CHILD WARNING tree falling on a russian child (no blur)

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I'm a parent…if my kids are with me my first reaction to danger is to protect them, not run away to protect myself. That was her fault. He was following her. If she would have turned toward her children immediately the kid would be alive, maybe she wouldn't be…but the kid would have lived.

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That was her fault.

Her reaction was subconscious though, if we fight and protect or flee or freeze up in a stressful situation is not something we actively choose. Her body made that decision for her but she is going to blame herself needlessly.

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Whether or not she meant to react that way or not….it was her action that caused the child to die…establishing fault to her.

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it's easy to point the finger, isn't it?

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Point the finger? Looks like I just observed what happened in the video.

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Your actions = your fault

Pretty simple.

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I was looking for this comment, I studied and analyzed this clip as I find them immensely educational. This woman might not have been aware where the kids were when she looked up and saw the tree is falling, but her reaction was to run to save herself and not check where the kids are at all. We don't know what this woman was, maybe bigger sister or aunt, maybe just family friend, so we can't be quick to judge her reaction, but if it is the mother then she is to blame. She didn't even go back to see what happened (only the dad rushed) - she totally forgot that she had some kids somewhere in this situation and ran for her dear life and never looked back.

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I would agree that if she isn't the mother than I don't blame her, but the children's instinct to follow her as they did would lead one to believe that she is their mom. But I could be wrong.

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She never thought of walking backward

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honestly if she had even grabbed his hand or smt when running away the kid would be alive, just selfishness at its finest.

also why would she run around the car? she could've just backed up lol.

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I think that's a teenage girl.

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Therefore it's good to have spare kids.. in case of an accident or a malfunction, you can simply go to your storage and replace the broken one..

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Your kids deserve better than a loser parent who spends time on WPD

I dont think you're trying very hard to be a good parent

Like at all

Eta pretty sure that was another kid and not the mum. You're a fucking retard and the world became a worse place the day you somehome managed to breed.

Smh. Loser

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Btw, my kids are 19 and 21 years old, both in college and completely funded by me. But like you said , I'm not trying very hard to be a good parent “like at all” ….I joined WPD a couple months ago so my visiting this site has had absolutely no effect on them. You have no idea how stupid you sound. At no point did I say that I had small children, you assumed that so you also assumed that I visit this site while actively raising children and that's where your comment about my parenting came from. It's a good idea to atleast try to acquire more information before going on an unhinged attack about someone else's life. I think that with no kids in the house I should be able to do what I want…and visit WPD…ya know, just like you are doing.

Smh. Loser

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Commenting about another person's character while know nothing about them is exactly what a loser would do.

Smh. Loser

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The reason is the other kid, who was lucky one not to rush after the woman (again, can't speculate who is related to whom)

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Braindead opinion

99% of your ancestors have had at least one child die, it is as natural as reproduction itself. Becoming so pathologically attached to a toddler is a step above crying over a miscarriage for your whole life

It has become a meme at this point that "losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to you", when in reality never having children is the worst thing that can "happen" to you.

Sure if a tree falls and crushes your four 25yo kids before they got to make you grandkids, youre likely infertile at that point as a woman and its basically gg for your bloodline and its rational to be devastated and give up at life.

But a 2-6yo kid, which most people cry about the most, is a completely different story. At that point its early enough to where you havent even invested many resources into the kid and can just make another and start over (which youll probably do a better job raising considering you had a trial run and know not to let your kid get crushed by trees or hit by cars)

The earlier the kid dies the better, preferably in the womb

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Continue to not procreate

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i will spermdonormaxx and have hundreds of aryan clones while you watch netflix and drown in goyslop :marseycheers:

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