EFFORTPOST Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well, welcome to my write up of the 1986 Chernobyl Disaster!

History of Events

Fourteen thousand people used to live here now it's a ghost town. Chernobyl was one of the most devastating catastrophes to happen in the last 100 years. With an immediate death toll of 30, with another 30+ casualties & more unrecorded in the following decades due to long term radiation poisoning. With the explosion completely destroying the Number 4 Reactor during a low power test along with contaminating 150,000 square kilometres of land across Russia & Ukraine. Radioactive particles were carried across winds, spreading across parts of Europe including Sweden, Finland, The United Kingdom & more. At approximately 1:23 AM a low power test was conducted on the Number 4 Reactor, as the test began an unexpected power surge hit the reactor. Despite the attempts of the facility employees using the emergency shutdown protocol the control rods seemingly jammed while going inside of the reactor causing a reaction starting a fire, leading to two large explosions, causing the entire roof to be blown off of the reactor. Immediately after that the plant goes into a blackout and radiation begins seeping into the air, multiple fires begin to start up, compromising the integrity of the building, causing walls to crumble and equipment to fail. At 1:28 AM the first firefighters respond to the scene completely unaware of the radiation in the surrounding area, little did they know this would be the biggest mistake of their lives. At 1:35 AM firefighters made their way up to the rooftop of the Turbine Hall to fight fires that were raging up top.

Grigorii Khmel, the driver of one of the fire engines, later described what happened:

We arrived there at 10 or 15 minutes to two in the morning… We saw graphite scattered about. Misha asked: “Is that graphite?” I kicked it away. But one of the fighters on the other truck picked it up. “It's hot,” he said. The pieces of graphite were of different sizes, some big, some small, enough to pick them up… We didn't know much about radiation. Even those who worked there had no idea. There was no water left in the trucks. Misha filled a cistern and we aimed the water at the top. Then those boys who died went up to the roof – Vashchik, Kolya and others, and Volodya Pravik…. They went up the ladder … and I never saw them again.

After the arrival of the first responding firefighters, thousands of police began to setup multiple roadblocks around the town of Pripyat and the Chernobyl facility also unaware of the radiation in the area. Around 6:35 AM, 37 fire brigades totalling out to 186 firefighters or so are now at the facility fighting fires and assisting with medical. Some of these men knew the risks yet all of them still risked their lives to stop the fires and rescue people in the buildings.

Helicopters began to drop tons and tons of sand, lead, clay & boron on the burning reactor in an attempt to stop the fires and radiation, it only slightly dropped the radiation levels not doing much also in the process of dumping sand on the fire a helicopter clipped a crane and 4 people died as a result. (Can be seen further down in post)

Chernobyl Suicide Squad

The "Chernobyl Suicide Squad" was a name given to three men who took on a mission that most certainly should've lead to their demise, they were tasked to go under the power plant in hazmat diving suits to swim through radioactive water so they could shut off steam valves to prevent a world wide situation. These three men are Alexei Ananenko, Valeri Bezpalov and Boris Barnov, as they swam through radioactive waters through the blown out basement of the power plant the radiation killed their flashlights. They somehow managed to still find the valves despite the darkness, closing them and preventing a massive meltdown. All three men survived the ordeal going on to live their lives, Boris Barnov died in 2005 from a heart attack but the other two are still alive to this day.

Evacuation of Pripyat

Around 43,000 residents were evacuated from the city of Pripyat due to how close it was to the radiation and explosion, they used buses to get people out of the city only giving them a short amount of time to collect things they needed or wanted to bring. People were under the impression that it was going to be a temporary leave from their homes but unfortunately as it turned out a majority of them never saw their homes ever again.

This here is an excerpt from the evacuation announcement that they sent out to the citizens of Pripyat:

For the attention of the residents of Pripyat! The City Council informs you that due to the accident at Chernobyl Power Station in the city of Pripyat the radioactive conditions in the vicinity are deteriorating. The Communist Party, its officials and the armed forces are taking necessary steps to combat this. Nevertheless, with the view to keep people as safe and healthy as possible, the children being top priority, we need to temporarily evacuate the citizens in the nearest towns of Kiev Oblast. For these reasons, starting from April 27, 1986 2 pm each apartment block will be able to have a bus at its disposal, supervised by the police and the city officials. It is highly advisable to take your documents, some vital personal belongings and a certain amount of food, just in case, with you. The senior executives of public and industrial facilities of the city has decided on the list of employees needed to stay in Pripyat to maintain these facilities in a good working order. All the houses will be guarded by the police during the evacuation period. Comrades, leaving your residences temporarily please make sure you have turned off the lights, electrical equipment and water and shut the windows. Please keep calm and orderly in the process of this short-term evacuation.

Aftermath of Chernobyl

After the explosion some residents of Pripyat could see the flames from afar, they burned in different colors due to the graphite fires inside of the reactor, additionally to that there were hundreds of different types of radioactive particles blowing through the air towards them with the main radioactive element being Caesium-137, nobody watching the flames that night survived due to the heavy amounts of radiation they took on (500 Roentgen, 4.385 Sieverts). The surrounding areas of Chernobyl were heavily affected by the radiation caused by the meltdown of the reactor, even to this day we still see effects of the events that happened almost 40 years ago.

Environmental Effects

Ecosystems were affected by the radiation in a variety of ways, plants and animals were contaminated, agricultural lands were ruined causing the mortality rates of farm animals to raise significantly. Plants and animals were genetically altered from the radiation, causing plants to change shapes amongst other things and animals to gain physical deformities such as two heads. After the explosion a newly discovered species of mushrooms were discovered in the reactor area they seemingly were attracted to the radiation, it came to be discovered that they could actually be used to break down the radiation in the area.

The Elephants Foot

This here is a mass of radioactive materials that formed after the meltdown of the reactor, it is considered by some to be one of the most dangerous radioactive formations in the world. This formation consists of material from the reactor core along with various other metals and components from the reactor, it is has now become a staple of Chernobyl attraction for tourists. Thankfully over the years the radiation has died down quite a bit but to this day it is still dangerous to be around it for more than 5 minutes. The Elephants Foot got it's name due to it's appearance.

