CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST The suicide of 12 year old Katelyn Nicole Davis (ITZ Dolly) | full write up :marseysaki:


This one's personal.

I remeber when this happened. It's on a personal level for me because Katelyn and I were born the same year, 2004, and I was going through some of the same issues she had around the same time. Struggling with mental illness, abuse, self harm and being hospitalized were issues I had to deal with, and at such a young age. This story absolutely breaks my heart on so many levels. So let's talk about Katelyn.

Katelyn Nichole Davis was born on February 20th, 2004 in Rome, Georgia. Around the time of her suicide, she was living in a trailer with her mom, Tammy, her step-dad Anthony and her 2 younger half siblings.


She was known as "ITZ Dolly" on a platform called where she recorded multiple hours of live streams of her everyday life where she would sing, take care of her younger siblings, do her makeup, talking to the chat and answering questions they had. During these streams she would sometimes break down and cry and share how her mom was selling drugs and doing pills, and how her step-dad tried to have sex with her. People also often asked her if her siblings were her kids because they were always on her streams.

Katelyn talking about how her step-dad tried to rape her

She says after she denied his advances, he called her a "worthless whore" and that she should hang herself. "He hated my guts but then he still tried to get in my pants" He told her to hang herself because she wasn't worth it.

Katie used vlogging to cope with her mental illness and poor home life. She shares how her home is practically unlivable, a piece of her wall is gone, she has no door and there is a hole in her floor leading outside. She wrote in "Diary of a Broken Doll" that one time a bird flew into her room through the hole, and how its extremely cold during the winter. She was worried about getting sick from the leaky pipe completely soaking her floor because "cold + wet = sickness". Her shoes would often break and fall apart from the floor being wet so she only had one good pair of shoes.


Another thing she wrote was that her bed wasnt even a bed, it's an old rusty mattress on the wet floor.

Sometimes she would have Hundreds of people watching her streams, so they were all seeing this. They were all witnessing her living conditions and hearing all of these terrible things from Katie, so you think they would be worried enough to take action right? Most of her viewers were much older than her and they would ask her creepy things like if she lives alone. She once said "I'm not doing that! Im not taking my shirt off." And "yes I'm wearing stuff under my pajamas." Like who in their right mind is saying these things to someone who is so young. And it's not like theh didnt know, Katie has said countless times that she is 13. She has reminded viewers this over and over again so they are well aware she's a child even though they are saying these weird things. During all this she just keeps asking herself "why are all these people trying to get with me?"

"Im Thirteen" (she dosent seem super uncomfortable in this case, but in others she is)

Although, she did enjoy being complemented like in the video above because she was "used to being insulted" (being called pretty and told she is nice)

One time during a stream joking around with her little brother someone said "perv and proud" to which she replied "What? You're being a perv?? Thats my little brother! He's 4! Im 13!" Then she blocked and reported the person and began expressing how that is not okay. She also said the person was trying to get her and her little brother to touch inappropriately.

She was also a victim of catfishing, a girl named Alexa was pretending to be a boy named Ben and tricked Katie for months which affected her greatly.

She did end up dating a boy named Luke who was 19. Luke is a weirdo, in a stream talking about Katie after her death someone asks him how old he is to which he replies that he doesn't give out his age. Dude is clearly an adult you ain't fooling nobody

Katie talking about Luke


Katie talking about how she gets bullied and how Anthony told her he would go buy the rope for her to hang herself


People would call her Ugly, an Emo freak, a monster, and one boy called her a lonely demon girl in front of the whole class while passing out papers.

Katelyn's dad


When Katie talks about her dad, she describes him as wanting nothing to do with her, and even saying she doesn't have a dad. When she tried to see him he was uninterested, even though he only lived 2 miles away from her he still did not come see her. And when she was in the hospital after trying to commit suicide with pills, her never visited her or cared to see how she was doing. In one stream, she said the last time she saw her dad was in the store and when she tried to hug him, he walked away from her.

Katelyn's mom

Let's talk about Tammy for a moment, a neglectful, abusive, drug addict of a mother. Katie talks about her mom in a stream and explains how she mostly deals drugs, but she used to eat pills but now she crushes them up and snorts them right in front of her

Katelyn talking about how her mom sells and does drugs, and how she leaves Katie with her 2 younger siblings for hours at a time

Katelyn says if she asked her mom where she was going, she would just say she was going up the road but then would not come back home for a while.

In one stream, just the day before she committed suicide, the two have a heated argument.

Tammy is yelling at Katie to come out here, when Katie says she's getting dressed her mother continues to yell at her saying she doesn't care, and "get out here before I beat your ass" Katie has her phone hidden behind the curtain before she goes out. Tammy is complaining about the kids making a mess or whatever, Katie says that it is not her fault that they won't listen to her, and that she keeps leaving her to take care of them. Tammy said she told her to whip the children if they don't listen, which Katie replied that she can't because when she does they still don't listen. Lots of things were said back and forth, Tammy kept saying she was gonna whip her ass and that she needs to go back to the hospital. Katie brings up everything How Tammy did not get rid of Anthony as soon as the abuse happened, how shes snorting pills, bringing guys home and kissing up on them, how she's expected to do so many things and the pressure is just getting too much for her. You can hear the pain in her voice as Tammy continuously brushes her off and just won't listen "she didn't take her pill today" and "its none of your business what I do." She makes excuses for just about everything Katelyn says "I'm just trying to make money" when she brings up the selling drugs and "is he here now? No he's not still here" to the Anthony thing even though Katie's whole point was that she didn't make him leave immediately.

I can only imaging the frustration Katie was feeling during this, she had nobody except the people watching her streams. And if this was the way her mother was treating these issues then she must've felt extremely invalidated. She had no support other than her viewer's.

December 30th, 2016

The following video is the last stream Katie made before the one where she died

On the evening of December 30th 2016, Katelyn started a live stream on, it starts off with her walking outside, looking at thd camera with a blank stare as she walks toward the tree in her backyard. She has her hair and makeup done. She puts down the phone and spends about 15 minutes tying the rope to the tree.

Once she's done, at 16:56 she picks up her phone again and apologizes, saying she's sorry she's not pretty enough, she's sorry to the people who watched her streams, and she's sorry she wasn't strong enough. She cries and repeatedly apologizes over and over again. She puts the phone back down and steps up, putting the rope around her neck and continues to apologize. She says sorry to Luke, Sorry to Ben, to God, to everyone as she continues to cry. You can hear her breathing very heavily as the reality began to sit in. The first time she says goodbye, the rope begins to choke her a bit. she's scared, hesitant. She apologizes again, says bye, and kicks away whatever she was standing on. The sun is setting, as it gets darker and darker you can eventually only see a silhouette of her swaying. Before it gets too dark, you can see her clenching her fists and shaking as she spins for a bit (2 common effects while hanging) although there isn't too much flailing like you see in other videos.

Around the 30 minute point, Katie's phone begins to ring and go off multiple times. Towards the end of the video, you can hear her mother calling out to her from the house. Then the stream ends.

Circulation of the video brought media outrage. Why did it take so long for the video to be removed? Why can't the police force sites to take it down? All of these missing the point completely. They were more worried about how she died rather than what caused her to take her own life. Investigations were done on the family but nothing came of it. Other parts of the media were supportive and worried about youth depression and suicide.


Katie would've been 20 last month, its been 8 years since she committed suicide. Whenever I feel suicidal, I think of Katie. I think of how suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things can and will get better, you just need to try to believe that they can. It breaks my heart to think about how she was so young, only 12. There's no reason a 12 year old should've been taking care of little kids for extended periods of time, there's no reason she should've been held up to such expectations. 12 year olds are meant to be playing outside, participating in sports, hanging out with friends etc. They failed Katie, she needed help and nobody gave it to her. No child deserves to be bullied or treated the way she was treated. She deserved a normal childhood. Rest in peace Katie.

If you or a friend are struggling with suicidal thoughts and feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, I highly recommend calling 988 or visiting the site. Find a trusted person to talk to, it gets better.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means a lot to me.


Most of the sites I came across were completely useless, I had to base a lot off of Katelyn's streams alone.

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST Winnenden school shooting aftermath (CW)

The Winnenden school shooting took place on March 11, 2009, at the Albertville-Realschule, a secondary school in Winnenden, southwestern Germany. It was followed by a shootout at a car dealership in nearby Wendlingen. The shooting spree resulted in 16 deaths, including Tim Kretschmer's suicide, who was 17 years old and had graduated from the school a year earlier. Nine people were injured in the incident.


Tim Kretschmer was born on July 26, 1991, and passed away by suicide on March 11, 2009. He lived with his parents in the nearby municipality of Leutenbach. He graduated from Albertville Realschule in 2008 with relatively low grades. Kretschmer was unable to enter an apprenticeship because of his failing grades. In order to prepare for a commercial apprenticeship, he was attending Donner + Kern, a Waiblingen commercial high school. A few records portrayed him as having depression. Kretschmer was depicted by a companion as "a forlorn and disappointed individual who felt dismissed by society". A mysterious companion depicted Kretschmer as a peaceful understudy who started to pull out from his peers. He was an eager table tennis player and had wanted to turn into an expert player. He enjoyed playing Counter-Strike and airsoft guns, according to media reports. Commentators also said that "game addiction is a symptom of something wrong and not a cause."

The attack:

Eyewitness accounts state that Kretschmer started on the first upstairs floor, where he made a beeline for two top-floor classrooms and a chemistry laboratory. In the first classroom, Class 9C, which was receiving a Spanish lesson, Kretschmer fatally shot five students in the head at close range without warning. He then went into the next classroom, Class 10D, where he was teaching German to students. There, he killed two more students and injured nine more, two of whom would die while being transported to the hospital from their injuries. As Kretschmer passed on the space to reload his weapon, the instructor allegedly shut the entryway and locked it. After fruitlessly attempting to shoot off the lock, Kretschmer then continued on toward the science research center, where he shot and killed the instructor. Kretschmer killed nine students (eight female and one male, 15–16 years old) and a female teacher in the three classrooms he targeted. He shot the majority of his victims in the head. Kretschmer fired more than 60 rounds at the school. News reports confirmed that Kretschmer was on the run and advised motorists not to pick up any hitchhikers. Kretschmer then fled the scene and killed a 56-year-old gardener of a nearby psychiatric institution in the park. A large number of police officers secured the school building and searched for Kretschmer throughout Winnenden for hours without success. At this point, according to police reports, Kretschmer continued to shoot at random, hitting buildings and individuals nearby, including a company employee attempting to lock the door. Witnesses said they watched Kretschmer reload his gun before he shot himself in the head. A mobile phone video camera caught the last few seconds of the shootout. Forensic evidence says Kretschmer fired 112 rounds.

