CHILD WARNING EFFORTPOST (CHILD WARNING)The tragedy of Bianca Devins- Did she deserve to die the way she did? [Effort Post]

The deep tragedy of Bianca Devins- Did she deserve it? Click to see all photos

Almost nothing is more prevalent these days than the use of social media. It is rare to find a person without at least one account, be it Discord, Snapchat, Facebook, Tik Tok, or Instagram. We share our lives, our stories, what we're doing at any given moment. If you ever want to know what someone is up to, check their socials, you'll almost always find an answer. In the case of Bianca Devins, finding out what she was up to was not something anyone could have expected. At 6:40am, July 14, 2019, 21-year-old Brandon Andrew Clark posted a photo to his Instagram account (yesjuliett– the account has since been removed by Instagram). The photo was a of a girl in a car, her neck was cut, and she was covered in blood. The look on her face told you it wasn't a joke; this was very real. Moments later, the same account posted to their story, a video driving down a dark road. It was captioned, “Here comes Hell. It's redemption, right?” Looking at the user's bio, it simply read: “10/06/1007 – 7/14/19. Just know that I feel no pain now.” The image was shared on Discord and 4chan, this time with the caption, “Sorry fuckers, you're gonna have to find somebody else to orbit”

More images appeared, one captioned, “I'm sorry Bianca.”

Clark continued to post on Discord,

“My fucking car

I fuck Bianca dumbass


Remember to subscribe to Pewdiepie

Also to the cute twink fuck Alex with the Chinese username

I hope it was worth it

She was gonna go home today”

“Her full names Bianca Michelle Devins of Utica NY btw”

“Should be a few articles within days

Have fun”

Some people didn't think it was real, after all, who shares something like that on social media? Others took it very seriously and contacted authorities. Police immediately began their search. They didn't have to look for long, as a short time later, a 911 call was received by Clark himself.

“My name is Brandon, the victim is Bianca Michelle Devins, I'm not going to stay on the phone for long, because I still need to do the suicide part of the murder-suicide.”

Police were able to determine that the caller was on Poe St in Utica, NY, and upon their arrival, they found a black SUV and a man lying on a tarp that was on the ground beside it. Brown hair could be seen sticking out from beneath it. Once officers approached, the man, Clark, began stabbing himself in the neck with a knife, while live streaming and still posting photos online. Authorities requested emergency medical care, and the Utica Fire Department arrived soon after.

Who was Bianca, and why did Clark kill her?

Bianca Michelle Devins was born on October 2, 2001. She had just graduated from High School and was set to attend Mohawk Valley Community College in the fall to begin her study of psychology. Bianca had struggled with mental illness for a while, having been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Social media became her refuge, where she could escape the isolation she felt, and developed a following as an E-girl.

It was on social media where she first met Clark. The two met on Instagram in April 2019, when he followed her account. They later met in person when he attended her high school graduation. He was charming and polite, according to Bianca's mother, Kim.

It was clear that Clark had romantic feelings toward Bianca, but she did not reciprocate. She wanted their relationship to remain platonic.

On the evening of July 13, the night before Bianca was killed, she and Clark attended the concert of Canadian singer, Nicole Dollanganger in New York City. It was there that she was set to meet another friend, Alex. Even though Clark was aware of the meeting, he wasn't thrilled when he glimpsed Bianca and Alex kiss.

On the way home after the show, Clark confronted Bianca about the kiss. Again, she had to remind him that they were just friends. It was a long drive home, and Bianca fell asleep in the back seat. Taking this as his opportunity, Clark parked and setup a camera on the dash of his SUV. He woke Bianca up, holding a large knife at his side. Authorities who later watched the video report that it showed Clark “Saw

Bianca's throat.”

The police investigation uncovered evidence of a planned attack, including online searches for methods of killing someone. Searches included “how to find the carotid artery,” “how to incapacitate or kill someone,” and general searches for choking and hanging. Bianca's murder has sparked outrage, not only against her killer, but also the social media giants who allowed her images to be shared and kept up for days. Despite Instagram blacklisting the hashtag #yesjuliet, and adding the images to a “digital fingerprint database,” copies of the image continued to be shared, and in some cases, users who reported the images were told that they “did not violate community standards.”