Chernobyl Today

Chernobyl is now mostly overgrown with nature, it has become a hotspot for adventurers and explorers alike. There are few people who chose to stay living there mostly original inhabitants not wanting to leave everything behind, also people utilize the help of "Stalkers" to maneuver through Chernobyl.

Photos of Chernobyl now

Those who died

Aleksandr F. Akimov

Yuri Y. Badaev

Anatoly I. Baranov

Nikolai S. Bondarenko

Vitaly I. Borets

Vyacheslav S. Brazhnik

Viktor P. Bryukhanov

Vladimir A. Chugunov

Razim I. Davletbayev

Viktor M. Degtyarenko

G. A. Dik

Anatoly S. Dyatlov

M. A. Elshin

Nikolai M. Fomin

Sergei N. Gazin

Mihail Golovnenko

Vasily I. Ignatenko

Yakaterina A. Ivanenko

Aleksander A. Kavunets

Grigori M. Khmel

Valery I. Khodemchuk

Viktor M. Kibenok

Igor Kirschenbaum

Yuri I. Konoval

A. P. Kovalenko

Aleksandr H. Kudryavtsev

A. A. Kukhar

Anatoly K. Kurguz

Nikolai G. Kuryavchenko

Aleksandr G. Lelechenko

Viktor I. Lopatyuk

Klavdia I. Luzganova

G. V. Lysyuk

Gennady P. Metlenko

Aleksandr A. Nekhaev

Oleksandr V. Novyk

Ivan L. Orlov

Kostyantyn H. Perchuk

Valery I. Perevozchenko

Aleksandr Petrovsky

Georgi I. Popov

Volodymyr Pravyk

Vladimir. I. Prishchepa

Viktor V. Proskuryakov

Boris V. Rogozhkin

Gennady Rusanovsky

Aleksei V. Rysin

Volodomyr I. Savenkov

Anatoly I. Shapovalov

Vladimir N. Shashenok

Anatoly V. Shlelyayn

Anatoly A. Sitnikov

Viktor G. Smagin

Boris Stolyarchuk

Leonid Telyatnikov

Volodymyr I. Tishchura

Nikolai I. Titenok

Petr Tolstiakov

Leonid F. Toptunov

Yuri Tregub

Arkady G. Uskov

Mykola V. Vashchuk

V. F. Verkhovod

Yuri A. Vershynin

Aleksandr Yuvchenko

Ivan M. Shavrey

Video of a MI-8 Helicopter crashing while flying over the reactor months later

Map of the radiation spread across Europe

Photo of a mutated calf that was born in Chernobyl

Reactor building the next day after the explosion

Central Hall before and after



Welp that is all everyone! I really hope you enjoyed my post I will probably come back to add more later on, Thank you for your time, much love!


Reported by:
  • farfromeverything : change our fellow wpd user to our incel wpd user
  • Guev : He isnt a fellow WPD user if he got banned!
  • makeachangekillyourself : farfromeverything you are fucking stupid bro don't say shit i don't wanna see your comments
  • Vaporeon : farfromeverything for real shut the fuck up no one cares if he had sex or not
EFFORTPOST One of our fellow WPD users 1dayUsuffer was caught by the feds for making threats to kill white people

I found out from a post by /u/neverstopthezerg. Say hi if you are reading this. Also say hi if you're a fed reading this, I guess.

Name is @1dayUsuffer, or Joshua Cobb

He was a black ex-Marine who was was arrested on Friday, May 10, 2024 for making threats to kill white people. The charge was "transmitting a threat in interstate and foreign commerce", punishable by a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. He fantasized about shooting up a gym, a supermarket, or a rich white area. He felt a connection to Nikolas Cruz and liked the "element of surprise and style" of the 2022 Buffalo shooting (even though Payton Gendron targeted black people).

He made his WPD account on February 22, 2023 and made posts from February 23, 2023 to June 7, 2023. (I do not know if there are deleted or removed comments from later dates.) His last voting activity was on January 6, 2024.

Announcement (

:marseypdf: This is the criminal complaint PDF. They did not mention WPD or Reddit by name.

On December 17, 2022, he apparently made a post on Reddit under the username /u/NearbyUser101 stating the following. I could not find the post.

I want to cause mayhem on the white community. The reason i specifically want to target white people is because as a black male, they will NEVER understand my struggles. Same way I will never understand their struggles, but I don't care to. I want to erase them. All of them really, but in this case as many as I possibly can. As of today I have officially began planning my attack. It is going to take place in 2023 in the state of New Jersey, I have not chosen a exact date but I am going to be sure it is close to an important holiday to their race. I have a location in mind already which I have frequented for the past year and I am certain nobody there is armed to be able to stop me from spraying them to the ground. I have already acquired 2 of the 4 firearms I plan to use for my attack, and I also know my entry and exit points already after the mayhem.

This is his WPD bio. "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun"

𝕻𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖕𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖘 𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖊𝖑 𝖔𝖋 𝖆 𝖌𝖚𝖓.

Discord: 1DayUSuffer#9611

WPD posts

Some of his WPD posts include:

WPD comments

Just read the bold parts if it's too much text.

Some of his comments include:

#958064 No expectations buddy. I'm just leaving evidence for whoever investigates my case.


Yeah, I know, creating this post is probably exactly what he would've wanted.

#957987 What is help going to do for me? And the person who is going to “help” me is only doing it because they are getting paid man. Its all a fucking facade. They dont really care. Lets be real man. Tbh I hope I do progress into a serial killer because I fucking hate life man. I did not ask for this shit. This shit hurts so fucking bad man. Every time I go on social media all I see is other kids my age on fucking boats and jetskis surrounded by drunk hot girls and just having all kinds of fun and then theres me…… doomed to fucking bullshit. Why is life so fucking unfair I hate this shit so much man…. But one day everyone will suffer. I promise I will make everyone feel my fucking pain. My deep, sincere, raw, & sharp pain.

#957994 Fuck those animals. My favorite weapon to kill them with is my crossbow. I use broadhead tips and send it straight to through their brains. Last cat I got I hit him/her right in the eye and that shit was on the floor. Very bloody scene and I loved it. I dont take pictures with my phone but the images remain in my brain.

He hated cats. :marseydead: He wrote about it in more detail here.

