
Some banned dude is running around and reporting post for one goal, to be unbanned, instead of moving on

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Man on boat saves monkey struggling in river


Linked above is one of the best sites I found for unbiased facts on the Trump case. Before any haters start crying, the sites political bias skews left. So don't try to tell me I live in some echo chamber.


In the end of the 2016 Presidential election race, an American pornstar named Stormy Daniels came forward alleging she had a sexual encounter with Donald Trump. In order to protect his name, brand, and reputation amongst voters, he instructed Michael Cohen—his “fixer” and attorney— to make a $130,000 payment to Ms.Daniels in exchange for her silence.

This, for the record, is NOT illegal

Ms. Daniels collected her money and kept her silence. When Mr.Trump won the election, he used his businesses in New York to make payments to Michael Cohen to reimburse him.


In NY Court, Mr.Trump was charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records, to which he plead not-guilty. In New York, this crime is a misdemeanor offense unless it is done in order to cover up another crime. Cohen, testified in court that Mr.Trump had personally approved the hush money arrangement and that he had done it several times. The prosecution argued that the mystery crime he was attempting to cover up was § 17-152. Which reads

“Conspiracy to promote or prevent election. Any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

This means, the prosecution alleges that Mr.Trump was trying to promote his campaign by making a hush money payment and trying to cover it up. To millions of Americans however, this was a stretch and his intention was to protect his name during the time, and neither promoting or harming anyone's campaign.

Regardless of the fact that this crime is also charged as a misdemeanor, because it was in ties with the falsification of business rule (if another crime is being covered it's a felony) this would be charged as a felony.

Judge Juan Merchan allegedly made the statement that “lowered the bar” for the underlying crime. He said that Mr.Trump didn't have to be convicted of an underlying crime, that it just had to be the intent to commit that. Which, of course, is way easier to say.

——The Defense——

The defense claimed (as stated earlier) that Mr.Trump had no personal involvement in the payments to Mr.Cohen after the initial hush money payment. And that the payment was simply made to protect his name and his brand. The defense also argued that Mr.Cohen wasn't a credible source, due to his history of concealing 4 million+ dollars from congressional committees in regards to a real estate deal being discussed to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, Russia. (Yah, bet you didn't know that one lol).


-Trump committed a crime

-Michael Cohen committed a crime

-Both committed at MINIMUM a misdemeanor

-Hush Money Payments are NOT illegal

-The Judge (Juan Merchan) indeed does lean left

-Trump was tried in a very left leaning part of a generally left leaning state

-As far as we know, the jury came to consensus that he covered up another crime

-The jury was interviewed by The NY Times and they claim all but 2 were politically against trump.


That all the facts I've gathered. Now I get to comment on it all. WARNING: NOTHING I say beyond here should be considered factual. It will mainly be presumption and opinions.

—Trump has been a sore loser the whole time he has been campaigning. If he loses, he whines and tries to claim corruption. However, I took a deep dive into his policies, and I tend to agree with them more. However, the one and only thing I can't stand about his policies, happens to be the one thing, I cannot budge on. He DESPISES gay people. Now, I am not personally gay, but I know plenty of people that are, and unfortunately I cannot vote for him if his goal is to remove every support plan in place for gay people. Because this is the ONE thing I can't be very flexible on, I HAVE to vote democrat. And I can't say I am proud to vote democrat because even though trump is a bad person in general, President Bidens policies are collapsing America. There are so many things wrong with what is going on in America, and it's not all his fault either. Honest to god, America is being torn apart by its own people. The newer the generations, the more “brain rot” things

become. And that means a lot coming from someone who laughed at “dame tú cosita” at 16 years old. ( several years ago ) People on the right wing are honest to god being borderline extremists. But that is because people on the left are in this constant state of victim hood and trying to get sympathy everything.

