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More servers

Thanks to all our sexually desirable patrons, we've been able to add more servers. You might have noticed that the site is a lot faster compared to a few days ago (especially if you live in the US). We are now also load balancing traffic between the US and the EU. In non-nerd terms: Speed go brrr. You can now get your daily gore fix faster than before!

Kind request

This also means that our monthly expenses have increased significantly. As we don't run ads on this website, we are 100% dependant on donations. If you have some change to spare, please consider donating to the site. This can be done with either one-off payments, or via a monthly subscription. We have made small adjustments in our donation model. The rewards are now as follows:


Victim - $5/month

  • Username background
  • Icon next to your username
  • Exclusive badges
  • Ability to upload a custom site background in the settings
  • Ability to perma-marsify yourself in the settings
  • Exclusive hole that only Patrons can see (/h/highrollerclub)
  • Exclusive ping group that only Patrons can join or mention !verifiedrich
  • Exemption from coin/marseybux gifting tax (3%)
  • Ability to upload more files
  • 16MB image size limit (instead of 8MB)
  • 16MB audio size limit (instead of 8MB)
  • 100k character limit for posts (instead of 50k)
  • 10% discount when buying awards
  • 2,500 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)

Corpse - $10/month

  • Everything from previous tiers
  • Ability to add a signature in the settings (Victim tier patrons will keep their signature until 24th of March.)
  • 15% discount when buying awards
  • 5,000 5,500 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)

Zombie - $20/month

  • Everything from previous tiers
  • Ability to change your username to a 1-letter or 2-letter username in the settings
  • Ability to have 2 previous usernames reserved for you instead of 1
  • 20% discount when buying awards
  • 10,000 12,000 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)

Ghost - $50/month

  • Everything from previous tiers
  • Keyword notifications (New feature. More info below.)
  • 25% discount when buying awards
  • 25,000 32,500 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)

Survivor - $100/month

  • Everything from previous tiers
  • 30% discount when buying awards
  • 50,000 70,000 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)

Jigsaw - $200/month

  • Everything from previous tiers
  • 35% discount when buying awards
  • 100,000 150,000 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)

P̵͇̕S̶̔̇Ȳ̴͙C̶͋͗H̵͒̉O̴̎̍ - $500/month

  • Everything from previous tiers
  • 40% discount when buying awards
  • 250,000 400,000 marseybux monthly (can be used in the shop, casino, and other places)

In addition to this, people that donate $20 or more, will temporarily get 50% more marseybux. This promo will run until the 1st of March.

You can find our donation page here!

Keyword notifications

People that donate $50 or more now have access to keyword notifications. You will get notified if specific words or phrases are mentioned. You can enable this in your advanced settings.

Thank you all for helping the site grow! Have a nice weekend!

no videos are loading

does anyone know why videos arent loading for me ! ive tried restarting chrome and everything help plz

None .....

where marsey ai bot huh ! !

where ! ! ! ! make one

I feel like Roro Chans suicide should be on the famous list

I've seen people mention Roro Chan on icebergs, social media and others such about as much as Shuiby Aslam (Also considering the fact that a song was made about her with a character that's supposed to be Roro Chan) and when you look up "Roro" Roro Chan pops up as a suggested search, and she has her own Sub Reddit and Fan art

I cant even watch the videos 😂

it just says its playing and it isnt wtf am i suppost to do, if the video is more than 10 seconds long it just doesnt even play, anybody else have that problem

Free Melody Logo and Header icon! :marseyexcited:

Hello again! I made another one for you!

All you have to do is copy the text under the line, go to settings, then to CSS, paste it in the box titled Site CSS, then click save!

If done correctly it should look like this:


content: url("");

height: 70px;

width: 90px;



content: url("");

height: 70px;

width: 130px;


Please tell me if there are any issues.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one as well!

Have a great day!

Bye now!


And how do you make one I want the silly badge:3

how do i put music on my profile
[Suggestion] "N-word pass" award.

An award that adds N****r allover the recipients comments.

Award + attached Badge

It might be fun to buy an award that allows you to add a song into your post.

Example ; you make a post in /h/burning —->

LAYOUT; < video > <text> {background of post plays music } ~ add youtube URL / .MP3</text>

Where the icon admins and moderation? (Update was fix it of icon)

Admins icon king: 👑

Moderation icon paper: 📜

But no exist the icon.

It's a bug or what?

Please fix it.

Longest Reply

Reply to snappy's comment and then someone else reply to the person that replied to snappy's comment then someone else reply to the person that replied to the person that replied to snappy's comment etc

Free Kuromi Header and Logo :marseywink:

I'm back with another header and logo! I wanted to make another quick one because why not?

Anyways, lets get into it.

Copy the text under the line, go to settings, then to CSS and paste the text into the box titled "Site CSS". Put a semicolon after the parenthesis of both links and click the save button at the bottom.

If done correctly it should look like this:


content: url(

height: 60px;

width: 70px;



content: url(

height: 70px;

width: 130px;


Thank you so much for supporting me!

I hope you have a magnificent day!


ai's guide to roulette (aka THE fetch game to play for mbux/die-bloons) :marseybeggar2:

1. dont bet more than 10 currency (unless you have a lot). i usually go for 5 coins for max profit

2. dont bet on red/black, odd/even, or 1:18/19:36. 100% a loss

3. dont bet on EVERYTHING.

4. always bet on 00 and 0

5. bet on columns, lines, and dozens.

6. never bet more than your highest gaining bet (ie on 5 currency, dont bet more than 175)

7. bet on at least 5 exact numbers

8. roll in your diebloons and marseybux

Free Hello Kitty Header and Logo!

Good morning/day/night! I wanted to make a quick logo for anyone into cuter themes to use. Anyways, I'm sure you don't wanna hear me yap, so here you go!

To use this CSS, just copy the text under this, go to settings, then to CSS and paste it in the site CSS section. Add a semicolon(;) after the parenthesis of both of the links. I don't know why, but it won't keep them on when I post it. :marseysad: If there are any problems, please tell me!


content: url(

height: 50px;

width: 60px;



content: url(

height: 60px;

width: 120px;


This is what it should look like!

I know it's not great, but at least it's free.

If you have any ideas, feel free to tell me them!

I hope you enjoy it!

Edit: Fixed!

Is This Badge Rare?
Am I able to publish draft posts?


It works now.


It's over for the logged out. Maybe there were too many calls for genocide. I purposefully did not write out the list so this post wouldn't be hidden as well.

Link copied to clipboard
Action successful!
Error, please refresh the page and try again.