#958286 Bro just because you're idea of a happy ending mignt be going too college and slaving away in a cubicle for eternity & getting married doesnt mean its @1dayUsuffer's as well. There is a massive epidemic going on right now. Nobody wahts too acknowledge that us young men in America have so many obstacles stacked against us we cannot excel no matter how hard we try. Especially those like myself who are BLACK & come from poverty. There is no way out for me.

The only way out is bloodshed. Thats success in @1dayUsuffer's eyes.

Furry rights are human rights.

#626107 Ahhh cmon, imagine the rush you'd feel while shooting some shit up. Probably could get literally high off the adrenaline alone. I'd probably OD on my own adrenaline after the 10th body goes down.

#624190 I bet a lot of people said the same thing about these guys that go and kill people like this...THey probably got tired of people like you saying what they will or wont do... and calling them retards... It makes sense why they get tired of being doubted and talked to any kind of way so they go blow fucking brains apart.

And also, just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it cringe. Fuck out of here with that dumb ass word this edit is dope. Nothing better than watching people die to some sick tunes.

And I really don't get why you are so bothered by people who wish to idolize school shooters. If that's what someone likes, let them like that.. Why does it concern you so much? Are you afraid one day that person might end up shooting you apart into legit pieces one day? Why is it ok for someone to idolize Michael Jordan or Lebron James but not Nicholas Cruz or Payton Gendron? Sounds like a lot of fear to me...

#625258 I'm defending them because I feel their same pain every waking day of my life... I know exactly what it feels like to be constantly fucked with by people all your life, I know what it's like to be the "outsider" or "loner" as some might say. This world we inhabit is a cold and very dark place for some of us and people make it no better because they love to treat you like a fucking outcast until you become one of these so-called "freaks", & blow their heads apart.

And I kind of agree with you on the second part though, if someone is so miserable to that point they should just kill themselves, but at the same time, if most of your anger is toward humanity and its treatment of you, why not steal a couple of souls before you pull the trigger on yourself? Fruit for thought.

His opinion on idolizing mass shooters.

#957903 1: Yes

2: No documented history but I definitely have problems but I refuse to get evaluated because I will lose my firearms license here in America. Not to mention, pretty much every single person in my family tree clearly shows signs of multiple different mental illnesses & I had 3 aunts who were diagnosed Schizophrenics, so do as you will with that information.

3: That and the adrenaline rush is nice because I'm a depressed lonely piece of shit loser with nothing to live for so watching people get fucking MERKED gives me some excitement.

4: 100% someday. Just not yet though, I want to continue training and buying more ammunition.

I don't know what the questions were because the post was deleted. I'm guessing the 4th question was something along the lines of "Would you ever harm/kill someone else?".

These are screenshots from the Reddit post.

Fed #626099, Cat #947276, LGBTQ #943169, Life #947262, Family #958270

Phone Notes

Here are two notes from his phone. Italic words are ones I could not make out from the PDF.

First note (March 16, 2023)

Life is nothing.

and it is meaningless. I fucking hate all of you soft ass fucking people. You all are so fucking fake. You all try to play the part and confide to this stupid ass game. Who can be the fakest? I see it all day long. Fake interactions people putting on their fake happy voices when they know deep inside they are screaming.... Why not be true and let the scream out? Why hide it? It's all a fucking game and you all are going to die. I currently lack the means necessary to kill as many as I intend to but one day I will have the available resources (finance) to purchase the appropriate weaponry for my killing(s).

All my life I have been doubyed… Ive been taken as the joke… ive been fucked around with… well now its my turn. I am going to kill one of you motheruckers I fucking hate humanity. All of you fucking duck and I don't give a single fuck about any of you though I may appear I do. People ACT like they care for you. All of their care is conditional. The moment you do one thing against their conditions they no longer care... so the question becomes. did they care in the first place? Here Ill answer that for you. NO.

Its all fucking fake and I am sick of it. Im ready to grt to the good part of my story where I start taking you mother fuckers out and killing you all… My rampage will soon happen… I plan to now continue accumulating the necessary equipment needed to execute. Once all equipment is in, time will then tell. You will all die.

Second note (March 20, 2023)

For all of my life, all that I can remember I've been the outcast..Ive been ignored. Ive been left out. Ive been forgotten. Ive been excluded.

As of recent I have began to accept this dark reality for myself.

Nobody wants or appreciates my company. And that is okay with me. I will want and appreciate my own company.

I no longer seek the companionships of other humans. There comes a point where you realize you just literally do not matter to other(certain) people. I hate all of this shit and I feel like my only way out of the pain and suffering is by exploding. So I await… I await that moment so I can make those moments final. For whomever… myself or a victim.

Other social media

Here are some random videos I downloaded from his TikTok.

All of the videos are from May 2022, except the night walk video (December 2021), the opinions video (February 2022), and the Marine video (May 2024).

Links: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5, Video 6, Video 7, Video 8


John Reginald Christie's background

Early Life

  • He was born in 1899 in Northampton, England to a working-class family. His father was a shoe factory worker.

  • As a child, Christie was reportedly shy, quiet and withdrawn. He did not have many friends.

  • He left school at a young age and worked a variety of jobs, including as a clerk and a photographer's assistant.

Military Service

  • During World War I, Christie served in the Royal Army Medical Corps, working as a medic.

  • After the war, he suffered from shell shock and depression, which may have contributed to his later disturbed mental state.

Personal Life

  • In 1920, he married his first wife, Ethel Waddingham. The marriage was reportedly unhappy.

  • In the 1930s, Christie began working as a police informant, providing information to the authorities.

  • Around this time, he also started exhibiting voyeuristic and sadistic behaviors, peeping on women and collecting pornography.

Criminal History

  • Christie's first known murder was that of his wife Ethel in 1953, though he is suspected of earlier killings.

  • Between 1943-1953, he murdered at least 7 other women, many of them tenants in his home.

  • He gained the trust of his victims by posing as a man of authority, such as a police officer or doctor.

John Reginald Christie had at least 8 confirmed victims, though he may have killed more. Here are the details on his known victims:

1. Ethel Christie (his wife) - Killed in 1953

2. Ruth Fuerst - A 26-year-old Austrian woman, killed in 1943

3. Muriel Eady - A 28-year-old woman, killed in 1944

4. Kathleen Maloney - A 25-year-old woman, killed in 1944

5. Rita Nelson - A 26-year-old woman, killed in 1945

6. Barbara Pearson - A 26-year-old woman, killed in 1951

7. Beryl Evans - The wife of Timothy Evans, killed in 1949 (for which Evans was wrongly executed)

8. Geraldine Evans - The infant daughter of Timothy Evans, killed in 1949 (also wrongly attributed to Timothy Evans)

In 1949, Timothy Evans was convicted and hanged for the murder of his wife Beryl and their infant daughter at 10 Rillington Place, the same address where Christie would later commit his own murders.

