Woman just dies

I dont have a lot for info. But what I know is.

That she just died ( heart attack) while working out and people around her were stupid and Didn't give her cpr even through she didn't breathe or have a puls.

The Quality is once again very bad.

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https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/168328383382457.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16832838340507307.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1683283834540674.webp

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Your instincts were correct…Dr. Fauci, (the man in charge of Covid protocols) killed dozens of foster children in AZT drug experiments.

We’re going to trust him with our safety, even after he was found complicit in Wuhan gain of function research?


Most clips are from a BBC documentary titled Guinea Pig Kids.


https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16832860995790706.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/16832860998082726.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/1683286100042683.webp

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No shit, my friend. I’m at least sourcing my claims unlike others, whose family likely died not from Covid but hospital protocols involving Remdesiver and forced ventilation. 🙁


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I was offered what I'd call a bribe by my employer to get the shot. I was so close to caving in- this was right around the time when they were talking about fucking mandating it. I had been stressed out for weeks, wondering if I was going to lose my job because I refused to take an untested experimental drug for a disease that doesn't even seem to exist. I argued with my boss over it several times. I was more afraid/stressed about this bullshit mandate than I ever was of the actual "virus".

Fortunately, my moment of weakness passed and I held my ground. The mandate died, as I thought it would, and poof- no more pressuring to get me shot up with that shit. I believe companies with federal contracts were offered some sort of boon for getting their employees shot up. We know for certainty that health insurance companies were financially incentivizing doctors to get as many people shot as possible- they'd get a big fat check based on the % of their shot patients.

Obesity related diseases is the leading cause of death in the USA. If the US government cared about your health, they'd mandate some fucking push-ups. I believe the third leading cause of death in the USA is MEDICAL MALPRACTICE. Yeah, let's put all of our trust in doctors, the people who fuck up so often and so tremendously, they've become a more dangerous killer than fucking car accidents.

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Do you know what the side effect of not taking the vaccine is? Death. People in my family have died because they were antifax. My father who was highly at risk got the vaccine, got covid twice, and lived. My less at risk older relatives and parents' friends have died. The risk of side effects was worth the lives it saved, and more people died due to lack of the vaccine instead of the vaccine itself (not all deaths listed as an unknown cause are going to be from the vaccine. They're unknown, obviously, so you can't use that to say there are more deaths from the vaccine).

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Everyone has their bullshit anecdotes. Tons of unvaxxed people got it and were perfectly fine, myself included. Tons of vaxxed people got it and died

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More people who got covid and werent vaxxed died than people who had covid and did die. Also, I have yet to see any proof that a substantial amount of people were killed due to the vaccine

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They pushed this onto children. There's no excuse for pushing this shit onto healthy kids, teens, and young adults. Many universities, professions, etc.. made it mandatory.

Fuck your father.

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While you gladly feed your kids carcinogenic dyes and sodas 🤣

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Vaccines are what help to keep people healthy. We have almost completely erased many diseases that used to be life threatening. Also, vaccinating kids will keep them from spreading the disease to more vulnerable people (like their parents or grandparents). Its saving lives

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It didn't save anyone.

It killed 100% of animals in trials thanks to ADE.

Everyone I know that took the mrna shots is now having heart problems and has/is developing cancers. 3 dead coworkers. Hundreds of lost hours to medical problems. 4 counts of breast cancer in the family within 3 months of a shot.

You're sitting here defending the greatest psyop in the history of the planet and ignoring the tens of thousands of medical staff saying don't touch it.

Good luck staying alive more than 5 years if you've injected yourself.

It completely nukes your body.

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It killed 100% of animals in trials thanks to ADE.

Not even an exaggeration. Literally every last cat in the trials I looked into died within a week or two. There's a reason that drugs are supposed to be tested for at least 15 fucking years before being released for use. Sometimes, side effects from a drug won't manifest for years and years.

I'm curious (and a little scared) to see the long-term side effects. Given that it messes with the immune system, I suspect that in about 5 years, suddenly like 1/4 of the world will come down with autoimmune disorders, a form of AIDS caused by the clot shot. It's hard to guess what will happen, since this type of shot has never been deployed like this.

For me, it wasn't even a political thing- it was just a practicality thing. We don't know how dangerous this shit could be. We do know how dangerous "covid" is, and it's "not very dangerous at all". It doesn't even kill children, what kind of "pandemic/epidemic" doesn't kill kids? That was one of my first clues that led me to believe we were being lied to about this whole thing. Also, covid was remarkably merciful to homeless people and "developing countries", where massive portions of the population wouldn't be able to survive a mild flu because of compromised immune systems, malnutrition, etc.. Homeless people didn't "social distance, mask up, and vax up"- they sleep in the streets, reuse needles, and have unprotected sex with each other; according to everything we've been told, those people should have been fucking WIPED OUT.

Or how about a malaria outbreak in Africa? The entire fucking world has to swoop in and save them, or else the entire continent would die in a year or so. But Africa's population is HIGHER than it was before covid. Yeah, that makes sense.

It's almost like life just went on as normal for populations who weren't constantly being drip fed fear porn via the media. I am so glad I didn't take that fucking shot, despite all of the pressure placed on me to do so.

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3 users on copium pretending it isn't real lol.

After March the death rate started dropping to the point they had to change tactics, so from that point onwards mass vax programs should have been a red flag to everyone.

Apparently not though.

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>Do you know what the side effect of not taking the vaccine is? Death.

Guess I'm dead then xD

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You mean like my shots that killed me? Oh wait

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I never claimed that though

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Can't believe how many retards are disliking this comment. Must be overflow from Reddit. /r/Eyeblech and /r/NSFL_

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The way reddit handled what they called “misinformation” was absolutely fucking shameful.

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Covidians are downvoting you, lol. They still haven't figured out they got duped

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I still see babies in masks and dozens of ppl wearing their mask alone… under their nose. With latex gloves.

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I didn’t get the vaccine cuz I’m lazy. You didn’t get it because you’re falsely informed we are not the same

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Can both sides at-least admit that vaccines were rushed?

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