Just testing!!

Let me know if you guys can see this

(I have been trying to post videos on here for a while now but everytime I do, nothing will be there :marseydisintegrate: )


It's in the west-central Indian state of Maharashtra.

An 11-year-old boy has died after being hit directly on the genitals by a ball while playing cricket with friends during his summer holiday, according to local reports.



Major Solar Storm / CME could also take down Internet, GPS, Cell Network etc....

Horses horror story

I personally found this story interesting so I decided to share it with all of you

Just a little uncomfortable

This is just a little something that i thought people would might find interesting

Woman Falls Face First Into Hot Stove, Dies

I dont know if she intended to die so I am putting it here. It looks like she had a heart attack

story time : a girl stabbed someones eye in my old school :marseyzombie:

there was this girl who named vicky and i always hated her so does everyone, she was one of those pick me wanna be baddies but she just looked cringe doing it, one day she got mad at a boy and puched the glass window and she grabbed lıke thıs long chunk of shattered glass and stabbed his eye and gushed it out lıke a ıcecream.

*she got arrested and got detention

*he got to the emergency

*i finished that school without her physically hurting me (i mean i would beat her up but abuse isnt my first option)

everyone is hapi yay

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