American humvee blown into tiny shreds in Abu Ghraib (2004)

Jaish al-Mujahideen


Love, is like a leaf in the wind. Here one minute. And gone the next. Yes, while the leaf might linger longer than others. It will eventually waft off far away from you. That is the feeling of love. But let me explain why I'm here and what all of this means...



I believe that in order to find long lasting, and happy love. One must get to know their partner long before dating is even an option. And that's kinda it. Because when people fall in love, it's either at first sight. A fling. Or someone has a scant interest in the things you like... All without ever knowing the whole you, but pieces of you, and filling in the blanks, thinking that, that's you. What I'm trying to get at is. The people who we should fall in love with we feel nothing for... But the people we do fall in love with are no good for us... And that's more or less the summary here. To put it into more words.



2 friends who know each other inside and out, would be perfect for each other... But... No love is born from their friendship. They have the fundamentals. Good foundation for a long, lasting relationship... But as I just said... No love, bore fruit there. And so those friends who know each other inside and out, will seek other people who barely know them... Or, have a bond the same way these 2 friends had with each other. And when they do find someone else... That relationship won't last. Because when you fall in love, it's all emotion based. And since you never from a friend angle. Got to see if their base personality, or traits, are something you wanna live with or not. You got carried away by emotions and feeling of unity. But once the well-ran dry... What do you have? You're just 2 strangers sitting there... That barely know each other but were carried by love. And now since that emotion is gone... What did you have in common with this person? Other than you: "just loved them" Nothing really. And now you're stuck with a person who's interest, goals, and hobbies. Could be the furthest thing from your own. In a loveless, boring relationship. And the messed-up part is... Since you went in with hazy love on the brain. You think you can re-spark it, but... It was just an emotion, that came... and went. You were never in love, in the sense of the word. You were carried by emotions for a complete stranger... That you barely even know, that so happen to reciprocate your feelings...




And the sad thing about all of this here is... YES! While there are couples who like, stay couple for weeks, or months. That's not my point here. Because it seems to me. Why most relationships fail. Is because of love. Most people don't simply... HANG OUT! as friends first before jumping into things like relationships or marriage. Love, for, whatever reason. Seems to bypass all of the getting to know someone over a long period of time game. And just jumps into boyfriend and girlfriend in no time flat! Which is the problem here. You should, before even thinking about a relationship. Be their friend first and foremost, and get to know them first. And after a long time chatting or... Just seeing traits that you like, or don't like, THEN! and only THAN! Do you consider becoming an item, and not a moment sooner!... but that's problem with all of this... No-no one does that.




They feel something first. Wait and see if the other person feels the same. And if they do, you're an item. And in that love state haze, you're filled! with so much love that you don't notice... Problems with your partner. But you're so happy you don't care... But, of course, as time goes by, and as the excitement wears down... All those little bumps. In the road start looking like broken glass, and dashed boulders beneath your tires. And once you leave that haze... You see your partner... In all of their ugly, messy, true self... Confused by this, you wonder... What happened? Love. Love happened. You rushed into things. And without letting time lead you, to see if you had a common interest... Or, could imagine for a moment would you still like this person if you didn't love them... Ya kinda just rushed things... But theirs's one last thing I would like to go over.



Love does not grow from 2 people understanding and getting to know each other. Love is a spontaneous emotion. That we feel for random people, that may, or may not be right for us... Off of an emotion, that will fade with time. While relationships that should be, don't. Because love, does not bore, between commonalities. Because again, for the most part, Love is not born, from common interest, how much time one spends with one another, or understanding. It is, and always will be, an emotion. And just like: Anger, Sadness, and Happiness... Will all fade in time. Meaning.


To find long, and I mean long standing love... You have to ignore it. If you feel love... Don't act on it. And try to get to know that person. Be their friend first. Get to know them on a very personal, and intimate level. Friends can do that you know. And make sure that person is the person you wanna spend the rest of your life with first. Before going off on a feeling for someone you barely know. And if you can't get 1 on 1 with this person... I would suggest you leave it. No point in trying to be with someone you can't have a conversation with. That's all. And I wish more people would adopt this mindset. Because love at the end of the day is a silly feeling.


The other side project from a member of Sleep, Matt Pike

High on fire is a bit more aggressive and faster than OM and sleep

Matt's voice reminds me a bit of Lemmy's and I think that's what they were going for, you can definitely hear the big influence from mototörhead (yes, yes, I put the two dots over the "o", am I cool now?)

I like them, not a bad band at all but I personally prefer OM I think it's a bit more original

I highly recommend the albums Electric Messiah and Death is this communion, they're fucking bangers!

Heard a couple of songs from their new album: "Cometh the storm" and it's a bit mellower and more Doomy-ish... If that makes any sense

American Stryker bombed in Latifiya

Jaish al-Taifa al-Mansoura

American contractor vehicles bombed with IEDs (2005)

Jaish al-Taifa al-Mansoura

American truck carrying vehicles gets bombed with an IED (2005)

Jaish al-Taifa al-Mansoura

American soldiers sniped in Ramadi November 25 2005

Jaish al-Mujahideen

Police vehicle bombed in night traffic in Baghdad March 2010

Jaish Abu Bakr al-Siddiq al-Salafi


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