fatal horse crash



Terrible footage from St. Petersburg: a truck crushed a woman to death while backing up.

A 37-year-old driver was driving the truck. A resident of a neighboring house told us that she woke up from a woman screaming “He killed her” coming from the street.

Law enforcement agencies are currently at the scene and an investigation is underway


Picher, Oklahoma: A Town Lost to Lead


Picher, Oklahoma, was once a thriving mining town. Unfortunately, its prosperity came at a terrible cost. Years of lead and zinc mining left behind a legacy of environmental contamination, forever altering the town's fate.


Picher's boom began in the early 1900s with the discovery of vast lead and zinc deposits. Mining became the lifeblood of the community, attracting residents and shaping its identity. However, the mining process left behind piles of waste rock called "chat." This chat contained high levels of lead and other heavy metals, but its dangers were not widely understood at the time.


The true cost of Picher's prosperity became tragically clear. Lead dust from the chat contaminated the air and soil. Residents, unaware of the health risks, breathed it in and even used chat for landscaping, unknowingly exposing themselves and their families. This led to widespread lead poisoning, particularly among children, causing lasting health problems including learning disabilities. The once vibrant town became a victim of its own success, with Tar Creek, the waterway that ran through it, turning red from heavy metal pollution.


By the 1980s, the situation was dire. The Environmental Protection Agency designated Picher a Superfund site, acknowledging the environmental catastrophe. However, the damage was irreversible. Alarmingly high lead poisoning rates in children prompted a government buyout program, offering residents a chance to relocate. The final blow came in 2008 with a devastating tornado, further solidifying the town's decline. By 2010, Picher was practically deserted. The official closure arrived in 2015 with the passing of the last resident.

Picher serves as a stark reminder of the long-term environmental consequences of resource extraction. While the town itself is gone, the legacy of lead poisoning continues to impact the lives of those who once called it home.

Sources: Wikipedia, BBC

Please let me know if I got anything wrong or if I missed anything

How would you rate this on my disaster scale?

(1= Not bad, 5= Worst ever)

Russia | A skiier collides at high speed with an another skiier, killing the speeding skiier - 5 January 2023

"The incident occurred at the height of the New Year holidays. Thousands of tourists from all over Russia come to the Caucasus to go skiing at this time.

Apparently, one of the vacationers did not understand the routes of the track and went his own way down the mountain. The 43-year-old man drove at low speed across the slope. At the same time, another skier was coming down the main trail at high speed (about 70 km/h). He was unable to avoid a collision with the first skier.

Both skiers were carried several meters away from the impact. As the first one hit his forehead, he died instantly on the spot from a fracture of the skull base. The poor guy's head was literally blown off.

The second man, who was driving across the highway at a slower speed, survived. He is hospitalized, but there is no threat to his life. Now the case is being studied by investigators."


woman gets run over by a person unfocused driving.



Not terribly graphic, but it should do. On-board footage of Wheldon's fatal crash was livestreamed on Verizon's Indycar Mobile, but any traces of that livestream are virtually impossible to find online nowadays.

New fear unlocked


:marseyswastika: :marseyswastika:

Man gets crushed by a hydraulic skid-steer bucket


[IMG_7866.jpeg] [IMG_7870.jpeg]


Aftermath of 100 pound board dropped on big toe beforejpeg]amplifier mount install. [IMG_7867.

She jumped out a window :marseyletsgo:

Reported by:

In a tragic incident, a man died on Tuesday (2022), four days after he sustained burn injuries after falling

into a cauldron of boiling payasam meant for temple prasadam in Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

As per reports, the man was identified as Muthukumar, and the video of him falling into the pot

is going viral after the incident. The man who fell on July 29th (Friday, 2022) was admitted to the hospital

with 65% burn injuries, but he succumbed while undergoing treatment.

The entire incident was captured on a CCTV camera. As a part of a religious event, payasam or

sweetened rice was being cooked in large vessels at Madurai's Pazhanganatham for

Muthu Mariyammam temple devotees on Friday.

The victim is seen coming to the pot and standing there. He is then seen sitting on the edge of

the boiling pot as he looks a bit dizzy and finally falls into the vessel of boiling porridge much to

the shock of onlookers. A group of men are seen trying to help Muthukumar out but they were

unable to pull him out as the vessel was too hot and finally, topple the entire vessel and he falls out

along with the gushing hot liquid from the vessel. A person is also seen falling after pushing

the vessel and might have also suffered injuried in the process.

Man passes out and falls into a pot of boiling oil in India (Skip to 0:45)

I've heard of indians putting their hands and feet in food while they make it but never this!


Truck crushes motorcyclist


Magician Dies During An Escape Act

Joseph Burrus Aka The Amazing Joe was a children's magician in California. He performed an escape trick at blackbeard's family fun center in California that cost him his life. Joseph Burrus was a magician, an escape artist who had hoped to become the best magician ever. His main goal was to be better then Harry houdini who is considered to be one of the best for some even the best magician ever. Harry Houdini performed many magic acts, but was most known for his escape acts. But there was one escape act that even Houdini couldn't pull off and that was the buried alive act. Joseph Burrus wanted to prove to the world that he was as good or even better then Houdini by pulling off this stunt.

