Russian girl kills herself due to unrequited love

I wish I had this girl's looks youth etc she's beautiful and Young. I would kill to be in her shoes no the pun is not intentional. You have your whole life ahead of you and it's so sad to see a young beautiful girl with everything to offer the world

not know her value & commit suicide because of a stupid putz that doesn't appreciate her. I'm almost 60 God I wish I was young and beautiful again. I'm still pretty for going on 60 but if I could rewind the clock 30 or 40 years ago like these girls I would dump the ZERO & GET WITH A HERO If you're reading this and you're contemplating something stupid over a guy I definitely would not waste my life on some idiot boy or man. There's a million more fish in the sea where that small ugly

one came from sister! Don't give up don't give in you'll find the right one you will love again trust me.

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