Bunch of Ukrainian Fuck O's Giving Up

I still wonder where are our weakness that rest of the world claimed, a lot of people talked shit about Russia, and now Ukraine And Foreign Legion sent to Ukraine Regrets it, Russia is powerful and always will be. Also remember kids

swag for mod 2024

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to advocate for the appointment of me, swagmanswagman as a moderator. In a world increasingly reliant on digital interaction and community engagement, the role of a moderator has never been more crucial. Allow me to elucidate why swagmanswagman is the perfect candidate for this responsibility.

First and foremost, I possess a deep-seated commitment to fostering positive and inclusive online environments. In today's digital landscape, where discord and toxicity can easily pervade, having individuals like me who prioritize civility and respect is invaluable. They understand the importance of creating spaces where everyone feels heard and valued, irrespective of their background or opinions. And this is shown throughout the community. Especially the women absolutely love me :adore:

I am extremely sexy

Furthermore, I exhibit exceptional communication skills and always win my arguments. :marseyagree:

Effective moderation often hinges on the ability to navigate complex interactions with diplomacy and tact. Whether it's diffusing tensions between users or addressing contentious issues within the community, I have consistently demonstrated an adeptness at handling such situations with grace and efficiency.

Moreover, I am deeply knowledgeable about the community they seek to moderate. They possess a keen understanding of its norms, dynamics, and challenges. This intimate familiarity enables them to anticipate potential issues proactively and implement strategies to mitigate them, thereby ensuring a smoother and more harmonious user experience for all.

I am extremely sexy, just pointing that out again

In conclusion, appointing me as a moderator would not only be a boon to this community but also a testament to its commitment to excellence and inclusivity. The unwavering dedication, exceptional communication skills, and profound understanding of the community make me an ideal candidate for this pivotal role. I urge you to consider my candidacy seriously, for I am confident that I can be an invaluable asset to this community as a moderator. As I'm Aryan, it will also balance out the newly appointed furry mod.

Thank you. @TinderSwindler


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Can sharks consent?

Explain your reasoning in the comments.

What are you here for? Be honest.

I've known some shady characters visit sites like these, plenty of them average people with interesting takes. My reasons are simple: I was a big fan of AFHV when I was a kid, gore sites are like comedy gold mines if you know what to sift through. What is your purpose?



idk if this goes in shit posts or social but do we know why we on this website? like why are we on here is it curiosity? 🧐

please tell me if this is posted in the wrong area i will take this down.

Sick of racists

Why are the majority of people on websites like these so racist? Every other post is a racist spewing shit. Grow tf up.


I hope this makes a change @TinderSwindler

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