Rule #5 - Post targetting the new posters

Hello folks!

As everyone has noticed, the number of registered users of the site is growing a lot day by day, and so is the number of posters.

Lately the rule #5 isn't being followed, most of the time by new users.

The rule #5 says:

"- Titles should be as descriptive as possible.

  • Additional context, images, or sources are always encouraged and appreciated. No joke titles please.

  • If there is a child hurt or killed, please put 'Child Warning' in the title."

>No joke titles please.

Post titles are becoming less and less descriptive and the number of posts with jokes in the title has increased a lot.

You can make a joke in the title, but at the same time you need to describe what happens in the video. You can mix it.

"But why is this important?"

It help us to find a vídeo quickly. It's getting harder and harder to find posts to report a repost, and we don't want The same vídeo being posted 3, 4 times per day, do we?

Thanks for your attention.

I'm leaving The WPD's Rules for those who still don't know them.

Flair for gym accident please

I can watch people get beheaded and shot and crushed but gym accidents make me want to puke for some ungodly reason. I would like to block that entire category if I can

Why do I not have any upvote buttons?

For a while now I have only had a downvote button, but no upvote button. Pressing at that general area doesn’t do anything either. However, I can downvote posts just fine. Is there a way for me to get my upvote button back?

Currency n stuff

How does one acquire currency on here?

I'm a n00b here but used to watch wpd on Reddit. (Plz be nice x)

Everybody's posts are posting twice

Everybody'sposts are double posting.


Double posting


Award's price increased too much

From 200 to 500 coins?

Geez, inflation hit us hard.

Admins reading this:

(Yeah, we know The coins aren't real money)


As we all know, WPD is very accepting and has allowed all different types of people to reside here. Some of those people want to engage in a variety of topics and some of those people are strictly here for gore. There's nothing wrong with either! But there is also a special group of people who only want to watch gore and are incapable of blocking sections they don't want to see. Maybe it's a physical condition, maybe it's mental, who knows and who cares. We aren't here to judge our disabled friends. This is WPD where everyone is welcome to participate (in accordance with the rules).

In honor of our disabled users I'd like to suggest a great big "GORE ONLY" button placed at the very top of the sidebar. This way the people who want to watch gore and don't have the capacity to block a whopping 5 different sections can safely engage with this sites content. We can make the button a neutral color for the colorblind, make it clickable with both the left and right hand, add some braille for our blind friends, and finally give it a pleasant flavor because let's face it, most of these people are going to be licking it anyway.

Everyone will be happy and we wont need hourly discussions on how people are tired of seeing sections they don't want to see.

Anyone else miss the "Videos Require Someone Dying" rule?

All these irrelevant, off topic posts of non death videos have been dominating this site in the past few months it feels like. There's plenty of other avenues to watch fight videos and other random shit that doesn't fit the literal site name. Am I the only one annoyed by this?

Poor mode no longer exists? :marseyunamused:


Nice new updates, feature "Blockers" and "Blocking" on profile

Finally the feature was update this site WPD :marseyexciteddance:

New feature profile: "Blockers" and "Blocking"

For see the block users.


I am tired of seeing all those cartel and dudes with slippers assasinating people with handgun, all the same shit. I am really tired like haven't there been videos from those regions with the same deal over 1000 times.

I just want an easy way to filter those out.

P.S. I know we have the "cartel" tag, but I want a superset that includes all the videos coming from South America. In fact, maybe we should consider adding Middle East, China or Asia, Russia, Europe, Africa, America flairs. Would also help everyone tell apart different kinds of threats one should commonly expect from being in those regions.

3 admins removed by moderation

That's so sad, 3 admin removed by moderation user @Allyson or CLITPEELER and @Aevann

There possible a reason

1. No online anymore

2. Lazy to moderation

3. Or anything :marseyquestion:

So this moderator will make new admin?

Is it me or who?

If me, I will help out become moderation

Example: Remove repost, report, change flair and whatever for moderation!

Hope if you can make new admin on WPD :marseywholesome:

What do you think? @Allyson and @Aevann

(changelog) Added the Queen Award to antagonize other users in exciting new ways

1000 coins/mbux

Lasts 24 hours

What it does:

  • Gives the recipient a female name (RNG pool of the top 1,000 girl names from 2000)

  • Gives the recipient a female pfp

  • Flower crown hat

  • Pink text

  • All lowercase

  • Removes punctuation except ! and ?, which it multiplies

  • Valley Girl-ifies their threads and comments for 24 hours. There is a huge amount of contextual variety here. This applies only to things posted after receiving the award, it is not retroactive.

Yes, I know WPD is a gore site and none of this is of interest to 99% of you. Fight me.


I really like the website but what's up with these questionable design choices?

BUG FIX: Profile anthem functionality is now restored

I'm sorry for not replying individually to the dozens of messages I got about this but there are just too many lol

This is now fixed.

I'll leave this pinned for awhile so people have a chance to see it but it won't be cluttering up the top of the page for too long, promise.

cc: @Deadlygrrl, @ganjabliss420, @shiloh-23, et al.

Badge idea💡💡

Ideas to increase engagement:

Civil Service Badge:awarded to people who successfully fulfill a valid request atleast once(ie. provide a link or post the video requested)

Searchbar Master: awarded to people who fulfill multiple requests (atleast 10) or fulfill an oddly specific rare request that requires digging off-site

How do i fix this?

Idk how to fix this

Profile anthem is bugged

My profile anthem would not play from a YouTube link. I then tried to use an mp3 but all of them are like greyed out and unselectable except for one of me saying the word "egg" now I can't even try to put in a YouTube link it won't change after I press "submit" I can not remove the current file or find another one to replace it with or replace it with YouTube link. Wtf.

Edit: I think it might be fixed now! :D

Edit 2: It's not fixed! D: It changed to something I don't even want as my anthem and now it won't change again to the new one

How do i refund a hat?

I need to know

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