Man with his weiner out gets slapped

guy tried to rob motorcyclist but car smashed into him


CHILD WARNING CW(?) Gore complication. Lack of background music.

I don't really have capcut or anything, so it's a bit bad with no background sound or anything. :marseyfacepeel:


At around 9:26 p.m. on July 1, 2024, a Genesis G80 vehicle driven by a 68-year-old man, identified only by his surname Cha, rushed to the sidewalk at an intersection in front of Exit 7 of City Hall Station on Sejong-daero 18-gil, Seoul, killing nine people and injuring six people, including the perpetrator.

(Delete if this is repost)

CHILD WARNING (CW) a 7-year-old dies by starvation and neglect. (additional information)

1. external examination before autopsy

2. Finding of extreme exsiccosis: when pinched up between the fingers, skin folds on the upper arm remained elevated and did not return to their flat position

3. Complete loss of the visceral fat

A 7-year-old girl was found dead at home. Her parents had called an emergency physician who found a completely emaciated child lying dead in her parents' bedroom. Since the girl, who still wore diapers at the age of 7 years, was evidently in a state of extreme malnutrition, the emergency physician notified the police. According to the mother's statement, the girl had received a chicken meal on the evening before she died.

Source is about two cases of young children starved to death; the other is a sixteen-month-old girl. In both cases, photos at the link show the children naked, so you know. About this case:

Gross examination of the body revealed that the child was severely emaciated and malnourished with a body weight of 9.6 kg and a height of 105 cm (Fig. 3). Due to severe anemia, no lividity was apparent at external examination. Apart from extreme dehydration (Fig. 4), there was a complete loss of the subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue (Fig. 5) as well as extreme muscular atrophy. Autopsy findings revealed the large intestine was completely obstructed by fecal concretions (weight of concretions: 870 g). Within the trachea and bronchi, there was abundant brown liquid corresponding to stomach contents. In addition, a purulent pyelo-nephritis was found in both kidneys. The organ weights as determined at autopsy were reduced by 10-60% compared to standard organ weights of a 7-year-old girl.

According to the extreme underweight and bodily dehydration, the ultimate cause of death was aspiration of stomach contents that had been vomited during the child's last meal because of the fecal concretions blocking the intestinal passage. This phenomenon was indeed related to the cause of death that was due to child's dehydration and starvation that contribute both to inability to respond to food intake aspiration and intestinal obstruction.

Histology confirmed the macroscopic diagnosis of massive aspiration of stomach contents. Identified food constituents corresponded to the last meal the girl had received from her mother on the evening before she died (Fig. 6). Microscopic findings were consistent with the gross findings, and ruled out evidence of prior conditions, including other causes for malabsorption. Bone histology showed advanced rickets with numerous resorption lacunae and osteoclasts (Fig. 7).

Postmortem radiological examinations showed no evidence of osseous injuries due to trauma. However, the skeletal age corresponded to the standard radiological age of a 3-year-old girl. A thorough toxicological examination of blood, body fluids and organs was negative as to drugs, narcotics or any other toxic substances. Postmortem biochemical examination revealed 212 mg dl-1 urea content within vitreous humor.

According to police investigations, the girl had spent most of her life in a darkened room with black foil taped over the windows. Locked up like a caged animal, she was totally neglected, dirty, hungry and without any toys. Her parents often left her all alone and gave her hardly anything to eat. As she regressed steadily, she finally weighed only 9.6 kg.

The parents were convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment from the trial that ensued.

It gets worse. The police discovered that the father had manipulated a light switch in her room, hoping she would get electrocuted and die. It didn't happen.

The other case is chilling as well:

"Home inspection revealed the victim had spent all her time sitting in a stroller located in the parent's bedroom, facing the wall. The parents confessed that they fed her intermittently with water and sugar, small portions of milk occasionally adding breadcrumbs. Sometimes she ate leftover food from the other children. When the victim cried because she was hungry, the "caregivers" would throw objects at her head (baby-bottles, toys, etc.) from their bed or they would beat her with a metal spoon. To stop her from crying, they sometimes played a game that they called 'record-player': the parents took her by the arms and spun her so quickly until she lost consciousness, resulting in injuries to her forearms."

back to the other story...

it states that the parents had zip-tied her pants to her body because she was so thin. She had tried to eat her own hair and the carpet in her room out of desperation. The neighbors had no idea this girl even existed and the authorities failed, because a child of that age is supposed to be in school, but nobody checked on the family.