Tim Kretschmers final moments:


German President Horst Köhler said he was "dismayed and disheartened" by the killings. Köhler and his better half communicated their sympathies to the people in question, their families and friends. Chancellor Angela Merkel depicted the shootings as "limitless". " She stated to reporters, "It is an appalling crime that in just seconds, pupils and teachers were killed. It is unimaginable." She went on to say, "This is a day of mourning for Germany as a whole." Shortly after the news broke, Baden-Württemberg Minister-President Günther Oettinger flew to the crime scene. Oettinger referred to the crime as "horrible and in no way explainable." He likewise communicated his sympathies to the people in question, understudies and families.

CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST the effect of radiation on the human body

What is radiation?

Firstly, radiation is an energy that comes from a source and travels through the space at the light of speed, This energy has an electric field and a magnetic field associated with it, and has wave-like properties. You could also call radiation “electromagnetic waves”.

radiation can be released from nuclear bombs since they contain some of the most radioactive elements which are: unranium U-235, polonium, radium, beryllium and a small percentage of phosphorus can be radioactive (like phosphorus-32)

Uranium (U):

Uranium is one of the most important radioactive material, Uranium is found in small amounts in most rocks, and even in seawater but the average uranium contains (by weight) 99.28% U-238 which is not that reactive. it also contains about 0.72% U-235 which is extremely radioactive. since U-235 contains extremely high levels of radiation and it's commonly used in nuclear bombs etc. It was found originally by the German chemist Martin Klaproth in 1789.


Symptoms can be loss of white blood cells which increases the risk of infection, seizures sometimes and many types of cancer.

Uranium poisoning (getting exposed to its radiation) increases the risk of thyroid cancer since the thyroid gland absorbs the radioactive iodine and it also causes Inflammation, scarring, and possible cancer risk in the lungs. It also causes internal bleeding in the GI tract.

Uranium poisoning can also show some signs in the skin like these:

These are all radiation symptoms/signs and there are a LOT of victims. some of them are infants, if the mother is radiated the radiation can be transmitted to the unborn in the womb.

But there's a low chance that the mother might be able to give birth to the child and in that case the child will be abnormal and born with biologically different characteristics:

Most of these babies won't live a month due to the radiation in their bodies.

children from the Chernobyl incident:

Polonium (Po):

Polonium is one of the radioactive elements that's used in nuclear bombs which is very rare and it's found in uranium ores. it was discovered by the polish chemist Marie Sklodowska Curie in 1898. The most dangerous polonium is polonium-210


Polonium can cause radiation exposure (irradiation) of internal organs, which can result in serious medical symptoms or death and it also can cause nausea, vomiting, anorexia, lymphopenia, and sometimes diarrhea. For more info:

the victims: luckily there are barely any victims of polonium since how rare it is. but there is one fatality in Russia, of a man who had accidentally inhaled polonium-210 in an industrial process and On 1 November 2006, Litvinenko suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized after poisoning with polonium-210; he died from the poisoning on 23 November

A picture of litvineko after he was poisoned in the hospital


Phosphorus (P):

Although phosphorus is not radioactive but Phosphate rock contains small amounts of naturally-occurring radionuclides, mostly uranium and radium, but Phosphorus-32 is a radioactive isotope of phosphorus which in laboratories it's used to label DNA and proteins. Phosphorus was discovered by Hennig Brandt in Hamburg in Germany in 1669 When he evaporated urine and heated the residue until it was red hot. Glowing phosphorus vapour came off and he condensed it under water.

White Phosphorus is used in military purposes in grenades and artillery shells to produce illumination, to generate a smokescreen and as an incendiary

White phosphorus bombs:

Its major industrial uses are in the production of phosphoric acid, phosphates and other compounds.

White phosphorus victims:

Although phosphorus are banned worldwide but there are A LOT of times when governments used phosphorus bombs and one of the recent ones was in 2009 when Israel was accused of using phosphorus against Palestine, Gaza.

  • Weapons: Mortar and artillery shells, grenades

  • Geneva Treaty of 1980: Prohibited for attacking civilians; no ban on use as smoke screen or for illumination.

  • Looks: Colorless to yellow transluscent wax-like substance.

  • When exposed to oxygen: It bursts into yellow flame, producing thick white smoke.

  • Phosphorus burns: They are mostly second- or third-degree; particles do not stop burning after contact with skin.

Before Israel's reported use of the weapon in Lebanon and Gaza. Russian and Bashar Al Assad's forces used it on Syrian civilians. Ex-Syrian rebel Rabih Sarraf was defending his hometown of Maarat Al Numan when Russian planes were bombing the area with white phosphorus around 8 years ago (2016)

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told a NATO summit on Thursday that Russia had used white phosphorus against civilians in his country.

Zelenskyy said: "This morning, phosphorus bombs were used. Russian phosphorus bombs. Adults and children were killed"

The United States bombardment of Fallujah began in April 2003, one month after the beginning of the invasion of Iraq. In April 2003 United States forces fired on a group of demonstrators who were protesting against the US presence. US forces alleged they were fired at first, but Human Rights Watch, who visited the site of the protests, concluded that physical evidence did not corroborate US allegations and confirmed the residents' accusations that the US forces fired indiscriminately at the crowd with no provocation. 17 people were killed and 70 were wounded

CHILD WARNING (CHILD WARNING!) The tragic suicide of the 14 yr old Emanuelly.

A young girl aged approximately 14, identified as Emanuelly Silva e Silva, resident of the Angelim neighborhood, died after throwing herself in front of a trailer on Avenida Campos Dantas, in Presidente Dutra (MA).

Images from security cameras captured the moment when Emanuelly was walking alone along the avenue and after a trailer approached, she threw herself in front of the vehicle.

The tragedy occurred at around 1:46 am, this Thursday morning (13).

According to information from people close to Emanuelly, she suffered from depression and had tried to commit suicide on at least two occasions.

The young woman was a student at Colégio Ribamar Ficane, located in the Fátima neighborhood. The school paid tribute and expressed solidarity with family members.

She stay like this after the accident:

Here the footage:

Rest on peace, Emanuelly :(

EFFORTPOST Mayhem, a satanistic band - all informations about the suicide and murder of Dead and Euronymous - Effortpost :marseythumbsup:

Basic information about Mayhem

Mayhem: A History of Controversy

Mayhem is a Norwegian black metal band founded in 1984, known for its brutal and extreme reputation. The band was initially formed by Jørn Stubberud (Necrobutcher), Øystein Aarseth (Euronymous), and Kjetil Manheim (Manheim). However, it was Euronymous who ultimately made history, along with other notable members such as Per Yngve Ohlin (Dead) and Varg Vikernes.

Infamous Acts and Incidents

Mayhem gained notoriety for their involvement in various shocking and obscene acts. Perhaps most notably, the suicide of Per Yngve Ohlin, known as Dead, who was found dead by Euronymous in their shared apartment. Euronymous took photographs of Dead's corpse, which were later used as album covers. Additionally, there were rumors that Euronymous collected pieces of Dead's skull and distributed them as macabre souvenirs among the band members, although the veracity of these claims remains unclear.

Church Burning and Extreme Satanism

The band's extreme ideologies, including a hatred of God and a commitment to Satanism, culminated in the burning of the Fantoft stave church in Bergen, Norway, on June 6, 1992. Varg Vikernes, also known as Count Grishnackh, was later convicted of this arson, further solidifying Mayhem's reputation for extremism and controversy.

The Murder of Euronymous

One of the most infamous events in Mayhem's history was the murder of Euronymous by Varg Vikernes, who was once considered a friend and bandmate. Euronymous was fatally stabbed multiple times on August 10, 1993, marking a tragic end to his life and further cementing Mayhem's legacy of violence and turmoil.

Legacy and Continued Influence

Despite the controversies and tragedies surrounding the band, Mayhem's impact on the black metal genre and extreme music as a whole is undeniable. Their shocking acts and extreme ideologies have left a lasting impression on the metal community, continuing to fascinate and provoke discussion among fans and critics alike.

Their band image:

The band at its most famous time:


Euronymous: A Controversial Figure

Øystein Aarseth, better known as Euronymous, was a guitarist and founding member of the influential Norwegian black metal band Mayhem. He played a pivotal role in shaping the early Norwegian black metal scene and founded the record label Deathlike Silence Productions, which released albums by Mayhem and other notable black metal bands.

Embracing Extremism

Euronymous cultivated a persona of darkness and extremism, embracing controversial aspects of the black metal subculture. He promoted a radical anti-Christian and misanthropic ideology, which often manifested in the band's lyrics and actions. Euronymous's involvement in the church burnings in Norway in the early '90s further solidified his reputation as a controversial figure within the metal community.

The Fatal Altercation

During the violent altercation on the night of August 10, 1993, Varg Vikernes stabbed Øystein Aarseth, also known as Euronymous, multiple times. Reports indicate that Euronymous sustained a total of 23 stab wounds, primarily to his upper body. These wounds included stab wounds to his head (2), neck (5), and back (16), resulting in fatal injuries.

Details Revealed During Investigation

The precise details of the wounds and their locations were revealed during the subsequent investigation and trial, shedding light on the severity of the attack. The brutality of the stabbing contributed to the tragic and violent nature of Euronymous's death, further deepening the shock and sorrow felt by the metal community and fans of Mayhem.

Legacy and Impact

Despite his untimely death, Euronymous's impact on black metal and extreme music is undeniable, and he remains a controversial and enigmatic figure in the history of metal.

Picture of Euronymous (Øystein Aarseth)

when he started the band

Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin)

Per Yngve Ohlin: The Dark Legacy of Dead


Per Yngve Ohlin, also known as Dead, was the vocalist for the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem. His presence brought a unique darkness to the band's performances, contributing to their extreme reputation within the genre.

Notorious Acts:

Dead was known for his intense stage presence and extreme performances, including self-mutilation with broken glass or knives. These acts of macabre added to Mayhem's notoriety and solidified their image as one of the most extreme bands in black metal.

Mental Health Struggles:

Over time, Dead's mental health deteriorated, leading to struggles with depression and suicidal ideation. His fascination with death and the afterlife influenced his lyrics and overall outlook on life.

Tragic End:

In April 1991, Dead tragically took his own life at the age of 22, leaving behind a haunting note that read, "Excuse all the blood."

Legacy and Influence:

Despite his untimely death, Dead's legacy lives on in Mayhem's music and the broader black metal genre. His influence on the band's sound and image is still felt today, making him an iconic figure in extreme metal history.

Euronymous and the Aftermath:

After Dead's death, Mayhem's guitarist Euronymous allegedly took photos of Dead's body and collected bone fragments from his skull. These actions further fueled the band's dark reputation and added to the mythology surrounding Dead's legacy.

