Woman :marseyshotgunmakeup: Attacked By Pitbull :marseypibblechad: (+ Aftermath)

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Pitbulls are fucking horrible. I don't care what anyone says. The more disciplined ones are named shit like “Satan, eater of worlds, the destroyer.” They're usually fine. But the ones named “Princess, cupcake, or sprinkle” those are the ones you gotta look out for

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pitbutt must be eliminated

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they need to all be fixed. the more disciplined ones only act like that around their owners.

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"Fixed" with a bullet

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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I'm not against that but it's just less realistic for all of them

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I would donate money to a specialist in genetics research if they could create a contagious disease that kills only pitbulls ...

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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literally same thought was in my head a few months ago. a nuke that has a gas that only kills them somehow.

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Pitbulls are already a bit more susceptible to Parvo virus than most breeds - but there are several other breeds that are more vulnerable to it too. But unfortunately, Parvo virus is a TERRIBLE deadly disease that can kill all breeds when they are puppies

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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maybe some kinda more precise 2nd gen virus can be made. idk who would attempt it tho.

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Fucking idiot!

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So ignorant. Pitbulls are a product of their environment. They come from a culture that systematically and historically puts them at disadvantages over other dogs. A breedist culture of dog-fighting, cruel conditioning for their masters, and neglect means that these dogs are being set up by SOCEITY to fail.

The MEDIA, complicit in this breedism, reports in a biased manner to depict pitbulls as violent criminals. One bloody but mostly peaceful human interaction, and already yall wanna condemn him. SMH. We got a long way to go

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I ain't readin allat 💀

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Wow...I really thought her injuries would be much worse. It was nice to see people actually help someone for a change.

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Same man

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Her arm was fucking shredded?? lol

Lucky it wasn't her throat. This breed should be completely exterminated.

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Kill that god damned dog - and every other pitbull on earth and everybody who likes that breed.

I'm Ronnie Pickering!

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everyone loves their little bullies until they snap

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Typical fucking shitbull. Hands down, the planet would be better off eradicating these dogs.

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Agreed. Like i adore dogs n all but pitbulls are fucking terrifying they're like dogs on crack the moment they come out the womb

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indeed, they must be killed, they are causing alot of harm

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If this ever happens.. put that fucking dog in a choke hold until he passes out. Because they wont release their jaw after snagging someone.

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Everyone should know how to lock in a good rear naked choke. Very very useful to know.

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Fuck Pitbulls and the POS that breed that crap.

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I used to always want a pitty and I used to advocate for them too but seeing all these attacks it's hard to.

Don't get me wrong, I have met some of the sweetest pitties. Pure lap dog and wouldn't hurt a fly. BUT you do still have the ones that are unhinged and violent.

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stupid reckless dog owners

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Always try to go for the eyes……

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No, the snouts actually. If you punch a dog on the snout, it'll back away or at least let out a cry of pain. Man, didn't want to sound like a nerd here lmao :nerd:

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Cupcake back at it.

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Why is there a naked man dancing on my screen

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Looks like the garden of Pvz 1


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I hate pitbulls, I have trauma because of one because my dog nearly died(Lost gallons of blood) from one and I witnessed it, I was 4 and with my family, My dad protected our dog after a few seconds as well. the pitbull was a puppy and also was put down.(My dog died after a few years later which was 4 yrs ago)

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I would've personally stomped the shit outta that dog, idec whos dog it is im shooting that ho

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Ouch…hopefully it didn't get infected or smt… :marseysad:

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these retards saying they should sterilize/kill the pitbulls, lets just kill everything thats dangerous.

Ive been surrounded by 10+ dogs, the rottweiler and sheperd were fine, id torch the little fucker that bit my ankle tho. That little bitch dog attitude is what you people have wanting to just kill something cause your a bitch.

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Fuck that pitbull but not all of em (well most) but most of the time its because the way the owners treat him and if it is a stay one the fuck that one too but if it has an owner and the owner teaches him right then thats a good dog even for home protection but if it seems like the pitbull is being a piece of shit donate it to the vet :D

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I'd support a bill that pays to sterilize every pitbull.

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ION: Fuck Pitbulls.

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rabid dog or just stupid owner?

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They were a little late, they had to beat the pit bull while he was still a puppy, and also beat his owner

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As usual the victim does nothing to defend herself; zero survival instinct. Good on the man for grabbing an object and putting some force into it to smack the dog. That's actually rare to see.

https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224887484417.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224899600086.webp

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You're literally blaming the victim, in hindsight, knowing absolutely nothing about the situation or the people involved therein. Just shut the fuck up, you pathetic cunt.

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You're literally blaming the victim

Who else do I blame for her having zero survival instinct? That's literally a 100% you problem.

in hindsight

Don't need hindsight to act in the moment. If a dog is biting the shit out of you, then start pounding the shit out of it with any available weapon like a rock or stick or something. Failing that use your feet/fists.

knowing absolutely nothing about the situation or the people involved therein

The situation is simple. An able bodied woman is accosted and attacked by a dog. She barely puts up a fight at first, but then she flails around uselessly and is no doubt screaming. What if there was no one around to help her? She'd be dog food. You need to use the unique ability humans have and think. While the dog is gnawing on your arm in this instance look around for a solid weapon like a rock or big stick and go for it.

I'm not saying she has to succeed, that is not my requirement at all. I'm saying she has to at least try. But once the dog starts biting she stops trying.

Perhaps it's not entirely her fault; she is a weak, fragile female and is unable to use strength to overcome the dog and control the situation. And women are not known for their logical thinking.

Just shut the fuck up, you pathetic cunt.

I'm deeply sorry my well thought out and articulated opinion hurt you. Might you try Reddit where you can enjoy a safe space to your liking?


https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224887484417.webp https://i.watchpeopledie.tv/images/17175224899600086.webp

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Who else do I blame for her having zero survival instinct? That's literally a 100% you problem.

Covering her face and head was literally "survival instinct. Fear can be crippling in some people.

The situation is simple. An able bodied woman is accosted and attacked by a dog. She barely puts up a fight at first, but then she flails around uselessly and is no doubt screaming. What if there was no one around to help her? She'd be dog food. You need to use the unique ability humans have and think. While the dog is gnawing on your arm in this instance look around for a solid weapon like a rock or big stick and go for it.

You have no idea how "able bodied" she was. You weren't there.

I'm not saying she has to succeed, that is not my requirement at all. I'm saying she has to at least try. But once the dog starts biting she stops trying.

Who the fuck are you that you think your "requirements" are to be met by everyone else on the planet?

Perhaps it's not entirely her fault; she is a weak, fragile female and is unable to use strength to overcome the dog and control the situation. And women are not known for their logical thinking.

Got it, you're an incel.

Just shut the fuck up, you pathetic cunt.

Come and shut me up, bitch.

I'm deeply sorry my well thought out and articulated opinion hurt you. Might you try Reddit where you can enjoy a safe space to your liking?

Your opinion, obviously from an incel point of view, is pure shit. You seem awfully familiar with reddit. Clearly that's your safe space.

It's obvious that your mother, after decades of starring in bestiality porn, has shared her acquired knowledge with you. Most of us don't have animal-fucking moms to teach us basic animal defense. Please share more of your learned animal fighting skills, as well as links to your mom's videos.

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Womp womp

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