The Bodies of Mt. Everest - Photos and Backstories

Death on the highest mountain on earth

When you hear the name Rainbow Valley, you might think of a picturesque landscape. However, the reality is far grimmer. Rainbow Valley is an area below the northern ridge of Mount Everest, situated at an altitude above 8000 meters. This stretch is littered with the remains of climbers who did not survive their ascent. Tragically, Mount Everest claims lives every year, and Rainbow Valley has become the final resting place for over 200 climbers. The name ‘Rainbow Valley' comes from the bright and colorful jackets the bodies of the hikers wear.

‘Green Boots' is the nickname given to the body of an unidentified climber that became a macabre landmark on the north face of Mount Everest. The climber is believed to be Tsewang Paljor, an Indian mountaineer who died in the 1996 Mount Everest disaster. He was found wearing distinctive green Koflach boots.

Due to the extreme conditions on Everest, the body remained preserved for many years, serving as a grim reminder of the dangers of climbing the world's tallest mountain. Green Boots was a common sight for climbers on the North Face route, located in a limestone alcove at 27,900 feet (8,500 meters), until it was finally removed in 2014 by Chinese climbers.

The exact identification of Green Boots remains a mystery, though several climbers have claimed to know who it is. However, Green Boots will likely remain unidentified due to the difficulty of recovering bodies at such high altitudes. [Him alive] [frozen in time]

The story of Francys Arsentiev is one of the most tragic tales from Mount Everest. Known as the mountain's ‘Sleeping Beauty,' Francys Arsentiev was an American climber who passed away on Everest in 1998.

Francys achieved the remarkable feat of ascending the mountain on May 22, 1998, becoming the first American woman to do so without supplemental oxygen. However, she perished on her descent. Her husband, Sergei Arsentiev, was also part of the expedition.

As they descended, the weather on Everest deteriorated dramatically. The lack of supplemental oxygen became a critical issue, hindering their ability to descend. Stranded by the severe weather, Francys was forced to remain on the mountain for several days. Tragically, Sergei also succumbed a day later while attempting to help her. Francys Arsentiev's final resting place earned her the nickname 'Sleeping Beauty' among climbers.

The disappearance of her husband, Sergei, was solved the following year when members of an expedition discovered Sergei's body lower on the mountain face. It appeared he had died from a fall while attempting to rescue his wife.

Hannelore Schmatz was the first German woman to summit Everest. She summited in 1979 but died at 8,200 meters (27,000 feet) during her descent. Her body remained there for many years until it was eventually blown further down the mountain.

She was on an expedition via the South East Ridge route with her husband, Gerhard Schmatz. Gerhard, the expedition leader, was 50 years old at the time and became the oldest man to summit Everest. The American climber Ray Genet was also part of the same expedition and also died during the descent.

Exhausted from the climb, the group decided to bivouac at 28,000 feet (8,500 meters) as night approached, despite their Sherpa guides urging them to continue descending. Ray Genet died later that night. Although distressed, the Sherpa and Hannelore chose to continue their descent the next day. At 27,200 feet (8,300 meters), Hannelore sat down, requested "Water, water" from her Sherpa, and then passed away. Sungdare Sherpa, one of the guides, stayed with her body and consequently lost most of his fingers and toes due to the harsh conditions.

While Genet's body disappeared under the snow, Schmatz's body remained visible for years, leaning against her backpack.

In 1984, an expedition attempted to recover Schmatz's body but the team also fell to their deaths.

Eventually, the wind blew Schmatz's remains over the edge and down the hill.

In 2006, British mountaineer David Sharp who died of extreme cold.

David Sharp (15 February 1972 – 15 May 2006) was an English mountaineer who died near the summit of Mount Everest. His death sparked controversy and debate, as numerous climbers passed by him while he was dying, all on their way to and from the summit. Despite some climbers' attempts to help, their efforts were ultimately in vain.

Sharp was climbing alone and aimed to reach the summit of Everest without using supplementary oxygen.

He had opted for a bare-bones "basic services" package, which did not include support beyond a certain altitude or a Sherpa climbing partner. Sharp was part of a loosely organized group of 13 independent climbers, many of which also perished that year while attempting to summit.

Other climbers, who seen him, maintained that they believed Sharp was beyond help on the way up.

He actually died in the same cave as 'Green Boots'.

Sharp's body remained on the mountain but was removed from sight in 2007.