The Album Cover Euronymous made from his suicide:

Pictures Of Dead:

Also pics when he was younger:

Picture of Euronymous and Dead togheter

Varg Vikernes

Varg Vikernes: Controversy Surrounding Mayhem, Church Burnings, and the Murder of Euronymous

Introduction: Varg Vikernes and his Involvement with Mayhem

Varg Vikernes, also known as Count Grishnackh, is a controversial figure in the history of black metal music, primarily known for his involvement with the Norwegian band Mayhem. Born Kristian Vikernes, he joined Mayhem as a bassist in the late 1980s, becoming a central figure in the burgeoning Norwegian black metal scene.

Early Years with Mayhem

Varg Vikernes joined Mayhem during a tumultuous period in the band's history. Alongside guitarist Øystein Aarseth, also known as Euronymous, Vikernes contributed to Mayhem's notorious reputation for extreme and controversial behavior. Their music, characterized by aggressive instrumentation and dark, nihilistic themes, gained a cult following within the underground metal community.

Church Burnings and Extreme Ideologies

The early 1990s saw a wave of church burnings in Norway, attributed in part to individuals associated with the black metal scene, including Varg Vikernes. Vikernes, driven by a radical anti-Christian and misanthropic ideology, participated in the burning of several churches, including the infamous destruction of the Fantoft stave church in Bergen. These acts of arson shocked the nation and drew international attention to the Norwegian black metal scene.

Murder of Euronymous: Rift within Mayhem

Tensions between Varg Vikernes and Euronymous escalated, leading to a violent confrontation on August 10, 1993. Vikernes fatally stabbed Euronymous multiple times, resulting in his death. The murder sent shockwaves through the metal community and marked a significant turning point in the history of Mayhem and the black metal genre as a whole. Vikernes was subsequently arrested and charged with the murder of Euronymous, leading to his imprisonment and a prolonged legal battle.

Legal Proceedings and Imprisonment

Varg Vikernes was convicted of the murder of Euronymous and sentenced to 21 years in prison, the maximum sentence under Norwegian law at the time. During his imprisonment, Vikernes continued to maintain his extreme ideologies and garnered a following among far-right and nationalist circles. His incarceration further fueled his notoriety and solidified his status as a polarizing figure within the metal community.

Aftermath and Legacy

Following his release from prison in 2009, Varg Vikernes remained active in various endeavors, including music, writing, and online activism. Despite his controversial past, Vikernes continues to command a dedicated following among certain segments of the metal community, while also facing criticism and condemnation for his extremist views and actions.

Conclusion: Varg Vikernes and the Legacy of Mayhem

Varg Vikernes's involvement with Mayhem, including his role in church burnings and the murder of Euronymous, has left an indelible mark on the history of black metal music. While his actions have sparked widespread debate and controversy, they have also contributed to the enduring mystique and allure of the Norwegian black metal scene. As a divisive figure, Varg Vikernes remains a subject of fascination and scrutiny, embodying the complexities and contradictions inherent in extreme music subcultures.

Pictures of Varg Vikernes

Picture of Varg and Euronymous when they were "friends"

Varg Vikernes at the time when he got arrested

Ending of the post

Mayhem and his Story is really crazy and facionating, but I love it.

For the metal lovers, here are all the Songs where Dead (Per Yngve Ohlin) has sung at the front.

His voice was or is unique and really perfect.

The titles were made by KI and I translated it by KI, but the rest I wrote myself in my language.

The titles give the post a really string KI vibe but I like it when something is orderly and clean, so I let it make the KI. The rest is self written and took me much time... But everything for a Effortpost hehe :marseyeffortpostnow:

I hope I could inform you.

If you want to learn more about the story, there is a movie about the band on Netflix.

It's called "Lords of Chaos."

I highly recommend it; it's the reason why I made this post.

I love you guys, HAVE A GREAT DAY!! :marseyheart: :marseyblowkiss:

We got Vargs twitter from @NadjaFromAntipaxos2 :marseyheart: BIG THXX :marseyheart:



Reported by:
EFFORTPOST Internet Serial Killer - John Edwart Robinson

•John Edward Robinson grew up in a middle-class American family in Illinois. He had four siblings with whom he maintained close contact. John attended a private Catholic school where he studied to become a priest. John's father was a drunk and his mother was definitely the dominant person in the marriage. His childhood wasn't perfect, but whose was it?

(family photo, robinson holding tiffany on his lap)

Fraud and theft were present in John's life from his youth. He was arrested countless times for fraud, forging documents, embezzlement and theft. Eventually, John began opening various businesses and getting involved with various shady charities. Despite his constant need to commit white-collar crimes, John cared deeply about what his society thought of him; he wanted to be loved. The killer taught Sunday school at his local Presbyterian church, became a football coach, and did everything he could to command public respect and trust!

Then, in order to gain even more authority and better deceive people, John fraudulently managed to obtain the title of Person of the Year! He forged a lot of documents and letters from important people confirming how important and competent he was. The Person of the Year award was presented to him by a famous politician and it was a great thing.

( young robinson )

When John wasn't killing or defrauding people, he spent time with his wife and their four children. The family lived in a beautiful area. John's wife, Nancy Jo, knew her husband was unfaithful. She knew about the existence of one woman - as it later turned out - the victim. However, the wife claimed that she was convinced that they were simply having an affair. When women began to go missing in the 1980s, several of them were easily linked to John. The victims were primarily troubled young women whom John claimed he was trying to help.

( Robinson with wife )

In January 1985, Lisa Stasi was just 19 years old and living in a women's shelter with her 4-month-old daughter, Tiffany Lynn. Lisa was really happy when she was accepted into a program to help troubled young mothers; this program included accommodation and free childcare, which meant she could devote her time to earning the money she needed to continue her education. It was Lisa's dream come true, the answer to her prayers.

( photo of Lisa )

A man who identified himself as John Osborne picked up Lisa from her in-laws' house; that same evening, a panicked Lisa called her mother-in-law, Betty Stasi, from her hotel room. John Osborne told the young mother that Betty had accused her of being unfit for work and that Betty was trying to deprive her of custody of Tiffany. John tried to get Lisa to sign some blank pieces of paper. Betty had no idea what Lisa was talking about, she cared about her granddaughter's mother and had no intention of causing any problems for her. After a while, a trembling Lisa shouted into the receiver "they are going back to the room" and the call was disconnected. This was the last time the relatives heard Lisa's voice.

The next morning, when Betty called the hotel, she was informed that Lisa had already checked out. Letters signed by the young woman were soon sent to her in-laws' house. The letters said that Lisa was doing very well, that she had met a man and was planning to start a new life with him and her child. To those who knew Lisa, this was ridiculous; although the letters were undoubtedly signed by the teenager, they did not sound as if she had written them.

( barrels with victims' bodies )

A man who identified himself as Father Martin from the relief program contacted Lisa's mother-in-law by phone. During the conversation, he supported what was written in the letters; a young woman has gone away with a man named Bill and plans to start a new life with him. The woman reported it to the police and when the police contacted the organizers of this program, it turned out that they did not cooperate with any Father Martin. Police checked who had rented the hotel room on the night of Lisa's disappearance and found it was John Robinson - not John Osborne, but there was no evidence of any crime.

(robinson's photo )

There have been other cases of young women missing that were similar to Lisa's disappearance. Many young women accepted offers of secretarial work or were hired to care for John's elderly father; each of them disappeared from the face of the earth. The only thing left of them were their signatures on various documents. Some of these women were not even reported missing, their families really believed that they were earning big money somewhere in Europe and had started a new, wonderful life. If the family suspected anything, John would say that the woman had run off with a man - usually the man's name was Bill. There was no evidence that anything bad had happened. By the way, the women were already adults and had the right to change their place of residence without informing anyone.

( barrels with the bodies of the victims )

As soon as the Internet appeared, John quickly discovered that he could use this tool to deepen his interests. He initially joined the BDSM community. It made our killer's life so much easier. He no longer had to scour classified ads, use aid programs, or search hospitals to find troubled young women - now his victims were waiting for him on the other end of the line! He chose the nickname "Slavemaster". He addressed those women who received benefits such as disability pensions, social welfare benefits or alimony benefits. John promised the girl wealth if she agreed to come to work as a sex slave. It was truly surprising how many women were willing to agree to this, considering they didn't know him.

John flew his victim to Kansas and, using false identities, placed the women in a hotel room or took them to one of his many rental apartments. John persuaded these women to sign numerous documents; he insisted they wouldn't have time to do it while traveling in countries like China, so it made sense to do it now. After receiving the signatures, John would rape the victim, often beat him to death, usually with a hammer, and place his remains in an 88-gallon drum. These barrels were then stored on the farm or in one of John's 2 warehouses.

Our killer made sure he had access to the victim's monthly checks, which were promptly cashed. This, combined with letters sent to the victims' families, made investigators aware that no crime had occurred.

In 1993, 49-year-old Beverly Bonner became one of John's victims. Beverly was a prison librarian whom John met and seduced while serving his prison sentence. After learning that Beverly was receiving $1,000 monthly child support checks, he murdered her and took her benefits for years.

In 1994, John raped and murdered Sheila Faith and her disabled 15-year-old daughter, Debbie Faith. Young Debbie was born with a spinal cord disease and used a wheelchair. John collected their benefits.

Finally, in 2000, he killed 28-year-old Suzette Trouten; this murder led to his downfall. John met Suzette through an online bdsm community. Suzette excitedly explained to her mother that she was going to work as a nurse's aide for former CEO John Robinson, who needed help caring for his elderly father. As you can guess, she omitted the part of the contract according to which she was to become a sex slave. But Suzette was different from the other victims, she was close to her mother, Carolyn. When Mom didn't hear anything from Suzette, she started to worry. Carolyn then called John Robinson.

John told his standard story about Suzette running off with a man, but Carolyn didn't believe it. There was no way Suzette would go more than a day or two without contacting her mother. When she received the letters signed by her daughter, Carolyn took one look at them and handed them over to the police. She instinctively knew that something bad had happened to Suzette. There was no way Suzette would leave quietly without telling anyone. It wasn't like her.

( instruments of crime and torture )

Investigators decided to follow John; they followed him around town, renting hotel rooms right next to the ones John had rented. Eventually, several women came forward to report assault, sexual assault and theft. The police finally had a reason to arrest John. The arrest was made on June 2, 2000, and a search of his property began.

In one of his warehouses in Raymore, Missouri, investigators found personal items belonging to many of the victims: birth certificates, Social Security cards, credit cards, driver's licenses. There were also pornographic photos and videos of some of the victims. In another large warehouse they discovered 3 bodies in barrels. They found several other bodies on a quiet ranch in La Cygne, Kansas. Because some of these victims were not reported missing, 3 women were initially marked as Jane Doe.

( photos of victims )

One of the most interesting aspects of this case was finding out what exactly happened to his victim Lisa's daughter, Tiffany Lynn. Lisa became his target because of her child. John contacted charities, hospitals, aid programs, and anyone else he could ask for the names of struggling young mothers.

