EFFORTPOST Suicide by Firearm: A Deep Analysis. :marseygunshotsuicide: (Effort Post?)

Hello, everybody, Weko997 here. In today's post I will be doing a deep dive into the world of firearm suicide. Please use this post educational reasons for knowledge, instead of using it to learn how to actually kill yourself.

Introduction to Firearm Suicide

I would like to begin off by saying firearm suicide takes up the greatest number of deaths via firearm, in 2021, 54% of firearm related deaths were suicide. 90% of firearm suicides are successful. 10% of these people live though, are most likely lose basic motor abilities, experience severe chronic pain, and a bunch of other complications such as meningitis, aphasia, hemianopsia, and hemiplegia. 50% of survivors sever a nerve and have facial nerve damage,

Meningitis: An infection of meninges, protective tissue of the brain that causes stiff neck, headache and fever.

Aphasia: a person may be unable to comprehend or unable to formulate language because of damage to specific brain regions

Hemianopsia: Loss in vision, or blurriness

Hemiplegia: total or nearly complete paralysis on one side of the body

Firearm Suicide Terms

Multiple-gunshot suicide: This occurs when an individual commits suicide by inflicting multiple gunshots on itself before becoming incapacitated. These are extremely rare when it comes to firearm suicide,

Murder Suicide - The act of intentionally taking others' lives with a firearm before taking your own, with a firearm. A keen example of this would be the Columbine shooting.

Body after suicide

As evident throughout the many of suicides on this site, a plethora of things can happen when someone takes their own life with a firearm.

The first thing that can happen, is spasming out. Most of the time, when shooting yourself with a small caliber gun, you tend to tense up or move in a spastic or unusual way. The cause of this could be a multitude of things. If a area of your brain is damaged, you could go into different postures/positions. Another reason one may act this way is due to their brain going into shock that its shutting down, and in a responce acting in a frantic way. A good example would be 1444

Clenching onto the couch after the initial blast >

Frantic Response to the Blast:

The second thing that can happen is an immediate stop and complete limp as soon as the trigger is pulled, this usually happens with bigger guns like shotguns or rifles. Examples would be Ronnie's Suicide.

Body going completely limp after initial blast >

Different Angels

Through the Mouth :marseygunshotsuicide: < Using Marsey as an example (Thank you Marsey). Suicide through the mouth is the act of shooting yourself with the muzzle in your mouth. This method of suicide is uncommon, but a good example would be Budd Dwyer's Live Tv Suicide. As stated up above, people can react in frantic ways, but every through the mouth suicide I've seen had the user completely limp after the blast. Thie bullet of the gun enters through the mouth and out through the top of the head, and if shot right could cause leakage in the back of the head, causing a perfuse amount of blood to leak out through the nose. If you see a video of a man committing suicide with the muzzle pointed straight near the throat instead of the brain, that video is fake. Portrayed by Movies, the gun is pointed straight, this is inaccurate as the bullet can't access the brain. Straight firing has been used for self harm.

Example of through the mouth suicide causing blood leakage through the nose (Budd Dwyer):

The Temple: Shooting yourself in the temple is the most common way for suicide due to it having what seems the easiest way to enter through the brain. Most people who shoot themselves in the temple due so with a handgun, though rifles and shotguns have been used. A good example of a non-handgun temple suicide shooting would be 1444. Most people who shoot themselves in the temple have a frantic response to the gunshot. The gunshot enters through where the muzzle is placed, then exits perpendicular from where the gun is placed.

What a Temple Shot Looks Like:

Through the forehead: Through the forehead shooting is uncommon, but the people who have done so share the same traits with people who shoot through the temple, they want an easy acesss to the brain. The best example for a through the forehead suicide would be Shuaby's Suicide.

What a Through the Forehead Looks Like:

Under the Chin Suicide: Under the chin is where the muzzle of the gun is placed under the chin and the user shoots. This is mostly done with a shotgun or a rifle, and not a handgun. Out of every under the chin suicide I have seen, none of them used a handgun. If done with a shotgun or a rifle, the user starts to drip blood everywhere, and the face looks disfigured and almost like a demogorgan. A example of this would be when this animator killed himself. If you listen, you can hear blood drip on the floor, which also happens in Ronnie Mcnutt's suicide.

Fun Fact! The person in the Ogrish Vol.1 Collection was a under the chin shotgun survivor >

Uncommon Suicide Angels: Before I conclude this post, I will go into certain angels that envolve firearms, that not many people use, and I will list them off now.

  • Top Of the Head

  • The Chest

  • Multiple Gun Shot Suicide: Lower Body

  • Ear, Nose, or Throat.


I spent a couple hours on this, lost a lot of my progress, so I hope this becomes an effort post.

Special thanks to: @FinalGirl, @Em0_pr1nc3ss_666 and @Freakypoo for support and the idea.

If I made any Inaccurate claims, please dm me.


If you or a friend feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, please click the link below, or find a trusted friend to talk to. There is help. You're not alone

Or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.


Before his death he was posting alot on Twitter abt

How much he wants to be reunited with his lover after some ppl assumed that's was the case of him committing suicide..

You can see that the front window is cracked, it is the train that hit him


I forgot to add this earlier , this was his last post on twt


He was only 16 yrs old and by his Bio he really seemed like a sweet person i really wish he may rest in peace

March 4, 2022 Man working in a junkyard gets his head sliced off by a hydraulic scissor machine (looks like suicide or stupidity)

Reported by:
Justin's Last Video

No one knows what happened.