Nobody knows if she ever learned to walk or talk. The only people who saw her since birth were the parents. The police was shocked when they searched the apartment and found lots of cook books...and a well fed cat.

although well deserved, the parents got nothing but time in prison. they are sentenced to life.

Monsters are real; they just aren't under your bed. They're your neighbors, your preacher, your bus driver, your doctor, your friends, even the people who are pillars of your community. Monsters don't need to hide under your bed. They're insidious. They can hide in plain sight.



On August 28, 2022, a gunman "Ethan Miller" Shot and killed two people and injured two others at a Safeway supermarket in Bend, Oregon. He then committed suicide when police entered the building.


Born October 31, 2001, Miller lived in the nearby Fox Hollow apartment building with his mother and his younger brother. Miller attended and graduated at Mountain View High School, according to a former classmate of Mountain View High, Miller would often get into trouble at school and 'Picked on" other students. Miller would describe his high school experiences much differently, saying that he had "No Good Memories About That School" in one of his writings, however giving no reason or story as to why.

At some point Miller's mental health started to decline and he started to become infatuated by the Columbine shooting, he purchased several firearm's and began to write a journal titled "The Downward Spiral of Ethan Miller" over the course of a month. In the journal he blames society for "creating him" and claims that he wanted to murder people due to isolation, loneliness, feuds with his family and frustrations at being unable to find a girlfriend.

Miller planned to attacking his former high school, Mountain View High School on September 8 2022. However he did not go through with this as he "couldn't wait long enough for the high school to reopen" He would also write posts on Wattpad talking about his thoughts and emotions.

(Miller's Wattpad account)

During this time he would also upload videos of him shooting guns, edits and photos on YouTube and Instagram.


On August 28, 2022, Miller would post a journal on Wattpad titled "Goodbye"

He then presumably loads and equips his weapons. A Radical Firearms RF-15 rifle and a Stevens Model 320 shotgun. At some point Miller Puts two molotov cocktails and a sawed-off shotgun in the trunk of his 1997 Ford F-250.

The Shooting

At 7:03 pm Miller then leaves his apartment and walks outside to his truck, for some unknown reason Miller fires three times into his truck and then walks away.

  • (Map of the shooters movement)

at 7:04 pm Miller began to fire into the Costco parking lot as he was walking to the forum shopping center. Once he had reached the parking lot of the Forum shopping center at 7:06 pm he fires into the Big Lots store adjacent to Safeway. After this he can be seen on CCTV walking right by the big lots store heading towards the Safeway supermarket.

At 7:07 pm he reaches the Safeway and fires through the front doors and enters the building.

As he enters the building in he discards his empty magazine and inserts a new one. After reloading his weapon he spots and fires at Glenn Bennett fatally wounding him.

He then begins to aimlessly roam around the store moving through aisles and shooting at random objects, he then reloads his weapon another time and fiddles around with his equipment for a brief moment. Miller then encounters another person and walks toward them as they stumble away, Miller throws something to his left and presumably talks to the man for a moment, he then quickly raises his rifle and fires off to the right missing the man as he plays dead.

Miller then begins to walk down the frozen meat section wildly firing at the displays and freezers, however up ahead of him is Donald Surrett Jr who was hiding behind a produce cart with a knife. Once Miller approaches the produce cart Surrett jumps and stabs him with the knife and attempts to disarm Miller causing Miller to drop his shotgun. Unfortunately Miller manages to overpower Surrett and kills him, he then drops his rifle and picks his shotgun back up and shoots Surrett with it.

He then begins to walk down the fruit section and racks his shotgun, however immediately after doing so Miller hears police enter the store and quickly ducks down and lays on the fruit display, putting the barrel of the shotgun in his mouth. At 7:08 he then pulls the trigger killing himself, police then rush to the gunshot only to find Miller dead and the body of Surrett nearby.


The shooting lasted 5 minutes and killed 1 and injured 2, Bennett would later die in hospital raising the total to 2 killed and 2 injured.

After the shooting the families of Bennett and Surrett would both start a gofundme. Bennett would raise 58,651$ and Surrett would raise 128,984$ for a total of 187,635$ together.

The gofundme for Bennett is still available if you would like to donate


Would be probably be the most based way to an hero than gun, jumping, hanging, etc; Not that I condone that sort of thing, but to each their own.