However, it later emerged that the real perpetrator of those killings was in fact John Reginald Christie, not Timothy Evans.

  • When the bodies of Evans' wife and child were discovered in 1949, the police suspected Evans and he confessed to the murders under interrogation.

  • Evans was tried, convicted and executed for the killings, despite the lack of strong evidence against him.

  • In 1953, when Christie's own murders were uncovered, it became clear that he was the true killer of Evans' family members.

  • In 1966, Timothy Evans was posthumously pardoned, though this did little to undo the grave injustice of his wrongful execution.

The Timeline

  • Christie's first known murder was in 1943, when he killed 26-year-old Ruth Fuerst. He buried her body in the back garden of his home.

  • Over the next 10 years, Christie went on to kill at least 7 more women, including his own wife Ethel in 1953.

  • His victims were often vulnerable women who were renting rooms in his home at 10 Rillington Place.

The Murders

  • Christie would typically lure the women to his home on the pretext of providing medical exams or other services.

  • Once inside, he would strangle them, often sexually assaulting them as well.

  • He would then hide the bodies, burying some in the garden and concealing others in the walls and under the floorboards of his home.

The Discovery

  • In 1953, a foul smell led neighbors to alert the police about Christie's home.

  • When police searched the property, they discovered the bodies of Christie's victims hidden throughout the house.

  • The grisly discoveries eventually led to Christie's arrest, trial, and execution for the murder of his wife Ethel.

more details on the specific methods John Reginald Christie used to murder each of his known victims:

1. Ethel Christie (his wife) - Strangled with a length of rope in 1953.

2. Ruth Fuerst - Strangled with a length of rope in 1943. Her body was buried in the back garden.

3. Muriel Eady - Strangled with a length of rope in 1944. Her body was hidden under the floorboards.

4. Kathleen Maloney - Strangled with a length of rope in 1944. Her body was concealed in the wall cavity.

5. Rita Nelson - Strangled with a length of rope in 1945. Her body was also hidden in a wall cavity.

6. Barbara Pearson - Strangled with a length of rope in 1951. Her remains were found in the coal cellar.

7. Beryl Evans - Strangled, possibly with a length of rope, in 1949. Her body was found under the floorboards.

8. Geraldine Evans (Beryl's infant daughter) - Suffocated in 1949. Her body was discovered under the floorboards alongside her mother's.

The execution

John Reginald Christie was executed for his crimes on July 15, 1953 at Pentonville Prison in London.

•Christie was convicted of the murder of his wife Ethel in a highly publicized trial in June 1953.

•Despite suspicions that he had committed additional murders, he was only charged and convicted for Ethel's killing, which took place in 1953.

•At the time, capital punishment was still in use in the United Kingdom, and Christie was sentenced to death by hanging for Ethel's murder.

•On the morning of July 15, 1953, at the age of 54, Christie was taken from his cell to the execution chamber at Pentonville Prison.

•The executioner was Albert Pierrepoint, a renowned hangman who had carried out over 400 executions in his career.

•Pierrepoint placed the noose around Christie's neck and the trap door was sprung. Christie's death was reported to have been quick and painless.

•Christie's execution was a major news event, with crowds gathered outside the prison to await the outcome.

•His death marked the end of one of the most infamous serial killer cases in British history, though the subsequent revelations about his other victims and the wrongful execution of Timothy Evans would continue to haunt the criminal justice system.

•Christie's execution was one of the last hangings carried out in the UK before capital punishment was eventually abolished in 1965

TV Shows:

  • "Rillington Place" (2016 TV mini-series) - Starring Tim Roth as John Christie

  • "The Trials of Timothy Evans" (1994 TV film) - Focused on the wrongful conviction of Timothy Evans


  • "10 Rillington Place" by Ludovic Kennedy (Narrated by John Wells)

  • "A House in Bow Street" by Bernard Ryan (Narrated by John Telfer)


  • "10 Rillington Place" (1971) - Starring Richard Attenborough as John Christie

  • "Whoever Slew Auntie Roo?" (1972) - A thriller inspired by the Christie case


  • "Ten Rillington Place" by Ludovic Kennedy (1961) - One of the earliest in-depth examinations of the case

  • "A House in Bow Street" by Bernard Ryan (1977) - Explores the police investigation

  • "The Executioner" by Stephen Jakobi (1985) - Focuses on the wrongful execution of Timothy Evans

  • "The Killer of Rillington Place" by Edna Gammon (2012) - A more recent account of Christie's crimes



Some images I colourised

The house was demolished and a garden remains in its place

Reported by:
  • harassment : effortpost
  • Dickfart : effortpost, also logan paul is a cute twink that needs to be assassinated.
  • farfromeverything : there is no one as cute twink as you
  • jakesmithereens : lets get together and gangrape logan paul
  • eugeniacooney : :marseyteeth2:
  • TheCumMan : What the fuck is happening in here?!?
  • Emu_Otorii : Why is logan paul on wpd
  • water_bottles : Repost
  • -1g0r- : Repost
  • Beetle1 : No child warning?
  • Nogoodrottentootin : everyone has already see this video
  • Silkix : wanted to say this should be effort post :marseyjump:
  • Bob8466 : aadd child warnin
  • blepp : not a repost, + its the full video. info post too. the other posts were old, 2+ months. no child too
  • SubaruXO : this entire incident was staged / faked for views
  • Vixinn : Logan Paul definitely enjoys being pegged
  • camedudosita : he prefers real le pénis
  • Dystopia_ : FUCK ME, DADDY🤤
  • Macca420 : Logan Paul is kid bait and doesnt deserve to be on this site yet no1. trending. :( lol
  • Latinaa : how do i make a cake in minecraft again?
  • hawtdoq : first row, 3 milk buckets, second row, sugar egg sugar, 3rd row 3 wheat
EFFORTPOST Logan Paul Suicide Forest Video Write-Up (Full Video)

Who is Logan Paul?