George Mallory (June 18, 1886 – June 8 or 9, 1924) was an English mountaineer who participated in the first three British Mount Everest expeditions in the early to mid-1920s. He is believed to be the first human to summit Mt. Everest. [George Mallory]

One of the oldest bodies on the mountain wasn't discovered until 1999—nearly 75 years after he died. Mallory was the most famous mountaineer of his time and arguably of any time.

On their final attempt to reach the summit, he and his companion Andrew Irvine were reportedly spotted by British geologist Noel Odell on June 8th at an altitude of approximately 8,500 meters. They then disappeared into the mist and were never seen alive again. [Andrew Irvine]

Since neither man returned the question of whether or not they made it remains a mystery. [one of their attemts to summit Everest] [Mallory on the left, Irvine on the right] [Mallory somewhere on Everest]

His body was discovered in 1999. He appears to have fallen to his death, and due to his injuries around his waist, it has been suggested that he and Irvine were still roped together when they fell. [Mallorys body]

When asked why he wanted to climb Evererst Mallory replied, “Because it's there.”

In May 2005, Marko Lihteneker died at approximately 8,800 meters (28,871 feet) on his descent, primarily due to issues with his oxygen system. He was last seen alive just a few meters from the summit, attempting to resolve these problems. His body was later discovered by Chinese porters.

Shriya Shah-Klorfine (January 11, 1979 – May 19, 2012) was a Nepal-born Canadian woman who died while descending from the summit in 2012.

She was an inexperienced climber, who booked a tour to the summit for tens of thousands of dollars to fulfill her lifelong dream.

Her body was on the hillside for about ten days. Afterwards it was carried back down.

Over 310 people died on Mt. Everest. Which is about 3.1% of every climber.

200 bodies remain on Everest.

The retrieval of the bodies is often times extremely dangerous and laborious. That's why most of them stay on the mountain in the place they died or are hidden from view.

Other dead climber, with unknown backstories and names.

My sources

My advice: don't try to climb Mt. Everest.

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First you copy and pasted another guy's effort post about this subject and used a thesaurus to change some words around (and then deny it even though it's clear as fucking day). Now you used AI to write it.

If you want an effort post you have to put effort into writing it by hand from your own knowledge. Not copy pasted, not AI written.

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there are just limited case to write about on the topic, so of cause they gonna be the same as the other post. doesn't mean i copied it or used ai shit to chang the wording. idk if you can't see my sources or what your whole problem is. i've never used ai. not once. you just using your admin powers to bully

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Did you copy and paste at all from any of your sources?

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if you'd actually look into it you'd see that I did not straight up copied anything. but you won't do that. you'll just not appreciate the amount of time and effort i put in making this post. sad. sorry for not making it a furry ragebait shitpost

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if you'd actually look into it you'd see that I did not straight up copied anything.


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No email address required. your detection tool seems very consistent :thumbup:

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Consistently says AI was used for at least some of it. And judging by the fact your comments do not match the style of the post, I'm leaning towards trusting the various AI text detector sites. As well as the fact you have a history of plagiarism.

Nobody's mad. The post can stay up, you're just not getting an effort post.

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>history of plagiarism.

tf you talking about?

>And judging by the fact your comments do not match the style of the post

yeah obviously... cause i try to make my post sound more formal duh

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to be fair those have been proven not to work

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plus my post has more photos and videos, idk what your fucking problem is

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ai? dude did you not see my sources? the post you keep mentioning is 99% straight copy from wiki. so not really my fault if some sentences seem similar.

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how do you get things below your comment? like that dancing stuf

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It's a signature. Need to donate at least $10 a month.

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Being a patron! In settings if you donate $10 or more you can have it :nice:

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You take that back! Waluigi is not cringe!

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If this is true then that sucks, copy and pasting from effortposts should be punishable.

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its not tho

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Thank you for being based and looking into this:pray: <3

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'looking into this', you mean just throwing random allegations around?

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Thank you for being based and looking into this:pray: <3

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'looking into this', you mean just throwing random allegations around?

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Is.. is his ass hollow?

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mount everest is so overrated, so much more exhausting than fun. I don't see why people even climb it. it's nothing special, really, just a big ass rock with corpses

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also everst is extremely trashed. parts look like a fucking landfill

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Something I don't understand is why the incessant urge to remove the bodies from where they are. Leave them alone! Those people died doing what they love! Let it be at that!

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Dont want the world's tallest mountain to have the dirty filthy failures ruining the beauty of it.

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What's the story of the video clip where they're watching something slide down the mountain? Was that a body? I'm not understanding what is going on there.