As it later turned out, John's older brother and sister-in-law, Don and Helen Robinson of Hammond, Indiana, were infertile. John killed Lisa, then forged her daughter's birth certificate and adoption papers. John extorted $5,500.00 from his brother for the alleged adoption fee.

The new parents were informed that the child's mother had committed suicide, leaving the infant in an orphanage. Don and Helen had no idea that the adoption was not legal. They too fell victim to a fraudster. Tiffany's name was changed to Heather Robinson and she was raised as John's niece until the truth came to light 15 years later. Fortunately, the home she was placed in was a good one; The Robinsons truly loved Heather and worked hard to give her a good life. After Heather discovered her true identity, she absolutely refused to leave the Robinson family. Heather reconnected with her biological father, Carl, but decided to stay with the parents she knew and loved.

( robinson at the court hearing )

In October 2002, John was charged with three murders in Kansas: 19-year-old Lisa Stasi, who was killed in 1985, 21-year-old Polish immigrant Izabela Lewicka, who was murdered in 1995, and 28-year-old Suzette Trouten, who life in 2000.

John was found guilty the following January and sentenced to death. The state of Missouri then prosecuted John for several murders he committed within the state. This time he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.

Robinson was convicted of 8 murders, but the actual number of his victims remains unknown. Here is a chronological summary of the victims identified so far: 1984: Paula Godfrey (19);

body not found

1985: Lisa Stasi (19); body not found

1987: Catherine Clampitt (27); body not found 1993: Beverly Bonner (49): body found in warehouse in Raymore, Missouri

1994: Sheila Faith (45) and Debbie Faith (15): remains of both found in warehouse in Raymore, Missouri

1999: Izabela Lewicka (21): body discovered on Robinson ranch near La Cygne, Kansas

2000: Suzette Trouten (28): was discovered on Robinson's ranch near La Cygne, Kansas Robinson is currently on death row at the El Dorado Correctional Facility in Kansas.

He doesn't want to reveal the whereabouts of the rest of his victims.

( a photo of the body of one of the victims, found in a barrel )

In 2005, Nancy Robinson filed for divorce after 41 years of marriage, citing incompatibility and irreconcilable differences. In 2006, Heather, then 20, sued her mother's killer, a man she called "Uncle," for $5 billion. Lisa's body has not yet been found.

so you persevered until the end, well I hope the journey was interesting

but I would like to add one thing, just be careful who you meet on the Internet, you don't want to end up in a barrel :tayshrug:

( robinson without an internet connection was like )

CHILD WARNING :lelolidk: Karma at its best.


What is Bulima Nervosa?

Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder and a mental illness.

Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa can include

eating a large amount of food (binge eating)

self-induced vomiting (purgeing)

excessive laxative use


excessive exercise

using medication inappropriatly to reduce weight

Psychological symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa can include

preoccupation or obsession with eating, dieting, exercise or body image

fear of gaining weight

sensitivity to comments about eating, dieting, exercise or body image

feelings of shame, guilt and disgust, especially after eating and/or purging

a distorted body image or extreme dissatisfaction with body shape

anxiety or irritability around meal times

low self-esteem, depression, anxiety or suicidality

Behavioural symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa can include

repetitive dieting behaviour (such as counting calories, fasting, skipping meals, avoiding certain food groups)

excessive exercise, even when sick or injured

avoiding social situations

eating alone or in secret, avoiding other people at meal times

hiding food

frequent trips to the bathroom during or after eating

use of laxatives, enemas, diuretics or appetite suppressants

spending large amounts of money on food

self-harming behaviour, substance misuse and suicidality

The effects of Bulimia Nervosa on the human body

incontinence (urinal and fecal)

gastrointestinal conditions associated with compensatory behaviours

heart-related issues

weakened bones (osteoporosis)

infertility in men and women

electrolyte imbalance from self-induced vomiting – this can cause severe dehydration, and damage nerves, muscles and organs

subconjunctival hemorrhage of the eye from the strain of purging

tooth cavities, diseased gums, and irreversible enamel erosion caused by excessive acid in the mouth from purging

[Screenshot 2024-04-26 10.2.08.png]

hemorrhoids caused by weakened rectal walls from the strain of purging

prolapsed bowel as a result of rectal walls being weakened by the strain of purging

acute pancreatitis

swollen salivary glands

peptic ulcer caused by excess acid in the stomach

gastric rupture (ruptured stomach) caused by periods of bingeing

esophagitis from purging

tear in the esophagus from purging

rupture of the esophagus

small cuts across the back of the hand due to self-induced vomiting

water retention, swelling, and abdominal bloating

inflammation of the throat from purging


I've made another post about the last picture specifically and their autopsy report! Feel free to look at it :thumbup:

This post is supposed to show the dangers of Bulimia Nervosa and it is NOT meant to 'glorify' eating disorders!!!


More Info :

BALTIMORE - A woman was shot and killed in the middle of the day in the parking lot of an apartment complex Sunday afternoon in Nottingham.

Police say the woman was shot multiple times at the ReNew Apartment Complex in the 8500 block of Walther Boulevard.

Beautiful girl and such a evil world

Reported by:
Budd Dwyer's Suicide | Write Up


First Angle:

Second Angle:

Third Angle:

Fourth Angle:

Fifth Angle:


Before Photos:

Incident Photos:

Bullet Hole:

“A mark was left on the wall by a bullet that killed former state Treasurer R. Budd Dwyer in his public suicide in 1987. The patched-up hole had been hidden by a framed photograph unbeknownst to the current office staff.”

News Reports:

His Grave:


Born in 1939 in Missouri, Dwyer graduated from Allegheny College and worked as a teacher before being elected as a Republican to the Pennsylvania house of representatives in 1965. He served there until 1970, when he moved over to the state senate, and continued in that capacity until he was elected state treasurer in 1980. In 1983, after the opportunity came about for state and local governments to recover overpayments made to the federal government under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, the California-based company Computer Technology Associates sought a contract for recovery work in Pennsylvania. Governor Dick Thornburgh, also a Republican, signed a bill authorizing Dwyer to handle the FICA recoveries, but objected after shady dealings involving the treasurer and CTA came to light. Dwyer came under investigation for awarding a $4.6 million contract to the company without putting it out to bid. He was accused of receiving a $300,000 kickback in the decision, though he canceled the contract after learning of the investigation. In 1986, Dwyer and Robert Asher, the state Republican chairman who was accused of diverting the kickback funds to the party, were indicted on charges of bribery conspiracy, mail fraud, and racketeering. Dwyer maintained his innocence throughout the affair, but convictions of other officials related to the scandal soon began to pile up. William T. Smith, GOP chair of Dauphin County, was sentenced to 12 years in prison after turning in evidence against Dwyer; John Torquato, Jr., head of CTA, was sentenced to serve four years. In December 1986, both Dwyer and Asher were found guilty of the charges against them and faced up to 55 years in prison. Dwyer had been offered a plea bargain that would allow him to plead to one count and face a maximum of five years, but he rejected it. He also unsuccessfully sought a pardon from President Ronald Reagan. Following the conviction, Dwyer was allowed to remain as treasurer but, at the same time, ordered by the judge to refrain from taking part in matters related to the treasury. Scheduled to be sentenced on January 23, 1987, Dwyer spent much of his time writing. He asked his son to transfer to a college that was closer to home.

One day prior to his sentencing, Dwyer called a press conference in his office, where the assembled media assumed he would announce his resignation. Instead, Dwyer read nervously through a half-hour statement professing his innocence. He denounced the judge in the case as handing out "medieval" sentences and accused Thornburgh, recently out of office, as starting the investigation because Dwyer had exposed supposed travel abuses in the Governor's office (in his autobiography, Thornburgh denounces the accusation and others made by Dwyer as attempts to "enhance his own image by embarrassing me and my family"). He apologized for voting for the death penalty as a state legislator. Noticing at one point that some television crews were packing up their cameras, Dwyer urged them to stay, saying, "We're not finished yet." After wrapping up his speech, Dwyer gave three envelopes to his aides. Then, reaching into a manila envelope that he had placed behind his lectern, he pulled out a .357 Magnum handgun. Some of the aides or reporters in attendance evidently tried to approach him, as Dwyer spent the next several seconds warning people off. His last words were, "This will hurt someone." He then put the gun in his mouth and fired. It later became clear that Dwyer's suicide had been planned well in advance. He had purchased the gun the month before, after his conviction. The envelopes he had given to his aides included arrangements for a funeral, his organ donor card (his retinas were later preserved), and a letter to newly elected Democratic Governor Bob Casey, who had been in office for two days. In that letter, he said that "the 'justice' system did not function properly in my case" and suggested appointing his wife, Joanne, as interim treasurer. "I stress to you that I did not resign but was State Treasurer to the end," Dwyer added. Several other letters went out to friends and colleagues, including numerous state treasurers. The letters criticized the justice system, saying plea bargains had been granted to people in the scandal in exchange for implicating him. Dwyer widowed his wife and left behind two children. His family and friends, including the minister at his funeral, also maintained that Dwyer had been innocent of the charges against him. Three weeks later, the state legislature approved G. Davis Greene, Jr., a Democrat who said he did not intend to run for re-election to the post in 1988, as interim treasurer. Two months after his suicide, the National Association of State Treasurers demanded that the proceedings against Dwyer be analyzed, but an investigation by the U.S. Justice Department found no wrongdoing.