Logan Alexander Paul is a famed social media influencer/YouTuber, professional wrestler, actor, an entrepreneur, and a professional dumbass. Logan was born on August 1st, 1995 to Gregory Allan Paul and Pam Stepnick and has a brother 2 years younger than him, Jake Paul, who is also a social media influencer/YouTuber and an actor.

Family Photos

Gregory, Logan, and Pam

Jake, Pam, and Logan

Jake + Logan (old + current photos)

Logan's fame started on the platform known as 'Vine'. When Vine shut down, Logan made a YouTube channel called TheOfficialLoganPaul, on October 18, 2013, where he would continue to post regularly. On August 29, 2015, he created the Logan Paul Vlogs channel, which is now his most-subscribed to YouTube channel. It was also said he "was ranked on the Forbes list for the highest paid YouTube creators in 2017, 2018, and 2021." [3]

Vine Logo

Logan's YouTube Channels

About the Video

Encounter Clip

In a video posted in 2017, Logan Paul, a YouTuber, filmed a man hanging in the infamous 'Suicide Forest' also know as Aokigahara Forest in Fujikawaguchiko, Yamanashi, Japan..He fucked up and here's what happened.

The initial purpose of the video was to focus on the haunted aspects of the forest and to camp there throughout the night when they unexpectedly stumbled across a man hanging from a tree and were met with a shocking site...When they got to the forest, they were cracking jokes and making light of the situation but stressing that it is suicide forest. At 5:47, They discovered the body, Logan said, "Im not even kidding, this isn't a fucking joke guys, that's a fucking person." After repeated denial they got closer to the body. In shock, Logan asked "Did we just find a dead person in the suicide forest, hanging?" And after being asked if they think it's real, one of his friends mentioned they know the possibility of it being a real person based on a previous suicide from a classmate from the junior highschool he went to, (I am unsure if he was referring to this possibly being the man hanging in the video) this prompted the man to take action and called the police.

When they got closer to the body, they tried checking for signs of life by exclaiming things like "Hey/Hello" "You okay?" "Yo are you alive, are you fucking with us?" They show his hands and they're purple, indicating that this was a recent suicide and is infact dead

Photos of the Hanging Man

Thankfully, he did censor his face with the intent of protecting him, his privacy, and his family. This being said, there is not a known/public uncensored video, so please don't ask me for it.

Throughout the video they expressed their denial and how this has never happened to them before. Logan apologized for the grim video, saying how "Suicide is not a joke" and "Depression and mental illnesses is not a joke, we came here with the intent to focus on the haunted aspect of the forest. This just became very real." When they were met with the reality they came to realize it was "real" and "way too scarily real" and that it was "the most real vlog I've ever made"..they start making jokes of the situation by sarcastically asking "you ever stand next to a dead guy before?" to which they start laughing at and follow up with their own jokes and went on about how the whole video was supposed to be a joke but asked "why did it become so real?" He says his laughing and jokes are not a portrayal of how they actually feel about the situation however they were still met with a lot of backlash to which he has since responded to in a 1:44 minute video and a public Twitter/X post.

I do not know what was going through his head when he was editing and thinking this would be suitable for the platform or his audience. He was disrespectful and exploited the situation and excuses his actions as a "coping mechanism".

Why Was it a Problem?

Consider his target audience, it is primarily children and teens. Displaying a real depiction of a dead person on your public channel is very disturbing and distasteful and the way he was exploiting the situation/the hanging man is deplorable. He didn't take the situation seriously and covered it as a coping mechanism, regardless of how he processes this stuff, he still has a young and impressionable audience who shouldn't be exposed to content like this and the way he was light-hearted about it all took away from the seriousness of the situation and what happened with the man. He blatantly exploited him for what he thought was spreading awareness for suicide.

His Apology

Public Apology on Twitter/X

You can review the response this post got here:

Video Apology

Logan made this apology with no intentions of being forgiven but to apologize. He ensures the initial video was raw, unfiltered, and unscripted and how they were unsure of how to think or act given the circumstances. In his apology to the victim/his family and to the Internet, he asks that those who are defending his actions to stop because those actions don't deserve to be defended. He said, "I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down" and claims didn't post the video with ill or malicious intent.


Understandably, people were angry with the video he put out. Carelessly filming a hanging man and joking around and sharing it to his YouTube where his primary audience is children and teens. He didn't take the situation seriously and

Tweets Responding on the Situation

Again, more responses can be found here:

PewDiePie (Felix) himself called him out on a now deleted tweet saying:

Felix wrote: "Logan Paul goes to 'suicide forest': WoAH wE f0UNd ded GuY here!!!!! s0 cRaZy! lEMme jUsT zOom in oN tHis F0r tHe Vl0g. OK guYs seRiousLy, lEAve a like if yur sad to0." [4]

In response to everything, Logan donated $1 million to suicide prevention agencies

The Lawsuit

While Logan wasn't removed from the platform, he was sued for this incident, rightfully so. On February 12th, CEO Susan Wojcicki said that "Paul did not violate YouTube's three-strike policy and did not meet the criteria for being banned from the platform." [3] Logan was sued by a production agency called Planeless Pictures for

The lawsuit claims:

Paul “knew that the broadcast of the suicide would have a substantial impact on his followers and would also have a serious adverse impact on Planeless.” [6]

The YouTuber “intended to take advantage of the substantial anticipated exposure that the broadcast of the suicide would generate and thus enhance Paul's celebrity and acted in reckless disregard for the adverse consequences that he knew would result to Planeless" [6]

On or about January 22nd, 2018, Google terminated its partnership with Planeless and declined to distribute their movie, "Airplane Mode," which Logan starded in, citing the suicide broadcast as a noncurable event as per their agreement. "As a result, Planeless never received the compensation that Google was contractually obligated to pay to it — $3,500,000," the documents allege. [6] The company is now pursuing Logan to reimburse this sum along with other general and consequential damages, as well as attorney's fees and legal expenses.


After the video was released, he was cut from the Google Performed program which allows advertisers to pay to place their ads on high-performing videos on its site and in an interview he mentioned he lost $5 million from it. He also lost sponsorship/brand deals, his YouTube Red series "Foursome", and more. In 2018, according to Social Blade, he lost 6k+ subscribers since the incident and at that time he was at 15.2 million subscribers.