Erik Weisz Aka Harry Houdini was born on March 24, 1874. He was a Hungarian-American magician, escape artist. He was most famous for his escape acts in the early 1900. A small documentary on who Harry Houdini was.

He had performed many escape acts such as jump with handcuff escape, milk can escape and the straight jacket escape. But there was one act that even he was afraid to do and that was being buried alive. Where he would be buried alive in a coffin and he would have to escape from the coffin and dig his way out of the dirt.

He had this idea, because he knew that most people were afraid of coffins and being buried alive, so he knew that it would be a good act to perform on stage.

He was planning on performing this stunt on stage in front of people, but he abondened the idea when he failed to perform the stunt which almost cost him his life. Houdini attempted this act, where he was buried in a coffin shackled under 1.8 meter of dirt and he did manage to get out of the coffin, but he could not make his way through the dirt. Houdini panicked and passed out and his assistent's had to save him by pulling him out of the dirt. If it wasn't for his assistent's he would have died. No magician would try the buried alive act for decades. But this was the act that Joseph Burrus wanted to do, because the only way to prove that he was better then Houdini was to pull of a stunt that even Houdini himself couldn't pull off. But to prove that he was better then Houdini he would not only be buried under dirt, but cement as well. 0.9 meter of dirt and 1.2 meter of cement. Harry Houdini died from peritonitis on October 31, 1926. He was 52 years old when he died.

He's a legend among magician's and is still respected to this day and many magician's want to be like him like Joseph Burrus wanted to be. About 1 year before Joseph Burrus attempted the buried alive act, he practiced it by being buried alive under a small amount of dirt and he successfully pulled of the stunt. This is why he was confident that he could pull of the buried alive stunt with dirt and cement.

The Buried Alive Act

On Halloween night Oktober 31, 1990 the 64th anniversary year of Harry Houdini's death, Joseph Burrus planned to finally attempt the buried alive act. His 2 sons and parents were also present at the show. He was dressed up in a white tuxedo ready to go. His family, friends, onlookers and assistent's tried to talk him out of it, but Joseph was sure that he could do it. He was chained and put in the coffin. Right before they started to dump the dirt and cement, Joseph Burrus signaled his assistent's to stop and they pulled him out of the coffin. He said that his chains were too tight and that it needed to be reudjested. People were warning him again to not go through with this, that maybe it was a sign, but Joseph Burrus was determined to do it and went back in his coffin. He was lowered in the pit and was buried alive with first 0.9 meter dirt and then 1.2 meter of cement.

Video of the buried alive act

Joseph Burrus suffocated to death when the coffin broke, because of the weight of the dirt and cement. The coffin was strong enough to hold the weight of the dirt, but not the cement. The wet cement became hard and crushed the coffin and dirt poured in the coffin. The assistent's did their best to dig him out and reach him, but by the time they reached him he was already dead. It happened on live tv and his 2 sons and parents saw the accident happen in front of their eyes. Joseph Burrus was cremated.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it. I will end it with a documentary of my favorite horror story teller. It's about 12 minutes long and contains more information and footage of the accident.

CHILD WARNING Driver runs over a kid (+info in bio)

A truck driver uses sand and gravel to cover up blood traces at the site where he ran over a 16-month-old boy in Nghe An Province, Vietnam, April 22, 2020. Driver was eventually arrested.

The accident occurred in the coastal village of Quynh Phuong in Hoang Mai Town of Nghe An on Wednesday last week.

On the morning of that day, the victim's parents took their son to his grandparents' house so that someone would take care of the boy while they helped process seafood there.

Since the boy was later nowhere to be seen, his family members rushed to find him.

Upon inspecting footage from a neighbor's surveillance camera, the family found that the toddler, who was playing on a road less than three meters wide in front of their house at 9:15 am, was run over by a truck carrying construction materials.

The driver, later identified as 33-year-old local Nguyen Van V., was filmed carrying the boy's body to another site and used sand and gravel to cover up blood marks on the road.

It only took him one minute to finish hushing up what had happened and drive away.

V., who was recognized by the boy's family, was questioned about the boy's whereabouts and he denied allegations against him. At the time, he even joined the family's search for the missing toddler.

However, the family was able to follow the traces of blood left at the scene and discovered the boy's body buried in a pit at a construction site adjacent to their house.

Local police officers were present at the time of the finding and arrested the truck driver on the spot.

“My grandkid was way too young and was just learning to walk. He was such an innocent child,” Th., the grandfather of the deceased, told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper.

Manslaughter resulting in one death is punishable by one to five years behind bars, according to the 2015 Penal Code of Vietnam.

The site where a 16-month-old toddler was run over by a truck.

At some Chinese factory


^ Here is a pic of the biker

Dude falls out of his apartment and impales himself on railing

Reported by:
  • account-001 : This is a high school lifting competition. That's a minor.
CHILD WARNING Retard at the gym breaks his neck and sees god

Try To Being Viral In Tik Tok

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