

Oliver and company - why should i worry - (billy joel) english version


After calling animal control, the police station, wildlife control, animal control once again and then the board of health, the squirrel was removed from my porch and sent for testing. I went to urgent care who simply told me "rabies in rodents is very rare" but if the tests come back positive for rabies Then come back.

So I asked like what if it tested positive for other shit and they said they don't worry about any of that. Didn't give me no shot or anything at all. They literally sent me home :marseycry:

I should be getting the test results back for the squirrel tomorrow I think. Idk if the squirrel is still alive or they put him down or not.

My finger hurts less everyday I'm just happy the squirrel was taken care of.

Study finds baby deaths rose in Texas after abortion ban


From USA Today:

Texas' anti-abortion heartbeat law aimed to save babies, but more infants died.

Texas lawmakers touted their heartbeat law as an effort to save lives, but the state's near-total ban on abortion appears to have triggered an increase in infant deaths, according to a new study published Monday.

The findings in JAMA Pediatrics show that infant deaths rose after Texas' Senate Bill 8, which banned all abortion after about six weeks from conception. S.B. 8 became Texas law in September 2021 and U.S. Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion just over nine months later, on June 24, 2022. The high court ruling in the Dobbs case prompted more than a dozen states to issue near-total bans on abortion. Observers speculate that evidence will also show increases in infant deaths in those states, akin to what Texas has seen, the study said.

“It just points to some of the devastating consequences of abortion bans that maybe people weren't thinking about when they passed these laws,” Alison Gemmill, an assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health who authored the study, told USA TODAY. She called the deaths following the Texas heartbeat law its “spillover effects on moms and babies.”

In the wake of the law's passage in Texas, more babies died before their first birthday, likely due to birth defects or genetic problems that wouldn't have allowed them to live, the study found. These pregnancies would typically have been terminated by abortion, according to researchers. The Texas heartbeat law does not provide exceptions for pregnancies involving such conditions. Mothers are legally obligated to carry these babies to birth under state law.

In the peer-reviewed Journal of the American Medical Association, Gemmill and researchers from Johns Hopkins and Michigan State University wrote that the Texas law was linked to "unexpected increases in infant and neonatal deaths" between 2021 and 2022. Prior research drew a correlation between the uptick in infant deaths and anti-abortion laws taking effect, however, no studies until now have attributed the fatalities directly to the laws prohibiting the termination of these pregnancies.

"Abortion care is an essential component of comprehensive healthcare, and when it is restricted, the human impacts are devastating," Wendy Davis, a senior adviser for Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, said in a statement. Davis, who filibustered for abortion rights when she was a Democratic state senator, noted that the study only covered 2022, not the results in 2023 and 2024 in the wake of a more restrictive abortion ban that came with the Dobbs decision. This "likely means the situation on the ground today is even more dire," Davis said.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's office did not dispute the study's findings but defended the Republican-controlled state's anti-abortion record. This effort included the 2021 heartbeat law "to save the innocent unborn, and now thousands of children have been given a chance at life," Andrew Mahaleris, a spokesperson for Abbott, said in a statement to USA TODAY. He said the governor has taken "significant action to protect the sanctity of life" and offered resources to expectant mothers "so they can choose life for their child."

Anti-abortion advocates also didn't contest the uptick in infant deaths cited in the study. Advocates for the heartbeat law and other legislation to restrict abortions say such bans protect life. They say terminating a fetus with a terminal illness is “choosing to kill that child intentionally.”

The overwhelming majority of such abortions happen before the fetus is viable. In Texas, legislation has dramatically reduced the number of abortions performed in the state.

Amy O'Donnell, a spokesperson for Texas Alliance for Life, said the study's findings didn't come as a surprise. She said babies born with disabilities and even fatal anomalies deserve a chance at life, even if that means a newborn dies after birth from a condition doctors anticipated would be lethal. The death of a child is not easy, she acknowledged. She noted that her nonprofit offers resources for families grieving from such losses.