—America is tearing itself apart and I can't help but see it as a silent civil war. People are all so focused on shooting at each other (metaphorically) that nobody can take their finger off the trigger for a second and look at what is happening. Our enemies are probably eating popcorn and cheering right now. It is sickening that Americans are fighting themselves. People need to put down their extreme left and extreme right beliefs, shut up, and meet in the middle and talk. It's the only way things are fixed without starting another civil war.

—I'm done talking. Yall have a good day. And one final note:

—If you are interested in this stuff, and want to join the fight to actually fix America and get people to shut the fuck up about “the RaDIcAl LefT and RaDicAl RiGhT” I suggest you follow my new instagram. The Handle is

—It is private right now, but soon I will make it public, and there, I will be talking more about this stuff, and things we can do to help start a bigger movement.

I want to help America. And I want to help it now. People in our age range (20s) are the future of the country. Please consider.

I'm tired, I'm going to bed


"Blood wrath version of Marsey" by @Dragonkin

He says he has posting problems, I don't know. Anyway he said I could post it for him if I gave him @Dragonkin credit. And fanart of Marsey is always welcome!

It's my WPD Birthday!!!

Well, where :marseydrama: has the time gone? A fascinating :marseylaying: year in recorded deaths! I've met some cool people and witnessed some ridiculous drama... now, wish me a happy :marseyletsgo: birthday :marseycake2: and tell me you love me :marseyblowkiss:

Help on how to join/create a group/club :marseypeace:

I just think it's funny that like Just need some help on figuring it out, and Thanks!!!

I bet 200 marseycoins. :marseythumbsup:

Hell yeah

Muh rig mane 💯

It's been years I am rockin' dis mudefaka right heya mane.

Dis rig jus won't die. Keepa mane and before u ask, gyeah dis runs cyberponk 2077

Gore break!! :)


Elite Beat Itaewon Agents

At the time of the Itaewon oppression, people around me were dying, but people next to me were singing sex on the beach, and they demanded compensation for being crushed in Korea, so why should we compensate for the natural death?

Happy pride month WPD! 🏳️‍🌈❤️

CHILD WARNING The Dunblane massacre


The Dunblane massacre was a tragic and horrific event that occurred on March 13, 1996 in Dunblane, Scotland.

•The shooter was Thomas Hamilton, a 43-year-old man with a history of obsession with children and weapons.

•Hamilton entered the Dunblane Primary School armed with four handguns and opened fire on a class of 5- and 6-year-old children and their teachers.

•In the attack, 16 young children and 1 teacher were killed, making it the deadliest mass shooting in the United Kingdom's history.

•After the shooting, Hamilton turned one of the guns on himself and committed suicide.

•The Dunblane massacre sparked a nationwide debate on gun control laws in the UK, leading to a ban on the private ownership of handguns.

•It was a tremendously traumatic event that deeply affected the small town of Dunblane and the entire country of Scotland. The victims and their families continue to be remembered and honored to this day.

•Thomas Hamilton was a 43-year-old local man who had a history of obsession with children and firearms

•He had previously been a Scout leader but was forced to resign in 1974 due to concerns about his behavior towards children.

•Hamilton was known to the police and had applied for and been denied a gun license in the past.


•16 children aged 5-6 years old were killed in the attack:

•Abigail McLennan (5)

•Victoria Clydesdale (5)

•Emma Crozier (5)

•Gwen Mayor (6)

•Megan Turner (5)

•Charlotte Dunn (5)

•Sophie North (5)

•Hannah Scott (5)

•Kevin Hasell (5)

•Ross Annett (5)

•Joanna Ross (5)

•Amy Hutchison (5)

•Mhairi MacBeath (5)

•Diane Johnson (5)

•Karen Astle (5)

•Brett McKinnon (5)

•1 teacher, Gwen Mayor, was also killed.

Weapons Used:

•4 handguns: 2 semi-automatic 9mm Browning HP pistols, 1 .357 Magnum revolver, and 1 .45 ACP revolver.

Timeline of Events on March 13, 1996:

•Around 9:30am, Thomas Hamilton arrived at Dunblane Primary School armed with the 4 handguns.