A man identified as Lucas Pereira, 27, was shot dead while working on a construction site in the North Zone of Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, on Friday afternoon (28). According to witnesses, the victim was applying putty to a wall when he was surprised and shot dead by two criminals.

The victim's work partner witnessed the entire crime, but the criminals spared his life. After the crime, the suspects fled and have not yet been identified.

Police fatally shoot suicidal man charging towards him (Sandy, Utah)

Full videos:

26 March 2023

A Sandy police officer fatally shot a reportedly suicidal man about seven seconds after ordering the 33-year-old to show his hands, body camera footage released Friday shows.

The man's brother had called police at about 1 a.m. on March 26 for help, prompting an officer to respond. Dylan Murphy had left a home in Sandy while seriously injured, suicidal and experiencing a mental health criѕis, police said.

The responding officer found Murphy walking along 1000 East near 11640 South, officials said. When the officer called out to him, Murphy didn't seem to react and kept walking, body camera footage shows.

The officer reported to police dispatch that Murphy had his right hand concealed in a jacket, and officials said Friday that the family was not sure if Murphy had a weapon at the time — because Murphy had harmed himself earlier in the evening, officials said.

About a minute and a half after the officer began following Murphy in his patrol vehicle, Murphy can be seen turning around and starting to walk toward the officer. The officer then gets out of his car and commands Murphy show his hands.

Murphy starts running toward the officer, body camera footage shows, and the officer aims his firearm at Murphy while commanding him to show his hands for a second time.

The officer then shouts "Hands!" at Murphy twice more before firing his weapon at least three times — about seven seconds after his first command to Murphy, the footage shows.

It's unclear if Murphy was struck by the officer's initial gunfire; the officer was running backward while shooting at Murphy, and at one point fell on his back.

Once the officer gets up, he shouts three more times for Murphy to show his hands, the footage shows. Murphy then charges the officer, and the officer shoots at Murphy twice more.

At that point, Murphy falls to the ground, groaning and panting. It's unclear in the video if any of those shots struck Murphy.

The officer then yells again for Murphy to show his hands, and orders Murphy to roll over, the footage shows.

"Come on, man," Murphy seems to reply, still lying on his stomach. Murphy then rolls over with his hands in the air, and the officer commands him to then roll back onto his stomach, to which he complies.

The officer then orders Murphy to keep his arms out, but Murphy instead tries to get up off the ground. The officer repeatedly commands Murphy to remain where he is.

"Stay on the ground. I will shoot," the officer says, but Murphy moves to a crawling position before standing up and walking toward the officer.

The officer shouts three more commands, then shoots Murphy in the torso over the course of about 13 seconds, the footage shows. Murphy then falls to the ground, and died due to his injuries.

"All of our officers are equipped with less-lethal forms [of force] — whether it be Taser, [pepper spray] or baton," Sandy police Chief Greg Severson said Friday. "As you can see from the video, this incident escalated extremely quickly. Typically during deadly force encounters like this situation, especially with an officer being alone, we do not trаin our officers to use less than lethal mitigation when they're alone."

Severson said Murphy had a "history" with the department, but did not specify Friday what that history was.

Throughout the confrontation — which lasted a little over three minutes between the officer's initial sighting of Murphy to when Murphy was fatally shot — there was only one Sandy police officer present.

Severson said a second officer was redirected to the scene from another assignment, so that's why it "took some time."

According to the footage, the sole responding officer fired his weapon about six times at Murphy. Officials said exactly how many times Murphy was struck will be investigated according to "officer-involved critical incident" protocol.

The officer, who was not identified, remains on paid administrative leave. He has been a member of the department since March 2021, Severson said.

SANDY, Utah — On Friday, Sandy Police released camera video of the night an officer shot and killed 33-year-old Dylan Murphy.

His sister, Laecie Horn, has now watched that video of her brother's death several times.

"He was a good human. That's it. He really was a good man, good little brother," she said."

She said Dylan battled addiction and mental health issues, which is why her other brother KC called police on that night, March 26th.

He reported Dylan had severely slit his wrists and KC was scared he was going to bleed out.

"He's tried to check himself in, he told me he's having thoughts they were intrusive. He really wanted help," she said.

She said she is still in disbelief that her brother is gone.

"I find myself calling his phone on accident," said Horn, "Just the other day. I miss him very much and I don't know what I'm gonna go through without it."

She compared the police body camera and dash camera footage with a neighbor's Ring camera footage, and Laecie said things don't add up.