Television crews at the scene captured Dwyer's suicide on camera, and the tape was shown unedited on some local stations. This, combined with his unconventional exit from office, inspired a variety of cultural tributes both crass and well-meaning. The footage has appeared on several collections of disturbing videos as well as Bowling For Columbine, a documentary that addresses gun violence in the United States. Kurt Cobain, lead singer for the band Nirvana, is said to have obsessively watched a video of Dwyer's suicide in the years before he took his own life. Another rock band, Filter, released a song inspired by Dwyer entitled "Hey Man, Nice Shot." Despite a protest from Dwyer's widow and the seemingly mocking title, the song's composer said it was intended as a tribute (indeed, it contains such sympathetic lyrics as "You'd fight and you were right, but they were just too strong / They'd stick it in your face and let you smell what they consider wrong"). Perhaps most tragically, Dwyer may have thought he had much more to lose than he really did. His co-defendant, Robert Asher, was sentenced to serve only one year and one day and pay a $205,000 fine. Asher has since returned to politics and currently serves as a national committeeman for the Pennsylvania Republican Party. In the waning days of President George W. Bush's administration, columnist Jeffrey Lord suggested that a pardon for Dwyer was appropriate. Columnist Paul Carpenter disagreed, saying such an action would pave the way for someone to suggest that Asher be pardoned for his past criminal actions as well. His sons reaction was “You see anyone die, especially your father, in such dramatic fashion… I don't even know how to describe it.” Robert Dwyer Jr was driving home from a class at Penn State University when he heard on the radio that his politician father had been shot at a televised press conference. He didn't know if his father was dead or alive, if he'd been attacked or had shot himself. It was 11am EST on January 22, 1987 when Budd Dwyer, hosting a meeting for the media where he had been expected to resign, gave a rambling speech, took out a Smith and Wesson .357 revolver, put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger. There was chaos: people ran for their lives; those who stayed had pleaded with him to put the gun down, others had tried to snatch it from his hand. His final words were: ‘Don't, don't, don't, this will hurt someone'. ‘I'd tell anyone thinking about suicide that the scars and the emotional toll that it leaves on those left behind is immense,' he said. Robert Dwyer Jr was driving home from a class at Penn State University when he heard on the radio that his politician father had been shot at a televised press conference. He didn't know if his father was dead or alive, if he'd been attacked or had shot himself. It was 11am EST on January 22, 1987 when Budd Dwyer, hosting a meeting for the media where he had been expected to resign, gave a rambling speech, took out a Smith and Wesson .357 revolver, put it in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

Wikipedia Transcript:

Robert Budd Dwyer (November 21, 1939 – January 22, 1987) was an American politician. He served from 1965 to 1971 as a Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and from 1971 to 1981 as a member of the Pennsylvania State Senate representing the state's 50th district. Dwyer then served as the 70th state treasurer of Pennsylvania from January 20, 1981, until January 22, 1987, when he killed himself during a live press conference. During the early 1980s, Pennsylvania discovered that its state workers had overpaid federal taxes due to errors in state withholding before Dwyer's administration. A multimillion-dollar recovery contract was required to determine the compensation to be given to each employee. In 1986, Dwyer was convicted of accepting a bribe from Computer Technology Associates, a California-based company, to award them the contract. He was found guilty on 11 counts of conspiracy, mail fraud, perjury, and interstate transportation in aid of racketeering, and was scheduled to be sentenced on January 23, 1987. On January 22, Dwyer arranged a news conference in the Pennsylvania State Capitol Building in Harrisburg, during which he fatally shot himself with a .357 Magnum revolver in the presence of reporters. Dwyer's suicide was live broadcast to many television viewers in Pennsylvania. All posthumous appeals made by Dwyer's lawyers on Dwyer's behalf were denied, and his convictions were sustained. Along with Barbara Hafer and Rob McCord, Dwyer is one of three former Pennsylvania State treasurers to be convicted of corruption since the 1980s.

Early life and education

Dwyer was born on November 21, 1939, in St. Charles, Missouri. He graduated in 1961 with an A.B. in Political Science and Accounting from Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania, where he was a member of the Beta Chi chapter of Theta Chi Fraternity. After earning a master's degree in education in 1963, he taught social studies and coached football at Cambridge Springs High School.


Pennsylvania Assembly

A Republican, Dwyer became active in politics. He was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from the 6th district (although seats were apportioned by county before 1969) in 1964 and was reelected in 1966 and 1968. In 1970, while still a State Representative, Dwyer campaigned to become a Pennsylvania State Senator for the Senate's 50th district, and won. Soon after his victory he resigned as Representative and was sworn in as Senator in January 1971.

Pennsylvania Treasurer

After being elected two additional terms in 1974 and 1978, Dwyer decided to try for a statewide office and in 1980 campaigned for and won the office of Pennsylvania Treasurer that had been held by Robert E. Casey since 1976. He campaigned for a second and last term in 1984 and won reelection, defeating Democratic nominee and former auditor general Al Benedict.

Bribery investigation and conviction

From 1979 to 1981, before Dwyer was state treasurer, public employees of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania overpaid millions of dollars in Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes (FICA). As a result, the state required an accounting company to determine refunds for its employees. Dwyer awarded the no-bid $4.6 million contract to Computer Technology Associates (CTA), a California-based company, owned by John Torquato Jr., a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on May 10, 1984. During early 1984, Dennis Schatzman, deputy comptroller of Pittsburgh Public Schools, noticed financial discrepancies in the CTA contract, and wrote to Pittsburgh school officials regarding these. Schatzman later contacted officials of the accounting company Arthur Young and Associates, who confirmed that the no-bid CTA contract was overpriced by millions of dollars. In June 1984 the Office of the Pennsylvania Auditor General informed the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the alleged bribery that occurred during the awarding of the contract. During late July 1984, Janice R. Kincaid, a former CTA employee, released a sworn statement claiming that Dwyer awarded the contract to CTA because he was promised a $300,000 kickback by the company. Dwyer's awarding of the CTA contract was investigated by federal prosecutors. Upon learning of this investigation, Dwyer rescinded the contract with CTA on July 11, 1984. Subsequently, Dwyer repeatedly attempted to stop, divert and forestall the investigation, stating that the U.S. attorney had neither the authority nor evidence to pursue prosecution. Dwyer later admitted to telling his staff to withhold request for proposal (RFP) information from the U.S. attorney and the FBI during the investigation. After being indicted by a federal grand jury, Dwyer was finally charged with agreeing to receive a kickback of $300,000 in return for awarding CTA the contract. Dwyer stated that he offered to take a polygraph test but only on the condition that if he passed it, he would not be indicted. The state rejected Dwyer's offer. Prior to Dwyer's indictment, on October 22, 1984, a grand jury indicted Torquato, Torquato's attorney William T. Smith, Judy Smith, Alan R. Stoneman, and David Herbert. At Smith's 1985 trial, Smith, who was a friend of Dwyer's, testified that he did not bribe Dwyer, and instead that Torquato offered Dwyer a campaign contribution in return for the CTA contract, yet Dwyer rejected Torquato's offer. In contrast, Torquato testified that Smith offered Dwyer a $300,000 bribe in return for the CTA contract. Dwyer, acting as a defense witness for Smith at Smith's trial, denied that he was offered any contribution at all. In August 1984, Smith failed a polygraph test when he stated that he did not bribe Dwyer or any state official. However, prior to Smith's trial, on October 27, 1984 (four days after Smith's indictment), Smith confessed to offering Dwyer a bribe, and stated that Dwyer accepted this offer. Dwyer, along with Asher, were indicted by a federal grand jury on May 13, 1986. In the hopes of reducing his twelve-year sentence resulting from his 1985 conviction, Smith testified on behalf of the federal government against Dwyer and Asher at their 1986 trial. Ultimately, Smith did not receive any reduction of his sentence for testifying against Dwyer (although his wife, Judy Smith, was granted immunity from prosecution). Before testifying against Dwyer, Smith passed a polygraph test. It was revealed at Dwyer's trial that he sought and won approval for special legislation—Act 38 of 1984 (House Bill 1397)—that authorized him to recover the FICA overpayments, and that coded computer tape seized from CTA's office on July 6, 1984, showed that Dwyer was to receive a $300,000 pay-off for awarding CTA the contract. Moreover, Smith and Torquato's claims about Dwyer being bribed were corroborated by four independent and impartial witnesses and Smith's testimony against Dwyer was virtually identical to written statements Smith made long before entering into a plea agreement. Additionally, FBI agents testified that Dwyer attempted to conceal his involvement with the scheme when, after learning of the FBI investigation, he erased the entry in his appointment book of the March 2, 1984, meeting with Torquato and Smith in which he was first offered a bribe. Dwyer maintained that he awarded CTA the contract on the basis of his treasury task force recommendation, yet this conflicted with the fact that Dwyer personally managed all matters relating to the contract six days prior to awarding it to CTA. Furthermore, his task force's contribution merely consisted in the making of a single telephone call to David I. Herbert (the former State Director for Social Security, who controlled FICA recovery for Pennsylvania's public employees, and who was convicted subsequently for conspiring with CTA). Dwyer awarded the contract to CTA—an obscure California-based company with three employees, little equipment, and little experience despite being informed in April 1984 by the major Pennsylvania-based accounting company Arthur Young and Associates, which had 250 employees and submitted a proposal on April 13, 1984, at least fourteen days prior to CTA's proposal, that they could perform the FICA recovery as fast as CTA for half the cost.


Charles Collins, Arthur Young's former management consulting director in Pittsburgh, testified at Dwyer's trial that Arthur Young and Associates, who, unlike CTA, had experience in identical tax recovery work, was prepared to negotiate the FICA recovery contract (that was half the cost of the CTA contract) and that Dwyer was clearly aware of Arthur Young's offer before committing the contract to CTA. Additionally, sixteen other competitors were willing to be considered for the FICA recovery contract and many had communicated with Treasurer Dwyer's office to request an opportunity to bid on the contract, yet Dwyer did not respond. Dwyer repeatedly stated that he awarded the contract to CTA as a result of his task force's recommendation on the basis of CTA's providing "immediate credit", yet the contract between CTA and Dwyer contained no information regarding CTA's ability to provide such credit. Moreover, Dwyer admitted that he did not mention the concept of "immediate credit" to Arthur Young and Associates when officials from the company asked why CTA was chosen instead of them. In contradiction to Dwyer's statements about awarding CTA the contract on the basis of their providing "immediate credit", Arthur Young and Associates were told that CTA got the contract since they first recognized that the overpayments could be recovered, and that they endorsed legislation that gave Dwyer the sole power to award said contract. Dwyer denied any wrongdoing, stating that after the CTA contract was signed, Smith merely made a "generic" offer to help him with his campaign. Dwyer's lawyer spoke to the prosecutor, acting U.S. Attorney James West, asking him if he would dismiss all charges against Dwyer if Dwyer resigned as state treasurer. West refused the offer. He instead offered to let Dwyer plead guilty to a single charge of bribe receiving, which would have meant a maximum of five years' imprisonment, as long as he resigned from his office as Treasurer of Pennsylvania and cooperated completely with the government's investigation, but Dwyer refused and went to trial. At his trial, Dwyer did not testify, and his lawyer, Paul Killion, presented no defense witnesses since he thought that the government did not sufficiently prove its case. It is possible that Dwyer did not testify in his own defense since he did not want to be questioned regarding his involvement in a 1980 conspiracy involving his wife's business "Poli-Ed," and two Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) employees. One of these employees was Dwyer's close friend and campaign manager Fred Mckillop, who was subsequently dismissed by the PSEA for his involvement with the scheme, and who later featured in a 2010 documentary about Dwyer. In this conspiracy, which was investigated by the office of the Pennsylvania Attorney General, Dwyer allegedly siphoned money from his campaign into his personal funds. On December 18, 1986, Dwyer was found guilty on 11 counts of conspiracy, mail fraud, perjury and interstate transportation in aid of racketeering, and was consequently liable to a sentence of as much as 55 years imprisonment and a $300,000 fine. His sentencing was scheduled for January 23, 1987, to be performed by U.S. District Court Judge Malcolm Muir. One mail-fraud charge against Dwyer was dismissed by Judge Muir. One juror, Carolyn Edwards of Williamsport, found it emotionally difficult to convict Dwyer (and Asher) since they were men of "very high integrity ... they just made a mistake", while Dwyer made a statement after the verdict saying "This is a sad and shocking day for me, totally unbelievable, I'm totally innocent of all of these charges and I don't know how this could have happened". Bob Asher, Dwyer's co-defendant, was sentenced to one year in jail. He later resumed politics and served as a Republican national committeeman for Pennsylvania. Accounting company Levin-Horwath ultimately fulfilled the contract for $1,300,000, with slightly more than a third of the fee possibly being subject to rebate. If CTA were to have performed the recovery work, Pennsylvania would have lost $6,000,000. Pennsylvania law stated that Dwyer could not officially be dismissed from office until his sentencing in January. Given this, Dwyer stated that until his legal appeal was resolved, he would continue as treasurer with a leave of absence without pay and would not resign before having the opportunity to appeal his conviction.In the interim, the treasury department would be managed by Deputy Treasurer Donald L. Johnson. Dwyer continued to profess his innocence after being convicted, and on December 23 wrote a letter to President Ronald Reagan seeking a presidential pardon, and to Senator Arlen Specter seeking assistance with this effort. The week of Dwyer's sentencing, Pennsylvania State Attorney General LeRoy Zimmerman and state prosecutors were investigating a provision of the Pennsylvania state constitution such that dismissal of a civil worker from office who has been convicted of a crime is "self-executing", thus, automatic upon that person's sentencing. A decision confirming this constitutional provision was expected on January 22, the day before Dwyer's sentencing hearing.

