Jammed gun accident

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The gun is jammed? Better try to peek down it's barrel, seems to always work in cartoons

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Looks like the cartoons weren't lying

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Ngl i laughed. Was so focused on the pistol guy, i didn't even consider the other bloke would blow his own brains out

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Same holy crap and then his hat just pops off like a cartoon

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Swear I've seen a shorter clip of this incident before, but from a different angle. I'm either hallucinating, this has been mirrored, or this poor bastard was unlucky enough to have two different cameras capture the stupidest moment of his life.

edit: found the second shooter

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Good find! Thanks for sharing that.

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No problem, dude. Thanks for giving me a fun rabbit hole to delve down.

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Me too, it was an angle from behind or maybe a little further wth?

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Found it. Can even see both cameramen in the background of each. Clearly super excited to see a PPSh drum mag fire. Apparently another case of celebratory wedding gunfire. Wonder how many weddings are immediately followed by directly related funerals.



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I love watching sand people shooting themselves like this

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This looks like it was shot in Pakistan, aka South Asia, not the Middle East

edit: Ok fine it seems that this video is from Afghanistan, not Pakistan, sorry. But Afghanistan is Central Asia, not the Middle East. The word 'Sand-people' is used in reference of Middle Easterns, not South and Central Asians

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The use of the term “accident” when talking about firearms makes no sense.

That gun did exactly what it was designed to do when you load it, point it at a human being and when you pull the trigger. That’s not an “accident”, it’s negligence.

As far as the question some of you are asking regarding how exactly can these low IQ barbarians possibly resist invasions from mightier nations, there are two answers:

  1. Lack of moral conviction by the invading party. In the case of the US it’s hard for an American army to win a war with no defined objectives, no clear exit strategy, no clear definition of what victory actually looks like and a refusal to use all means at your disposal to destroy your enemy. The US could easily wipe out that entire region and make it glow in the dark if it wanted, but Americans and westerners in general, unlike their enemies, have too many moral qualms when it comes to destroying innocent lives.

  2. The equalizing power of firearms is so great that even if the hands of the most barbaric, low IQ, subhuman scum in the world they still give anyone with a will to fight and resist a fighting chance to overcome their invaders. Assuming the invader army isn’t willing to completely annihilate every last man, woman and child in your country you have a chance against them if, and only if, you have guns. You don’t even have to be very good with them, and you might kill some of your own people negligently, but you won’t be conquered.

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"accident" is referring to what the person did, not what the gun did

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Guns don’t do anything on their own. That’s the point.

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my gun goes off all the time

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If it does that without you or someone else pulling the trigger then you have a very, very defective gun.

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it's got a mind of its own!

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Well lucky, that’s a keeper for sure.

Please tell me it’s a Hi-Point Yeet Cannon 🙏🏼

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I kind of want one of those Yeet Cannon-marked Hi-Points some day.

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Bruh I bought one as soon as they came out lmao

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Can i ask what your username is from? It sounds nordic as hell.

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Atlas Shrugged. Hmmm. Guess i have a new book to read. Thanks!

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Why are you making up a narrative where people are blaming the gun? It was an accident that happened because of negligent gun handling.

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I’m not the one making it up. This is a common talking point amongst firearm instructors. I’ve been hearing that line from people with far more experience than me for many years.

It also makes sense.

Accidents refer to unforeseen, unintended and unwanted events that are not caused by humans. Look up the definition of the words, it will help.

Accidents tend to imply that nobody is to blame. There’s a reason the word is used sparingly in legal contexts.

The man loaded a gun, pointed at his friend and pulled the trigger. All those things didn’t happen “by accident”, they were done consciously and with purpose by a human mind.

In the gun world there are no accidental discharges, there are only negligent discharges.

Ps: you most also not own or be very familiar with guns. Most gun owners are painfully aware of how often guns are blamed for violence and deaths in ways cars and other deadly tools are not. Even people who think they can reduce “gun violence” through legislation often forget to see what happens to “knife violence” and “hand violence”.

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My understanding of your comment is that you're arguing against viewpoints and opinions you have come across other places, which is a kinda weird thing to do.

Can you point out which of these definitions you have cherry picked to fit your argument, ignoring the rest including "an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance"?

https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/accident Look up the definitions of the words, it will help.

"There are no traffic accidents, the car did exactly what it was designed to do hurr durr"

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Is that a PPSH? Unmodified, PPSH has a fixed firing pin and is open bolt. This means that unlike most firearms not meant specifically for sustained fully automatic fire, the bolt locks to the rear on each shot and is released by pulling the trigger to pick up the next round from the magazine and immediately fire upon the closure of the chamber around it. This is done for simplicity of design, to prevent cookoffs (premature detonation of a live cartridge in a very hot chamber) and to help keep the barrel ventilated for faster heat dissipation.

What it means here is if the trigger is pulled and the sear releases the bolt to come forward and fire, but a malfunction prevents the bolt from stripping a round, or feeding it all of the way into the chamber, you can have an extremely dangerous situation where you literally have a live round in front of the bolt and only the malfunction is standing in the way of it being pushed into the chamber and immediately firing.

Clearly this idiot did not know that.

Darwin award?

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Wow, how can they ever fight? Also: why didn't we win in Afghanistan? They have no skills, their guns don't work, and when they do they shoot each other.

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We didn’t loose, we left.

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we don't ever lose, we always leave.

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Yeah, just like I didn’t drop out of college. I just never went back. Totally different.

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Because this is Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

Also the Taliban won simply because with the US withdrawing from Afghanistan, the Afghan government and the soldiers working for them stopped caring since they no longer were being funded and money was the only thing they were after. A bunch of children could've took over Afghanistan with the amount of ceasefire/surrendering that occurred.

edit: Ok I am wrong, this does take place in Afghanistan, woops

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ok, that hat popping off is just Looney Tunes perfection

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With open bolt guns, pull the bolt back before removing the magazine. You WILL fire a round if you try to remove the magazine if the gun is jammed


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This makes me giggle.

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ngl I was really confused, I thought the pistol guy was the one who shot him, but I didn't ever see the slide move

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Lucky it jammed, he would would have otherwise shot that commercial Jet down.

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Looked like a normal front-fire.

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Think you are correct, edited!

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Whoa. This must be what kings feel like.

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Bruh i was so laggy and only 2 seconds of the video was playing then stopping, Just to find out its this wack ass.

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Did the cameraguy just step out to get a better angle?

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