"There's no lights on, he didn't turn them on," she said, "And then this video ends. So, where's the rest of the shootings he just did, why did they have to cut that out? I'm confused."

She said the Ring camera video shows the car lights turned on, which a neighbor said happened after he woke up from the sounds of the original gunshots.

"That officer clearly fired another shot with his lights on," she said. "He shoots another round into my brother who I clearly know at this point from seeing their footage that he was already dead. I wanna know specifically why the officers that I gave all that trust to specifically I didn't go crazy this whole entire time, I trusted them. I waited for the footage to come out before I made any type of assumptions, and I've seen how crazy my brother was but then they doctored stuff."

She said she does forgive the officer.

"I just hope that this officer gets the chance to come to terms with whatever happened that night," Horn said.

She also added that she hopes it never happens to another family again, and that there are better resources for those struggling with mental health issues and addiction, as well as the police response to cases like Dylan's.

"I have to say if I was the officer in the situation, I couldn't say that I wouldn't defend myself, but I also would have been paying attention to surroundings and knowing, hey, I've got this guy that I really want to, I want to get down out of this mental health situation. Let me get to him somehow safer or you know let him feel more calm about me," she said.

Her wish is that Dylan's story will bring people together to get people like her brother the help that they need.

"I hope that we can just become a community and figure it out together as a team," Horn said.

SANDY, Utah (KUTV) — The father and brother of Dylan Murphy, a 33-year-old man from Sandy, who was killed in an officer-involved shooting last month, are seeking answers from the police.

According to Kevan Murphy, Dylan's father, he decided not to watch the body camera video as the image of his son lying lifeless in the road would be too painful for him.

When asked about his questions for the police, Kevan said, "Why shoot? Why shoot guns instead of taser him?

His father and brother described him as a loving person who adored his children and was lost.

"Not being able to see him or give him a hug ever again is really rough," Kevan said.

Dylan Murphy:

Video source:

While fighting accidentally cuts her arm.

Hopefully not a repost.

people get swept away by high waves (story in post)

Article here

Indonesia | A goalkeeper died 3 days laters after he was hit by another player - 18 December 2021

The country's soccer world has been hit by sad news. Tornado FC Pekanbaru goalkeeper Taufik Ramsyah passed away while playing on the pitch. Taufik Ramsyah is the goalkeeper of Tornado FC Pekanbaru who plays in the League 3 competition. Reporting from Tribunnews, old goalkeeper 20 that year breathed his last on Tuesday (21/12/2021). Taufik Ramsyah died after receiving treatment for approximately three days. Previous, Taufik Ramsyah had a collision with a Wahana FC player in the League 3 2021 Riau Zone at the Riau University Stadium, Saturday (18/12/2021).

Right in the 40th minute, when the match between Tornado FC and Wahana FC was tied 1-1. The incident began after Taufik Ramsyah tried to secure the ball from an attack by the other team. It's just that after securing the ball, the opposing player was seen taking quite dangerous actions against Taufik Ramsyah. Taufik's upper body was seen rubbing against the leg of a Wahana FC player. Taufik Ramsyah was also seen to be rushed to the hospital using an ambulance. After several days of treatment at a hospital in Pekanbaru, Taufik's life could not be saved. A severe injury in the form of a serious fracture to the player's skull left him beyond help. The death of Taufik Ramsyah is certainly a sorrow for Indonesian football which again lost one of its players in a soccer match. Through its official Instagram page, Tornado FC Pekanbaru released the news of the death of Taufik Ramsyah, who is none other than the future goalkeeper of Riau football. "The future goalkeeper of Riau Football, who has loved this sport since childhood," wrote Tornada FC Pekanbaru. "His last moment was when he was guarding his goal and doing this profession that he loved so much,".


wigga did a friendly fire

Ecuador | An amateur kickboxing died following a head kick KO - 2 April 2021

A 25-year-old kickboxer Joel Cahauasqui tragically passed away.

Cahauasqui was taking part in the KickBoxing National Selective and Pacific Cup Championship in Ecuador only to be downed from a head kick from his opponent.

Cahauasqui collapsed to the ground and slowly touched the back of his head until he stopped moving and the referee called for help. He was later rushed to the hospital.

Unfortunately, journalist Alberto Astudillo B. would confirm earlier that Cahauasqui suffered a brain hemorrhage as a result of the kick and passed away.

two people ran over in a car accident


CHILD WARNING A bunch of rocks collapse on two kids, crushing them both - China

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