Public suicide

In a meeting in his home on January 15, 1987, Dwyer discussed the idea of a press conference with his press secretary James "Duke" Horshock and Deputy Treasurer Don Johnson. At the meeting, both Horshock and Johnson cautioned Dwyer not to use the conference to attack the governor or other individuals involved with his criminal conviction, and both suggested to Dwyer that he should have the conference at a location other than his office. Dwyer angrily rejected their suggestion, but nevertheless assured both men that he would not attack anybody involved with his conviction. He said that he would not announce his resignation at the conference, but rather thank his staff and friends. Both men left assuming Dwyer would ultimately resign at the conference, although Horshock had fears that Dwyer would violate his promise. The next day, Dwyer visited his lawyer, Paul Killion, who told Dwyer to express repentance for his crimes. Dwyer responded by agreeing to change his "version of events", which was to be presented to Judge Muir at Dwyer's pre-sentencing conference scheduled for the afternoon of January 22. Dwyer later saw Killion again, gave him an updated "version of events", and stated that he would announce his resignation at the press conference, yet did not want Killion to attend the conference. Dwyer wrote a letter to then-Senator Joe Biden and Congressman Peter W. Rodino, who were at the time the chairs of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Judiciary Committee respectively, on January 20, asking them to conduct an investigation into the CTA affair, to reform the justice system in the United States, and if this is not done, to completely remove the word "justice" from everything related to the DOJ. Dwyer finally reached U.S. Senator Arlen Specter by telephone on January 21, two days before his sentencing. A Specter aide stated that the two of them talked for eight to ten minutes. He then wrote personally to President Ronald Reagan asking for a presidential pardon. In his letter, Dwyer once again professed his innocence and stated that the concept of immediate credit was not understood by the uneducated, unsophisticated "rural" jury at his trial. The senator responded that this request to President Reagan was "not realistic" because the judicial process, including appeals, had not yet finished. On the same day, Dwyer asked his press secretary Horshock and deputy press secretary Gregory Penny to schedule a news conference for the next day without telling them what he was to discuss. Horshock arranged the press conference for 10:30 a.m. EST the next day, January 22. The press secretary summoned dozens of reporters asking them to attend, and told them he did not know its subject. Dwyer wanted to ban certain reporters from the press conference who he believed wrote biased accounts about him and even suggested that a guard should be in attendance to prevent entry to those who were not on his authorized list. Horshock, who was unconvinced about Dwyer's claims that he was being conspired against, objected, stating to Dwyer that he could not "use state government facilities to manipulate the free flow of information". Before the press conference, acting U.S. Attorney West, who had secured the conviction against Dwyer, remarked that the Treasurer's decision to resign "sounds like the appropriate thing to do under the circumstances. It seems like it would save everybody a lot of time and aggravation." Similarly, Harrisburg Patriot-News reporter Kenn Marshall described the consensus among reporters: they would be attending to see Dwyer announce his resignation from his office. "My mission was to stay there until he said those words, then call in a new top for our story." The whole incident that was filmed on camera was then published to many forms of media including a famous appearance on Traces of Death. The night before the press conference, Dwyer wrote the following note: “I enjoy being with Jo so much, the next 20 years or so would have been wonderful. Tomorrow is going to be so difficult and I hope I can go through with it.”

Dwyer's press statement

The next morning, Dwyer went to his press conference as planned. Standing behind a large wood table that separated him from nine television cameras, four wire service photographers and about 20 television, radio and newspaper reporters, he began reading from a 21-page prepared text, while aides handed a 20-page version to the media. The final page was expected to be his announcement that he would resign from office. Appearing nervous and agitated, Dwyer again professed his innocence and accused acting U.S. Attorney James West, FBI agents, U.S. District Court Judge Malcolm Muir, the media and others for abusing the justice system and ruining him. Dwyer stated that Attorney West purposely held Dwyer's trial not in Harrisburg but in Williamsport, due to it being located in Lycoming County, one of the most uneducated counties in Pennsylvania. Dwyer spoke out against the death penalty and expressed regret for voting in favor of it while he was in the Pennsylvania assembly. This speech lasted nearly 30 minutes, and approximately halfway through it, some of the gathered press began to pack and leave. Dwyer spotted this and interrupted himself to say, "Those of you who are putting your cameras away, I think you ought to stay because we're not, we're not finished yet." Given the sensitive nature of portions of Dwyer's text, press secretary Horshock had considered interrupting him outright to stop him but concluded that he would hold his own press conference after Dwyer's. "I had to make it known that I was not aware of the content of the statement. I didn't want it to be thought that I wrote that for him." Upon reaching the final page of his statement, which had not been distributed to the press nor press secretary Horshock in advance, Dwyer paused. "... and I'm on the last page now, and I don't have enough to pass out, but Duke [Horshock], I'll leave this here, and you can make copies for the people; there's a few extra copies here right now." Dwyer continued, I thank the good Lord for giving me 47 years of exciting challenges, stimulating experiences, many happy occasions and most of all the finest wife and children any man could ever desire. Now my life has changed for no apparent reason. People who call and write are exasperated and feel helpless. They know I am innocent and want to help, but in this nation, the worlds [sic] greatest democracy, there is nothing they can do to prevent me from being punished for a crime they know I did not commit. Some who have called have said that I am a modern day Job. Judge Muir is also noted for his medieval sentences. I face a maximum sentence of 55 years in prison and a $300,000 fine for being innocent. Judge Muir has already told the press that he felt "invigorated" when we were found guilty and that he plans to imprison me as a "deterrant" to other public officials. But it wouldn't be a deterrant [sic] because every public official who knows me knows that I am innocent. It wouldn't be legitimate punishment because I've done nothing wrong. Since I'm a victim of political persecution, my prison would simply be an American Gulag. I ask those that believe in me to continue to extend friendship and prayer to my family, to work untiringly for the creation of a true justice system here in the United States, and to press on with the efforts to vindicate me, so that my family and their future families are not tainted by this injustice that has been perpetrated on me. We were confident that right and truth would prevail and I would be acquitted and we would devote the rest of our lives working to create a justice system here in the United States. The guilty verdict has strengthened that resolve. But as we've discussed our plans to expose the warts of our legal system[,] people have said, 'Why bother? No one cares, you'll look foolish, 60 Minutes, 20/20, the American Civil Liberties Union, Jack Anderson, and others have been publicizing cases like yours for years and it doesn't bother anyone.' At this time, Dwyer stopped reading from his prepared remarks, with the gathered press still waiting on his expected resignation. There was still a significant portion of the prepared text remaining, which detailed what he was actually planning to do, and it read as follows (he did not read these comments to the crowd): “I've repeatedly said that I'm not going to resign as State Treasurer. After many hours of thought and meditation I've made a decision that should not be an example to anyone because it is unique to my situation. Last May I told you that after the trial, I would give you the story of the decade. To those of you who are shallow, the events of this morning will be that story. But to those of you with depth and concern the real story will be what I hope and pray results from this morning—in the coming months and years[,] the development of a true justice system here in the United States. I am going to die in office in an effort to ' ... see if the shame[-ful] facts, spread out in all their shame, will not burn through our civic shamelessness and set fire to American pride.' Please tell my story on every radio and television station and in every newspaper and magazine in the U.S. Please leave immediately if you have a weak stomach or mind since I don't want to cause physical or mental distress. Joanne, Rob, DeeDee – I love you! Thank you for making my life so happy. Good bye to you all on the count of 3. Please make sure that the sacrifice of my life is not in vain. After deciding to break from his speech, Dwyer called to three of his staffers, giving each a sealed envelope with the insignia of the treasury department. The first envelope, given to Bob Holste, contained a letter addressed to then-Pennsylvania Governor Bob Casey, who had assumed office just two days earlier. The second, given to deputy press secretary Gregory Penny, contained an organ donor card and other related materials. The last, given to Deputy Treasurer Don Johnson, contained materials intended for Dwyer's family, including three letters: one for his wife Joanne, and one for each of his children, Rob and DeeDee (Dyan), and suggested funeral arrangement. Freelance photographer Gary Miller, one of the reporters in attendance, described the scene at this time, stating: "It was just kind of a long-winded, sad event."”


After he had finished speaking and handing out the notes to his staffers Dwyer produced a manila envelope with a Model 19 .357 Magnum revolver in it. Reporters David Morris of the Associated Press, Thom Cole of UPI and Gary Warner of afternoon newspaper The Pittsburgh Press were at the rear of the room, waiting for Dwyer to say he had resigned, so they could run down the hall to telephones to tell their editors they could publish pre-written stories and add Dwyer's direct quote. When Dwyer produced the revolver, the three ran into the hallway and shouted to a state police kiosk in the center of the long hallway that the treasurer had a gun. Inside the room, people gasped, and Dwyer backed up against the wall, holding the weapon close to his body. Dwyer calmly said, "Please, please leave the room if this will... if this will affect you." Among those who stayed, some pleaded with Dwyer to surrender the gun while others tried to approach him and seize the weapon. Dwyer warned against either action, exclaiming his last words, "Don't, don't, don't, this will hurt someone." Dwyer quickly put the muzzle of the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, firing a shot through the roof of his mouth and into his brain. He collapsed on the floor, dead. Nine news cameras recorded the events. One of the cameras remained focused on Dwyer and captured close-up footage of the aftermath of the shooting; as his body slumped, blood streamed from the exit wound in the back of his head as well as from his nostrils and mouth. He died instantly from the gunshot shortly before 11:00 a.m. EST but was not pronounced dead until 11:31 a.m. An aide later stated that Dwyer's corneas were made available for transplant per his organ donation wishes, but that no other organs were usable by the time his body reached a hospital. Interment occurred at Blooming Valley Cemetery in Saegertown on January 26.

