do you think should be done in cases such as this?

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As a Canadian and kinda pro euthanasia, IMO Canada's too lax. Mental illness should not be a cause for assisted suicide. If you have a terminal disease, that's another thing. Not if you are having a blue day, week, year or life.

When my FIL was dying of lung cancer that suddenly left him sick- we didn't even get to process any of it, not the diagnosis, or how quickly it would end- he went into the hospital on Tuesday, was put into the Palliative Care wing Friday, and was dead on Sunday by noon. It felt goddamn transactional. The daughter who had P.O.A made the decision to knock him out on Saturday night as he was expected to hemorrhage, so he died sedated without ever waking. He never got to say goodbye- it wasn't fair to him, I think she did it to spare herself. I'd make that decision for myself, but wouldn't want anyone else making it for me.

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I think you absolutely hit the nail on the head here. Props to you for being nuanced on a site like this!

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That's exactly how the government wants it. All those sickly people are on medications, paying hospitals and doctors and pharma companies thousands/millions of dollars. Old folks get stuck in a home for 10-20 years, having all of their money drained by the government to keep them in there. You are not allowed to die until every last bit of value has been milked out of you.

Source: Grandmother has alzheimers for over 10 years now and is sitting in an alzheimers home and assisted euthanasia is illegal and the government takes 98% of her pension for themselves for the 'priviledge' of keeping her alive in a prison cell for over a decade.

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No one prosecutes a corpse, so go ahead old folks, and off yourself if you dare.

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I think religion has a lot to do with it. For Christianity, the act of suicide raises a lot of questions about what happens after. Oddly enough, this isn't a problem if you're taking the Jihad route.

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Actually, the Quran is very clear that it is a sin to kill Yourself. Not only is it a sin for a Muslim to kill themselves, it is also a sin for a Muslim to kill someone else who has not been tried and found guilty of Murder. And even if they have been found guilty, it is up to the family of the victim whether the Murderer will be killed, or pardoned.

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For Christianity, it's ok to sin, as long as you're nice and ask Jesus for forgiveness. Killing violates one of the ten commandments, but if you do it to kill someone who deserves it, then surely you'll be forgiven for it.

But if you kill yourself, then you can't really ask for forgiveness cause you're dead. Maybe you can ask forgiveness beforehand? Well that's a dangling question. Also, killing yourself without good cause could be seen as a renunciation of faith. So more questions.

I'm not sure what exactly is happening in Jihad-land, other than I see lots of people shouting Allahu Akbar whenever death is present. I assume they have some way of fitting their actions into what the Quran says.

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True, I think most people believe whatever actions they commit have a justification, otherwise why would they do them. But I find You mistaken when it comes to Christianity. Jesus (SAW) himself said "Not everyone who calls on me will be saved" (paraphrased)

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I was sort of right or wrong depending on what certain words mean. Matthew 7:21-23:

Not everyone who calls me Lord will enter God’s kingdom. The only people who will enter are those who do what my Father in heaven wants. On that last Day many will call me Lord. They will say, ‘Lord, Lord, by the power of your name we spoke for God. And by your name we forced out demons and did many miracles.’ Then I will tell those people clearly, ‘Get away from me, you people who do wrong. I never knew you.’

I said sin is ok, so long as you're nice and ask for forgiveness. But there's some room for interpretation in what 'nice' means. The idea is that if you are truly sorry, then you meant to do God's will, but you just messed up. It goes beyond just being polite.

Unfortunately, there isn't a falsifiable definition of what "truly" means. It's pretty much based on feeling. Also, there isn't a good definition for what God actually wants, so that also depends on feeling. And that's why we go to war.

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If their only option is a 12ga then the state has failed them.

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Abortion is the best way to prevent suffering.

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You have a right to live peacefully and a right to die peacefully. This is a basic fundamental human right. Religion or government should have zero say in this matter.

Mental health is a touchy subject and can go sideways really fast. I’m talking about it being a basic right without any outside factors.

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quick 🇩🇪 translation for the curious:

—“Thank you.”

—“Safe travels, Miss Kessel.

Safe travels — no pain anymore.

Now she’s in very deep narcosis, and doesn’t realize her heart‘s stopped beating.

I believe she’s already going. You can tell that the tip of the nose is getting a little pale, since the blood flow isn’t there anymore.

Yep, she’s going.”

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„she’s now on her way“ a more accurate translation. That sentence touched my heart a little bit, the lady was really comforting

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definitely more accurate, there’s just something about “mmm yeah she’s going” that tickles my peach

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What a contrast between the ghastly ways we see people kill themselves on here on a daily basis and this lady smiling joyfully as she pushes a button and goes to sleep for the last time.

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This was beautiful to be honest. I hope by the time im this age this is a reality here as well. I want to go out this peaceful.