But despite the backlash from the incident, he continued to gain over 300,000 (2018) and has continued to rebuild himself and grow from the situation. Logan Paul continued vlogging on February 4th, after a 3 week long break, and has remained successful at 23.5 million subscribers and is at 6 billion views receiving an average of 5+ million views per videos (2024). He is still successful and will likely remain successful if he continues to move on the right track. He is the co-founder of 'Prime' beverages. And starting in 2018 he has run the 'Impaulsive' podcast which has over 4 million YouTube subscribers and is overall a successful podcast. "As a wrestler, he has been signed to WWE since June 2022, where he performs on the SmackDown brand and is the current WWE United States Champion in his first reign." [3]

Prime Drinks

Logan Wins First WWE Championship

I believe he has since grown and learn from this particular situation and understands the severity of his mistakes, he unfortunately had to learn the hard way. It is clear he has a past and continual history of fuck-ups and dumbassery.

More information on his history can be found here:









EFFORTPOST Mick and Mairead phillpot

Mick Philpott, originally known as Michael Philpott, was a father of 17 children from five different women. He had a reputation for living off state benefits and had gained notoriety in the media for his unconventional lifestyle and his attempts to gain notoriety and reality TV programs.

Mairead Philpott, born Mairead Duffy, was Mick's wife at the time of the house fire. She had married Mick when she was 19 years old and had 6 children with him. Mairead was described as being under the control and influence of Mick, who was a dominant figure in their relationship.

The family dynamics in the case of Mick Philpott, Mairead Philpott, and Lisa Willis were quite complex and unconventional. Mick was in a relationship with both Mairead (his wife) and Lisa (his mistress), and they were all living together in the same household along with multiple children from various relationships.

Mick Philpott and Mairead Philpott lived together in the main house, along with their children and some of Mick's other children from previous relationships. Lisa Willis, Mick's mistress, lived in a caravan in the backyard of the property with her five children, who were also fathered by Mick.

This living arrangement was unusual and raised many questions and concerns about the family's dynamics and relationships. It was reported that Mick had control and influence over both women, and there were tensions and conflicts within the household. The presence of a mistress living in a caravan on the same property as the main family home added another layer of complexity to an already dysfunctional situation.

Ultimately, these complicated family dynamics played a significant role in the tragic events that unfolded, leading to the fatal fire in 2012 that resulted in the deaths of six children. The motives and relationships between the individuals involved were closely examined during the subsequent trial and investigation.

The fire that killed six children in Mick Philpott's home in Derby, England occurred in the early hours of May 11, 2012. Mick Philpott had poured petrol in the hallway of the house and then set it alight. The fire quickly spread, engulfing the house and trapping the children who were asleep upstairs.

Despite efforts to rescue the children, the intensity of the fire and smoke made it difficult for firefighters to reach them in time. Tragically, Jade Philpott (10), John Philpott (9), Jack Philpott (7), Jesse Philpott (6), Jayden Philpott (5), and Duwayne Philpott (13) all died from smoke inhalation.

The fire was a deliberate act orchestrated by Mick Philpott in an attempt to frame his former mistress and gain sympathy from the public. However, the plan went tragically wrong, resulting in the loss of innocent lives and a devastating impact on the community.

The Philpott house was completely destroyed by the fire.

Mairead, Mick , Lisa

Mairead ,Mick , Phill

The Philpotts were arrested and charged with manslaughter and arson. During the trial, it was revealed that Mick had a history of controlling and abusive behavior towards Mairead and his previous partners. Both Mick and Mairead were found guilty of the charges and sentenced to life in prison.

Mick Philpott, Mairead Philpott, and Paul Mosley had varying levels of criminal history prior to their involvement in the fatal fire in 2012.

Mick Philpott had a history of criminal behavior, including convictions for offenses such as theft, fraud, and assault. He was known to have a volatile and controlling personality, which had led to conflicts and legal trouble in the past.

Mairead Philpott had a relatively clean criminal record prior to the fatal fire, with no significant convictions or run-ins with the law.

Paul Mosley, the third suspect involved in the case, had a history of criminal behavior, including convictions for violent offenses such as assault. He was known to have a troubled past and a propensity for engaging in criminal activities.

There is an infamous moment during a press conference held by Mick Philpott following the tragic fire in 2012 that resulted in the deaths of six children. Mick Philpott, along with his wife Mairead Philpott and their friend Paul Mosley, had been charged with manslaughter over the deaths.

During the press conference, Mick Philpott pretended to cry for the cameras, but his performance was widely criticized and seen as insincere. Many viewers and media outlets questioned the authenticity of his emotions and accused him of faking his tears for public sympathy.

The incident added to the public scrutiny and criticism surrounding Mick Philpott and his behavior following the fire. It became a defining moment in the case and further painted him in a negative light in the eyes of the public and the media.

The case of Mick Philpott and the fatal fire that led to the deaths of six children has garnered significant media attention and coverage :

1. "The Philpotts: A Murder in the Heart of England" by Kerry Barnes - This book provides an in-depth look at the Philpott case, exploring the family dynamics, motives, and events that led to the tragic fire.

2. "The Philpott Fire: Love, Deceit and Murder" (TV Documentary) - This documentary delves into the details of the case, featuring interviews with key individuals involved and examining the twists and turns of the investigation.

3. "Faking It: Tears of a Crime" (TV Documentary) - This documentary series explores cases where individuals have faked emotions or actions in order to deceive others, and it features an episode on Mick Philpott and the fake TV crying incident.

4. "Sinister Ministers: Collared" (TV Series) - This crime series explores cases involving corrupt or manipulative religious figures, and it includes an episode on Mick Philpott and his role in the fatal fire.

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

Table of Contents:

  • Shooting
  • Perpetrator
  • Aftermath
  • Gallery
  • Sources


Prelude at home

14th of December 2012. Adam Lanza murders his mother by shooting her 4 times in the face at point blank distance with a bolt-action rifle before stealing multiple guns to use for his shooting. Adam steals a rifle, two handguns and a shotgun, all of his weapons are semi-automatic. Adam then drove to the Sandy Hook Elementary School.

poor quality photos of Nancy Lanza dead in her bed, notice the feet sticking up and her hand hanging, that is proof Nancy is in the bed

The bed after the removal of Nancy's body

The house

Shooting at School

Sandy Hook Elementary School

Adam parks his car near the front of the school and exits his vehicle, he takes with him two handguns and and a rifle. Adam shoots out a glass window adjacent to the entrance with his rifle and enters the building at about 9:35 AM, he shoots at three school staff, Dawn Hoshsprung, Mary Sherlach and Natalie Hammond, who are heading his way down the main hallway, another teacher Deborah Pisani is wounded down the hallway, Sherlach and Hochsprung are dead, Hammond and Pisani are wounded.

