Remember Kids: Drugs are bad!

Some Overdosing dude auditions for the next Zombie movie

I'd give him the role!

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He's been infected with Rage!

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Introducing: Crack head yoga

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just dropped my pipe laughing

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You mean your stem.

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I dropped your brillo pad.

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I've seen this type of thing before in Raccoon city..... its too late for him, he's turning! Need to shoot him in the head before he starts biting and infecting others ..

𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝕺𝖓 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖗𝖔𝖜

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This is flakka, cartel cooked “zombie” drug.

It’s the one that causes that dude to eat the hobos face…then survive getting shot like 8 times.

You’re pretty right.

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Quick question: why the fuck do people keep taking drugs that always result in awful trips?

Benadryl, Bath Salts, Synthetic Weed, Datura...all have dedicated userbases behind them for some reason. Why do people continute to try drugs like these?

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Speaking of Datura..:ready 4 this?

My friend from Arizona was a dunce. We were in NM, sangre de christo mountain….Taos…San Cristobal.

Up in high desert searching for peyote…..I find a very old peyote cactus: it’s damaged so it’s not in great shape, button is find; I eat it. My buddy is half blind and finds “hells bells” and eats two mother fucking seed pods.

He was never okay again.

3 weeks in a padded room…


He was so wacked out…

He Joined “the church of Latter Day Saints” in Maricopa county…Arpaio territory..,,he ended up smoking meth, going crazy…eating a bunch of bars to sleep:

His ass came too in tent city.

Wes, now that kid was a fucking idiot.

I bet he became “an hero”

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LMAO was not expecting the "an hero" reference, been a while since i heard that one

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I’m /b/ringing it /b/ack!

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thankz, you're an hero too!

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Did he died?

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That’s what “an hero” means

  1. to kill oneself, especially over something trivial

  2. someone who kills himself, especially over something trivial

The term originated in a poorly written eulogy posted on the MySpace memorial page of a boy who shot himself after he lost his iPod. The poem frequently referred to the boy as "an hero." Though the use of "an" with words beginning with 'h' is acceptable when the letter is silent--as in many varieties of British English--it was incorrect in this case, since the author did not write the rest of the poem in British English. The use of "an" before "hero" might also be inferred to be a careless error from the many other instances of poor style and grammar found in the rest of the source material.

The term subsequently gained wide acceptance as a means to refer to those, such as the aforementioned boy, who kill themselves. Though the term is frequently applied to people who kill themselves needlessly, many famous, easily justifiable suicides are regarded as an heroes (e.g. Adolf Hitler).

Considering its origins, the term should be used with caution. Most are unfamiliar with the term, and those who are familiar with it may be offended at its use, especially when it is used in reference to a deceased loved one.

He was such an hero, to take it all away ... He was an hero, to take that shot, to leave us all behind ... He was an hero, to take that shot, In life it wasn't his task, He shouldn't have had to go that way, before an decade'd past. ... Lacking, nevermore, He died an hero, Mitchell did, And we'll love him forevermore.

My guess would be that datura dude liked his self

  • It’s a hellacious drug, drags you to the absolute depths of the inferno
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I know what it means dumbass. I was using a 4chan meme to go with an hero

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I think I have teh brain damage from taking moar phenibut

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He joined the Latter Day Saints and got clean in some Jesus,

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Wait what? Is benadryl a narcotic? I'm takin it against my allergies for years now lol

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In high enough doses, yeah. But it's a really shitty high at best and a delirious, nightmarish trip (to the hospital) at worst.

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Ive hallucinated by accident from benadryl and later a muscle relaxant, both were very very unpleasant experiences...

Flakka and synth weed at least were develeoped by scientists trying to legally study canabanoids, and in low amounts it apparently aren't all that dangerous... (low is relative here, these chems are dozens to thousands of times stronger than THC) so many people likely get that nice exp b4 they accidentallly OD due to how all of this is sold/distributed and they spray coat it which isnt exactly precise medical science. Also I imagine some potheads whom THC just doesnt do it anymore might also seek it.

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Remember Tikhal and Pikhal…chemical love stories.

They included instructions for all these fucked up stims and triptamines. (They were published with a “authors note” not hoof( do not eat!

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Mf about to turn into a crimson head

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do you know what he's overdosing on?

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I am probably the best one to gauge this here with the exception of a few other gentleman my credentials are that the amount of LSD, Ketamine, Blow, Xanax GHB, Adderal and Jenkum (amikidding). And have done everything (in every single way, (I’ve boofed quite a bit; I’ve shot even more)

My answer?

In my expert opinion.,.


The only time I’ve seen this is at a music festival (hippie) where a gentlemen and his lady wanted feee drugs and allowed all the Grateful Dead family (excluding me) to drop unlimited amount of molly, K, L, mescaline and coke in their buttholes cause Of the “if you boof it, it’s free” nomenclature. Their buttholes became a rabbit hole and their minds became fractured. Soon their bodies were convulsing and their limbs were thrashing wildly. Their faces contorted, gutteral noises Emanating deep from deep within the trunk of their being. Horror eclipsed their face as they twisted and writes and wriggled. Screams and laughter somehow amalgamated together. Hypomanic highs gave way to horrifying lows.

Anyways, they were OK. After I helped them get over the shame of bootybumping all that shit, they were ok.

This man isn’t ok. He’s bitten through his tongue…. He’s thrashed and writhed on the ground untill his knees bled.

Ultimately this is either mephadronr (analog of meth and molly) methylcathinone ( analog of DOB , mda , and amphetimine (I think) and lastly (and this is my best guess) Flakka.