Golden Gate Bridge Jumpers :marseygunshotsuicide:

Ricardo López's Suicide (Bjork Stalker)

Ricardo Lopez, who was more known by the name Bjork Stalker, was a pest control worker living in Hollywood, Florida. Lopez had become obsessed with the Icelandic singer named Bjork, and had devised a plan to take her life using a letter bomb he created that was laced with sulfuric acid.

Lopez recorded himself as he prepared his bomb, often mumbling and making incoherent statements as he worked. After finishing the bomb, he mailed it off to Bjork, who was residing in London at the time, then returned home and filmed his suicide. His body, along with the video, and a handwritten note, were found by police several days later. After reviewing the video, the police in Florida contacted Scotland Yard, who were able to retrieve the package before it arrived to Bjork's residence.

Here is the video that was recovered from Lopez's home by police.


fall at 2:00

Investigations indicated that the girl fell from the last floor of the hotel onto the hotel restaurant located on the third floor, a dead body, noting that the girl is 26 years old, holds a bachelor's degree in tourism and hotels, and resides in the Aviation City in the Nasr City area, and has been working at the hotel for several months.

Investigations added that the Boulak Abu El-Ela Police Department in the Cairo Security Directorate received a report that a girl had fallen from the last floor of a famous hotel on the Nile, leading to her death. A force from the department moved to the scene of the incident, and the body was transported to the morgue. A report was drawn up regarding the incident. It was found that the deceased was suffering from a mental illness after separating from her husband.

Two girls jumps off building together

Not sure where this is from, probably South Korea or Japan.

Man trying to commit suicide ends up impaled ass first by a bollard. He died on the operating table.



Man jumps with neck tied and decapitates himself

I hope this plays for you guys , for me one played on laptop &the same one wouldn't play on my phone

man sitting in back of his truck blows his brains out

The Ricardo Lopez (the Björk Stalker) Suicide Tape ⚠️(Extended, with Captions)

⚠️ Skip to 7:26 if you only want to see the suicide.

Link to all of Ricardo Lopez's recovered tapes, including his suicide tape:

(Please don't report for reupload. Reuploads are allowed given that the video is altered, extended or additional context is given: this post covers those grounds.)


“On the morning of September 12, 1996, López began filming his final video diary entry. The final tape, titled "Last Day – Ricardo López", begins with López preparing to go to the post office to mail the letter bomb. He stated that he was "very, very nervous," but that if he aroused suspicion, he would kill himself rather than be arrested. After returning from the post office, López resumed filming. As Björk's music plays in the background, López, nude, shaves his head and paints his face red and green. Police speculated that López painted his face and shaved his head to make himself less recognizable so it would be easier to commit suicide. He examines himself in a mirror and tells the camera that he is "a little nervous now. I'm definitely not drunk. I am not depressed. I know exactly what I am doing. [The gun] is cocked back. It's ready to roll. As Björk's song "I Remember You" finishes playing, López shouts "Victory!" and shoots himself in the mouth with a revolver. López groans and his body falls out of the camera's range; at this point, the camera stopped filming. A handpainted sign bearing the handwritten words "The best of me. Sept. 12" hung on the wall behind him. Police theorized that López intended to cover the sign with his blood and brain matter with the gunshot.

On September 16, a foul odor and blood were noticed coming from López's apartment. The Hollywood Police Department entered and discovered López's decomposing corpse. Written on the wall was a message reading: "The 8mm videos are documentation of a crime, terrorist matter, they are for the FBI." The Broward County Sheriff's Office evacuated the building while the bomb squad searched for further explosives, though the device López sent was the only one constructed. After viewing López's final tape, police contacted Scotland Yard in the United Kingdom to warn them that the potentially explosive package was en route to Björk's residence in London. The package had yet to be delivered; the Metropolitan Police intercepted it from a south London post office, and it was safely detonated. There had been little danger of Björk receiving the letter bomb as her mail was vetted through her management's office. Unbeknownst to López, Björk and Goldie had ended their relationship a few days before he mailed the bomb and killed himself.” - Sourced from

Russian guy jumps off building while a girl is crying over her boyfriend


Korean girl jumps to death on instagram live.

Translations show that comment section begged her not to jump.

Searches show that she was a teenager.

this is what news file said.

read the following->


A teenage girl livestreamed her death by apparent suicide on Instagram on Sunday, prompting several viewers to alert the police, officials said Monday.

Seoul Gangnam Police Station said the victim, whose name and exact age was withheld, died after falling from a 19-story building near Gangnam Station at around 2:30 p.m. on Sunday. She reportedly suffered from severe depression.

It is unclear how many watched the suicide livestream, but police said they received “several” reports from viewers.

Police investigating the case said there is little evidence to suggest that the death was not a suicide. They noted that the teenager had entered the building alone.

According to local reports, the victim had initially planned to die by suicide with an online acquaintance. However, during their meeting on Sunday to carry out their plan, the other individual withdrew from the agreement.

Legal experts have suggested that the individual who backed out may face charges of assisting suicide.

Child Warning Full ItzDolly Video - 12 Year Old Takes Her Own Life By Hanging

Dec. 30, 2016.

12 year old Katelyn Nicole Davis live streamed her suicide in her backyard. In the video she is heard apologising for her weakness, and also apologises that the viewers have to watch her suicide.

She hung herself from a tree. While doing so you can hear people calling her name.

Katelyn claimed that she had been a victim of sexual abuse by a family member.

I saw a request for the full video of this on it's original post, so while this is a "repost" it has about 40 more minutes worth of video

Fucking Hell: In Two Pieces but Still Alive

Suicide by beheading

if only more of them would do this :#marseychingchong:

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