CHILD WARNING 13-Years old Argentinian boy accidentally kills his friend On Facebook Live

Georgina Magalí Vega was a 12-year-old boy who lived in Santa Rosa de Calchines.

She was an only child and lived alone with her father, who had fought for years for possession of her home.

On May 16, 2017, Georgian died after her friend shot her in the face when she was playing with a shotgun in Santa Rosa de Calchines. She caused his death immediately.

Everything happened while broadcasting on Facebook Live.

Georgina even jokes with the phrase "if you get to kill me, I'll kill you", seconds before the shot and you can see how the shooter loads the gun with cartridges that were also within reach of her in the House.

The shot, a second of silence and then the heartbreaking screams asking for "Giorgi", as Georgina Vega was called, and more screams from the children who never imagined that a "game" could bring about such an outcome.

In the video, which the town authorities did not ask to broadcast, you can see the moments before the accident.

One of the boys took the rifle and played with it, and pulled the trigger without having any bullets. Moments later, the shot of the rifle that escaped suddenly and surprising everyone in the video is heard.

The Juvenile Justice, based in the city of San Javier, ordered the intervention of the Investigative Police (PDI), although in principle the only hypothesis is that of death is that it was accidental.

The death is the first death broadcast on Facebook Live in Argentina.

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Loads gun

Points gun at friend and pulls the trigger

Surprised when friend dies


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people when the gun does its fucking job:😟

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mexicans smh 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤣

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Maybe you didnt read the title, those are Argentinians not mexicans

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OP also calls the victim Georgina a "12-year-old boy", so who knows what else OP got wrong.

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By their accent, they're probably Argentinian

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He was probably confused, because they weren't black. Easy mistake to make.

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for the gringos all the south american are mexicans, thats why we have to nuke that shitty country

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brown indigenous = latinx beaner

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obese and retarded=gringo

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Go to eat an hamburguer in some mac fatty piece of shit

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i dont care what kinda ans you is!

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Smelly negro alert.

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potato potatoae headass

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Nigga said potatoae

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Yes he did indeed 🤨

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stfu nigga damn

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Bro is a professional yapper

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idc oook XD

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stop embarassing yourself dude, your stupidity is already clear

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did i ask

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nope, but for your own sake. Be smart don't stupid. I know it's a simple concept but it seems you don't get it

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Those aren't Mexicans dumbass

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IDC dumbass they both are taco munchers

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I love tacos 🌮

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Fuck you nigga

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ik a catfish isn't coming for me 😟😟😟

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ikr it's like people don't know reverse image search exists 😭🙏

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respectfully No

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Sexy foreskins! Glad we're on the same page.

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uncircumcised dicks look worse!

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Are you saying that as a girl/gay guy? Or as a guy with an uncircumcised dick?

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So you're uncircumcised but you think your dick would look better if it was cut?

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ur retarded

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mi amigo el que sabe leer:

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U are a idiot

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Learn to read dumb fuck

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Nvm lil nigga is illiterate

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niggas be like

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That actually made me sad, also very neglectful of their parents

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You should treat every gun as if it were loaded. Especially right after you load it....

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Right? Why is this a hard concept for some people?

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You mean kids who should have never had access to a fucking gun?

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That too. And if we need to further blame more. The parents are at fault for having a firearm not safely put away.

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Kid or not stupid is stupid and these kids have more autism than they can handle. You can't load a gun then proceed to repeatedly pull the trigger and be surprised your friend has a popped watermelon for a head.

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The kid probably didn't expect the gun to go off. He probably thought it was just a toy and that they were playing a special game.

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If that's what they thought then they deserved it... Do they need to be told not to drink bleach also?

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The kid probably thought that the gun wouldn't hurt. Bleach is ok because it has child safe lid so kids aren't able to drink. kids would drink if no lid because of the good smell

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You must have been raised with these retards.... These aren't toddlers they look to be at least around 10 probably older.

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these little kids I think are more like six or seven… definitely not 10 years older than each other… they are nearly old enough to know not to fire guns at very close friends. also at six years old child would definitely drink bleach if lid was removed. also please cheer up and not use foul words , we are simply conversating

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If i had a dollar for every video I've seen where teens are playing with guns and accidentally shoot their friend in the head, then I'd have 2 bucks.

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I have seen 3. ok no one were late teens/20s dumbfucks

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This is very reminiscent of the famous video on the side bar. The two black kids in the bathroom live streaming with a pistol that has a drum barrel. Kills her cousin with a headshot, freaks out then kills herself.

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That one was way better... this like the shitty bootleg version

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This would've been kino except the kid with the camera missed the big moment.

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Paris Harvey shooting is what you're referring to, in case anyone wants to look- like he said, it's on the sidebar.

