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Fucking India…

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just a genuine question bro , what does this have to do with india ? i just saw a 81 yr old killed by 2 dogs in us bruh why u guys hate us so much ?

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Hear me trough. I do not have a problem with indians. It’s what India is that I despise. From the bottom up, the roads are so very unsafe and unregulated, the yearly vehicular accident stats shows it clearly. I can perhaps understand the deal with religious perspective but the cow urine drinking and belief that it is healthy is way out of order. The general safety of the many industries is way lacking at every point. Then there is the space program, why in everything that makes no sense whatsoever, does a country that cannot provide clean drinking water to most of its citizen choose to invest in such an endeavor?

These are unfortunately, only a few of the many examples of what makes India a prime focus for hatred.

I would like very much to hear from your perspective on this, perhaps I’ll learn something that could change my views.

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ok so thnx for replying nicely unlike other, firstly i agree that roads are unsafe and people drive like assholes the main reason is awareness , i also got to know about spine injuries when i started watching us bikers videos,cpr do nd dont in accident , there is literally no awareness, ppl wear helmet to save fine money not to save head, i agree that but its somewhat better rn than a decade ago , like since internet prices dropped in 2017 ppl are becommin more aware like me , also we dont have metros in every metropolitan city so traffic is high nd so accidents, metros are developing in mine city will start from 2024 end ( u can say we r poor i agree)

and ppl here doesnt care about safety, of industries nah nthng our fire depeartment is shit they literally wear t shirts and just stand holding a pipe with water

and no one drink cow urine come on man idk who spread this info ur news channels or wot , literally no one drinks cow urine or shit on road, some ppl literally which are homeless or immigrants from bangladesh who came after bangladesh civil war, idk why media shows poor side of country

space program is i think they are investing a lot in it than they should, we get clean drinking water here in mine city and there is no harm ppl still use RO purifiers idk why, but in big cities there is clean water but not that much clean like purifiers so yeah , and lemme make it clear , eating or not eating beef is cultural rather than religious in some states ppl eat in some ppl dont.

thank you and i agree ppl here are dickheads but what u see on internet is activites by these ppl only all are not same and thats what i wanna say like every1 isnt racist in west same is here , ty, i can clear any other misunderstanding if u want

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Thanks for your reply. I didn’t have the latest numbers regarding water access; 6% doesn’t have access to clean water, so say the latest 2022 numbers.

If general safety is as low as you intended, I still wonder how many accidents a space program will cause. The russian are still not revealing the number of casualties from the space race, they were still a bit concerned about safety but it wasn’t top priority. But I disgress, we all share a universal notion; politicians are corrupted and wish to bring notoriety.

The cow urine thing came from a few videos showing folks drinking fresh from the source, they date a while back, but it is still present in belief that such practices is spread trough india; I stand corrected.

Do you often go countryside? What does it looks like?

Also, this might be cliché, but is scammer culture spread as much as it is let intended trough the big cities?

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ok yeah so i belong to countryside only but we shifted to city here 17 yrs ago but we still go to our village, in india most of the farmers are poor, why ? coz idk why the f they wanted to do 10 10 children 50 yrs ago so their property got divided between sons and so yeah, in countryside after 2014 when bjp came to power, electrcity comes 20 hrs per day ( before it was 6 to 8 hrs on alternate days - in mine village idk any other state) but now we get clean water and electricity, and an average family lives comfortably in countryside

comming to cow piss thing, no we got 1.4 billion nd idk if anyone does it doesnt mean whole 1.4b ppl do or approx 900 million hindus, take example like mass shooting in us, cows are sacred in hinduism and thats only thing we dont drink her piss or eat cow dung

now scammer thing, i accept the fact the most of the scams are from here and tbh ppl here doesnt care about anything if they r getting money tarnishing the image of country, most of the scams are done from big cities by group of people and they didnt got captured coz we got technology stuff quite late here and people working in government departments are gen y or older nd when they were in schools or colleges computer science or it werent main cources, so yeah our system is quite trash but it will become fine when gen z will become work force as they are quite familiar with tech here

the main reason of our backwardness was our old government which focused on having good relations with developed countries nd not their own country , see nehru was our first prime minister idk why they made him, nd he loved edwina more than his country, sooo yeah politicians is our biggest enemy atm not pakistan or china

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I must say I do enjoy our conversation; I am more familiar with China than India, everything comming from an inside source is by far more accurate and educational than what google has to offer. I thank you for this.

Regarding countryside, it offers a more precise view of what average life is than the metropolis; it is the reason I ask about it. I can say for sure that almost all of us here didn’t think a comfortable lifestyle was available outside the big cities.

Now the scammer thing, I’m sorry but China has now beaten India for everything phone scam. Like you said, nobody seems to care if they’re able to make money quick.

You have mentioned a few times that technological and thus social conditions have evolved quickly recently. Subway is under construction, safety awarness is being spread, access to water and electricity, etc. You stated that a recent change in the political climate ha started this growth. What can you tell me about politics in India? How is it perceived by the general population? Is it something people openly discuss and debate?

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