•He entered the school's gymnasium where a class of 5 and 6-year-olds were having their physical education lesson.

•Hamilton opened fire on the class, unleashing over 100 rounds in just 3-4 minutes.

•Emergency services were called and arrived quickly, but 16 children and 1 teacher had already been fatally shot.

•Hamilton then turned one of the guns on himself and committed suicide.


  • "Casefile True Crime" - Episode #88 covers the Dunblane massacre in detail

  • "The Incident" - Several episodes exploring the tragedy and its aftermath


  • "One Day in March" (2016) - A TV drama about the lives of the Dunblane community after the tragedy

  • "American Nightmare" (2018) - A documentary film that includes the Dunblane shooting as part of a broader look at mass shootings


  • "Dunblane: Never Forget" by Debbie Holt - An in-depth account of the massacre and its impact

  • "Dunblane: The Story of a Massacre" by Bella Bathurst - Examination of the shooting and its aftermath

  • "Children of Dunblane" by Mick North - A father's perspective on the loss of his daughter in the attack


  • "Dunblane: Our Story" (2016) - A BBC documentary featuring interviews with survivors, families, and the community

  • "Dunblane: The Untold Story" (2021) - An investigation into the shooter's background and the events leading up to the tragedy


•"House of Dolls" by Douglas Robertson - A sculpture featuring 17 wooden dolls, representing the 16 child victims and the teacher killed in the shooting.

•"Dunblane" by Douglas Robertson - A series of paintings depicting the aftermath and impact of the tragedy on the community.

•"Dunblane Revisited" by Douglas Hogg - A photographic exhibition documenting the town and its people in the wake of the shooting.


"Dunblane" knocking on heavens door

Other References:

•The Dunblane massacre was referenced in the 1999 film "East Is East" as a major event that had impacted the British psyche.

•The shooting was also alluded to in an episode of the British comedy series "The Day Today" shortly after the event.

YouTube documentary

Some news footage


fuck pride month

fuck pride month, fuck june, fuck harvey milk, fuck ellen degeneres, ban gay marriage & make homosexuality illegal. thank u have a good day (not u gay ppl lol)

Judge grants new DNA testing on piece of tape in Scott Peterson case

NBC News:

By Rudy Chinchilla and Doha Madani

A California judge ruled Wednesday that only one item from a list of evidence collected in the case of Scott Peterson, the man convicted 20 years ago of killing his pregnant wife, Laci, should undergo new DNA testing.

The Los Angeles Innocence Project argued in court that several pieces of evidence were suppressed in Peterson's trial. However, the judge ruled that only a piece of duct tape found on Laci Peterson's pants should be retested.

The defense had argued the tape contained human DNA that could point to someone other than Peterson as the perpetrator in his wife's death. A hearing is scheduled for July 1 to discuss the testing stipulations.

Prosecutors had pushed back against the testing requests by telling the court that the evidence was already tested in 2019, but Peterson's attorneys maintained that the limited testing offered inconclusive results.

They had also sought new testing on a bloody mattress discovered in a burned-out van the day after Laci Peterson disappeared.

The judge ruled that testing in 2019 showed there was no blood on the mattress cloth that Scott Peterson's team requested undergo new testing. The judge also agreed with the prosecution's argument that the van was not related to the Peterson case and that the defense failed to prove it was.

Similarly, the judge ruled that the defense failed to prove that items found in the vicinity of where Laci Peterson's body washed ashore were directly associated with her and her unborn child.

The judge said a glove and a hammer found in the home of one of the Petersons' neighbors were never in police custody and therefore did not qualify for retesting.

A jury found Peterson guilty in the death of his wife, who was eight months pregnant with their son when her body washed ashore. Prosecutors at the time asserted that Peterson faked her disappearance to cover up that he dumped her body in the Berkeley Marina on Christmas Eve in 2002.