What's your opinion on Paris shooting herself? I've seen a lot of people who say they believe she shot herself on purpose after accidentally blasting her cousin, but to me it looks like a freak accident.

The argument I saw for shooting herself... sometimes, when an unsupervised kid hurts another one, they will attempt to hurt themselves in a similar manner in order to hopefully mitigate the trouble they get in. So, the logic is: Paris shot her cousin in the head. Everyone was going to be mad at her... unless she too was shot in the head.

I don't believe she had the time to think about that. She kills her cousin and then herself in less than 2 seconds, IIRC. Just mishandling the gun led to both deaths, IMO.

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Yeah that's the one. That's the same argument the mother made for it. She likely knew that guns are dangerous and not to play with them, but many kids will do the opposite of what a parent or adult says not to do.

I see it as intentionally killing herself. I know they're young and so it's hard to really say for sure what she was thinking, felt and knew at the time. So you could be right with your assessment of the similar injuries to be in less trouble but she certainly put the gun to her head and pulled the trigger. In my eyes that's her intentionally doing the act, perhaps without knowing full well the consequences. If I had to choose a side, I'd learn more towards intentional self inflicted gunshot.

In a way we're both right I feel, but she definitely shot herself in the head on purpose. Likely without understanding the full gravity of what it would mean.

Honestly the Paris video and the OP post here should be used in gun safety courses to show what can happen when idiots who own guns don't lock them up properly/leave them easily accessible to minors. The mom even runs over and says "HEY DON'T SHOOT SHIT." Makes me feel like she knew they were playing with a gun, they just never had discharged or fired it before this time. And one time is all it takes with negligence this bad.

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I lean towards accidental. I just don't think a kid her age (who seems to be on the dumb side) would have the internal conversation and arrive at the decision to shoot herself in the roughly 3.5 seconds between shots.

A pistol with a drum magazine like that can be awkward to handle for a grown adult- you can see how heavy it is for her by how much she has to use her wrists to just hold it up steady. So, my theory is she popped her cousin in what looked like a fucking execution (pointing a gun at someone's head and pulling the trigger = murder, right? What else happens when you pull the trigger?) and spazzed out. Dropped the gun, frantically tries to pick it up, probably more concerned about the trouble she's about to be in than anything else... in her haste, she picked up the weapon by the trigger and lifted it up, pop.

The camera angle doesn't show low enough to see if she placed the barrel under her chin or in her mouth and then fired. I suppose we'd need an autopsy report in order to determine where she was shot- that would affect my opinion on whether it was accidental somewhat.

>She likely knew that guns are dangerous and not to play with them, but many kids will do the opposite of what a parent or adult says not to do.

Let's not even pretend that she wasn't mimicking one of her older cousins or mother or something. This behavior is learned, and thugs like to do this shit- stream to an audience of like 2 people, and wave guns around while talking shit. The way the adults handled the situation makes me think they're a family of shitbags. The mere fact that these girls were able to get their hands on that weapon is a scathing indictment as to what kind of parenting was going on here. Most households with guns and kids never have a problem like this, because the parents both secure their weapons, and teach their children correctly. If Paris had followed the "Don't point this at anything you don't want to kill" rule, this wouldn't have happened. But nobody ever taught her that, let's be real.

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I'm going to watch it again to see if what I recall is accurate. My initial thoughts on it was that she placed it to her temple and fired. Never got the impression it was done anywhere else.

I just watched it and her placement and hair certainly would be up for debate as to where she shot herself. I don't believe it was an accident. It sounds like she's telling her cousin right before shooting him that "It's not loaded" however she never finishes uttering the sentence since it goes off as she started to say it. She knew guns were dangerous if that's how she tried to tell her cousin not to worry.

We can't say for sure what she was thinking, no one can for certain. However as the video goes, I don't see anything accidental besides her killing her cousin. After that, all bets are off. Complete failure of the family here, this is why we lock up guns.

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We can agree to disagree on this- I can totally understand your point of view on this, and I believe it's equally valid since we are ultimately speculating without all the information.

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I saw people on another gore site insisting that she "accidentally" shot herself afterwards.

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That's what the mom said, she said it's clearly an accident that she shot herself too.

After watching the video though, it's pretty apparent that she intentionally did it. You can see her head, her posture, and the top of the gun if I recall correctly. Puts it to her head and offs herself. I feel like it was an accident that she shot her cousin, she then intentionally shot herself.

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Yeah, the first one was an accident, but the girl definitely shot herself on purpose.

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This one and the Paris Harvey one?

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I don't know if your comment was really fucking funny or if im really fucking high 🤣🤣🤣 either way thanks for the two minute straight laugh 🤣🤣

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I was shot in my foot with an airgun by a friend because he thought my shoe would stop the projectile. Absolute retard moment

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