According to Kim, the images could still be found on Facebook as late as September. According to Hany Farid, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, whose research focuses on digital forensics and image analysis, Instagram and other companies had the tools to stop the spread of the images online, and that their failure to do so bordered criminal.

Hopeful social media influencers took advantage of Bianca's murder. Their actions varied from changing their profile picture to be one of hers, to promising her “death” pics for follows. Illegitimate fundraising sites popped up, seeking donations, only to take the money and run.

In the aftermath, the media used Bianca's case to push the narrative of the dangers of meeting people online. Kim has criticized this idea. Meeting Clark online wasn't the issue. It wasn't Bianca's social media influence that drove him to kill, it was much deeper than that. While in jail, he wrote a letter to a friend, in which he “bragged” about his actions and explained, “he couldn't handle the thought of her walking out of his life.”

On July 29, 2019, Clark pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. While in prison, he received another charge, promoting prison contraband, after corrections officers found a toothbrush in his cell that he had sharpened into a shiv.

On February 10, 2020, Clark changed his plea to guilty. Four days later, the video he had recorded of him killing Bianca, was announced to the public. The existence of the video damaged his claims of blacking out and forgetting the details of her death. Sentencing was scheduled to take place on April 7 but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, he made the decision to withdraw his guilty plea, claiming his attorney had failed him. His request was denied, due to his admission of guilt.

On March 16, 2021, Brandon Andrew Clark was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.

Since then, Kim and attorney, Anthony Brindisi called for increased monitoring of social media. In response, Instagram allowed users to block private messages from strangers. The social media giant promised to share the results of an audit, however as far as we are aware, results have yet to be shared. Brindisi has requested the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the case for full accountability.

On September 21, 2020, The Devins family along with Brindisi, introduced “Bianca's Law.” This legislation would require all social media platforms with more than $10 million in revenue and over 100,000 monthly users, to establish an office dedicated to identifying and removing violent content that violates the platforms moderation standards


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Dont play w peoples heart js

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“Did she deserve to die the way she did?” What kind of fucking question is that

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Just look at this retarded cute twink and ask yourself why his fantasy e-girl wasn't interested in him

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Looks like a meth head

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Wait did her killer really stab himself and not even die?? :marseyquestion: :marseyquestion: :marseyquestion:

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dudes neck is basically the same width as his ears, thats alot of real estate to stab.

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Bad genetics is why she wasn't interested in him. Brootal norwood

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Chud kills a girl because he got cucked and then fails to commit suicide after the fact LMAOO fucking retard

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..ha ha ha ..totally

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Damn, and her eyeliner game was really good too…

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Low key thought :marseymindblown: the same

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anyone have the video of cctv when she meet the other guy at the concert ? i remenber i saw that

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Did she deserve it?

Is crazy :sob:

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Exactly like she did something wrong.

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so he was googling all that n still failed to kill himself 💀💀

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she seemed to be a really beautiful and cool girl, if things had been different we would be the same age today :( rip bianca 💐

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She shouldn't have trusted him

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What's with the love affair with PewDiePie?

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you should just repost this without the question in the title. no shit the girl didn't deserve to die to this incel fucktard

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No one deserves to die for the stuff they say to others, but the case of Bianca is a showcase of "dont provoke people, dont try to manipulate people, and if you do, maybe, dont have personal meetups with them".She wasnt a good person like her family was trying to make her look, there are lots of dms of her berating guys, and you should remember that the world is full of crazy morons, so you're putting yourself at risk if you try to fuck with them.Repeating again, she didn't deserve to get murdered.

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Look at the pic with NY hat, who wears glasses like that? His mug looks like he's going bald and the pic in court he has cornrows. What a loser

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May she rest in peace.

But I do wish people would talk about her as a person more. She wasn't a very nice girl.

She didnt deserve to die but she definitely wasn't the sweet girl people keep describing.

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Agreed and you shouldnt fk w peoples feelings, she literally used that dude for a ride and then made out w the other dude to rub it in his face, it was mean and wrong bc she knew how he felt about her, nobody deserves to die for that but you gotta be careful in this world full of hate

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But thank you for the information and the video (at the top) which I have not seen.

This case is very sad and I hope guys rotting in prison

Over a kiss..

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Thank you very much for your effort writing this article. I came across these pictures several times, but didn't knew the story behind them.

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One of my proudest accomplishments in life is never having used spergcord. Bottom of the barrel shit.

