Woman record video hangs himself in the fan (No Watermark + Full Video)

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It's difficult to know which part is the best -- when they change their minds or when they realize they're fucked and give up.


Every homeless person in the word has it worse than little miss valentine bedsheets and pink decor. But she's sad. Whatever.

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You just used logic to invalidate every suicide ever bro. Oh i lost my job? Guess im gonna end it. (There are so many jobs available if you just looked for 10 minutes, you'd find 20)

My girlfriend broke up with me? Guess that's it. (There are about 4 billion other women) im addicted to drugs and alcohol? Guess this is the end of the road for me (They can quit at any time, if they really wanted to) people on the internet are "bullying" or hating on me? Guess im done with living (it'll take 2 days for everyone to forget or not care)

Like i know there are some people with some sorta mental illness, or very dire situation, but this is why i find it very difficult to sympathize with suicidal or self-harming people. Most of them dont even accept help, they just take the easy way out.

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Ubla bla bla.

Just get back to enjoying people's deaths and save your moralizing for church.

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We're on the same boat here bro. Your comment was literally the short version of mine 💀 anyways, i dont enjoy people's deaths, im here for the comments. You can find some seriously twisted and braindead comments, im here to prove them wrong.

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That's what they all say:

I only read Playboy for the articles.

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Whatever makes you sleep at night buddy. Just cuz you enjoy watching people die, doesn't mean everybody does. It's been 3 days since i actually watched a video, i only reply to the comments atp.

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Especially the anime fans

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Exactly lmao. One of em said "nobody loves me, nobody cares about me" like bro you dont even leave your room, nobody knows you even exist 💀

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circular logic.

the reason why they stay inside is because no one outside loves/cares about them.

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Last time i checked, YOU make people love you/care about you. Whenever you wake up in the morning, are you like "im gonna be nice and make friends today" or are you like "im gonna be an asshole and make people hate me" or "im not gonna go outside, watching 1000+ episodes of one piece is better"

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If someone wants people to care / love them , why would he/she behave in a way where people would hate them ?

If you want to win X, you wouldn't do the necessary to win X , you wouldn't do the opposite .

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Read the last sentence bro. The reason nobody loves them, is that they never go outside and be nice to people and make friends. Idk what's with people on this site, it's like im talking with 12 year olds (which isn't far fetched tbh)

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You're Using the typical "some people have it worse" reasoning to invalidate someone's suffering which is pointless because at the same time one could also say that "some people have it better", both statements have equal weight and cancel out eachother, but people like to pretend that statement #1 is the only one that exists or holds any weight.

By this logic average people should also feel ungrateful and be allowed to feel suicidal because theres also people that have it better than them lol.

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Yadda yadda.

Sorry, mom.

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Thats cool bro

Kill yourself

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I'm not motivated by the cares or wish of others. That fir y'all.

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I personally find these hangings (which are strangulations, really) to be one of the only things on here that I find a bit distressing and sad. I get that people feel there's no other option and that depression and sadness/life events can and do bring people to do this. It's sad because it's unnecessary and there's people out there that WANT to live and these pathetic people are just throwing it away. My mother and stepfather both got cancer and died - they wanted to see their grandchildren grow up and all of that but they were robbed by disease for whatever reason - and here's these ungrateful selfish cowards apparently not realizing that what they're about to do is IT. That's it that's all that's your turn on earth there's no "I'll do this or that later" or whatever. That they're NOT going to feel better after they do this - that they're taking a fucking eternal dirt nap ! Instead of motoring on and battling their situation or asking for help they're wasting their little 'gift'. A bit paradoxical perhaps that I find it sad and at the same time I can't feel a whole lot of empathy or sympathy for them. They've certainly gone and upset anyone they had in their life that cared for them. Ahhhh, shag it - the earth's overpopulated anyway. Enough babbling.

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Sorry to hear that, man. Cancer has been ravaging the lives of my family for the past year or so, also. It's awful. We just gotta keep going, don't we.

