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EFFORTPOST Chemical Suicide: A Deep Analysis :marseypills: :marseyhelium:

In today's (hopefully effort) post I will be going into the world of chemical suicide. Remember, this is not met to be used as a guide.


Suicide through painkillers is when someone were to swallow a bunch of painkillers at once, or mix it with other painkillers intentionally. It is hard to link the same effects to every painkiller out there, so instead I will list off what happens with most painkilling suicides. As soon as the painkillers enter your body, you will already have trouble breathing, and this is only the beginning. After this takes effect, your stomach will start bleeding internally, and purfusely too, after this multiple organs will slowly (and painfully) die off as you try to survive. There a couple reasons you may die from overdosing on painkillers, but the most frequent causes are from internal bleeding, a complete stop in breathing, and organ failure.

Pesticide Suicide

A pesticide poisoning occurs when pesticides, chemicals intended to control a pest, affect non-target organisms such as humans. People take advantage of this, and that leads up to nearly 30% of all suicides. Right now in the U.S, it is very rare though, only accounting for 12 suicides a year. Through the organochlorine pesticides, like DDT, aldrin, and dieldrin accumulate in your fatty tissues. As this happens, you get pesticide poisoning. This already puts you at risk of long term neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and dementia. Cancer and kidney failure also starts to come into play during all of this. As these toxic chemicals cause onsets to your nerve cells, the body starts to shut down and you die.

Share of suicide deaths from pesticide poisoning: https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17113140842089753.webp

Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas. As you are exposed, you may feel confused, lost, dizzy, and chest pains. After long term exposure, you may experience loss of consciousness, arrhythmias, seizures, or death. Most death comes from hypoxia. Hypoxia is when you are deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level. Survivors ussualy experience memory loss.


Helium is a colorless and odorless inert gas similar to Carbon Monoxide and Nitrogen. Also similar to these 2, you die for the same reason. As your body tries to find oxygen, it can't. There is nothing but helium, as it digs for oxygen. You start to suffocate and you die from this lack of oxygen. You don't really feel like you're suffocating, unless Co2 is present. The more Co2 = the stronger feeling of suffocation. If you want an entire post dedicated to helium suicide, check this post

Photo of Helium Suicide: https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17113140843541858.webp


No I am not talking about LSD, I'm talking about sulfuric acid. I don't know if acid is really a chemical but I know it's intriguing and I want to add it. Anyway, once the victim has drank the sulfuric acid, immediate burning and sharp pain is present in the mouth. This then moves down to the throat, where a higher hole is created by the acid. The rest of the acid moves its way down to the stomach and causes extremely deadly amounts of internal bleeding. The victim dies from having the hole in their throat, or the acid melting through other key parts of the body needed to survive

Other Chemicals/Methods

This last section is gonna go into chemicals that are too short for a full section about them, so I will be making one big section out of them.

Suicide Bag: A suicide bag, also known as an exit bag or hood is a device consisting of a plastic bag with a drawcord used to die by suicide through inert gas asphyxiation. This inert gas is lighter than air, like helium, nitrogen, or CO.

Bleach: as you drink excessive bleach, you start to vomit purfusely, have a fatally low amount of blood pressure, and acute liver failure. If you want to see the affects, check this video out

Gas Oven Suicide: People commit suicide through their gas oven because of the chemicals it produces, like Carbon Monoxide.

Suicide Pill: This could be in the Painkiller section, but it contains more. A suicide pill can contain cyanide, fentanyl, or any other lethal substance than can fit in a pill.


This is weko997 signing off, hope you enjoyed the post. I tryed using other knowledge aside from my own background knowledge like my last effort post, so I hope this is better. This took hours to do so I hope it's an effort post.

Special thanks to @blepp for a couple chemical ideas






If any of these claims are inaccurate, dm me

And as always, If you or a friend feel you may be in danger of hurting yourself, please click the link below, or find a trusted friend to talk to. There is help. You're not alone


Or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.

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"Purfusely" lmao.

Not particularly accurate or educative. "Suicide through painkillers is when someone were to swallow a bunch of painkillers at once, or mix it with other painkillers intentionally. It is hard to link the same effects to every painkiller out there, so instead I will list off what happens with most painkilling suicides. As soon as the painkillers enter your body, you will already have trouble breathing, and this is only the beginning. After this takes effect, your stomach will start bleeding internally, and purfusely too, after this multiple organs will slowly (and painfully) die off as you try to survive. There a couple reasons you may die from overdosing on painkillers, but the most frequent causes are from internal bleeding, a complete stop in breathing, and organ failure." is just plain wrong. Depending on the type of painkillers (NSAIDs/opiates/acetaminophen/aspirin/COX inhibitors/opioids) the effects will vary wildly. Killing yourself with just acetaminophen/aspirin/ibuprofen is gonna be a lot more painful as you A) need to take extremely high doses as deaths don't occur until an extremely high threshold has been passed (which rarely happens as most people can't manage to swallow/stomach that many pills), B) the effects are way more severe and C) way more drawn out as it takes much longer to die. With opiates and (semi-synthetic) opioids death can occur within hours, and with substances like carfentanil it can take as little as an hour from injection to death.

The section on pesticide poisoning makes zero sense, as there's been less than a handful of cases in the real world where someone's killed themselves solely using a pesticide, and isn't really an alternative anyone would consider knowing it's gonna take literal months to kill you, while suffering in absolute agony as your body deteriorates.

I can see where you're going with this, but it's just not very well done and doesn't actually do anything other than highlight these ways to kill yourself. Just kinda seems you were browsing Wikipedia and thought this would be extremely edgy. I'd give it a D+ if you're age 16, but anything older than that is a straight F cus that's just embarrassing and a really cringy attempt at being edgy. Maybe badly reposting https://simple.wikipedia.com would be more up your alley.

