


Man stabs attacker in self defense killing him

Tags: stabbed, stabbing, stab, knife, self, defense, attack, fight, chest, FAAFO

Moron accidentally shoots himself in the head

This is why you should wear you gun in a holster and not stuffed in your pants or pocket.

Tags: moron, idiot, Darwin, headshot, accident, dumbass, dipshit, stupid, retard

Meckels diverticulum

What my husband suffered from. His umbilical cord didn't decompose and kept growing with him as an adult. As a result of this he lost 6 inches of his intestines.


friend has been looking for a video of a woman with her limbs cut off who is wrapped in clear plastic. i have not seen it myself but they said the floor is pink and she is screaming and crying? been looking for ages. ty


Saw this video once on WPD where a man was on top of a building being electrocuted, then his body falls to the ground and you see his head detach. Any help finding the vid?

Cyclist hit by a car flies


A woman took her own life, throwing herself from the 10th floor of a building in São Luís.

The fact occurred in the late morning of Wednesday (18/01).

Businesswoman Teresa Travassos threw herself from the 10th floor of the Portal da Enseada building, in the Ponta D'Areia neighborhood, in São Luís.

The fact happened at the end of this morning and was first reported by the website O Informante.

She was the niece of the former attorney general of Justice, Fátima Travassos.

According to the website, Teresa was listed as the main suspicion of involvement in an episode that resulted in the stabbing of lawyer Ulisses César Martins de Sousa, which occurred last week.

Ulysses was hit in the abdomen and chest. However, he is doing well and has already been discharged.

The lawyer is a former attorney general of the State of Maranhão.

In 2007, he was even arrested in an operation called Navalha, of the Federal Police, triggered, at the time, with the objective of investigating a scheme of diversion of federal public resources involving entrepreneurs of the construction company Gautama, based in Salvador, and public servants who operated in the federal government and in state and municipal governments.

According to the accusation, the scheme guaranteed the targeting of public funds for works of interest to Gautama and then got bids for companies sponsored by it.



man's vehicle flips over and crushes him

sorry if repost

Cambodian casino fire - 30 wounded

long truck runs over a cyclist

Can you cucks stop bitching about /h/selfharm

I know this site is called WatchPeopleDie and I know this site shouldn't promote selfharm for people actively doing it but goddamn.

You guys are fucking whining like bitches because you don't like selfharm?

Don't get it twisted, I despise selfharm too but it was made into a catagory for a reason, So put on your big boy pants and deal with it instead of crying to a empty void about it


Just block the flair lmao

why do we have self harm flair?

i thought this is "watch people die" not "watch people gets hurt and obviously not die" or "watch attention seekers"???

(im not saying that i hate the tag, i know what "block tag" is, im just asking why it exist)

Psychotic Rap/Trap-Metal playlist for when ur folding laundry

Tried to organize it best as I could, rip ur subs/headphones lol


Off topic question: What is the difference between Meta and Discussion? I was under the assumption meta mean't the discussion regarding the site and discussions were for discussing things in general.

Yeah I know it's ironic to complain about people complaining about people posting stuff they don't like. I'm a new strag, obviously, and I've seen several threads for the short amount of time I've been here moralstragging over posts and comments. If it's gore / applicable to the site what harm does it do, I feel we should encourage content to be posted whether or not we agree or enjoy it. I personally don't watch the self harm videos, but I feel they deserve to have a place on this website. Content is content and it's what keeps the site alive and people coming back for more. I don't think people come here for this kind of post, but that's why I put it in meta, for people who want to talk about the website ( I presume). I feel there's a difference between being racist to be racist, and being discussion that could be deemed as racist to some. I feel debates and discussions in regards to complex and controversial topics are very healthy. I kinda think its fun to see people of totally different political backgrounds having a chance to come face to face to discuss their differences. Say, a Jihadi poster, and a femboy poster. I don't agree with the two, but I'd find it very interesting to see them interact with each other.

That being said.. I know I'm rambling.. This site offers a shit ton of tools and features that allow you to cater the site to your experience. There's not only blocking users, but blocking topics that you don't want to see. Variety is a good thing, and shouldn't be discouraged. Sure everyone can make posts complaining about whatever content they don't like, as I am doing. But at a point it becomes moot to argue that you don't want a thing like self harm, because you can block it.

TLDR: Gore is already a very censored thing on the internet, to call for censoring of certain types of gore is hypocritical. Utilizing the many tools this site provides is what people should do if they don't like something or someone. Just my two cents. Everyone is entitled to disagree or agree. I keep seeing the same types of threads, it seems no one is aware of the tools at their disposal. :marseylongpost:


if you have something like this, please post

Ban Evasion Trick made by rDrama user threatens WPD.

I have got info that a user on rDrama has created a method to evade bans by using VPNs, Burner Accounts and Private Windows to effectively Ban Evade

Make sure to watch out for these ban evaders and make sure to report them any chance you get

Thanks in Advance


Ildisley Augusto Araújo da Silva, 28 years old, had served time in the prison system in Pará, and was currently working as a street vendor in the city where he was killed.

On Saturday, 01/14/2023, Ildisley was having fun at a bar in the city of Imperatriz, 632 kilometers from São Luís, capital of Maranhão, when he was surprised by two elements who fired dozens of shots at him. One of the bullets grazed the owner of the bar.

Ildisley was hit with 13 shots, some in the head and also in the back, dying on the spot. Security cameras caught all the action. The videos went viral.

I couldn't find info about why he was killed..


I've seen it in almost every 90s action movie, is it even possible for a person to do it?


SIX videos of people falling but not died

2 bodies drowned found river



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