A poor quality photo of the corpse of Dawn Hochsprung

Adam's entrance

Adam enters the main office of the school before turning back around, he then heads down the hallway and enters classroom 10, he shoots and kills teacher Victoria Soto before setting his sights on the students, but he has to reload, while Adam reloads, a student named Jessie Lewis is theorized to have encouraged his classmates to escape, Adam finishes reloading and starts shooting once again, he kills teacher Ann Murphy and students Jessie Lewis, Dylan Hockley, Allison Wyatt and Avielle Richman, and a student Olivial Engel is fatally injured. At 9:35:39, the first 911 call is placed.

Adam exits classroom 10 and makes his way to classroom 8. The teachers in classroom have made the decision to try to herd the entire classroom of 16 kids into a small bathroom, Adam enters the classroom and fires into the crowd of children and the teachers nearby, he reloads after he has exhausted his magazine and continues to shoot, he continues to reload and shoot until he reaches a point blank distance shooting at the teachers and students, he kills teachers Lauren Rousseau and Rachel D'Avino, along with students Charlotte Bacon, Daniel Barden, Josephine Gay, Ana Marquez-Greene, Madeleine Hsu, Catherine Hubbard, Chase Kowalski, Jamie Mattioli, Grace McDonnell, Emily Parker, Jack Pinto, Noah Pozner, Caroline Previdi and Jessica Rekos, student Benjamin Wheeler is fatally injured, only 1 student out of the entire class has survived.

After this, Adam returns to classroom 10 and shoots out the windows of the classroom, he then pulls out his Glock and kills himself by a gunshot to the head at 9:40:03 AM. The shooting lasted about 5 minutes.

Newtown police arrived at the Sandy Hook Elementary School at 9:39 AM, the police did not enter the school until 9:44:47 AM, it is not known why they chose to wait, but at least they didn't pulla Uvalde. No children that were shot would have survived even if they were given immediate medical treatment.

Best photos available of Adam Lanza's dead body

The victims (excluding Jeremy Richman and Nancy Lanza)

A still from a youtube video [cite 4] showing officer William Chapman carrying Olivia Engel, the fatally wounded child in classroom 10


Adam Lanza

Adam Lanza was born on the 22nd of April 1992, in Kingston, New Hampshire. He exhibited signs of developmental disorders early in childhood, later being diagnosed with aspergers/autism when he was 13. He had a hit and miss experience with school, he was drawn out of high school and was homeschooled, he earned a GED. Adam attended classes at a university between 2008-2009. Adam went to a catholic school during 2004-2005, there is a possibility Adam was sexually abused during his childhood, which may have influenced his development of pedophilia. Adam was diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder when he was 14, psychiatric recommendations for treatment of Adam were not pursued after a negative experience with an anti-depressant, from then on Adam never got any psychiatric or medicinal treatment regarding his mental health, Adam later developed other mental illnesses such as anorexia nervosa and depression, he also began to self-harm at least a year before the shooting.

Adam's parents divorced in 2009, Adam stayed with his mother Nancy, while his brother, Ryan, stayed with his father Peter. Nancy was living off of an alimony between 200k to 300k dollars a year, Adam never worked a day in his life and lived off of his mother's money in a three story house up until the shooting when he was 20. In 2010, Adam cut himself off from his brother and father after his father said that Adam would be unable to ever fulfill his dream of being an army ranger.

In the two months prior to the school shooting, Adam had completely cut himself off from the world, he did not talk to his mother or come out his room at all, Nancy Lanza was somehow okay with this and decided not to try and help Adam at all, although Nancy didn't know about Adam's plans for mass murder, Adam's self-harm and depression was more than enough reason to remove guns from the house considering the high correlation between self-harm, depression and suicide.


In 2013 the Connecticut government passed a gun-control bill with support from politicians of both political parties. The bill requires universal background checks and a "high capacity" magazine ban, and added over 100 guns to the states "assault weapons" ban.

In 2014 Sandy Hook Elementary School was demolished, it was rebuilt and opened in 2016.

In 2015 the town of Newtown decided to acquire and demolish the home of Nancy and Adam Lanza.

This retard lol



Bushmaster XM-15, weapon used during the shooting

Glock 20SF, used by Adam to kill himself

SIG Sauer P226, unused. second photo shows the gun in his pocket

Savage Mk II, used to kill Nancy Lanza

Saiga-12, unused


Adam's car

Photo that may or may not be of Adam Lanza in a body bag, also cop eating donut lol :marseyretard2:

Adam Lanza pretending to do what he should've done before shooting :marseygunshotsuicide:

Photos + Video of Adam Lanza at an arcade playing Dance Dance Revolution

Adam Lanza's youtube channel, he mainly espouses his views of pro-pedophilia and anti-natalism :marseykys2:

Adam "Greg" Lanza calls into a radio talk show, he compares the Travis the Chimp incident to mass shootings

A 911 call from a parent at the school, this is not the 911 call placed at ~9:35

A walkthrough of Nancy's house, some parts are redacted

Photos of Adam before he became a skinwalker

Fanart of Adam Lanza, bonus Salvador Ramos (uvalde shooter) :pepewtf: :marseykys2:

Adam (right) with his older brother Ryan

Interior of Nancy Lanza's house

The property nowadays after demolition, it is completely unrecognizable






Check 13:20 for the origin of the still



The interesting case of John Darwin

Family and Early Life

  • John Darwin was born in 1950 in Sunderland, England. He had worked as a prison officer for 16 years before the incident.

  • He met his wife Anne in the 1970s, and they married in 1982. They had two sons together - Anthony and Mark.

Financial Troubles

  • In the years leading up to 2002, the Darwins had accumulated significant debts, estimated around £600,000.

  • They had taken out multiple loans and remortgaged their family home multiple times to try and pay off their debts.

