retard went into a lion cage💀

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who lets grandpa just casually walk into the lions den? did you see how hard he had to swing his arms to run away? but yes please film

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Nigga hardly even tried to catch that retard.

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Retard hardly even tried to run! The lion legit tried to let the man get away. It even dropped him.

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Lion is gonna sleep good tonight!

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He didnt die. Sambba the lion was killed to save his dumb ass. Guy is the owner of a animal sanctuary in Johannesburg South Africa. RIP Sambba

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I fucking hate how they handle situations like this. That lion didn't deserve to die, the fucking moron who wandered into its FENCED OFF territory and then ran like a bitch (triggering the lion's predator instinct) should've been killed for this.

It's the same shit that happened with Harambe, and probably countless other animals living in captivity. Not only do they have to suffer the indignity of being prisoners for their entire lives, they also live at the mercy of retarded people who think Disney movies with friendly lions and tigers are real. They only do what is in their nature, and they are punished for it with death. I'm not a huge animal rights guy, but this is bullshit.

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THIS, thank you.

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i agree on this one.

fuck harambe though. nigga had it comin

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There should be a law where if someone clearly puts themselves at danger of being killed by a dangerous animal like here the animal should just be allowed to eat them

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tell me you're an incel without telling me you're an incel

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what does this have to do with being an incel? shoulda said edge lord

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what's the difference???

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A damn shame.

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stupid americans

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hi there Omar

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hello bob :marseywave2:

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Brother im you

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This isn't in America Dumb Ass!

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he's still right doe

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then why are they speaking english with an american accent?

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That little oH mAY GAd at the end

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How fucking stupid do you have to be mate this was actually suicidal, my guy gave you so many chances to get away and didnt even run at you that fast

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I'll do you one better

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like why are they suprised. howcome nobody was screaming get the fuck out before the lion grabbed him. so casual about the lion running at him. just decided to jog to the door. maybe he worked there in which case why wasnt he more aware and why didnt he run faster knowing what the lions intent was

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Natural selection exists for a reason…

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What can I say, whoever does such a stupid thing has to live with the consequences.

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Why he do dat

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His stupid ass thought he had nothing better to do than saunter back to the gate lol. The lion dragged him back in faster than he tried to leave

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Well deserved death.

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No lol , how a grandpa should know that , just some dumb ass americans

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how would he not know that? most Americans know this. U ngas are braindead

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Nigga now , maybe he has Lost memory.

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This lion play wiht the retard, like my cat with the mouse

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you know it didnt eat him.. Old people are Chewy and Sun Damaged lol.

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You don't run from it just activates its predatory instincts. I personally would just shit my pants

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To the man in the video: thank you for your stupidity.

It is people like you are the reason why we get to enjoy most of the content we see on WPD. You have my sincere gratitude.

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he survived and the lion got smoked dude

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Damn, then he got very lucky to survive a lion attack. That lion was going for his head and neck.

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His mistake was running.

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yeah running from a predator is gonna make it kill you

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Fuck that stupid dude!!

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Marseys meow mix lol :marseyembrace:

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when wisdom of the elders is wrong

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What did he expect? 😭💀

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I mean don't lions naturally target elderly or weak or very young prey? This is just a lion being a lion while everyone acts shocked it did lion things.

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You never see close ups of these animals eating ppl ,they're always dragged into a bush or some retard with a camera filming a mile away,FFS,we need our English David Attenborough sat there speaking in his dulcet tones"and here we see the adult male lion 🦁 crushing through the humans temporal lobe and devouring the human male whilst the rest of the cubs just wait patiently until he's had his fill" .

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fresh meat!

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the woman sounds like a gull at the end

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Ngl that was WAY too stupid LOL

Honestly the only reason i'd do it... is to pet the bigger kitty :>

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Fucking dickface. I hope it hurt like hell. They killed the lion to save his useless dumb ass.

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Clearly were trying to get grandpa out of the picture so they could get their inheritance.

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isnt elderly supposed to be wise? or is this one just mentally retarded :marseyretard3:

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Sucks that the lion will have to suffer for that retards actions

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according to other comments they shot the lion cos of this old white bastard

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They should of shot that dumbass piece of shit dude instead tbh

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Did he survive or was he all like 🦵👁🦵💆‍♂️

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Not to brag but i've just eaten a Lion bar

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Shit! Tell us your superpowers!

Do you feel different now?

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I feel ripped...Metaphorically speaking

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I'd love to know what he had to check on the ground that was so fucking important it was worth the risk.

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hes an old white man. he was probably gonna molester the cubs or something but got caught slippin

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He probably thought he saw chicken George and Kunte Kinte racing for the lions scraps

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i had to google chicken george 🤣

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I just googled emancipation proclamation. Punk ass Abe must have been shit faced

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He was exercising his white privilege. Clearly not his legs.

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Somebody help wtaf lol maybe stop the idiot from trying to pnay with lions

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WTF did he think was going to happen? He got gotted just like those Chinese men who tried to get in for free into the zoo right into the Tiger's enclosure. Sheez Louise!

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stupid wigga :marseylaugh:

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I laughed. There was no other way to respond to this level of FAAFO.

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Lmao real

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Who couldve ever imagined that eould happen.

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Freak accident doc. No one saw it coming. 1 in a million shot.

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Dîner Time 😊

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any extra details?

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now this is a situation where i think a 44. magnum with some hollow point rounds would be super efficient

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Let the guy cook. Don't kill the lion for that idiot's bad decision.

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not fair, the lion shouldn't get put down for the humans idiotic action, that was completely on him.

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i bet atleast someone there had one i their waistband

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Somebody help plz

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"SOMEBODY HELP PLEESEEE!" The fuck are other people supposed to do, that fucker is hungry and just got a nice jucy and tasty snack :marseyunamused:

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"The lion is gonna stay a cute little dog even if I put my ass in his territory, amiright?"


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the stupidity of the man and woman

"help, help" /s

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looks like the guy turned his back on purpose so the lion would eat him. He wanted this

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When I saw him turn around, my heart started pounding, because I knew that was the move that provoked that lion's prey drive. It's sad that the lion was killed because this dumb old fuck entered his enclosure.

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play stupid games win stupid prizes, i mean what did he expect? Did he think the lion was going to let him mount it or something and ride off into the sunset?

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They should have thrown rocks at the lion to make it angrier

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See I understand him I wouldnt trust myself around wild animals id feel drawn to bring eaten by them Its something I can't control

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Old people. More dangerous than a loaded gun 🥸

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your scared of old people?

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Here kitty kitty 😺

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well deserved, dont fuck around wild animals espacially if you cant even defend yourself.

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so you would have been okay with it if he shot the lion when it charged him?

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if a lion charged at me i would blow its head of

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Joe Biden in a zoo

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tbf, they all could have charged at the lion since it looked alone and it would've backed up off the dude

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who's gonna think to do that, genius? if you were there you would have shit your pants.

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It's always an eerie feeling watching someone get dragged off after they are injured because you know what's gonna happen to them. :marseyramen:

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wym? do you think the lion did things to his butt??? 😳💀

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Gosh no! :marseycry: It's like when you see a shark take the no longer struggling human under the water for a forever nap.

To be killed is one thing, to be killed and eaten is another.

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worse if its a bear. those cunts eat you alive.

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