EFFORTPOST The nutty putty cave incident [Writeup+ images]

Hey so I thought i would do something a little bit different from my usual shitposting and post a writeup on a cave accident that happend on November 24 2009

ps dont give me shit for this its my first time doing this


John had had plenty of caving experience, but not recently – most of his spelunking was done when he was a kid – John's father frequently took him and his younger brother Josh on caving trips all over Utah.

Josh wasn't his only brother: John Edwards Jones was born into a big family of five boys and two girls, he also had 16 nieces and nephews. John was a devout Christian, and according to his family statement later, he was known for his “good nature, delightful sense of humor, strong work ethic, a genuine love of people, a masterful ability to relate to children, a love of and unwavering faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and his commitment to his family as an amazing husband, father, son and brother.” and at the time he was studying to be a pediatric cardiologist

had recently become a father, and his wife was pregnant with their second child.

Picture of john jones



On November 24, 2009, the brothers John and Josh decided to rekindle their love for caving and picked Nutty Putty Cave as their next conquest. It was 8 p.m. on Wednesday, just a few days before Thanksgiving when they arrived at the cave site. They weren't alone: 9 more friends and acquaintances had joined them, so by caving standards, it was quite a large group that finally entered the Nutty Putty Cave.

Everything went smooth for an hour or so. The party had explored the largest room in the cave, aptly named the Big Slide. Soon, John, Josh, and two of their friends decided to take up a challenge they had heard about – namely passing through the Birth Canal, a narrow and challenging passageway that eventually opens up into a larger room. John went first: he wriggled forward for some time but did not see any larger area. He continued to inch forward, but the narrow passage did not come to an end; instead, the squeeze made a sharp downward turn. Confidently, John pressed forward, perhaps noticing the tunnel got wider at the bottom, but it was already too late. he was stuck unable to mover more than 100 feet underground

Johns body upside down


Diagram of cave


Diagram of where he was stuck



His brother Josh who was following him was the first one to find John. Anxious of how much the rock had swallowed John, Josh tried to pull him out but only managed to inch him up a little. As soon as he let John go, he slid right back into the crevice. John was stuck with one hand pinned underneath him, and the other forced backward. His ankles and feet were free but were of little use as gravity pushed him down

The first person to arrive to help, Susan, was a local rescue volunteer who immediately dropped everything she was doing when she received the message on her rescue pager and rushed to the scene with her Toyota. She arrived sometime around midnight – it was now more than three hours since John had been trapped deep inside the cave. Small, agile, and quick, Susan took no time to reach John.

Within the next few hours, tens and tens of rescuers arrived. The rescue team quickly brainstormed a plan after a plan. They discussed everything – even lubing the walls of the cave – until they decided to use a rescue rope that passes through a series of climbing cams with one end of the rope tied around John's legs and the other end pulled by the team. At the same time, they also tried drilling away chunks of rock near John, but the hard material and the awkward position made drilling a slow and painful work. In over an hour, they only managed to drill through a couple of inches of rock

The position of John's body also complicated things. He was trapped nearly upside down, only his feet were visible to the rescuers, and the ceiling above the feet hanged so low the rescuers couldn't just pull him out as his feet would get in the way. Time passed as rescuers worked frantically and failed with their first system of climbing cams. They then tried to use a rope-pully system, anchoring the pullies with bolts, drilling the bolts deep in the cave walls.

picture of rescuers inside the cave


Everything was also made more difficult by how narrow the cave was. Even though there was a large team of rescuers, volunteers, emergency services, and a rescue helicopter outside, only one person could directly access John.

Meanwhile as the rescuers were trying to help john his situation was getting worse and his situation was deteriorating he was some difficulty breathing, and his heart had to work twice as hard against gravity to push the continuous blood flow out of his brain. He was swinging back and forth between panic and calmness.

At one point, they brought a two-way cable radio into the cave and managed to lower it to him so he could speak with his wife, who was near the cave entrance on the surface. They were both agitated but comforted each other

By this point john had been stuck in the cave for 19 hours straight

Everything changed when the rescuers finally finished installing their pully system and started pulling John out. They worked in an eight-men tandem, all tugging as one. John was at times in great pain, so they made frequent pauses. But each time they pulled, they managed to pull John up a bit more.

After pulling him upwards the third time, John was finally lifted high enough so that he could make eye contact with the rescuer closest to him. He looked tired, his eyes were red, and his face was dirty, but he seemed fine otherwise.


When the rescue team pulled John upward for the fourth time, something happened.

The entire team fell backward as the rope suddenly went loose in their hands. The closest rescuer felt something hard hit his face, and he passed out for a second. When he came to, he saw nothing but dust. Once the dust settled a bit, he realized the stone arch near John's legs where the rope was tied around had shattered, and the nearest key bolt had broken off. He couldn't make out in the dust where exactly John was, but soon he realized – John had slid right down the crevice again, this time seemingly even deeper than before.