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This is just sad.

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Where does the stupid shit "punished by other prisoners" come from? Do you retards realize that other inmates are scumbags just like him or even worse?

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You are a talented writer! Thank you for taking the time to raise awareness of this tragedy :marseysad:

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no she didn't deserve to die. this piece of shit asshole kept creeping up onto her while she was still underaged and got close with her family so much they considered him as a "family friend" before he killed her. he's a stupid retard for that.

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No she didn't deserve to die. People break up and move on u can't be mad about that. U can be sad it's over but u don't kill someone over it.

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They were never together. He was always a friend. He wanted more. She didn't.

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Great post! Only wish I could've had lazy masquerade read it to me.

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Dumbass question 2 ask LOL he Killed her Cuz she didn't wnt him N he failed 2 Kill himself :lol:

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Has anyone seen the video? The stuff closer to when it happened said he r@ped her during it than killed her

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Family did everything in their power to take it down- it's really hard to fine

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This dumbass is so corny he lifes in a life where do that do this don't do that is his reality should have been ☠️

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Bro couldn't an hero himself :marseylaugh:

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Absolute loser

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Damn she look alike my profile picture ngl.

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he had a punpun pfp he just like me fr

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I gotta ask the simp who did this..

Was this REALLY worth it?

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Damn guy in the video straight said “at least we don't have to hear your horrible voice.” Was that to her? 😂😂😂

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Also, please add a Child Warning to the title.

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Will do. I did not realize I didn't do that.- appreciate it. Thank you.

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What a asshole

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Closing the SITE for a DDOS wasn't OK. (

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the site for a simple ddos wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this site is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.

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Ngl the picture w the rainbow heart background made me not care how she died

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Who f*cking asked💀

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And yet here you are replying bc you're super important huh cute twink?

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Bro we are talking about a real death, get out of internet and touch some grass or idk play football with your friends(if you have them)

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Omg a REAL death as opposed to everything else on here? You're just some triggered rainbow gang bitch that can't handle uncensored internet. Kill your self with your friends (if you have them)

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You are trigered by rainbow, you first wrote a comment when nobody asked💀

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So by your logic every single post here that doesn't have a question in the title or description should have zero comments. You're a fucking retard 😂

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Nah I'm just suprised that you are triggered by rainbow hearts, like wtf is your logic that you are on a gore site but when see a rainbow you probably cry. I'm sure you sit all day on the internet are out of touch with reality🤯. Go to the gym, go for a walk or do something instead of wasting your time caring about who sleeps with who, life is really short and I'm telling you-don't just waste your life man. I hope you will find happines.

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Why was she sleeping with a grown man anyways do parents not check phones anymore I'm only 20 but when I was younger she would check for grown men n shit. Sleeping with a 15 year old ofc he was obsessed she never told on him.

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She wasn't sleeping with him and she wasn't 15 years old. She had just graduated and was going to college in the fall.. did you not like …. Read?? Or what??

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well I think Bianca also take part on her own cause of death, because why she intentionally kiss someone else in front of Clark, she knew that he likes her, but want to keep their relationship platonic only with him, but romanticly open with someone else.

(platonic is basically friendzone relationship)

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She thought she had a weird relationship/friendship with a dude barey over a year and trusted to fall asleep around him and take her to concert/events after he's probably been weird or aggressive over wanting to have a relationship with her.

Ppl need to be reminded, crazy gonna crazy.

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No she did not deserve that in the very least. Did she ask for it? Yes, women should not fool with men who like them but they don't feel the same.

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She made him jealous which will turn him mad

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I remember when that happened, it was partly her fault

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She deserved it being a narcissistic cheater

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She wasn't even dating the dude, he was just an incel

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I think she deserves it he was emotionally damaged he turned to violence

they were both mentally ill and they were both in the wrong

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Retard moment

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its tru tho

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Lol how? He was obsessed with her, they weren't dating, he had problems and killed her. How exactly is she in the wrong? All she did was live her life. You just don't like women lmao

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I am a woman and I KNEW BIANCA she constantly called me a wannabe and a slut and a cunt and said I wanted to be her when I posted pictures of myself on instagram

if you look for the screenshots of their messaging you'll realize she drove him insane they are both mentally unstable and both should have cut contact if she kept her mouth shut she wouldn't have been murdered

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Bullshit lollll

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