Graphic footage and television media

While the live footage was only shown on one station, many television stations throughout Pennsylvania broadcast taped footage of Dwyer's suicide to a midday audience. Philadelphia station WPVI (Channel 6) showed Dwyer pulling the trigger and falling backwards, but did not show the bullet path. During the next several hours, news editors had to decide how much of the graphic footage they wanted to broadcast. Many chose not to broadcast the final moments of the suicide and WPVI also chose not to show the gunshot a second time. Many stations, including WCAU and Pennsylvania's Group W stations KYW and KDKA-TV, stopped the action just before the gunshot. However, the latter two allowed the audio of the shooting to continue with the stopped image. Group W's news cameraman William L. Martin and reporter David Sollenberger had a camera set up at the conference. They chose to broadcast the audio with a freeze-frame of the gun in Dwyer's mouth. Only a handful broadcast the unedited press conference. WPVI in Philadelphia rebroadcast the suicide footage in full on their 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Action News broadcast without warning the viewers. That station's broadcast is a source for copies available on the Internet. WPXI in Pittsburgh is reported by the Associated Press to have broadcast the footage uncensored on an early newscast. In explaining the decision to broadcast, WPXI operations manager By Williams said, "It's an important event [about] an important man". Williams avoided broadcasting the footage in the evening newscasts, explaining, "Everyone knows by then that [Dwyer] did it. There are children out of school." However, in central Pennsylvania, many children were home from school during the day of Dwyer's suicide due to a snowstorm. The moment of Dwyer's suicide did not appear on any national newscast. NBC Nightly News and CNN's coverage only showed Dwyer holding the gun and stopped before he placed it in his mouth, and CBS Evening News and ABC World News Tonight did not include any footage from the press conference in their reports. Some older students joked about the event. A study of the incidence of the jokes showed that they were told only in areas where stations showed uncensored footage of the press conference. At least one reporter present at Dwyer's suicide suffered from being a witness: radio reporter Tony Romeo, who was standing a few feet from Dwyer, developed depression after the suicide and took a break from journalism. Dwyer's mistrust of outgoing Republican Governor Dick Thornburgh was expressed in detail in his press conference statement. The timing of Dwyer's press conference and suicide meant that Thornburgh was not empowered to appoint a Treasurer to replace him. Instead, this became the responsibility of Thornburgh's successor, Democrat Bob Casey, who had assumed office on January 20. The letter Dwyer sent Casey stated, "By the time you receive this letter ... the office of State Treasurer of Pennsylvania will be vacant. I stress to you that I did not resign but was State Treasurer of Pennsylvania to the end." It also stated that Casey "will be the great Governor that Pennsylvania needs at this time in our history". He suggested his wife Joanne as his successor, describing her as "very talented, personable, organized and hard-working." Governor Casey did not accept Dwyer's suggestion. Regardless of the events of January 22, the governor and legislature of Pennsylvania already expected Dwyer to either resign or be dismissed from office. As such, a deal had already been brokered wherein the next treasurer, a Democrat, would serve the remnant of Dwyer's term and resign at its end. This was G. Davis Greene Jr., who was appointed as the 31st Treasurer of Pennsylvania on January 23, 1987, the day after Dwyer's suicide. In 2010, former U.S. attorney James West, who prosecuted Dwyer, affirmed Dwyer's guilt, stating that "the evidence against Dwyer was overwhelming and indisputable". In his final press statement, Dwyer alleged that Governor Thornburgh along with prosecutor James West, engaged in a political vendetta against him, and that FBI agents had acted improperly in their investigation. After Dwyer's public suicide, the National Association of State Treasurers requested that Dwyer's allegations be reviewed by the Department of Justice. After a thorough investigation, the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility exonerated attorney James West and everyone else involved in Dwyer's investigation and prosecution of any wrongdoing. The FBI also investigated Dwyer's claims regarding impropriety on behalf of FBI personnel. They ultimately found Dwyer's claims to be "lacking in substance and specificity" and warranting no further action. R.B. Swift, former Capitol reporter, noted that Dwyer's allegations were extensively investigated by journalists from both The Philadelphia Inquirer and the Associated Press, but no evidence was found to substantiate them. Dwyer claimed that Governor Thornburgh sought revenge against him, since Dwyer had angered Thornburgh when he refused publicly to approve expense vouchers for Thornburgh's wife for a European visit, and, additionally, when he criticized Thornburgh's use of state police to chauffeur his son to school. In response, Thornburgh pointed out that prior to their European visit, the Thornburgh family had issued a press release specifically stating that Ginny Thornburgh would pay her own expenses. Upon their return to Pennsylvania, Mrs. Thornburgh "repeatedly requested" the Thornburgh staff to "advise her of the amount" to be reimbursed; however, Dwyer leaked this matter to The Philadelphia Inquirer in an attempt to "enhance his own image by embarrassing" Thornburgh and his family. Regarding the use of the state police, Thornburgh stated that "the security detail provided its services to all members of our household as the officers deemed necessary for our protection. We neither asked for nor questioned these services, which were no different than those provided to our predecessors." Thornburgh spokesman David Runkel dismissed Dwyer's allegations as being "paranoic", as did John Taylor, the former spokesman for Governor Bob Casey. Pennsylvanian journalist and author Brad Bumsted suggested that Dwyer's allegations against Thornburgh may have been an attempt to divert attention from his own criminal activity with CTA. Bumsted also stated that, in Dwyer's final press statement, Dwyer "offered no real evidence" that there was any conspiracy against him. Dwyer's deputy press secretary Gregory Penny, who was handed an envelope by Dwyer at Dwyer's final press conference, stated that he was convinced that Dwyer, whom he had once defended, had been guilty all along: “Some of the individuals Budd associated with and surrounded himself; the reluctance to provide information to his press office when we tried to respond to reporters' questions during that time; the pleading of the 5th Amendment during Budd's trial by his top aide [Mark Phenicie]; Budd's decision not to take the stand in his own defense during the trial; and Budd's decision to take his life rather than go to prison and continue fighting to prove his innocence — these are the things I thought about and that brought me to conclude that Budd was not innocent.”

Death benefits

Since Dwyer died in office, his widow Joanne was able to collect full survivor benefits totaling more than $1.28 million (equivalent to about $3.43M in 2023), which at the time was the largest death benefit payment ever made by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System. If Dwyer had been sentenced, state law would have prohibited the payment of his state-provided pension benefits. A spokesman for Dwyer suggested that he may have killed himself to preserve the pension benefits for his family, whose finances had been ruined by legal defense costs. Other statements made by some friends and family also suggest that this was Dwyer's motivation. At a panel discussion for the documentary Honest Man: The Life of R. Budd Dwyer, Dwyer's sister Mary Kun stated that Dwyer had made the decision to kill himself prior to knowing he would lose his pension and thus his motivation for his suicide was not to provide financial assurance for his family, but rather to "sacrifice himself to help the system."


On January 27, 1987, Dwyer's lawyers filed an appeal in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania seeking the dismissal of all post-trial motions that were then pending against Dwyer, abatement of Dwyer's conviction and the dismissal of his May 13, 1986, indictment. On March 5, 1987, the district court denied all motions, stating that "there were no grounds whatsoever upon which Mr. Dwyer could hope to succeed upon appeal" and ordered to "close this file as to R. Budd Dwyer". Dwyer's lawyers appealed this decision, and The US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit subsequently vacated the judgment. On remand, the district court was instructed to dismiss Dwyer's motions (since the Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction), and Dwyer's convictions for mail fraud and conspiracy were sustained. Six years after Dwyer's death, efforts were made to exonerate Dwyer when a retrial request was filed in U.S. District Court in July 1993. This request was denied in October of the same year.

"Hey Man Nice Shot" Song

"Hey Man Nice Shot" is a song by American rock band Filter, released on April 25, 1995, as the lead single from their debut studio album Short Bus. Some radio stations were playing it as early as March. The guitar line in the chorus was previously used in the Stabbing Westward song "Ungod" in 1994. Stuart Zechman, who was also playing guitar for Stabbing Westward at the time, took the riff and showed it to Stabbing Westward, who ended up using it as well. The song was written about the public suicide of Pennsylvania state treasurer R. Budd Dwyer on January 22, 1987, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Dwyer had been convicted of bribery charges in December 1986, and was expected to receive a long sentence from U.S. District Court Judge Malcolm Muir. Professing his innocence and decrying the legal system, Dwyer shot and killed himself with a .357 Magnum revolver during a live televised press conference. The bridge of Marilyn Manson's "Get Your Gunn" (1994) includes audio from the press conference where Dwyer shot himself, including the sound of the gunshot that killed him. When Marilyn Manson sampled the audio of Dwyer's suicide, Filter's Richard Patrick heard the sample and was excited by it; Manson believes that this interaction inspired Patrick to write "Hey Man Nice Shot." Reflecting on the sample, Manson said "He wouldn't have even heard it if I didn't play it.... I don't like him very much. He bothers me." Although Patrick frequently clarified this in interviews, as well as the fact that he had first written the song in 1991 before the band even had a record deal, the song's popularity was augmented by a widespread perception that it was about the 1994 suicide of Kurt Cobain. Musically, the verses of the song feature a "bed of ambient guitar" made with looped feedback as well as a distinctive palm-muted bass line, contrasting with the louder, guitar-heavy choruses and ending.

Other Archived Videos:

Go check out @Vaporeon's & @iggang's effort posts on this;

I decided to make my own effort post on this because I have never seen more than 3 angles on the same post.

It looks like some sort of Mexican quiz question. A correct answer gives you a point, one wrong answer… are dead instantly. In fact, this is nothing more than another decapitation by the cartel. Our young amigo landed on an unfinished construction site, covered in mud, kneeling in the muddy ground with a blade to his throat. The heavy downpour heard in the background and the raw walls only intensify the feeling of terror in this whole fucked up situation that you definitely don't want to find yourself in. After a moment of dialogue, one of the fastest decapitations takes place.