He was initially given the death penalty, but the California Supreme Court overturned the sentence in 2020. He was resentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Peterson has always maintained his innocence, and his trial defense suggested that his wife was killed after she stumbled upon a burglary.

Last year, he petitioned to be seen by a judge based on new evidence and potential juror misconduct, arguing one of the jurors hid details and had been untruthful about her personal life.

Peterson's legal team argued the juror's failure to disclose she had been a victim of domestic abuse led to “prejudicial misconduct.” The woman co-wrote a book about the case with other jurors and has denied that she was influenced by her personal experiences.

Peterson was denied a new trial in 2022 based on the juror misconduct claim. Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo ruled that although the woman made false statements in her juror questionnaire, the answers were the result of "a combination of good faith misunderstanding of the questions and sloppiness in answering."

The Los Angeles Innocence Project, a nonprofit organization known for its mission to exonerate the wrongly convicted, has taken on Peterson's case.

It filed for post-conviction discovery along with the request for new DNA testing in an effort to overturn Peterson's conviction.

CHILD WARNING young girl drinking floor cleaner :marseypuke:

Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton dies after prison assault

Robert Pickton has died after he was assaulted by another inmate in prison on May 19, 2024

That inmate stabbed the notorius prolific serial killer in the head with a broom handle.


By The Associated Press

TORONTO — Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton, who took female victims to his pig farm during a crime spree near Vancouver in the late 1990s and early 2000s, has died after being assaulted in prison, authorities said Friday. He was 74.

The Correctional Service of Canada said in statement that Pickton, an inmate of Port-Cartier Institution in the province of Quebec, died in hospital following injuries in the May 19 assault involving another inmate. He was one of Canada's most notorious serial killers and his case made international headlines.

A 51-year-old inmate was in custody for the assault on Pickton, police spokesman Hugues Beaulieu said earlier this month.

Robert “Willie” Pickton was convicted of six counts of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison in 2007, with the maximum parole ineligibility period of 25 years, after being charged with the murders of 26 women.

Police began searching the Pickton farm in the Vancouver suburb of Port Coquitlam more than 22 years ago in what would be a years-long investigation into the disappearances of dozens of women from Vancouver's seediest streets, sex workers and users of drugs abandoned on the margins of society.

The remains or DNA of 33 women were found on the farm. Pickton once bragged to an undercover police officer that he killed a total of 49 women.

During his trial, prosecution witness Andrew Bellwood said Pickton told him how he strangled his victims and fed their remains to his pigs. Health officials once issued a tainted meat advisory to neighbors who might have bought pork from Pickton's farm, concerned the meat might have contained human remains.

Cynthia Cardinal, whose sister Georgina Papin was murdered by Pickton, said Pickton's death means she can finally move on from her sister's murder.

“This is gonna bring healing for, I won't say all families, I'll just say most of the families,” she said. “I'm like — wow, finally. I can actually move on and heal and I can put this behind me.”

Vancouver police were criticized for not taking the cases seriously because many of the missing were sex workers or users of drugs.

Canada's correctional service said it was conducting an investigation into the attack on Pickton.

“The investigation will examine all of the facts and circumstances surrounding the assault, including whether policies and protocols were followed,” the service said in the statement. “We are mindful that this offender's case has had a devastating impact on communities in British Columbia and across the country, including Indigenous peoples, victims and their families. Our thoughts are with them.”

Pickton's confirmed victims were six: Sereena Abotsway, Mona Wilson, Andrea Joesbury, Brenda Ann Wolfe, Papin and Marnie Frey.

“Earlier today, I was made aware of the death of an inmate at Port-Cartier Institution,” Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc said in statement. “At this time, my thoughts are with the families of the victims of this individual's heinous crimes.”

At the time of Pickton's sentencing, British Columbia Supreme Court Justice James Williams said it was a “rare case that properly warrants the maximum period of parole ineligibility available to the court.”

Riverside County Sheriff Rescue-9 helicopter hoist rescue from pre-flight check. start up, search, and hand off to EMS

Aleppo city tour

dont worry its better now

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