“In Texas, we celebrate every unborn child's life saved. We treasure the fact that our laws are protecting women's lives,” she said. “We don't apologize for the fact that we don't support discrimination against children facing disabilities or fatal diagnoses in or out of the womb. And that's the line that we just believe should not be crossed.”

Gemmill, of Johns Hopkins, said babies that died shortly after being born with birth defects "probably caused a lot of unnecessary trauma to families."

The researchers examined death records beginning after the heartbeat law went into effect. The study created a “synthetic Texas” that simulated outcomes that would have happened had the law not been in effect and compared the numbers to national trends during that period. In 2021, 1,985 Texas infants died before their first birthday. The next year, with S.B. 8 in effect, the fatalities jumped to 2,240, a 12.9% increase that came as the U.S. experienced an overall increase of less than 2%. Deaths attributable to congenital anomalies or birth defects spiked nearly 23% in Texas compared to a 3% decrease nationally.

“It suggests that, really, this policy was responsible for this increase in infant deaths in Texas,” Gemmill said.

The study is significant because of Texas' role as a conservative state with urban and rural areas that may reflect what happens in the rest of the U.S., according to Dr. Tracey Wilkinson, an associate professor of pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Texas has been living under restrictions longer than other states that enacted abortion bans after the Dobbs ruling.

“When people ask me why this is happening, it's really simple,” said Wilkinson, who was not involved with the new study. “When you take away people's ability to make decisions (about) if and when they have pregnancies, you're going to see outcomes like increasing infant and maternal mortality.”

The study did not examine the effects of infant deaths on the health of mothers who were legally required to deliver dead babies to term, nor did it look at the mental health effects of carrying infants and delivering them, only to see them die. The study also raises but does not tackle questions about the financial cost to families of carrying and delivering terminally ill newborns.

Gemmill is now working to understand the impact of abortion restrictions on parents of different races and ethnicities. Prior research has shown that Black mothers and babies face higher death rates than other groups.

The study reflects what Molly Duane, a senior staff attorney at the abortion rights advocacy nonprofit Center for Reproductive Rights, has seen in the courtroom arguing against Texas' laws. She recently represented women who sued the state after they were denied medical abortions. One of her clients, Samatha Casiano, was required by law to carry a child that developed without a brain. In late May, the Texas Supreme Court ruled pregnant patients must have a “life-threatening condition” in order to terminate a pregnancy.

Duane questioned the claim by anti-abortion activists that Texas is a “pro-life” state, given the study's findings. “Women are hurting, families are hurting, babies are dying, and no one in the state is taking responsibility for any of that real human suffering,” she said.

In late 2023, a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report found increases in infant deaths for the first time in more than 20 years. The states identified in the report with increased fatalities were states that restricted abortion access, however, experts cautioned at the time that they could not say what had caused the spike in fatalities.

The Texas study went one step further, finding one state where abortion restrictions resulted in more deaths.


How to save you life if you are caught in a riptide

Caroline is a cutie:

Rip currents kill 6 people in Florida in 2 days

Kazakhstan. Almaty Accident Earlier, the press service of the Almaty Police Department reported that, according to preliminary information, the driver of a KIA car, crossing Makataev Street in a southern direction, collided with a bus on route 18, served by the private carrier City-Bus LLP, which subsequently caused hitting an obstacle.

As a result of the accident, 16 bus passengers sought medical help, and another passenger died at the scene.

A criminal case has been initiated into a fatal traffic accident

chinese van accident

Florida Rapper Julio Foolio shot and killed on his birthday, 3 others shot


from People:

Fla. Rapper Julio Foolio Shot and Killed on His 26th Birthday, Attorney Says

A Florida rapper was shot and killed over the weekend while celebrating his 26th birthday, his lawyer said.

On Sunday, June 23, Julio Foolio, whose real name is Charles Jones, was pronounced dead after reportedly being “ambushed” in a Holiday Inn parking lot, his lawyer Lewis Fusco, said in a statement obtained by local news outlet First Coast News. The artist rented an Airbnb for a pool party earlier in the day but was later asked to leave "due to exceeding occupancy limits," Fusco said.

