Mass suicide attempt on Beijing subway. Group of 8 were victims of financial fraud

So I am finding out that China never like confirming deaths. Especially when shit like this happens.


But here is the short info posted by OP years ago:

“ Media Reports say a mass suicide incident has occurred on the Beijing subway, involving

five women and three men. It was reported that the stock traders were

fraud victims of the Tianjin Stock Exchange and were protesting and

trying to gain the authorities attention on the matter. Unknown number dead, but 3 were seriously

injured, and 1 is in critical condition in hospital.”

Plus this article I found:

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That poison won't kill you, just give you 10/10 gut pain for months lol what absolute retards.

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This is actually true. I thought it was cyanide but it appears to be something else given the guy is still standing unaffected besides a bad taste. Because cyanide is much more than a bad taste

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