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This comment really is gonna help me in my next effort post man, thank you

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I completely agree. OP seems very young. This post is useless

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I'm not the legal age to drink, but I'm over 18, also the post could be of some use. Hope you have a good night too man

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Good job dude, youll get better and better

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I agree

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Why does the poster claim your stomach starts bleeding from opiods? Wtf..You're not ingesting glass shards.

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Just going off my sources man. Like I said, if I made an inaccurate claim just dm me. Hope you have a good night man

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You want suicide info go make an account on sanctioned suicide forum

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That's so interesting comment, I've always been looking for info like explanation kinds of suicide! Thx!

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Everything you just stated I cleared up in the post, no one is trying to be “edgy” and I'm doing this for my own entertainment. Also, how do I know you even know these facts that you've stated?

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Im not sure why youre being jumped on. Youre good my dude. I hope you have a great day

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Because I'm not retarded and have knowledge of pharmacology, which you clearly do not, as you seem to think that taking a bunch of aspirin's gonna kill you like in the movies.

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It does . Slowly but surely. Getting your stomach pumped wont help. It shuts down everything slowly and you die painfully. Have a better day dude.

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You want suicide info go make an account on sanctioned suicide forum

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Stop effortposting shit that isn't even worth a read.

>uhhh acid burns your throat and stuff

>a suicide pill is cyanide and it uh kills you

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Hey man, I just try to inform. I will probably step down from this style of effort posting, and move to other things so it doesn't look shitty like this one. Hope you have a good night man

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Like i said, youll get better. Dont let ppl try and talk shit to you.

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just dont read, kid

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Girlfriend offed herself using Nembutal (Pentobarbital). Very peaceful way to die, you just go to sleep. Exit International recommends as the peaceful pill. Very difficult to obtain though. Either get it from a veterinarian or go Mexico or South American countries. My GF got it from an online source which was shutdown.

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Only online scource I know that got shut down was Silk Road ahah. Anyway, I'm sorry for your loss man, glad she wasent in any pain. Heart goes out to you man

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Uh is this an AI-generated summary? I'm like 90% I've seen this same general post on a different site a month or two ago. (can't remember the name but it's the one with a black background that focuses mainly on gore/aftermath pics)

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Also, if you actually read the post, it becomes apparent that it's not ai generated

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Nah, I did use the exact same scources from my firearm suicide post if that's what your referring too

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What's the rationale behind listing uppercase "https://Google.com" and uppercase "https://Safari.com" as sources? That's just weird in a very machine-generated way

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So your gonna skip the entire post and go straight to the sources and ask if it's AI generated because of capitalization, that's wild

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No, I'm saying actual humans don't usually link the name of a search engine as a source nor do they uppercase the first letter of URLs, though those are certainly things an LLM might do. The rest of the post has no strong indicators either way, but could conceivably be produced by pasting notes and snippets of articles into an AI chat and asking for a summary.

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Aleight I can see where your coming from, i can see why but after typing for so long im used to capitalizing words like “Safari” or “Google”. Thank you for the concern man and I hope you have a good night

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Bro loves the CamelCase

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the fuck is "https:///www.safari.com"?💀

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start planning.


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An interesting post. What was the name of the chemical being sold on that Pro-Suicide forum recently? Some Canadian guy is in big big shit for selling to people all over the world.

Edit: It's sodium nitrate. You should add this. It's been in the news fairly recently.

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Thank you for the feedback man, I'll be sure to do so

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Here's the news article...i found the forum in question too... but probably best to keep that off this site....

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I always thought on how tf you wanna die with helium and a bag in yo head like isnt pleasant

More photos :marseysatisfied:

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Because, your body can't differentiate oxygen and helium

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I was absent

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All good

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Very informative thx

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What about sleep pills? Do you fall asleep and never wake up? :marseybeanquestion:

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It's very hard to od on current sleeping medication

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Years ago they used to make sleeping pills/hypnotics with barbiturates, methaqualone, ethchlorvynol, glutethamide. The barbiturates were super dangerous compared to benzodiazepines that are used today(and becoming less and less common). Mix Nembutal or Seconal with a couple drinks in a non alcoholic person, and if found promptly you'll be comatose for days, if not, near guaranteed dead by morning.

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This is the most brilliant comments on this site

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my friend did the one with carbon monoxide the recuers or police were to late and almost blow the whole building up because of the gas and the cracking of his door, they didnt knew it and a single fire contact would have be death to them too

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Carbon monoxide isn't explosive or flammable… did you mean something else?

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could be it was a gas from the oldschool heather

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Add sodium nitrite

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thanks for all of this bro

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Thanks for educating us friend☺️

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I still remember when i was studying, there is a news where a student drank bleach.

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Tradgic how desperate people become to die, my heart goes out to them

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Sweet post!!🤭🤘

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Thanks, as someone thinking a lot about suicide this gives me some solid ideas, especially the linked helium death effortpost. I hadn't thought of using waterproof pads to protect the seat/floor for those after me, that's a nice touch.

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Go on sanctioned suicide forum, they are much smarter and more pertinent than OP

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Not what this was used for. There is help

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I've been getting help for years and you wanna know the truth? There's nothing they can really do, unless you have some specific goal you're ready, willing and able to go out and achieve and it's gonna somehow change your life. But if that were the case wouldn't I already just be out there doing it? For someone like me who's hopeless and exhausted, and already medicated, they just can't help me. Suicide is the only real solution for my problems.

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that must hurt

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Very interesting post

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Thank you

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