The Tampa Police Department received 911 calls at approximately 4:40 a.m. local time on Sunday about a shooting at 11606 McKinley Drive, police said in a press release.

Responding officers found "two vehicles that had been shot at," and four people were injured in the shooting, police said.

Three people were in stable condition, and one person was declared deceased. Tampa police did not identify the individual who died, adding that, "Positive identification is pending confirmation from the Medical Examiner's Office." PEOPLE reached out to the Tampa Police Department for comment.

Although police said the victim's identity was "pending confirmation from the Medical Examiner's Office," Jones' attorney confirmed that the rapper had died after the shooting in statements to First Coast News and the New York Times.

"Mr. Jones had been in Tampa to celebrate his birthday over the weekend. Law enforcement reports indicate that he initially stayed at an Airbnb but was asked to leave due to exceeding occupancy limits. He subsequently relocated to the Holiday Inn, where he was involved in an incident in the hotel parking lot and reportedly ambushed,” Fusco said, per First Coast News.

In an Instagram Stories post on Sunday, Fusco offered his condolences, adding that the rapper was often misunderstood.

“I am deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Foolio,” Fusco wrote. “While most people knew him as the controversial rapper and entertainer, I was fortunate enough to know Charles Jones, the man beyond the public persona.”

“He was a kid who grew up in challenging circumstances, determined to defy the odds by any means possible and succeed in all that he did. His journey was marked by resilience and a deep-seated desire to strive for greatness,” he said.

In one of his final social media posts, Jones tweeted on Friday, June 21, “God thank you for allowing me to see another Year & To celebrate another birthday. Appreciate all the birthday wishes so far.”

In the days leading up to the fatal shooting, Jones advertised his then-upcoming birthday plans to his 1.1 million Instagram followers.

“Tampa Florida my air bnb pool party June 21st (DM ME FOR ADDRESS) and my official birthday party June 22nd at club Teasers,” he wrote in a June 14 post, adding the address to the second venue.


Maybe he shouldn't have told his enemies on social media where he'd be having his birthday party.

Getting murdered on your birthday is just bad form.

Well, he was certainly a good looking guy.

I love that hair.


He tweeted on Friday, June 21, 2024 “God thank you for allowing me to see another Year & To celebrate another birthday.”

He was shot on Sunday.

I guess god was tired of his shit.


On June 26th 2024, 19-year-old Jordan Patten from Newcastle, Australia uploaded his 200-page manifesto online before starting a livestream on twitch where he would try to attack The Newcastle Museum, but would not attack anyone and later get arrested like a pussy.

In his shitty little manifesto he cites Brenton Tarrant as inspiration and has a black sun on the cover yet says he isn't a nationalist, insults his own country and cries about poor brown people being oppressed.

Here are some pictures of his gear.



Was Streamed on Twitch

His Twitter acc

As i see he's a big Fan of Tarrant, and his attack was prolly racially Motivated then

Here some pics of him :capyreich:

And Good news, he got Arrested - last news

My First post :3


June 25, 2024 FDNY Bronx 3rd Alarm Box 2383 Heavy Fire Cockloft & Cornice 4 Story Multiple Dwelling


I am getting desperate... I need thick thighed femboys PRONTO

Send all your thick thighed femboys here...

Sketch with marsey in it (Oc) :dokiyuri:

A little bit of rainbow for y'all's poor eyes :hellokitty:


I hope everyone is doing well today and everyone is having fun and enjoying life ! <3

Ey yoo ! who is calling ?

I don't know if I should put this in "other" or "social"

very extraordinary concert :lol: :lol: :donkeykongsad: :donkeydong: :donkeykongclimbing: :diddykongdance:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

attention all marsey artists :marseystrawberry:

i need somebody to express their art skills and create me a marsey :marseyropewithchingchong: i got 2.8k coins on the line for a good marsey emoji that we could submit onto this beautiful site.

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