As the rescuer suffered severe facial injuries from the impact with a metal carabineer and couldn't continue his rescue efforts, he had to switch places with his dad who was also on the rescue team. When he reached John, he realized that John's breathing was much more shallow and less frequent, and he was struggling to stay alive. The rescuer called for John but received no response. Desperate, he tried to lower himself into the crevice to put the rope around John's waist but got stuck himself. After finally wriggling himself free, he drilled a new hole for the pulley and crawled out of the cave, exhausted, to be replaced by yet another rescuer who reached John but couldn't make contact with him.

Soon after, a medical professional crawled into the cave and reached John. At midnight, November 25, John was pronounced dead. He was 26 years old

all in all he was stuck on the cave for a total of 27 hours

A total of 137 rescuers worked hard for 27 hours to save John but failed his body was not recovered


After johns untimely death the authorities decided that was better if the cave was sealed shut the cave was blocked off with concrete and johns body was locked inside shortly after they added a memorial to john outside the cave

Johns memorial


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He didnt get stuck in the birth canal. He thought it was but itvwas a much smaller unmapped part. Close to the birth canal. The birth canal is mapped. This canal was not. Its now sealed with cement.

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i forgot to add that part sadly if there away to edit post?

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they should really make editing posts a thing

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theres not i added a pinned comment though

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Pin mine. Im way cooler pin mine. Im much cooler

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If anyone would like some more info or anything like that here are some links

[this video is by mr ballen great story teller it includes the nutty putty cave incident this is how i found out about myself]

and here's a small documentary

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Has 2 kids and is out doing stupid shit like this. Wtg dad!

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Shit is about to be haunted as hell

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This story describes one of the worst possible deaths ever.

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Nothing could make me go down there.

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Exactly, I saw this in a short horro documentary on YouTube and the entire time I was thinking: “This guy saw that and said, lemme get in”. 🤯

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ikr lmao

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But whyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Great post.

They say phobias are irrational fears, but there's nothing irrational about Claustrophobia. This is one of the worst ways to die. Another close but worse death is dying in a cave underwater, cave diving.

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Thank you (sorry for replying so late)

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Gotta be a dumb fuck to do this kinda shit. Closest I ever been to a cave or ever will be was playing Spelunker on the first nintendo.

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The youtube on this gave me a panic attack. Lol. 2nd one of my life. No idea why. Only other one was at grand canyon and my 12 year old son was leaning over the edge of a 500Ft drop. Fucking daredevil bastard. Lol.

Anyways i started reading this and got squirrelly early so im out. Great job tho!

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thank you lol but yeah when i first watched a documentary on this it had me sweating caves are terrifying man

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Damn. I wish your son fell and someone was recording it so we could watch it. Boooooo.

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😂 stay weird lil man

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You're a sick fuck

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Your fucked up man

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You're viewing a site that showcases all sorts of gore and death. How hypocritical. You're* btw. Stay in school.

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Great post. Never knew about this or any similar death. New knowledge unlocked! Thanks bro.

Also what a fucking way to go. I was shit nervous of caves before but now! Nuh huh

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thanks man lmao

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Like you have gut knowledge that caves are bad and this "could" happen. But seeing the poor niggas feet in that stupidly narrow gap. Zomg.

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@asfalt beware, you're in for a scare...


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There's a movie they made in 2016 about his story, it's a really good movie, and free on YouTube, called The Last Descent.

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"That way is called 'The Birth Canal.' It's pretty challenging."

"What about that way?"

"Oh, that's 'The Death Canal.' It's pretty challenging."

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Just reading this brought chills down my spine.

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Imagine dying in a place called nutty putty xd

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That picture of the guy upside down in that hole with his feet sticking out is not a picture of john

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Agree, all sources i've seen say its a mock up used as an example. Obviously if that was really him theyd easily be able to remove him

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It is, I've followed this story for years & that picture is always with it

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This is a really sad story. I remember reading up on it a few months back. Poor guy dying like that. What a nightmare situation. I'd freak the fuck out in such a small confined space, especially upsidedown.

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Always makes me feel sick

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Caving accidents are universally 100 percent nightmare fuel. Every single one has something incredibly fucked up about it.

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This is why i dont do crazy shit like this. Im not risking anything. Reminds me of the Aron Ralston case. Luckily, Aron survived but its so unfortunate.

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Just watched "The Last Descent". If you decide to watch it, give up after about 30min and you'll enjoy it. Basiclly wait until he gets stuck.

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Just reading this again makes me claustrophobic. Too bad the guy didn't recognize the fact he put on some weight since his Glory Days.

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what type of name for a cave

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I have seen that documentry and read about the rescue attempt before so this story is not new to me. However just like the othet times i have encountered this story reading it again has made me feel light headed and nauseated and like im going to passout so i have to stand up and walk around with my arms over my head. Such an absolutely primal fear. Thank you for the post.

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If i ever need to make a presentation in school about that i take this as a source

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Terrible way to die. :marseydeath:

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That should read "here lies a fucking idiot."

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Fucking idiot

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Like fr who would get in that small hole

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