elephant has enough of it's abusive captors and goes postal

Don't have much context for this one, I'll pin any info since ik how to do that now (lol) and if repost lmk.

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Nice inbred Hawaiian taking his chance with his shitty Henry love to see what that pussy did with his life 😂 thought he was Rambo 🥱

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I remember that went viral when it happened. Just sad for the elephant. Fucking humans.

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Tyke first belonged to another owner, who abused her. Thereby she was an African elephant.. Already run heavoc. She came to her second owner who didn't abuse her. But it was too late. Something snapped.. BIG time !!


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never understand why idiots abuse animals 10x the size of them thinking they wont retaliate lul

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I regert nothing

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That mf really tried to hold close the gate on the elephant

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Well, after heaving seen people try to stop 30 ton semitrailers with their bare hands, I am not surprised.

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i'm not a clown mf

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The sad life of a wild animal touched by the virus known as humans.

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Yeah because in the wild you never see gruesome shit like say a baboon eating it's baby alive or a lion massacring cubs so he can fuck their mother.

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thats natural fucktard

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“F*ck you and your gate!”

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It’s like Dumbo’s mother when the kids are mocking Dumbo!

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Hptas Malparidos Los Que Lo Mataron,

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Somebody should've shot the people shooting the elephant. They hold the elephant captive and torture it to the brink of a rampage and the people's lives are more important to save? Such bullshit.

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Im no elephant expert, but i cant think of a calm and effective way to stop the elephant other than tranquing (i prob spelled that wrong) it. All these people are in a fight or flight situation besides the man. No one has context on whats goin on. You see a enraged elephant who could KILL you, what would do? Let someone save you from possibly dying or worry about them shooting the elephant? Yes its wrong, but like i said, fight or flight response. Also the man probably didnt know that the poor fella was being abused. I bet if he did, he wouldn't have fired multiple sots with the intention of killing it, just one maybe to injure it and stop it so maybe officals or whatever can come capture the elephant and hopefully treat it better. You can't just let that huge beast run freely in the state of anger right?

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If anyone in the comments goes to see wild animals anywhere other than their natural habitat you should get off your high horse. The Elephant should’ve never been there in the first place. Don’t support this nonsense

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And theyll say, well were going to have to euthanize the elephant now. Fucking humans being on top ofnthe food chain is worst thing thats ever happened to this planet

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Very sad how the poor Elephant was treated and killed but at least some human scum got taken down first.

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I dont understand why an animal has to be put down for something like this when its clearlt provocted... mess with wild animals and find out what happens, not the animals fault people are idiots

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I think its less that Tyke had to be put down because she killed her abusers, and more like she had to be stopped because she became a dangerous rampaging animal, but i also 100% agree. She was just fed up, i doubt she really wanted to hurt anyone. But at the same time, she wouldnt ever be able to live outside of captivity, but given the abuse she also would never trust another human

Her poor eyes at the end, i hope shes resting easy now :marseytears:

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There are sanctuaries in the US for exactly these types of elephants - ex-circus elephants and so forth where they can live with other elephants and there is plenty of green space around. In theory they could have tranquilized Tyke and shipped her to one of these places but I don't imagine they have tranquilizer guns at every (or any) police station in Honolulu.

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I mean, even beyond just having them, they probably dont keep elephant strength tranquilizers, because how often do you see a rampaging elephant in hawaii? The biggest animals they have naturally are probably tortoises lmao

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As the she should but ik u had to put her don but like she knew ahe had to escape happily sum how

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Poor baby. She didnt deserve to die in a circus uniform. People never want humans/animals to be victims once they actually fight back. Then you're a "threat."

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It was fuckin helpless and lived deplorably

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Ugh I don't like this one. Poor girl. I'm glad she took people out before they put her out. But fuck.

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Remind me of the 4chin post about the mammoth going bbbffrrt :p

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Poor elephant 😩

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why am i crying over an elephant

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Why would they kill her :(

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People tend to forget that elephants and every other animal on this planet has feelings not humans

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Pissed me off when they shot it.

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im glad it only killed and maimed the circus people before being taken down

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She just wanted to escape abuse and imprisonment and gets killed for it, humans are the biggest mistake the earth has made 🥲🥲🥲

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Humans are garbage and a wasted experiment. Time to flush the toilet.

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Wanna start with yourself first ?

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But please record it 4k 60 fps so we can watch it after here ☺️

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Elephant should be put back into its habitat instead of being shot

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Unfortunately, Tyke had lived her entire life in abusive captivity. She wouldnt have been able to survive on her own, she couldnt be integrated into another elephant family, and putting her back into captivity would have her never trusting another human again, and quite possibly could end in more violence and chaos. The saddest thing about this whole thing is that there were only two ways out for tyke, and she chose hope and freedom, even though she couldnt have possibly known the price :marseytears:

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There's an entire doc about this incident in 1994, and loads of stuff on the web, if you're interested. Just google 'Tyke Elephant Outlaw', and go from there.

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I fucking hate humans

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Man, screw those people for trying to domesticate and use a majestic creature for human entertainment and when it goes berserk due to years of abusive treatment they decide to shoot it, because, HUMANS! I literally hate the idiotic species that we are turning out to be despite our advancements in recent years or decades. The face the elephant makes at the very end of the video is absolutely sad and horrific. I can take people getting bludgeoned to death or skinned alive but I simply cannot take a wildlife animal being put down because we as human beings were not using our brain to begin with.

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Agreed. Very very sad

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Agreed, my friend. One of hardest vids to watch, for me, for exactly the reasons you give. Here we see yet again just how thin the veneer of our civilisation really is. I guess all we can do is personally endeavour never to get bitter, misanthropic and cynical, and keep trying to use our own lives to demonstrate a better way.

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