  • John had also taken out several life insurance policies on himself in the years before his "death".

Planning the Fake Death

  • In early 2002, the Darwins began planning John's disappearance and faked death.

  • They purchased a second-hand canoe and staged a canoeing "accident" in the North Sea off the coast of Seaton Carew.

  • After the reported incident, John secretly returned home and hid in a bedsit attached to the family home, while Anne collected the insurance payouts.

Living in Secret

  • For the next 5 years, John Darwin lived secretly in the bedsit, with Anne bringing him food and other supplies.

  • They used aliases and disguises, and John even visited a local café regularly while pretending to be a disabled man.

  • The couple also took steps to establish a new life in Panama, purchasing property there using the insurance money.

Keeping it from Their Sons

  • The Darwins' two sons, Anthony and Mark, were completely unaware that their father John was still alive.

  • After John's reported drowning in 2002, the sons genuinely believed their father had died in the canoeing accident.

  • Anne continued to live in the family home and maintained regular contact with the sons, never revealing that John was secretly living in the adjoining bedsit.

  • Throughout the 5 years, Anne would lie to Anthony and Mark about their father's fate and the family's financial situation.

  • She told the sons that the life insurance payouts were helping her get by after John's "death".

  • The sons were completely unaware that their parents were using the money to pay off debts and establish a new life in Panama.

Elaborate Deception

  • To avoid detection, John Darwin would often hide or disguise himself when Anthony and Mark visited the family home.

  • He would sometimes stay in the bedsit for weeks at a time, only emerging when the sons were not around.

  • When the sons did see him, John would pretend to be a disabled neighbor or maintenance worker to avoid arousing suspicion.

Emotional Toll

  • The deception took a significant emotional toll on the Darwin sons, who genuinely mourned the loss of their father.

  • When the truth finally emerged in 2007, Anthony and Mark were devastated to learn their father had been alive all along, and that their parents had lied to them for years.

Insurance Money Obtained

  • In total, Anne Darwin collected over £250,000 in life insurance payouts and pension benefits following John's reported "death" in 2002.

  • This included two large life insurance policies that John had taken out on himself in the years prior to his disappearance.

  • The Darwins used this insurance money to pay off their substantial debts and also begin funding their planned new life in Panama.

Getting Caught

  • The Darwins' elaborate cover-up began to unravel in late 2007 when a photo emerged of the couple posing together in Panama.

  • Investigators discovered that the Darwins had purchased a flat in Panama in 2006 using a large cash payment, raising suspicions.

  • Further inquiries revealed that John Darwin had secretly returned home shortly after his disappearance and had been living with Anne the whole time.

The Turning Point

  • The decisive moment came when John Darwin suddenly reappeared at a police station in December 2007, claiming to have suffered from amnesia.

  • This prompted a full police investigation, which quickly uncovered the Darwins' deception and the large insurance payouts Anne had collected.

Criminal Charges and Convictions

  • In 2008, both John and Anne Darwin were charged and convicted of fraud related to the life insurance claims and pension payments.

  • John was sentenced to 6 years and 3 months in prison, while Anne received 6 years and 6 months.

the incredible story of John and Anne Darwin faking John's death has been adapted into a TV drama series. The series is called "The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe" and aired on ITV in the UK in 2022.

A one part drama was also created in 2010 by the BBC titled " canoe man "

Documentary on the case

Canoe man ( 2010 )

Trailer for 2022 - the theif his wife and the canoe

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST Reckless Driving Kills a 16 year old girl :marseysteer:

On the tranquil Sunday morning of February 2nd, tragedy unfolded amidst the picturesque shores of Tremembé – Icapui beach, a scene typically imbued with the serenity of coastal charm. Yet, this day bore witness to a calamitous turn of events, as a Mitsubishi L200, its presence a stark contrast to the tranquility of the surroundings, embarked on a journey fraught with peril.

Navigating the winding road adjacent to Quitérias beach, the vehicle became a vessel of recklessness, its path marked by erratic maneuvers that defied all notions of caution and prudence. With each reckless zig and zag, the driver, consumed by a reckless abandon, propelled the vehicle into a perilous dance with destiny.

The consequences of such heedless behavior proved dire, as the driver's tenuous grasp on control slipped away, plunging the occupants into a maelstrom of chaos. In a dizzying display of vehicular acrobatics, the Mitsubishi L200 succumbed to the forces of physics, its metallic frame contorting in a violent symphony of destruction.

Caught in the turmoil of the overturned vehicle was sixteen-year-old Karem Erica Barreto, her youthful exuberance snuffed out by the unforgiving hand of fate. Tragically, her fate was sealed by the absence of a simple safety precaution – the seat belt. As the vehicle's violent motion reached its crescendo, she was forcibly ejected from the confines of the car, her tender form cast adrift amidst a tempest of twisted metal and shattered glass.

In the deafening silence that followed, the gravity of the situation became painfully apparent. Karem Erica Barreto, her life extinguished in an instant, became a poignant reminder of the fragility of existence and the profound consequences of reckless actions.

Yet, amidst the despair, there were survivors. Two women and a child, though battered and bruised, emerged from the wreckage with only minor injuries. Miraculously spared from the cruel hand of fate that claimed their young companion, they bore witness to the fragility of life and the indiscriminate nature of tragedy.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the scene of devastation, the harsh reality of the situation began to sink in. Within the confines of the vehicle lay remnants of revelry and irresponsibility – discarded beer cans, silent witnesses to the heedless actions that led to such devastating consequences.

As the community grappled with the enormity of the tragedy, a somber reminder echoed through the collective consciousness – a poignant call for vigilance, responsibility, and the unwavering commitment to safeguarding precious lives on the roads we traverse.

In the days that followed, amidst the tears and the mourning, the wheels of justice began to turn. The driver, culpable for the senseless loss of life through his reckless actions, was promptly apprehended. Charged with the grave offenses of reckless driving and manslaughter, he faced the sobering reality of his choices and the irreversible consequences they wrought.

As the legal proceedings unfolded, the community rallied around the memory of Karem Erica Barreto, her vibrant spirit serving as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness of tragedy. Through collective action and a renewed commitment to road safety, her legacy would endure, a testament to the enduring power of love, compassion, and the unyielding pursuit of justice.

The Driver:

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