

tortured asian thief , theyre also humilated!

Longer version ^

Dispute Between Neighbors Ends In Murder!

Motorcycle thief gets punished by a crowd


Portuguese robber gets beaten with wooden plank repeatedly

Policeman attending a call out, assaulted and whacked with planks of wood. Bertioga. (No Death.)

A military police officer was injured after being attacked with a piece of wood by residents in a square in Bertioga, on the coast of São Paulo. The began after the police officer requested the closure of a commercial establishment.

The case took place in the early hours on Tuesday 23rd, on Rua Engenheiro José Sánchez Ferrari, in Jardim Vicente de Carvalho. At least 10 people surrounded the police officer. One of them threw a stone at his back, which causes no reaction from the officer. Then two people approach the group and try to remove the man from the scene.

When the policeman was being removed from the square, one of the residents waited for him to turn his back and used a piece of wood to hit the policeman on the back of the head. The officer immediately falls to the ground and has his weapon subtracted. Even injured, the officer got up from the ground and was again hit by a stone.

With the help of a military police officer, who arrived at the scene to support and rescue her colleague, he was taken to the Municipal Hospital of Bertioga. According to the health unit, the victim had injuries to the back of the head as well a severe concussion, had to undergo a medical procedure and stitches, and was keep under close observation for twelve hours before being released.

Source: ESP. G1 SP.

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*Possibly needs to be moved hole to social.

Tags: #Beating #Attacked #Policeman #MPM #Crowd #Scuffle #Hit #Stone #Plank #Wounded #Bloodied #Concussed #Shaken #Bertioga #São Paulo #Br

Couple that committed robbery is punished by being tortured in Nigeria

Neo-Nazi is beat down


Male thief mobbed and beaten with planks after killing another man in an attempted robbery. Sao Jorge de Oiapoque.

The incident occurred on Tuesday 23rd, Sao Jorge de Oiapoque.

The male, identity not released, was caught after an attempted robbery where he killed his victim. Upon fleeing the scene he was chased by a mob, and beaten and bloodied with planks of wood. He survived the attack.

Police arrived at the scene, arrested the beaten male before taking him to hospital, where he was interviewed later.

According to information, the victim of the attempted robbery would be a former soccer player, known as "Joãozinho Player".

Anymore information would be appreciated please, as there seems to be varying reports to what occurred.

(As per usual, if a repost, please delete.)

Tags: Beating #Male #Man #Thief #Attempted Robbery #Murdered Victim #Fled Scene #Ran #Mob #Chased #Captured #Hit #Beaten #Planks Of Wood #Bloodied #Blood #Sao Jorge de Oiapoque #Br


Dude gets punished somewhere in Minas Gerais Brazil


I assume the guy died but I remember reading he lingered on in hospital for awhile, victim might’ve been mentally ill and that set off the inmates.


”So in December, a man claiming to be taught by Jesus (a possible symptom of mental illness, though it is notable that he's quite well presented and shows no signs of delusions whilst he's actually in the building) offers to demonstrate 'around' a pupil at the dojo. He makes it very clear he doesn't intend to touch or hurt the man. However, after getting BJB's blessing, he is kicked straight out of the block. After a while of 'sparring', with some blows landing home on both sides, BJB decides he's had enough. He pushes Kung Fu guy roughly into a pole, so hard that he collapses, and then stamps on his head - repeatedly, until there's blood.

Once he's on the floor and BJB has been talked down from his mindless attack by some of his students, he tells them to drag the guy 'out back'. They do so, leaving a thin trail of blood in their wake. BJB then records the blood, and the back door.

How did this video come to light? Well, BJB posted it on his own YouTube channel and it was up for some time, despite the level of violence and basically putting himself front and centre for a crime. He took it down, however, when he shut down his business and moved away from the area.

To this day, it's unknown who Kung Fu Guy was. One police officer claims to have spoken to him and that he was okay - but neglected to get his name.”

BJB is the fat guy who set up the fight, he was not the one who fought. Not sure how I found such a good summary but the OP somehow thought BJB was the black guy. Black guy was some marine, possibly a cop, and clearly a piece of shit as well.

Reupload of a pedophile getting beaten

White farmer stoned by mob in South Africa

No idea what the backstory is. Probably slaves.


Wannabe thief is caught, kicked and beaten. Rio de Janeiro. (No Death.)

The incident happened Wednesday 31st, Campo Grande, RJ.

According to witness statements, the male had attempted to rob the number 756 bus and when it was time to get off the vehicle, the passengers realized that he was unarmed. The thief tried to run, but was chased and caught on Avenida Brasil, near Conjunto Campinho, where he was kicked and beaten bloody by them.

The civil police arrived at the scene and dispersed the crowd, the male, name not released, was taken to the hospital where he will be treated and then interviewed.

There were no arrests.

(As per usual, if a repost, please delete.)

Tags: #Beating #Male #Man #Wannabe Thief #Bus #alighted #Ran #Fled #Caugh #Crowd #Kicked #Beaten #Bloodied #Pleading #Crying #Begging #Campo Grande #Rio de Janeiro. #Br

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