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bro what . the person that gets led to suicide has probably gone through shit more than you can imagine , they are not cowards and they just were tired of this shit , that woman who hung her self wasn't pathetic she was going through stuff . your mom and step father was taken away yes but they had things to hold on to and they were probably happy , she wasn't , depression is just like cancer its an illness , its like saying your mother was pathetic to not fight the cancer , respect your fucking words and know that this person was more brave then you'll ever be she just chose to not fight anymore

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I get all that - it's in the first sentence of my comment. How I personally feel about it is not meant to be any kind of attack on the person's character or cast doubt on whether or not they had their reasons for taking the actions that they did. I reckon we disagree on whether the act of suicide could be considered 'bravery' or not - to me, no - to you yes. You don't know me and I don't know you - I don't think I have any facts whatsoever about you that would allow me to come to a conclusion of how brave you are, but I don't take your comment that this person is 'braver than I'll ever be' personally. The way I see it, it takes more bravery to keep going even though things are really shitty and terrible than it does to give up. Problems in many, if not most, cases are temporary things but death is a permanent solution. People can choose whatever solutions they think are the best for them and that's fine. If someone wants to choose to kill themselves, it's their right and I'll help them tie the knot if they need the assistance. Peace, and thanks for your input.

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Having a young pussu and suicide because you failed your life is like a men suiciding with a 100k dollars in his bank account

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you have a point, actually

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The difference is 100k bucks never get cold after owner's death.

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Who tf hangs themselves at 10 in the morning?

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So, was this a "ladyboy"? Or can the person posting this not speak English?

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Man quite tragic, though I've noticed a lot of these even after they seem dead their arms and body still move trying to get themselves out of the noose, how does that work? And if only she realized she could've tried and swung to her bed and save herself

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The bed is further away then it looks. Most of those movements are kinda like involuntary twitches. However some of her movements where intentional on her part in this case. Particularly when she was swinging her legs around in what looked like a last ditch effort to free herself. The reason she was able to do that and last this long is because she didn't make the nose properly. She essentially slowly suffocated. For it to be painless you want to cut off the blood flow too. Do it right and you go night night real quick then die while unconscious.

Also cutting off the air, blood flow in combination to where the noose is, can make your brain kinda just fire off commands, it's kinda like your brain blue screening. That's where a lot of the movements come from.

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Huh, interesting way to put it as like a blue screening

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she is a fairy...


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Why is she flailing around like she a fairy when she knew she fucked up…

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she probably had a seizure

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You can't control that shit dumbass, your muscles are going to freak the fuck out if they're starved of oxygen even if you want to die

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Woman hangs himself?

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Cool ceiling fan it must be some quality shit if it didn't fucking break :marseythumbsup:

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She looks like a child. I think you should add a CW to it.

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Obviously she mother not child.

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She doing the Choke Shuffle

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you spin me right round baby right round like a record player

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The title is confusing


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I like how she start realizing that she fucked up

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Are you a Retard?

"Woman hangs himself"?!

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The amount of time she struggled before dying. Damn

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Action starts at about the 3 minute mark .. save 3 mins for watching other vids😏

You're welcome.

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Well...here we go again


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She was supposed to jump off so her body weight would snap her neck. Not step off so she could go out painfully

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Must scratch that 4:04 itch, it's really killing her.

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I always see these videos where people just step off the chair, poor girl suffocated. You're supposed to jump so it'll break your neck and be almost instantaneous.. Why would you want to suffer before you die like that? Plus, she definitely seemed to regret her choice but she was panicking too much to get down. These ones are always so sad.

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People just don't realize what they are signing up for. A lot of the time they prob figure they'll just pass out then die. Not realizing that you have to actually know what you are doing otherwise you wind up basically slowly suffocating. Maybe some think they can change their mind if they go into it gently or maybe just don't think the jump is needed. You can kill yourself painlessly without the drop but it's harder then people realize. Though honestly a lot of the time the decision is impulsive and in the moment, they aren't generally in the right state of mind to think properly.

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probably the saddest hanging I've seen. Looks like she had some type of seizure and clearly regretted it like a lot of suicidees do..

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she clearly wanted to release the tied rope,

she regretted midway suicide.

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That must be the worst feeling ever. That's why I would go for a quick and painless method instead, no chance to think it over again, just BAM and it's over.

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This is like the 5th video I've watched of someone hanging themselves from a ceiling fan and each time I wonder, how the hell a ceiling fan supports that much weight

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real answer: it is not the ceiling fan that the rope hooked to, most of the time the rope is tied to the hook that the fan also hooked to, why is it so strong? the hook is usually made of metal, and got got insert to the bottom of the roof/ 2nd floor as they got concrete poured in during the construction of the house (which in most of south and southeast asia are built with brick, cement and concrete, not drywall and wooden frame like EU or North America).

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No kidding!

3rd world countries are SHIT,

but their Ceiling Fans are


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She's not as heavy as an average American.

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She ordered it from Indonesia, Korea or Taiwan rather than go with that Chinese shit America loves due to the slavery discount.

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