Aftermath of bad weather in Dubai

Girl getting brutally beaten by some Russian guys

sure every video I share where a girl is getting beaten has to be the Russians


Hey chatgpt, how to become famous in watchpeopledie?

Becoming famous on platforms like watchpeopledie (WPD) is a delicate endeavor, especially given the sensitive nature of the content. Here are some insights, although I strongly advise against pursuing fame in this context:

Active Participation:

Post Content: Regularly contribute by posting videos or comments related to the theme of the platform. Upvotes on your posts can earn you coins1.

Engage with Others: Interact with the community by commenting on posts and participating in discussions.

Coins and Gifts:

Coins: Accumulate coins through upvotes, downvotes, comments, and other interactions1. These coins can be used for various purposes.

Gifts: Other users can gift you coins if they appreciate your contributions.


Use your coins to gamble in the WPD casino. It's a risky endeavor, but some users find it entertaining.

TikTok Connection:

A mysterious suggestion: Go to TikTok and await further instructions. Allegedly, one of the WPD insiders will contact you there1.

Avoid Reposting Famous Videos:

While reposting famous videos is tempting, it's generally discouraged. Unless you have a higher-quality version, a different point of view, or are providing additional context, avoid reposting well-known content2.

Remember the Context:

WPD deals with sensitive and intense material. Fame here is different from mainstream platforms. It's essential to approach it with sensitivity and respect for the content and its impact.

Remember that fame should never come at the expense of ethical boundaries or the well-being of others. If you choose to engage with such content, do so thoughtfully and responsibly. πŸŒŸπŸ™

β€œEdits” need to stop.

People need to stop making and posting these shitty little compilations and edits with stupid songs overlayed to sync up with gunshots or explosions or whatever. They're stupid, a waste of time, and fucking annoying. I'd rather watch a compilation with frog mating sounds than another shitty edit song. If you're going to make a compilation please don't put annoying music over it.


Bullrider gets his spine shattered

Dude got shot perfectly



Dumbass guy crashes his car on camera :marseybrainlet:

Dude goes mach 10 into a building, kills himself and the inhabitants, all on camera.

Woman was killed in hit and run while walking dog in Juiz de Fora, Brazil

A 23-year-old driver was arrested in Juiz de Fora on suspicion of running over and killing a woman in Cataguases . The arrest took place in Bairro Ladeira, on Sunday (2), hours after the crime. According to the Military Police (PM), the victim was 35 years old and was walking with a dog at the time of the accident. In Juiz de Fora , the police saw the car speeding in the neighborhood of Lourdes. A stop order was given, but the driver fled and was only reached in Bairro Ladeira. In the vehicle, the sniffer dog Airon de Lieudegarde found eight packets of cocaine and a cell phone . The driver and the drugs were taken to the police station.


Ive been watching gore for quite some time now, and I've seen almost all of the videos people suggest are the worst. I enjoy watching gore but i miss the feeling of watching something and barely being able to look at it. And i miss the feeling of not being able to get it out of my head for days. Does anyone have any real suggestions for what to do now that most gore doesnt affect me anymore? If anyone has links to things they think are the worst of the worst please link fr. xoxo

(Edit: i use gore as a way to keep myself from cutting. Already getting comments saying im flexing being desensitized which im not and i also dont consider myself to be desensitized.)

Man gets his back dangerously bent during fight.


Diagnosis : Explosive injury. Combined shrapnel wounds of the chest, abdomen, and limbs. Blind non-penetrating wound of the left half of the chest. Blind, non-piercing wound to the left abdomen. Incomplete separation of the right upper limb at the level of the elbow joint.

At the previous stage, amputation of the upper limb was performed according to the PHO type.


Amputation within the healthy tissues of the right shoulder at the level of the middle third.

PHO wounds

Russian soldier exploding

Aftermath of guy with split open head.

Dude Messes :marseyscaryteeth: With A Bull & Gets His Head Split Open

Elephant's are badass

Music used: 'Nellie the Elephant' by Toy Dolls

Grifon501 Unit takes out Russian with MANPAD in 2nd floor of house.

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