Pirated from other gore sites

Do admins from documentingreality and/or other sites come here for copyright complaint


♠ So, Maybe For The Past Week, I Cannot Load The Videos On This Site. The Pictures Work Fine But The Videos Take Forever To Load.

♠ One Minute For One Second ))))):

♠ I Tryed Changing Devices And Even Switched From Wifi To Mobile Data But The Problem Persists. :marseysulk:

♠ Help !!! :marseypleading2:

Do people earn coins when you DOWNVOTE their videos?

It seems a little disappointing to me that people who make shitty comments that deserve downvotes - that they actually earn coins when you downvote their comments - but:

I have looked and looked on WPD, but I can't tell if when you downvote a video, does the person who posted the video earn coins?

And back to comments: do you earn as many coins from upvotes as downvotes?

And do you earn the same number of coins for votes on the videos themselves?

Sorry if this is a dumb question - but I've read every post in the last 8 months where people talk about how you earn coins, and I still have these questions.

And do we ourselves earn a coin for each comment we make, even if it gets no votes, and do we earn a coin for each vote we make on a video or comment?

And I ask this because there are just so many stupid pointless idiotic posts filling the pages of this website. And if people actually earn coins for this stupidity, when we downvote their posting - well that would just seem to encourage this idiotic behavior.

And I'll give a few coins to the person who replies with the most informative answer.

Thank you

Is there a lore reason CLiTPEELER came back to the site as head mod? Is he stupid?
Reported by:
Request from management, required reading ⚠️

Please do not send us pictures of ugly people

Thank you.

Anyone having this issue when uploading images ?

The message is " Internal Server :marseymaltliquor: Error :marseybsod:

It's been like this for two days

One of my fav images that is shown on the side bar

Suggestion (threat) for @Aevann

Welcome to this little rant where I crib about @A not allowing us to have JS on our profile.

First of all, HTML and CSS can do like practically nothing in terms of real animations.

Javascript can allow us to do so much more.

Even if you or some other !jannies need to verify our code is not malicious..

Something like this is what I was thinking:

(although I have no idea about JS, it may be really useful for adding things from var Mydict =

Either help us do it, or you'll have 1 less active user on

!vaporeon Just notifying all the people with code knowledge...

What d'you say?

how does the death counter work


how to customise the wpd sign?

I wanted to ask how you can customise this sign. I've seen other users do it and wanna try it too!

!!! WPD user poll demographics !!!

We hit 2 mill, i want to see demographics of this site again

Select everything that applies to you


Most importantly, who runs those?

How can you start your own group chat that can share video?

I want to create a massdebate group where I will play a video that people can massdebate to. Group massdebate would offer unique experience that you cannot get from solo massdebates and would be fun. The only question is how.


how i can get coins??? i want em :marseyshrugtyping: :marseyshrugtyping:

Now 2 million registered users, but was that number 'manipulated'?

So as long as I've been on this website, there has always been about 3 times as many people viewing the website as there were people actually LOGGED IN.

But starting yesterday, I noticed that EVERYBODY who is 'here' is logged in.

Did the admins make it so you HAVE TO form an account to view this website?

And was this done to make the 2 millionth registered member coincide with the 2 year anniversary of the website?

You can see the number of registered users and other info here:

UPDATE: WPD is back to 'normal' - with the usual one third of people viewing the website actually being logged in. It looks fairly clear that the change to viewers of WPD being REQUIRED to register an account (for a few days) was for the purpose of raising the number of members to over 2 million right around the 2 year anniversity of the website.

Ratio of coins to votes

Degenerates, is there a ratio of votes to coins? Is it 1:1?

Can we get the banners made to a uniform size? It's really inconvenient for my macro.

So I decided today to start using Macro Recorder to view content on the site more easily, I set up a little macro to close the current tab, refresh the main page, open the post at the top of the list, then full screen and play the new video. It saves a lot of needless clicking, and I'd definitely advise anyone else who is planning on bulk watching content consider it.

The issue is I'm having is not all the banners are the same height, meaning my macro will click in the wrong place sometimes if a taller banner is loaded. Some holes such as Cartel are fine, all their banners seem to be the same size. Shooting however, has differently sized ones. I just realised I could use AdBlock to block the banners altogether, which would solve the problem and that's probably what I'll end up doing. Obviously that's not ideal though.

Anyway, hopefully the idea of using a macro is helpful to someone, and if any admins see this, I'd really appreciate if the banner heights could be fixed if this is possible!

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