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@Rottie @G-tix

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Shit man... His body betrayed him by not dying. Im so curious how he did not die from bleeding. His two hands are missing, his face is skinned off, he got his throat cut with a box cutter and he still breathing. Probably some drugs or some adrenaline injection. I can't believe what I'm seeing

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It’s meth. You can see the white tube if you look closely.

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Honest scientific question: would meth actually keep you alive from this and if so, why?

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Meth is actually used in a lot of cartels to either keep cartel members awake during their duty or shot up into victims like this one to keep them alive for longer so they endure more torture and pain. I read about it on a older post on reddit.

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This is the reason thy Germans in ww2 invented it to make you last longer

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You'd be alive regardless, skinning you is only lethal after a long while from the blood loss

The meth is so he doesn't pass out and he's awake to feel it

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its just a rope to tie his arms. watch closely. he has his arms tied for most time to not interrupt cutting his throat. a the end of video they stop cutting him and untie him, so he can finally touch his face. it's definitely not a tube

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i cant see it

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Yes, he was constanty administered adrenaline intravenously.

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