Not waka Flocka.,,.which would be awesome but it’s flakka, aka pvp. Horrible “zombie” face eating drug.

Let’s get some and watch one of us die.

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This is one of the best replies and honestly most informing cause i was wondering where he was bleeding from

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Thank you.

That dude is straight rekt

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Sorry, drug nerd here. Mephedrone was your first typo, Methcathinone (aka M-cat) was your second, and amphetamine your third.

Currently on Adderall so that last one hits the hardest.

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How much addie?

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I’m at 75 a day. It’s pretty awesome. Whatever you do, do not ever try phenibut.

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The FDA prescribing limit is 40mg/day, although I used to have a script for 45mg of Dexedrine/day almost a decade ago.

You must mean Vyvanse, the 72mg capsules? Because no doctor is prescribing 75mg of Adderall a day, at least not in the US.

Adderall is shit, anyways. Dexedrine and Vyvanse are way better because they’re pure Dextro-amphetamine, whereas Adderall has Levo-amphetamine in it.

If you’ve ever suffered physical side effects or a heavy body load on Adderall, that was the L-amph messing with your peripheral nervous system.

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I’ll DM you a picture of my script bottle, I’m honestly telling the truth, I also get sublicade and 7mg Xanax and modifinil

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What do you mean? It’s amphetimine salts, I’m prescribed One 20mg xr, and 2 20mg IR adderal tops out at 60mg pers day. Vyvanse is only half as strong. Thank you for clarifying as I only know tidbits about pharmies as psychedelics are my forte but i do know that: I just looked at my script and it’s d60mg per day. 40mg at once is the max.

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Yeah: that’s my dose; I swear:. The adjuvant dose wreaks havoc on mccirty., I know without a doubt that I was being giving a fairly large override energy energy cultivated into a beautiful little phenibut. The energy is a beautiful little phenibut and the hateful affect is a beautiful but very chaotic 60-80 mg. It’s not pleasant at all. About 60-75 percent of the time I’m exhausted from the chronic over exertion of my exertion. I’m at 60 and it feels great/ feels like my body is consuming itself.

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Holy sleep deprivation

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Why not? I see it's an anxiolytic and a sedative. Did it give you headaches?

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Worst withdrawals I ever experienced. Grand mal seizure, non epileptic focal awareness seizure, hyperthermia, suicidal ideation, Homicidal ideation, projectile vomit. Hopelessness, pure fucking mayhem,

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Noice, sounds like a fucking TREAT

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Yeah sleep deprivation plays havoc on the senses, also a drug nerd but spelling has never been my strong suit. Apologies! Didn’t mean to irk you.

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Not irked, just a Write Supremacist.

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If we were on dreddit, I’d give you double platinum.

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Phew... thats a russian guy... probably "crocodile".. thats the Go to drug there if you wanna have "some good time"

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Krokadil is an opiate…nod city. Krokadil doesn’t promote insane behavior, just brain damage and your limbs rotting off.

This is either BAD k2 or flakka.

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This is a vampire and they dragged him into the light.

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Someone put that zombie out of it’s misery.

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See..... zombies exist.....

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I’m surprised nobody mentioned the dude that cut his face w a machete!

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When you nut but she keep suckin

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This is tame shit

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Ah shit my back hurts all of a sudden after watching this lmao

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looks like he pissed himself.

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the guy is fun at parties

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Sir thats a zombie

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Flakka is that u?

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This is me after the one chip challenge

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I always wonder what goes trough their mind those times if anything at al.

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I am probably the best one to gauge this here with the exception of a few other gentleman my credentials are that the amount of LSD, Ketamine, Blow, Xanax GHB, Adderal and Jenkum (amikidding). And have done everything (in every single way, (I’ve boofed quite a bit; I’ve shot even more)

My answer?

In my expert opinion.,.


The only time I’ve seen this is at a music festival (hippie) where a gentlemen and his lady wanted feee drugs and allowed all the Grateful Dead family (excluding me) to drop unlimited amount of molly, K, L, mescaline and coke in their buttholes cause Of the “if you boof it, it’s free” nomenclature. Their buttholes became a rabbit hole and their minds became fractured. Soon their bodies were convulsing and their limbs were thrashing wildly. Their faces contorted, gutteral noises Emanating deep from deep within the trunk of their being. Horror eclipsed their face as they twisted and writes and wriggled. Screams and laughter somehow amalgamated together. Hypomanic highs gave way to horrifying lows.

Anyways, they were OK. After I helped them get over the shame of bootybumping all that shit, they were ok.

This man isn’t ok. He’s bitten through his tongue…. He’s thrashed and writhed on the ground untill his knees bled.

Ultimately this is either mephadronr (analog of meth and molly) methylcathinone ( analog of DOB , mda , and amphetimine (I think) and lastly (and this is my best guess) Flakka.

Not waka Flocka.,,.which would be awesome “I go hard in the paint”


Flakka. The zombie drug. The one that made the dude eat the homeless dudes face….the survive getting shot 7 or 8 times. FLOCKA “bitch I’m bustin at em, ain’t no talking homie; I just bustin at em”


Eric Andre; Do you listen to Waka Flocka?

Lauren Generic white bitch: is that a song?

Hannibal Buress : It’s a man “I go hard in the

Lauren Whitey: does it go “waka flocka”

muthafucking paint nigga, what the fuck you thinking nigga? I leave you stinking nigga.

Lauren Whitey: yeah I know that song

Hannibal buress : FLOCKA!

Eric Andre: vomits and eats it.

Lauren: omg I can’t gags

runs off


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Damn that looks painful

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You mean “orgasmic”

Dudes rolling face

And chewing tongue

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