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Nuthing says freedom like school shootings

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A school shooting a week almost at this point.

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Really? Which school shooting happened this week? What about last week? How about the week before? The most recent two that I know of are St. Louis three months ago and Uvalde eight months ago.

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Oh I’m sorry so maybe there were only 30 school shootings over 52 weeks instead of a full 52…. 30 school shootings a year is NBD at all.

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Name them.

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Lmao fuck you no.

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Got called out and couldnt back it up. Sad.

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Lmao no you’re sad - I don’t work for you and what does it matter if it’s 50 shootings or 20 when 1 is too many.

Your “I owned someone on the internet” schtick is boring and sad.

Edit: also LMAO you Americans are seriously retarded


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LOL you spent coins to change my flair! OMG you owned me! Oh fucking no!!!!! What will I ever do! Someone call the cops! My flair has been murdered!!!!!!

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Did you actually read that article? It starts by referring to the St. Louis shooting I was talking about, and then specifically goes on to mention that most of these numbers aren’t actually mass shootings.

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LOL fucking idiot.

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Exactly, you can’t. Mass school shootings are terrible, but they aren’t happening every fucking week or two.

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I haven't heard of St. Louis I don't think, is there footage of that?

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I haven’t seen any.

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Just check Wikipedia, there's a list of school shootings 🤣 happens 2 every week.

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shhh! they hate it when you bring them back into reality.

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Seven downvotes so far, but not a single response with this supposedly weekly list of mass shootings, or even one more recent than St. Louis.

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parkland (this vid) was 5 years ago

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I mean from 2009 to 2018 other countries around the world had about a total of 25 mass school shootings. America had 288 give or take. Sooo. Yeah I'm sure it's slowed down right.?So yeah people arguing are just fuckin dumb twats. Pisses me off I have to share oxygen with some of these fuckwits.

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Weren't those numbers severely misrepresented though? I remember people quoting a bunch of those numbers after the Uvalde shooting and that there had been over 200 "school shootings" just that year but when you actually looked at the statistics the overwhelming majority were someone firing a gun on school property while the school wasn't even open and often times at night when no one was around and no one got hurt. Some took place a few blocks from schools and if I remember correctly they included police shootings on or around schools too. There had been something like 15 "legit" mass shooting at schools since the 60's, and by that I mean what people picture when they hear "school shooting", Columbine, Virginia Tech and so on. Not saying it's not a huge problem with little twats shooting up their schools but just straight up lying and manipulating people to further your cause is just stupid and will hurt the cause in the long run.

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Those numbers even included BB guns and paintball shootings lol.

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And dont forget it also included water guns

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Yes, those numbers represent all gun incidents in and around schools, including suicides and police shootings and individual shootings in school zones. It’s still super shitty that gun incidents happen at all around schools, but they aren’t the mass shootings that everyone thinks of when you use the term “school shooting”.

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Where can I find those statistics?

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Sorry, I can't remember the specific site but you can give it a goog and you should find a lot, just look through the wikipedia site for example and you'll see that a lot if not most of the shootings aren't at all close to the picture the term "school shooting" brings up in all of our heads.

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It makes me happy that you are mad. :)

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>So yeah people arguing are just fuckin dumb twats

Thats basically just being a shill

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Don't forget, most of those shootings happen in the cities with the most strict gun laws and most teen vs teen shootings are in Chicago alone. Rural America doesn't have near this problem and has 10 times the firarms. I'm just saying, think I between breaths as you share oxygen with me on this gore site, You moral superior You.

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Listen up people, facts are proven people!!

The more guns the less shootings.

So yes, give guns to everyone is the way to go!

Mently ill? Give em a gun! 16 years old? Give em a gun!

Too young to drink? Give em a gun!!

You get a gun.

You get a gun.

Everyone gets a gun!

Only has 10 guns? Give em 10 more.

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I like how you think

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Rural America actually does have gun violence issues that rival that of urban areas tho. In some statistical regards it’s even worse. It’s a complex issue and wether you like it or not, more guns that are easier to get is never going to be conducive to less gun violence. My condolences.

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Blame the cia

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Nothing says retard like begging the government to strip you of rights

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Only military and police should be allowed to shoot us down like dogs without us having a chance to defend ourselves.

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