
Hi so i want to learn russian and need russian friends or anyone with experience so i can talk to , i have no clue how to make russian friends so here i am. i dont think its the best idea to post on here but whatever

Chinaman killed by falling load

Taxi driver gets a knife stuck into his forehead and survives ( I think) Pics @ end of the video



you dont see shit from this country every day!

A U.S registered private aircraft carrying four individuals tragically crashed shortly after taking off from J.F. Mitchell airport on the Grenadine island of Bequia, resulting in the loss of all lives on board.

St Vincent Times understands three individuals (US residents) from the same family who were passengers lost their lives when the single-engine plane crash near Petit Nevis.

It is understood that the three passengers—an adult and two children—were on vacation in Bequia and were departing the island today.

The plane, along with its captain and three passengers, departed from Bequia shortly after midday on January 4, en-route to Hewanorra airport in St. Lucia.

Upon the occurrence of the crash, nearby fisherman promptly mobilised to the site and, in collaboration with the Coast Guard, successfully retrieved the deceased individuals.

Members of the La Pompe community recorded videos of the aircraft descending to its deadly crash. Residents told this publication that the plane emitted an unusual sound upon takeoff.

“The noise matched that of a vehicle experiencing difficulty in generating sufficient force to climb a hill”.

As per an aviation specialist, the airplane seemed to have had a stall immediately after it began its ascent.

A stall refers to a situation in aerodynamics and aviation where the lift of an aircraft starts to decrease as the angle of attack exceeds a specific threshold. The critical angle of attack refers to the specific angle at which this phenomenon takes place. If the angle of attack over the critical threshold, the lift decreases and the aircraft descends, further increasing the angle of attack and causing additional loss of lift.

The Coast Guard is currently on its way to the mainland with the retrieved corpses.

The provided information will undergo revision.


In Agra, a group of young men brutally assaulted a tourist from Delhi. The incident was captured on a CCTV camera, installed in a shop and the video has since gone viral on social media.

The tourist was driving on the Agra-Fatehabad road when his car accidentally touched one of the young men, which triggered the violent response.

The tourist can be seen mercilessly beaten with sticks and iron rods in the video. Despite pleading for his life, the attackers showed no mercy and continued to rain blows on him.

In an attempt to escape, the tourist ran into a sweet shop, but the assailants followed him inside and continued their assault. The shopkeeper failed to intervene.

The attackers first beat the tourist on the road, and when he managed to escape and hide in the shop, they pursued him there.

The victim has since returned to Delhi and has not filed a complaint with the police. However, after the video surfaced, the police have taken cognizance of the incident.

ACP Taj Security, Arib Ahmed, stated that the viral video is being investigated and efforts are underway to identify the culprits. Legal action will be taken in accordance with the law.




smart fella

dockflock is a nigga!


Tijuca Beach, Rio de Janeiro

The victims were at a kiosk on the waterfront, in front of the Windsor Hotel where they were staying when, around 1 a.m., armed criminals emerged from a car and fired shots at the establishment.

The four victims have been identified as:

62-year-old M.d.A.C. and 33-year-old P.R.A., who died at the scene.

35-year-old D.R.d.S.B., who was taken to the hospital but did not survive his injuries.

32-year-old D.S.P., who was injured and taken to the hospital.

The motive and the perpetrators of the crime are being investigated by the Civil Police.

Cassidy rainwater cage photos?

I've just seen ThatChapter's video covering her case. Has her photos presumably found on the Darkweb been released?


Short and simple: the amount of preventable deaths I've seen here is fucking insane, roaming the limits of either sheer stupidity or bad luck, but goddamn some people here had a mission to die, so the more I saw these posts the more I saw people commenting the same: Darwinism.

I propose a flair dedicated to people who have won their respective spots in history by eliminating their genes from society.

Also, I'm on the hunt for the stupidest death in here, if any of you knows about one, put it in here!

Best wishes, don't die.


Bully cunt gets his comeuppance

Cannibals to Bobs Burger Intro Theme (short clip)

•• Source ••

● Music

● Video




Guy foaming at the mouth and bleeding after a motorcycle accident

What is causing him to foam at the mouth??

Video from WPD, idk what the backstory is but if anyone has any extra information I'll pin it.

Man gets a dildo in his mouth during party

He saw him Saturday .... threats :stfupussy:





Woman found shot and murdered by her abusive husband. Buriticupu.

The crime took place at Cleuma's residence, in the Buriticupu municipality, Maranhão when her husband, Claudeonor Oliveira Maciel, shot her several times whilst she was sleeping on the couples bed. According to witnesses, the man was drinking alcohol moments before the incident. Claudeonor Oliveira Maciel.

Before being murdered by her husband, Cleuma Viana Sousa, aged forty two, wrote a letter reporting that she suffered aggression and that she did not want her children to stay with her partner.

It wasn't until two days after the crime, while going through Cleuma's personal belongings, her eldest daughter, Allana Sousa, found a letter left by her mother almost a year before the crime. Cleuma says in the letter that she already feared for the loss of her life, reported what was going on with Claudeonor and was worried about her children. The couple had lived together for seventeen years. The victim reports that during all this time she suffered physical and psychological aggression. Cleuma Viana Sousa.

“If something happens to me, I don't want my children to stay with their father. He is a very aggressive person. I've suffered at his hand for 17 years. Physical, verbal, psychological aggression, apart from the humiliations he does to me. He's a psychopath. I want someone from my family to take care of them”,

says Cleuma in the letter.

The daughter says that her mother had separated from her husband a few times, but he always managed to manipulate her, she cried, and she ended up resuming the relationship, but the aggressions, after some time, continued.

He was arrested for murder and taken away to await a court date.

Tags: #Aftermath #Woman #Female #Murdered #Shot #Bed #Blood #Abusive Husband #Letter #Dead #Deceased #Maranhão #Br

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