What adds spice to the whole matter is the fact that we know exactly who this young man is. He's a fucking TikToker who decided to publicly insult 'El Mencho'. Don't know who El Mencho is? His real name is Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes. All you need to know is that he's the leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. Sing the rest to yourself. Besides, we can see with our own eyes that El Mencho doesn't let himself be fooled. Our already dead tiktoker used the pseudonym Illuminatii6. He recorded a viral video during which the following words are spoken: Listen to me, you motherfucker. El mencho, you can suck my cock 100%. I'm not afraid to say it, I can say it here and off camera - El Mencho can suck my cock! I am immortal, untouchable and I made a pact with the devil.

Someone would say that Nemesio took these frivolous words too much to heart. Maybe. But who knows, maybe El Mencho is a very sensitive man...? However, we can certainly agree that the words spoken by the TikToker turned out to be of little value. His pact with the devil and his immortality can be seriously questioned. Or at least that's the impression you get after seeing the video. :doot:

CHILD WARNING primary school girl beheaded on her way to school

Google translation of the crime day report and the trial report:

"decapitated by attacking the neck

The accused was angry due to not giving the house on rent to

Nisarzai. Afreen was in class four in Jalalnagar school.

Amar Ujala Bureau

Shahjahanpur. On Friday, a 10-year-old girl going to school with her cousin was murdered by slitting her neck in Mohalla Nisarzai Jalalnagar of the city. The only truth about that innocent girl was that she was the daughter of the person who had refused to give a house on rent to the murderer. After this sensational incident, a crowd of thousands gathered at the spot. The agitated people were demanding immediate arrest of the killer. Police reached the spot and brought the situation under control and took possession of the mutilated body of the girl and sent it for post-mortem. A named report has been lodged against two people on behalf of the girl's father.

Afreen, the ten-year-old daughter of Iqrar Ali, a resident of Nisarzai Jalalnagar, a densely populated locality of the city, was a class four student of the nearby Sahara Public School. Like everyday, she left for school with her seven-year-old cousin Falak. At that time it would be around quarter to eight in the morning. As soon as they reached in front of Haji Zakir Ali's dairy, a few steps away from the house, a young man stopped the two girls and started talking to them. Meanwhile, the young man attacked Afrin with a shovel. The shovel hit his neck and in the blink of an eye, Afrin's head got separated from his body and fell away. It is alleged that the young man had picked up the shovel from the dairy of Haji Zakir Ali.

After committing the incident, the attacker ran away leaving the bloodstained shovel there. After receiving the information, a large number of police forces including SP City SP Upadhyay, CO City Rajeshwar Singh reached the spot. Iqrar Ali, father of the deceased Afrin, has said in the complaint given to the police that a few days ago Firoz was asking to give him a house on rent but seeing his criminal tendencies, they had refused to give him the house. For this reason he killed his innocent daughter. On the basis of Iqraar's complaint, a named report has been registered against the attacker youth Firoz son of Farukh resident of Nisarzai and Haji Zakir Ali at Sadar Bazar police station. Police have started searching for the accused. "


Considering the case in which a 10-year-old girl of the house was killed with a shovel three years ago for not giving a room on rent, Additional Sessions Judge Gopal Upadhyay on Wednesday declared the accused Firoz guilty under the IPC, considering it as the rarest of the rare category of crimes. Sentenced to death penalty under section 302 of IPC. A fine of Rs 20 thousand was also imposed on the accused.

50-year-old accused Firoz, after throwing her on the ground near Shahjahanpur railway station at 7.40 am on August 16, 2013, severed her head from her body by hitting her several times with a shovel. Afreen, daughter of Iqrar Ali, resident of Mohalla Nisarjai of Jalalnagar, was going to school along with her cousin sister Falak, seven years old, on the day of the incident from Dhaka Talab Road. Iqrar along with his wife were standing at the door of his house watching the girl going to school.

Then Firoz son of Farooq was seen coming with a shovel in his hand in front of Haji Zakir Ali's dairy. He stopped Afreen and hit him hard on the back. When the girl rolled on the ground with the school bag hanging on her back, Firoz hit her neck three times one after the other with a shovel, due to which her head got separated from the body and fell at some distance. Seeing this scene, people living in nearby houses also saw it.

In the verdict pronounced on Wednesday in the much-discussed Afrin murder case, Additional Sessions Judge Ashtam Gopal Upadhyay also explained the reasons for considering this incident as the rarest of rare category of crime. He has written that thousands of children go to school every morning. It is the responsibility of the court to give harsh punishment to such cruel criminals (who target innocent and helpless children) to remove the fear prevalent in them so that recurrence of such crimes can be prevented in future.

These criminals not only hurt the judicial conscience but also the collective conscience of the society. Therefore, in the light of the facts, circumstances of the case and the legal rulings of the Supreme Court, this murder falls in the category of rarest of rare crimes. The judge has written in his decision that accused Firoz would have been 47 years old at the time of the incident. He is not a teenager or a young man but a fully mature man who is now 50 years old.

He has brutally murdered a 10 year old innocent girl and at this age there is no possibility of his recovery. He is also not mentally challenged and has answered the court's questions with discretion. The way the murder was carried out is a disgrace to the civilized society. An innocent girl was going to school in school dress, wearing a tie, belt and a bag on her back and her parents were standing at the door and watching her.

And without any solid basis, the accused first hit the girl along with the bag and then hit her on the neck with the shovel in his hand until the neck got separated and fell two-three steps away. It was natural for the parents to lose their senses; this audacious, cruel and merciless incident spread terror in the society. If the intention of the accused was only to kill the girl, then he could have committed the murder by injuring her head or body with the opposite side of the shovel.

His motive was to create terror among the family and surrounding people by committing murder in a ruthless and barbaric manner which shows his criminal character. On Wednesday, a large number of people from Mohalla Nisarzai reached the court of Additional Sessions Judge Eighth to hear the verdict of Afrin murder case. Many people had also arrived from other parts of the city. Among them, the saddened family members of Afrin were also seen silently looking away from the accused standing in the dock with contemptuous eyes and sometimes praying with both hands in the hope of justice.

When the judge read out the verdict, Afrin's mother Shahida Begum came out of the court room along with her advocate, advocate Firoz Hasan Khan, and as soon as she met the media, she said that today her heart felt cold and she got justice for the death of her innocent daughter. Tears were flowing from his eyes. Afrin's father Iqrar Ali, real sister Nisha, real brothers Imran Ali and Irfan Ali and uncles (Falak's father) Azad Ali, Dilshad Ali and aunt Bilkish Ali, who were present with him, expressed happiness over the decision. The entire family was emotional after hearing the verdict and everyone was in shock.


other POVs

CHILD WARNING Man slams a 5 year-old boy into the ground, killing him, and then gets beaten up


Govardhan, India

August 19, 2023

A 5-year-old boy died in Mathura's Govardhan after he was brutally thrashed and tossed to the ground by a man dressed as a seer. CCTV footage purportedly showing the accused grabbing the child's leg and hurling him to the floor on a pilgrimage route surfaced on Sunday and is being widely circulated on social media.

The child, whose father runs a small store, was playing outside his house near Radhakund Community Centre when the man suddenly went after him.

The boy died on the spot after being smashed twice onto the ground. Local residents immediately caught the man and assaulted him. Police later took him away.

Police said the incident took place on Saturday evening and the man has been identified as Omprakash, 52, a resident of Bhind district in Madhya Pradesh. The motive for the attack is not known yet, police added.

SP (rural), Trigun Bisen, said on Sunday, "An FIR was registered under IPC section 302 (murder) following a complaint by the victim's father. Local intelligence unit will verify statements of those who witnessed the crime. The accused was beaten up by local residents and is undergoing medical treatment and action will be taken soon."

Locals claimed that Omprakash was perhaps performing 'Saptkosi Yatra' in which a pilgrim visits different religious places in Mathura and Vrindavan, usually on foot.

More photos of a blonde girl in the morgue


good day everyone.

i requested the grass award so i could take a break so i could focus on some personal work.

i could however not disappoint with my comeback. so here are some follow up pictures of me going out.

cookies anyone ?

for about 100pcs

12oz/350g flour

9.5oz/270g butter

6oz/175g white sugar

1.5 small spoonful of baking powder

a little bit of salt

3.5oz/100g chocolate chips black

1 egg

3g gingerbread/cookie spices

  • weigh the flour and put it in a bowl for mixing

  • weigh butter and place in pot to melt

  • weigh sugar and add to butter when it has melted

  • add baking powder to flour

  • mix half a teaspoon of salt with flour

  • ad cookie spices with flour and mix

  • let the butter cool and add the egg (so you don't bake the egg)

  • mix everything together in mixing bowl

  • add chocolate chips IF it has cooled down enough (otherwise chocolate will melt)

  • preheat oven to 400°f/200°c

  • roll balls no larger than €1 piece

  • set oven to 300°f / 170°c

  • bake for 15-17 minutes

  • cookies may come out a bit soft, but this is normal

i originally wanted to request the grass award a bit sooner because i wanted to take a break and possibly quit wpd. mainly because the voxtek drama was eating at me. link1 link2

like some user said. maybe i do really care to much about the users here. :marseylaptopsad:

has the site gone to shit without clitpeeler ? why ? the mods are doing their best to prevent all and any doxxing. you got 3 new awesome mods since clit left. none of them could replace him of course, but they are all unique in their own way. :marseysatisfied:

please have fun on here instead of moping around gore. some of you only seem to be on here to find misery.

and for the love of god, please give more upvotes to each other instead of being self centered.

in closing:

anyhow, follow me for more shitposts like these. i'm hardly here for the gore.

the usual natsuki posting will commence shortly.

who is she?

who is this woman in these pictures? it is rumored that she is takako konishi, a woman who committed suicide by freezing in the snow and her body was found in november 15th, 2001. others also say that she's a korean student from yong in university who's pictures got spread online (which is most likely the case) here are more pictures of her.

people say that this is a picture of takako's corpse, but it was a still from a documentary that represented how takako was found.

link to the documentary

what your are your guys' thoughts on this?


Grandma gets fucking launched down escalator

Woman hits sign while driving (classic vid)

12 October 2017

A Russian woman has died in the Dominican Republic after a car accident which involved her hanging out of the window on the passenger side while the driver recorded her on a mobile phone.

Natalia Borodina, 35, from Moscow, had taken her bikini off and was playing up to the camera, hauling her top half out of the car window while a friend was driving.

The shocking video sees the mother-of-one letting her upper body hang out of the window of the moving car, before she hits a lamp post.


Machine gunner fails miserably at controlling recoil and shoots his teamates

potentially killing some (Due to the high caliber of the gun) :marseydead:

Cop Run Over People With His Car

CHILD WARNING Young Boy Shot While Filming Video

A young boy was reportedly shot dead while shooting the video of a brawl in his village in UP's Sambhal district. A dispute between children of two politically rival families took a bloody turn when one of the families allegedly opened indiscriminate fire at another killing a 50-year-old man and injuring two in Sisauna village under the jurisdiction of Bahjoi police station in UP's Sambhal district on Saturday night.


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