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As sad as it is, I think it's still one of the most pleasant deaths! Because of the cold, you just fall asleep at some point and die in your sleep. Relatively painless, I think...

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Have you ever been cold? Homeless in winter in 0C? It's like torture and when you freeze to death it actually feels like burning alive, look it up.

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mhh, ok.

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Love how there's a giant fight in the comments about if this is AI generated or not

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yeah kinda stupid discussion lol

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Dumb enough to think I could do it, not dumb enough to attempt it and die.

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so many dead people. died by their own choice.

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Good effort post!

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thank you!! unfortunately the admins don't see it as such....

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Excellent post

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Crazy how well preserved the bodies are, especially the one that say there for almost 8 decades

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Lmfao what a weirdo

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Climbed it with my father and other male family members in my early twenties. At 8000 meters you encounter the famed 'Death Zone' and at 8848 meters have the summit. The hike alone at this point is almost like summiting Scafell Pike but under much harsher conditions. A race to the summit and back below 8000 meters to safety.

On the night before our ascent to the Summit we camped just below this area nearby a corpse believed to have suffered from HAPE. Our Sherpa must have passed by the corpse several times in his rotations. Anyways, I had my tent all to myself that night with a great view of this corpse. I broke out a hand warmer and masturbated to the sight of it under several layers I'd add.

Thanks for the upload and reliving these memories.

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Ego hobby, pointless endeavour. I could understand the first person climbing Mt Everest just to explore the unkown but so many have done it it's just a risk your life to brag around the water cooler at work that you climbed everest.

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Im missing information.

They removed allot of the bodies you are talking about.

Green boots was the most famous one, because he became a way-point. They removed him.

Sleeping beaty got the name because her hair was always waving in the wind.

You use a article about the rainbow valley, but you dont talk about it. Its called rainbow valley because of all the dead bodies wearing bright coloured clothes.

You could have talked about how dangerous the mountain is, what the low levels of oxygen does the the body.

You cant help people at that level, you are barely surving when you are at that height. Stay to long and you dont survive. Your brain dosnt function like it should.

The 3third last picture, the one under the last video, is Marko Lihteneker.

I like this topic, and the effort is good. I just hoped for a bit more.

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>Green boots was the most famous one, because he became a way-point. They removed him.

that's what I said in my post.

>Sleeping beaty got the name because her hair was always waving in the wind

Hannelore Schmatz was the one recognized for her hair

>but you dont talk about it. Its called rainbow valley because of all the dead bodies wearing bright coloured clothes.

I explained this in my post. ' The name ‘Rainbow Valley' comes from the bright and colorful jackets the bodies of the hikers wear.'

>You could have talked about how dangerous the mountain is,

that's not what the post is about. It's about the people that died on it, not how to prevent dying on it.

>The 3third last picture, the one under the last video, is Marko Lihteneker.

Yes, I might agree, although the person has a different leg position, but it strongly resembles him

>I like this topic, and the effort is good

thank you <3

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Im not trying to discuss things with you. You did not talk about green boots being a waypoint on a route.

The picture of Marko Lihteneker is him, just a while later. Same clothes, poisition of body (except arms and legs, witch could have happend over time), the botle, rocks, bleu rope, its al there.

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>You did not talk about green boots being a waypoint on a route.

ok.... him being a waypoint isn't crucial to the story I tell... I talk about the people that died on Everest.

>The picture of Marko Lihteneker is him, just a while later. Same clothes, poisition of body (except arms and legs, witch could have happend over time)

okay. there is literally no point you're trying to prove. You're debating about one photo....

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Because green boots becama waypoint allot of people passed and photographed him.

I think it was one of the first photo;s of dead people on everest i saw. I think its all very interesting.

Like i said, im not trying to start a discussion and i apreciate the effort.

Its a effort post, with short stories that could have been allot more informative. Im giving some pointers that i know about, its al on the internet.

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I heard theres a certain amount of cold your body can handle before sweating in the many layers of clothing you have on and will trick you into thinking to take off layers when thats just a good way of getting hypothermia/ pneumonia

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it's called paradoxical unclothing I think. The extrem feeling of warmth moments before you freeze to death

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I haven't lost anything up there...

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Up the airy mountain, down the rushy glen, we daren't go a hunting, for fear of little men. You see, nobody ever goes in... and nobody ever comes out.

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dying on mt everest seems like a badass way to go

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I would say it's even more badass to die of old age

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