RWDS- Black Pill


acne vulgaris.(text about and more images in the post.)🧀

VULGAR ACNE (Juvenile Acne)

SYMPTOMATOLOGY AND COURSE - Chronic disease common in both sexes. It manifests itself with outbreaks at the time of puberty in individuals who are mostly seborrheic and can persist, with periods of more or less pronounced spontaneous improvement and periods of exacerbation, for many years. Acne vulgaris is a polymorphous dermatosis in which lesions of different types coexist: comedones, papules, papulopustules, cysts, nodules, etc. As one of these prevails over the other, it is called comedonal or punctate, papular, a. pustular, a. pustular papule etc. Cutaneous manifestations frequently assume an inflammatory character of varying intensity: when deep, as in the case of a, indurate, da a, elastica, da a. abscessante, a. conglobat etc. leave unsightly scars when they heal. From an etiopathogenic point of view, although everything is not yet clear, hormonal imbalances, especially those in the sexual sphere, are certainly important, as are gastrointestinal imbalances (hypochlorhydria, constipation, etc.). Local microbial factors may play a significant role (Corynebacteria, Staphylococcus aureus), a certain familiarity and the seborrheic constitutional terrain. There are other acne manifestations of determined etiology of which av. is distinguished. Such forms may be due to external causes (hydrocarbons such as naphtha, petroleum, mineral oils: professional acne, cosmetics, aromatic substances, coal tar, etc.) or even to internal medicinal causes (iodides, bromides, corticosteroids, androgens, vitamin B,, etc.).

LOCATIONS - Face (forehead, temporal regions, cheeks, chin); neck: dorsis (shoulders, interscapular region).

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Folliculitis barbae; greater exacerbations, monomorphic lesions (just pustules, most of the time, centered by a hair).

Acne rosacea: presence of telangiectasia, appearing later (30-40 years of age), only on the face.

THERAPY-Local: avoid the use of cosmetics, especially rice powders, soaps; eliminate comedones; keratolytics (salicylic acid, resorcinol); sulfur: antibiotics (erythromycin, clindamycin). The elimination of unsightly scars can be achieved through chemical or surgical peeling. General: diet low in fats and carbohydrates, without spicy foods; digestive enzymes; complex B, intestinal regularizers; acid vitamin A (retinoic acid), also for topical use; antibiotics (low-dose tetracyclines); vaccines; in women,contraceptives.

4min + of self harm

Man Is Shot And Killed Then Robbed

My friend edit this

Silly friend🗣️🗣️⁉️💯💯🔥🔥

This is the video


"A soldier of the regime forces sniped in the Al-Amil neighborhood, west of Baghdad"


9/11 south tower collapsing compilation :marsey911:

song: god bless america and all the beautiful women in it-By Lana Del Rey


Found this video on a Russian website by searching “Superman” in Russian and of course ,”lol.” I remember many people saying “LSM” was a shock video like this one (stupid music, gaudy edits), however, you can hear someone scream “No!” at the beginning and end along with the famous body thud. Anyone have more info?


might remake


“New” angle of a 9/11 jumper


Amazing selfharm compilation! enjoy(nudity warning)

Fuck The USA (Short Video about accident in the US)

Fuck the USA, and fuck you all :marseyfuckyou:



"Sniping two soldiers of the American enemy and killing them immediately."


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