
The district. Sridhar, a TDP activist, sexually assaulted a six-year-old girl. With this, TDP activist :marseypussyhat: Sridhar was arrested :marseymugshot: by the police. Public associations rallied to demand that the accused be severely punished :marseycorner: in the wake of the incident. As the rally continued from Supermarket Street, the rally was attended by women, civil :marseysaluteconfederacy: society :marseymisssize: leaders and leaders of various parties.


the car rental boss in Indonesia was beaten to death along with his subordinates when they wanted to take their own car which was stolen in the village, the information I got from the village almost all the residents are a gang of thieves, they are very united in this matter, the whole village accuses them of being car thieves, even though they just want their car back.

"In the Sukolilo Pati area, the majority of the population is part of a gang of thieves, especially embezzling rental cars. Once in 2018, my friend had a car rental business and his car was rented by someone from Sukolilo, but he hasn't returned it for a week. When the car was picked up, Brother Q and his four friends were attacked by people from the same village. But thank God he didn't die there. Then the next day I wanted to call the Kudus & Pati area police, but the police didn't want to take part in the case of the car being stolen by someone from Sukolilo, even though the original ID card of the car renter was still held as evidence. As a result of successfully retrieving the car, 6 thugs with strong bodies and a bayan from my village were hired, thankfully the car was able to be repossessed even though there was a bit of a fight at the location. It doesn't matter if you pay 10 million, the important thing is that the car can still be returned. It should be noted that in this beloved country of Indonesia, there are still areas where 1 sub-district is the majority of thieves but the authorities do not dare to touch them at all. This is a real story that my family has experienced without any exaggeration or reduction in the slightest."

confession of a person who claimed to be one of the victims of the village

There have been many cases of car theft in this village


Gang beating guy with helmet

Guy has relationship problems


Guy is stoned to death


Omar Moumeche was 16 years old when he hit Dennis Clarke at Derby bus station on 6 May 2021.

The punch caused Mr Clarke to fall to the ground and fracture his skull, and he died in hospital nine days later


:marseytwerkinit: :marseytwerking: :marseyagreefast:

Indian kills indian


Two brothers during a friendly wrestling match, when Bro A drops Bro B and breaks his neck. You can see the body go limp as soon as he hits the ground.

Thief gets stoned to death


Mob Justice (Pedo Beaten To Death)


A potential repost for a good reason for need info on this sickening video.

This video, which went viral on social media under the pretext of misinformation on the first quarter of 2017, shows a black woman who seems to be instructed to hold a phone over her head by the gang, get hit on the head with a wooden beam by them. Shortly after convulsing, they checked on her and tried to make sure she was ok. A local Brazilian press agency reported the video is from Brazil but unable to report on the details of the incident. It was first shared on March 8, 2017 coincidentally International Woman's Day.

I thought it was a wooden log at first but realized how heavy that would be to carry.

According to various forums and gore websites, it was assumed that the woman was made to hold the phone on top of her head because she stole it from the gangs. From how they tried to make sure she was ok after convulsing due to brain damage, it's clear they only meant to punish her but ended up "killing her according to reports" (Need verification).

What happened to her after? What happened to gangs? If anyone can provide any more news article about this, please comment down below.







Man gets beaten with a hammer

Pedophile gets beaten with a hammer while he begs for his life and tells his captors he willl never do this again. No mercy was had on this day lol




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