Road Rage causes 74 year old to lose control and drive head on into a semi

December 16, 2021. The man died on impact.


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I literally thought the radio was someone narrating the video. It synced up like Wizard of Oz and Dark Side of the Moon.

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1, 2, 3, where's my ass?

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Imagine your death caught on camera and right after, that’s what people remember and laugh at.

Loool I’d be ok with it. My family not so much.

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Yeah, No shit.

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Damn, had to watch this 3 times to decipher what I was seeing. At first, I thought the black vehicle towards the back was the victim vehicle, it's the one in front of it, the wobbly black one from the start was tailgaiting big time then the dude it the white vehicle got aggressive too, then black vehicle merges, white then merges striking OTHER black.. (which would be the 74 year old man ugh.. So I'm seeing not 1, but 2 maniac drivers who caused this shit.

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Seems to me it IS the one in the back. The one in the front switches lane. You can tell that by looking at the locations of the license plates. One in the back has a white one on bottom left and the one in front has a white one in the center.

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yees. i agree with your view. there were only two cars involved (the murderer and the victim), besides the "finish him" semi.

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Yep, you guys are right. What was confusing me and sort of looks like an optical illusion, is the lead car in the left lane merged right just moments before the entanglement which cause the 72 year old to swerve. White car had previously cut him off, but then again, at the 20 second mark, the old man was following way too close. I'm betting that's what set off the maniac.

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Imma have to watch it 5 or 6 more times, crazy scene.

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Sucks the guy wasn't even involved with the road rage just an innocent bystander minding his business then he gets bopped in the ass and dies. Sad.

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No way dude, black car one was holding up traffic in the fast lane, black car 2 was tailgating. White car pushes through and can pass, but pulls up next to black car one, and the driver just keeps rolling, so he tries to push black car 2 out so he can tailgate, harass and force black car 1 to change lanes.

This is when black car two goes out of lane and pushes back in against the white car, and black car one who has been holding up traffic finally changes the lane, but now, black car two and white car are pissed at each other, and the white car Pitt maneuvers Black car 2 sending him across the median and to his death.

Say what you want, but the old man in black car two wasn’t going to put up with the shit the guy in the white car was bringing. He had tailgated and been fighting for the lane, once black car one was gone, it was going to be his…

It’s fucking wild though, cause the white car could have passed both of them and kept going, but Because black car one didn’t respond to him pulling alongside and giving the finger or what have you, he needed to force black car one out of the lane.

Old man in black car two was like fuck that, I’ve been waiting for my time and for this bitch to move, this is my lane now. Black car one, finally fucks off, and now the white car has a hard on for the spot he could have passed earlier, and pitts that old mofo in black car two.

To anyone ready to comment that black car two with the 74 yo man was an innocent killed in road rage, gtfo, he was fucking mad max ready to hold the line and was chomping at the bit to push black car one out of the way.

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All that to get there three seconds faster.

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Tf is that commantary tho lmao

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Someone's always gotta camp the passing lane. I think they think they're policing it, but really they're just getting people klled.

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I don't think they're necessarily policing it, my ex would always hop in the left lane as soon as she got on the highway because that's where she "felt the safest." Some people are just oblivious to their surroundings

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I like your name 🤣🤣🤣🤣 @5318008 backwards 😎

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Honestly I don't understand why so many old people, boomers and middle aged people drive like such assholes in the US.

I leave an hour early for work and chill in the middle lane and still there will always be some mouth breather blue collar slave in their pickup truck tailgating me or old people in there normie SUV's or midlife crisis luxury vehicle cutting me off to get to there rat race 9-5 job that has no meaning

I wish both drivers had died instead of just the old man but oh well.

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lmao that commentary

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123 where’s my ass?

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So man bad drivers on the road these days.

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thank god; tailgater died.

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that's called a "pit maneuver"

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P.I.T.T. - from police chase training, “Precision Immobilization Tactical Technique”

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no, that's something different

P.I.T. "Punk Idiot Trucker"

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whats the critters name in your pfp

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