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If you’re in the US there are 10 jurisdictions you can do this. All have different rules on the time spent there before you’re considered a resident.

Washington, D.C. and the states of California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, New Mexico, Maine, New Jersey, Hawaii, and Washington.

Not sure what to do to qualify, but if I get stuck in the US with a terminal illness, I’d be in one of these states.

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Wow some actually based comments. It's not only a cesspool of "freedom loving Americans" coming up with any justification possible for a fully grown fucking adult to not be allowed to terminate their own life.

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Idk why people get angry about it

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Religion mostly

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Gotta have total mental control over people’s lives

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There's some "I know what's good for you better than you" people. Dictator logic

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Sounds better than going into 100k in debt for cancer treatments

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Wouldn't happen in Germany tho

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Basically what happened is she was put into a deep narcosis which made her heart stop, killing her.

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Never seen this one before. Thank you so much for the upload!

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This is honest beautiful.. she got to go out with her loved ones by her side, and she got to go out on her own terms. There are so many people who have died that wished they could pass away the way she did.

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Imagine she suddenly sat up gasping for air

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In Switzerland it is allowed so a lot of Germans travel to there for their " final trip"

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I wanna go out like this, no blood splatter everywhere or any tragic shit. just peace on my own terms :3 :marseygunshotsuicide::marseyshy:

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Looks a lot better, than walking into your relatives room and seeing their brains on the ceiling.

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From all the posts i ever watch in this site i can finally say that this one is a victory.

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The fact that they still don't have assisted suicide in America speaks a million words.

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I witnessed my uncle die a slow and agonizing death due to cancer. He soiled himself multiple times because he could walk. Eventually he lost the strength to talk even though he was completely aware of what was going on. Because of that, he had to sit in his own shit and piss and slowly die while laboring to breathe for the next 5 hours. I can promise you that if this were an option, his whole family would have been there to celebrate him for the whole day and play cards with him up until his last few breaths. This needs to be legal.

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basiert und rot-gepillt

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machst du das auch?

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Bevor ich in einigen Jahrzehnten in ein Altersheim oder Krankenhaus komme, ganz sicher.

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Es gibt eine Alternative. Sterbefasten.

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dachte ich wär der einzige deutsche hier lul

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Hier sind viel mehr Deutsche als man denkt

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Wir sind überall 🙈🤣

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ja wenn ich so recht überlege

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ne, gibt tatsächlich viele deutsche hier, hat mich auch überrascht tbh 😂

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I wouldnt want to depend on anyone either.

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I cant help but be happy for these folks

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Easy way to go..better then hanging, shooting, jumping in front of train, etc

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i hope i look that peaceful and beautiful whenever i pass

-ironic statement by gore site browser

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Imagine she just jumps up and scares the shit out everyone

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I maintain that if AS is legal, it should be something which the patients themselves request... NEVER to be recommended by a doctor. There is too much risk of abuse, being pressured, harassed, and singled out for the inconveniences we pose.

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What a perfect way to leave this shithole

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I think this should be an allowed option for terminally ill patients. Especially the elderly already nearing towards the end of their lives. It’s better for them to basically push a button to ease their pain, than to go cold turkey on all their meds and treatments in hopes they die in their sleep somehow.

Now a can of worms I want to kinda open is children born terminally ill, also nearing the end of their lives, because when I saw this. I thought about that one video of the little girl who made the decision to end her treatment and in the process, her life. Would they also be given the option?

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The body wants to live but the mind does not.

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In this case it looks the opposite

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god i want this so much. no more pain.

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If a person is suffering im 100% for it.

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Slippery philosophical slope this one...

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Does anyone know the context behind this video?

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It was a documentary about death in paid tv. The younger man is the host and was allowed to be there,too. His name is Steffen Hallaschka.

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Okay, but what was her illness?

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Terminal oral cancer. She was diagnosed a few weeks before her assisted suicide and only given a few months to live. She was in a lot of pain and had to carry a respirator with her at all times.

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I only know she was terminally ill . Maybe cancer

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That piano song is definitely from game of thrones where cersei kills that whole lot of people with wildfire.

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Is that a morphine drip to end her?

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That's possibly what they say killed Jimi Hendrix one of my favorites for classic rock

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Those Germans know death

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They won't allow guns but will put this on TV. Good job Germany.

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They do allow guns? Maybe do some research first.

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They barely allow blood on screens. I've done my research, I lived there for 2 years for college but okay my guy. Go off lol

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Ugh, cringe. Just throw yourself in the trash.

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I really don't care is someone does suicide or assisted suicide but the actual entry point to get into the system for this is pretty low. Stub your toe? Go die. Didn't like what some one called you? Go die. Shit needs to be for cancer only and the likes, not you regretting something.

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